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CMP 202
Computer Science
Dec 20, 2024
Uploaded by PresidentMusicPorcupine40
list.h// File:List.h// Definition of Simple Linked List Template Class #ifndef LIST_H#define LIST_H // Specification of the classtemplate <class keyType, class dataType> class List { private: // Node Class class node { public: keyType key; // key dataType data; // Data node *next; // pointer to next node }; // end of class node declaration typedef node * NodePointer; // Pointers NodePointer head, cursor, prev; int List_Size2(NodePointer h) {if (h == NULL) return 0; else return 1 + List_Size2(h->next);} public: // Member Functions // Create an empty List List(); // Destroy List ~List(); // Functions Prototype Definitions bool listIsEmpty() const; bool curIsEmpty() const; void toFirst(); bool atFirst() const; void advance(); void toEnd(); bool atEnd() const; int listSize() const; void updateData(const dataType & ); void retrieveData(dataType &) const; void retrieveData(keyType &,dataType &) const; void insertFirst(const keyType &, const dataType & ); void insertAfter(const keyType &, const dataType & );
void insertBefore(const keyType &, const dataType& ); void insertEnd(const keyType &, const dataType & ); void orderInsert(const dataType &, const keyType & ); void deleteNode(); void deleteFirst(); void deleteEnd(); void makeListEmpty(); bool search(const dataType & ); void traverse(); void EvenOdd(List &); int Recursive_List_Size( ); }; #endif // LIST_Hlist.cpp// File:List<keyType,dataType>.cpp// Simple template Linked List Class implementation file#include <iostream>#include <string>#include"List.h"using namespace std; // Member Functions// Class Constructortemplate <class keyType, class dataType> List<keyType,dataType>::List() { head = NULL; cursor = NULL; prev = NULL; } // Class Destructortemplate <class keyType, class dataType> List<keyType,dataType>::~List() { makeListEmpty(); } // return True if list is emptytemplate <class keyType, class dataType> bool List<keyType,dataType>::listIsEmpty() const { return (head == NULL); } // return True if current position is emptytemplate <class keyType, class dataType> bool List<keyType,dataType>::curIsEmpty() const { return (cursor == NULL);
} // to make the current node the first node; if list is empty, // the current position is still emptytemplate <class keyType, class dataType> void List<keyType,dataType>::toFirst() { cursor = head; prev = NULL; } // to return True if the current node is the first node or // if the list and the current position are both empty.template <class keyType, class dataType> bool List<keyType,dataType>::atFirst() const { return (cursor == head); } // to advance to next node. Assume the current position // is nonempty initially.template <class keyType, class dataType> void List<keyType,dataType>::advance() { prev = cursor; cursor = cursor->next; } // to make the current node the tail node// if list is empty, the current position is still emptytemplate <class keyType, class dataType> void List<keyType,dataType>::toEnd() { toFirst(); if (! listIsEmpty()) while ( cursor->next != NULL) advance(); } // to return True if the current node is the tail node or // if the list and the current position are both empty.template <class keyType, class dataType> bool List<keyType,dataType>::atEnd() const { if ( listIsEmpty()) return true; else if (curIsEmpty()) return false; else return (cursor->next == NULL); } // to return the size of the listtemplate <class keyType, class dataType> int List<keyType,dataType>::listSize() const { NodePointer q; int count; q = head; count = 0; while (q != NULL) { count++; q = q->next; }
return count; } // to update the data portion of the current node to contain el; // assume the current position is nonempty.template <class keyType, class dataType> void List<keyType,dataType>::updateData(const dataType &d) { cursor->data = d; } // to return the data in the current node; // assume the current position is nonempty.template <class keyType, class dataType> void List<keyType,dataType>::retrieveData(dataType &d) const { d = cursor->data; } // to return the key and data in the current node; // assume the current position is nonempty.template <class keyType, class dataType> void List<keyType,dataType>::retrieveData(keyType &k,dataType &d) const {k = cursor->key; d = cursor->data; } // insert a node with data (el) at the head of the list// the new node becomes the first node.template <class keyType, class dataType> void List<keyType,dataType>::insertFirst(const keyType &k, const dataType &d ) { NodePointer pnew; pnew = new node; pnew->key = k; pnew->data = d; pnew->next = head; head = pnew; cursor = head; prev = NULL; } // insert a node with data (el) after the current node // without changing the current position // assume the current position is nonempty in a non-empty list.template <class keyType, class dataType> void List<keyType,dataType>::insertAfter(const keyType &k, const dataType &d ) { NodePointer pnew; pnew = new node; pnew->key = k; pnew->data = d; pnew->next = cursor->next; cursor->next = pnew; } // insert a node with data (el) before the current node,// current position becomes the new node.template <class keyType, class dataType> void List<keyType,dataType>::insertBefore(const keyType &k, const dataType &d )
{ NodePointer pnew; pnew = new node; pnew->key = k; pnew->data = d; pnew->next = cursor; prev->next = pnew; cursor = pnew; //cursor= pnew; } // insert a node with data (el) at the end of the list,// current position becomes the new node.template <class keyType, class dataType> void List<keyType,dataType>::insertEnd(const keyType &k, const dataType &d ) { if (listIsEmpty()) insertFirst(k,d); else {toEnd(); insertAfter(k,d); } } // insert a node in a position that maintains an ascending // order of the key portion of the nodes.template <class keyType, class dataType> void List<keyType,dataType>::orderInsert(const dataType &d, const keyType &k) { toFirst(); while ((cursor != NULL) && (k > cursor->key)) advance(); if (prev == NULL) insertFirst(k,d); else insertBefore(k,d); } // delete the current node and set the current position to the next node; // if the current node is the last node initially, the current position becomes empty; // assume the current position is nonempty initially.template <class keyType, class dataType> void List<keyType,dataType>::deleteNode() { NodePointer q; if(! curIsEmpty()) // current node is not empty {if (atFirst()) // delete head node { q = cursor; cursor = cursor->next; head = cursor; delete q; } else // delete non-head node { q = cursor; cursor = cursor->next; prev->next = cursor; delete q; }
} } // delete the first node and set the current position to the next node; // if it was initially the only node, the current position becomes empty; // assume the current position is nonempty initially.template <class keyType, class dataType> void List<keyType,dataType>::deleteFirst() { if(! listIsEmpty()) {toFirst(); deleteNode();} } // delete the last node and set the current position to empty; // assume the current position is nonempty initially.template <class keyType, class dataType> void List<keyType,dataType>::deleteEnd() { if(! listIsEmpty()) {toEnd(); deleteNode();} } // delete whole listtemplate <class keyType, class dataType> void List<keyType,dataType>::makeListEmpty() { toFirst(); while (! listIsEmpty()) deleteNode(); } // search the list for the node with data part that matches (d). // If found, set cursor to the node and return True,// else return false and the current position becomes empty.template <class keyType, class dataType> bool List<keyType,dataType>::search(const dataType &d) { bool found = false; toFirst(); while ((! found) && (cursor != NULL)) if (d == cursor->data) {cout<<"\nfound"; found = true;} else advance(); return found; } // traverse list to print key and data fieldstemplate <class keyType, class dataType> void List<keyType,dataType>::traverse() { toFirst(); while (! curIsEmpty()) { cout <<"key= "<<cursor->key<<"\t data= "<< cursor->data << endl; advance(); } } template <class keyType, class dataType> int List<keyType,dataType> :: Recursive_List_Size( ) { return List_Size2(head); }