Tunku Abdul Rahman University College, Kuala Lumpur**We aren't endorsed by this school
Dec 19, 2024
Uploaded by MatePolarBearPerson618
PRMGT Final Report Template (VE1) 2023 V2.0Project ReportDetailing your application of the project management practices with the appropriate processes, tools, and techniques, which wereapplied in your project. The tools and techniques illustrated should reflect the actual content of your project and not just depict thesamples and/or templates. The report should cover the following Process Groups and appropriate Knowledge areas accordingly: 1) Planning 2) Executing 3) Monitoring and controlling and 4) Closing. Detailed contributions of each project group member to the project should be depicted in the Appendix under Workload Matrix.Project ReportProject NameProject SponsorTutorialProject ManagerGroupSubmission Date1.Summary level description of the project 2.Scope, objectives, the acceptance criteria used to evaluate the scope, and evidence that the completion criteria were met3.Quality objectives, the criteriaused to evaluate the project and product quality, and the verification and validationinformation4.Schedule including planned and actual milestone delivery dates and reasons for variances5.Summary of how the final project, service, or result achieved the benefitsthat the project was undertaken to address. 6.Summary of any risks and issues encountered on the project and how they were addressed7.Lesson LearntSummary8.Project Assessment– ConclusionPage 1ReleaseDate:30/01/2024
PRMGT Final Report Template (VE1) 2023 V2.0AppendixA1. Project Management Plan-Scope, Schedule, Budget/Cost (Labour hours), and Quality-(Scope Statement & WBS, Schedule(Gantt Chart), Budget in terms of person-days, Quality – V&V activities and QualityMetrics)A2. Risk Register-(Risk, Probability/Impact, Priority, Response, Status)-A3. Project Performance Report (at least 5 reports)-Status Report –“as at dd/mm/ccyy” -(Report on Schedule status, WBS items completed or in progress, Risks status – (Response - New, In progress, Closed) andany changes happened)A4. Lesson Learnt Report-(Items that went well, items that didn’t go well & recommendations)A5. Workload Matrix (Roles & Responsibilities, to include name & student id)A6. Poster/s that were posted on Social Media.*** End of Template Guide ***Page 2ReleaseDate:30/01/2024