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MOD 2:●Segmentation and Targeting●Communicational Framework (AIDA, Hierarchy of Effects Model, TORA, ELM, Attitude)●RACE FrameworkSegmentation-Market segment: a group of customers who share asimilar setofneedsandwants.-Segmentation allows for effective delivery of themarketing message.
-Segmentation is based on a group of consumers having similar needs and wants, andalso sharingsimilar consumption behaviorsAccording to the CPM, consumer behavior is seen asreasonedAccording to the HEM, consumer behavior is seen asemotionalLayla focused on the ad to find the prices for different breakfast cereals. This is known asattentionThe perceptual process of interpreting stimuli is called perceptual encodingEncodingis the process of translating thought into symbolic formWhen there are television commercials for the Toyota Camry, television is the message channelSemiotics is the study ofmeaning and the analysis of meaning-producing events
Nathan did not know a word he came across in a book he was reading. However, he looked atthe sentence and paragraph in which it was used and inferred a meaning from that. Whatprocess was Nathan using to interpret the word? =>perceptual mappingWhen activities are undertaken by receivers to interpret marketing messages, this is known asdecodingThe dual-coding theoryholds that pictures are represented in memory in verbal as well asvisual form, whereas words are less likely to have visual representations.2. Key Criteria for Segments:○Measurable: Thesizeandcharacteristicsof the segment can bequantified.○Accessible: The segment can be effectivelyreachedthrough marketing efforts.○Profitable: The segment islargeandlucrative (sinh lời)enough to justifyinvestment.○Actionable:Strategies can be developedto attract and serve the segment.3. Process for Identifying and Targeting Segments:●Separate consumers into similar product-related needs:Group individuals who showsimilar preferences or requirements for a product or service.●Identify consumers with similar needs and wants:Understand shared desires acrossgroups to tailor marketing efforts.●Groupconsumersaccordingtosegmentationvariables:Usedemographic,psychographic, or behavioral variables to organize them.●Select groups large enough to support customized marketing strategies:Choosesegments that are substantial enough to sustain marketing campaigns and deliver
Returns.-A sign relation is established in marketing communications when a brand and areferent belong to the same cultural context.An object is asymbolwhen the object and referent have no prior intrinsic relationshipbut are rather arbitrarily or metaphorically related.-example of a metaphor: The newborn was surrounded by a blanket of his family'slove, Weetbix is the breakfast of champions, ‘the BMW of swimming pools’.●Changes in the context or organization of information in consumers' long-termmemories is known as learning●The dual-coding theory holds that pictures are represented in memory in verbalaswellasvisualform,whereaswordsarelesslikelytohavevisualrepresentations.●Theconjunctiveheuristichasconsumersestablishminimumcutoffsonallpertinent choice criteria.●The Pillsbury Doughboyis an allegorical characterThe phrase ‘love is like a rose’ is an example of asimileThe term ‘comprehension’ is often used interchangeably with ‘perception’; both terms refer tointerpretationA(n)signis something physical and perceivable by our senses that represents or signifiessomething to somebody in some context
An advertiser’s uncertainty about what message appeal is most appropriate for a particulartarget marketis an example of noiseThe sourceis a person or group who has thoughts to share with another person or group ofpeople.The simplest of all decision heuristics isaffect referralTheheuristicinwhichindividualsrecallfrommemorytheirattitudestowardsrelevantalternatives and pick the alternative for which their attitude is most positive is known asaffectreferralMarketing communicators’ decisions on what information to provide to consumers requireknowledgeofhow consumers process, interpret andintegrateinformation when makingchoices.Marketing communicators can most effectively gain consumers’ attention by creating messagesthat truly appeal to their needs forproduct-relevant informationInformation in shortterm memory that is not thought about or given attention will be lost in about30 seconds or lessUnder a CPM approach, brands are positioned to appeal tofunctional needsActing on the basis of the decision is an important step inthe CPM modelWhenconsumerspursuesuchobjectives as obtaining value for money and maximisingsatisfaction, this exemplifies theCPM approachAn advertisement using a CPM approach would likely includea salesperson showing theproduct features
Researchshowsthatadvertisingclutter,whetherrealorperceived,reduces advertisingeffectiveness.Suppose you are watching a TV advertisement. During the ad, a spokesperson talks about theattributes of the product. At the same time, you are shown a picture of the product in use andthe warranty information is flashed across the screen. Your ability to process the warranty detailis limited because yourshort-term memorycannot handle the information overload.Memory consists of long-term memory and working memoryThe concept of meaning transfer suggests that marketing communicators attempt to transfermeaning from the culturally constituted world to their brands. Which of the following is not agood illustration of meaning transfer? =>Company D claims its automobile tyres are the bestbecause its technology is the most modern in the industryBehavioral Segmentation
Traditionally used after a product launchOnline behavioral targetingsegments are based onhow people behave(withrespect to a product):-brand usage: first-time buyers, lapsed customers-product category usage:-levelofproductusage(numberof times theproduct was purchased)- Heavy users (frequent buyers)-Medium users-Light users or infrequent buyersTracking visitors’online site-selectioncreates a dateprofile of the visitor which can be used to place the visitorinto a target segment.Data can include:-pagesvisited:understandtheirinterestsandpreferences-length of time spent on a page: how interested avisitor is in the content or product.-links clicked: what draws their attention.-searches performed: keywords -> giving insightinto their current needs or product research.●Marketing communicators can most effectively gain the consumers' attention bycreatingmessagesthattrulyappealtotheirneedsforproduct-relevantinformation●Georgetown, Inc. is a manufacturer of surgical gloves. Georgetown's advertisingefforts appeal to medical professionals, capitalizing on the need for safeguardsagainst infectious diseases. The copy in a recent magazine ad reads, "While
you're saving their lives, we're protecting yours." The magazine which featuresGeorgetown's advertisement is called themessage channelA certain manufacturer describes its product as "the Cadillac of swimming pools." Inthis advertising message, the relationship between the car and the pool is a type ofmetaphor●The concept of meaning transfer suggests that marketing communicators attemptto transfer meaning from the culturally constituted world to their brands. Which ofthe following is NOT a good illustration of meaning transfer?=>Company Dclaims its automobile tires are the best because its technology is the mostmodern in the industryThe Yellow Submarine is a submarine sandwich shop that specializes in take-outorders. The sub shop advertises on radio stations close to meal times. Radio listenersmay not willfully attend to the Yellow Submarine's advertising; however, if listeners arehungry and notice that food advertisement is on, they may then consciously listen to seeif the restaurant is within driving distance. This is best described as an example ofspontaneous attention●Assume a consumer who has just eaten is driving down the road when anadvertisement for the Yellow Submarine sandwich shop catches her attention.Although she is not hungry or in the mood to think about food, the radio ad hasattractedherattentionwithaloudfoghornsoundeffect.Thisconsumer'sattention to the ad for the Yellow Submarine sandwich shop is best described asinvoluntary attention
●In order to better remember people's names, Ann associates each name with ananimal that most closely resembles the person's physical appearance. Ann'smnemonic device makes use ofimageryEnrico is on his way to the mall to purchase a pair of running shoes. Assume he hasestablished three minimal standards that a suitable pair of running shoes would have tosatisfy (good arch support, well-know brand name, priced below $100). If he eliminatesall brands that do not satisfy these three minima, his choice from among the remainingbrands that do satisfy the criteria would adhere to which heuristicconjunctive●Objective setting and budgeting decisions must beformal and systematic●budgetingis NOT a marcom implementation decision?●Facilitate the successful introduction of new brands, Create brand awareness,Increase customer loyalty, Generate sales leads is an example of a marcom goalfrom which marcom objectives can be derivedFocusing on and considering a message to which one has been exposed is known aattentionChanges in the context or organisation of information in consumers’ long-term memories areknown aslearningAn individual’smoodcan influence their perceptions of stimulus objects.AdvertisingthattakesaHEMapproachwouldbelikelytoincludeemotionallyprovocative wordIt is essential that the outcome of the communication process matches the communicator’s(budget, image, product)
Under a HEM approach, brands are positioned to appeal toexperiential needs●Janice was influenced to purchase an abdominal exercise device after watchingan infomercial showing people like her – females in their middle forties andmothers.Whichsubcomponentofthegeneralconceptofattractivenessinfluenced Janice to purchase this product? Similarity●Which of the following is true regarding the source attribute of attractiveness? Anendorser, although physically unattractive, may be perceived as attractive ifconsumers share a sense of similarity with him or her.●Fullservice advertising agencies perform activities such as research+ mediaplanning + . the advertiser’s total marketing process●The most effective level of fear depends on how much relevance a topic has foran audience●Which of the following would NOT be included in a creative brief?creativestrategy●Those performing the ‘creative’ function in the advertising-development processmustknowtheaudiencefortheadvertisementstheyaretocreate.This‘audience’ is also referred to as the target market●The unique selling proposition strategy is a functionally oriented advertisingstrategy●How do ad agencies plan an IMC campaign? One of the first steps is to conducta(n) creative brief●Transformational advertising associates the experience of using an advertisedbrand with a unique set of psychological characteristics that typically would notbe associated with the brand experience to the same degree without exposure tothe advertisement.Three simple ways to find target market and demographic audience:NameWhat is itHow it helpExampleGeotargeting:IP-Based TargetingusestheIPaddressofadevicetodeterminethegeographiclocation of usersand serves advertisements orcontent based on their location.This method ensures thatmarketingmessagesarerelevant to the audience'sphysicalcontext(e.g.,their city, country, or evenneighborhood).Itcantarget people in a specificregion,tailoringoffers,Bún đậu mắm tôm ở HàNội quảng cáo cho ngườicó location (IP) ở Bắc.
language->savingadvertisingbudgetandimprovingrelevance.Dayparting:RestrictingDisplayAdstoPotentialCustomersDayparting, also known as adscheduling, is a strategy whereads aredisplayed only duringcertain hours of the day ordays of the week, optimizingfor when the target audience ismost likely to be active.Byfocusingonhigh-activity or high-intentperiods,itincreasesthelikelihoodofengagementwhile reducingwasted adspend.Acoffeeshopmightschedule their ads for earlymorninghours(6AM–10AM) to catch people whoare searching for breakfastoptionsontheirwaytowork.DomainManagement:DataandOnlinePresence Protectioninvolvesmonitoringandsecuringbrand'sonlinepresence,ensuringdigitalassets(e.g.,website,socialmedia)areprotectedandoptimizedforaudienceengagement. This may includeanalyzing site traffic datatoidentify target audiences.Bysafeguardingyouronlinepresenceandanalyzingdomain-relateddata,youcanbetterunderstandwhereyouraudiencecomesfrom,what they search for, andhow they interact with yourbrandA clothing retailer notices,through traffic analysis, thata majority of their websitevisitorsarewomenaged25-34. They use this insighttoadjusttheirmarketingcampaigns, focusing on thisdemographic.If a firm is unable to determine a segment's size or purchasing power, this may indicate thatMeasurablecriteria for segment effectiveness cannot be metBehaviorgraphicsrepresents information about consumers' behavior in a particular productcategory or set of related categoriesI am Rock Steadydescribes one of the MindBase segmentsIn order to better remember people's names, Ann associates each name with an animal thatmost closely resembles the person's physical appearance. Ann's mnemonic device makes useofimagery
While shopping for a new car, Kim narrows her alternatives to three cars. She compares themattribute by attribute and finally chooses the car that has, on balance, the best overall mix offeatures. Her preferred car is inferior to the other cars on a couple of attributes, but Kim allowedthe car’s superior performance on the other attributes to make up for its disadvantages. Whattype of heuristic did she use? =>compensatory heuristicThe likelihood that consumers will pay attention to advertisements is increased by creatingmessages that areunusual, aesthetically appealing and eye-catchingLinkages in memory are strengthened through repetition.Three forms of figurative language used by marketing communicators are simile, metaphor andallegoryWhen there are television commercials for Kraft cheese, the target market is thereceiverPersonality traits and past experience play a role in determining (consumer personality ,consumer behaviour, consumer price index, consumer affairs)Comprehension and perception are both referred to asinterpretationThe mere fact that being repeatedly exposed to a message increases the likelihood that thereceiver will judge that message to be true is known as thetruth effectThe semiotics perspective sees meaning asa constructive processFeedbackprovidesthesource with a means of evaluating how accurately the intendedmessage is being received and whether it is accomplishing its intendedobjective/s
DemographicAge , Gender, Income levelEducation, Occupation, Family size, Marital statusDemographic trends1.Changing age structure:-Aging populations in many developed countries (e.g., Japan, Germany).-Growth of younger populations in emerging markets (e.g., India, Nigeria)2.Population growth and geographical dispersion (phân tán)-High population growth in developing regions like Sub-Saharan Africa.-Urbanization,withpeoplemovingto cities in search of better opportunities (e.g.,megacities like Shanghai, Lagos, and São Paulo).
3.Changing household composition (thay đổi thành phần)-Rising number of single-person households (e.g., millennials delaying marriage).-Increase in multi-generational households, especially in cultures emphasizing familysupport systems.-More households with two working parents.4.Ethnic groupings-Increased multiculturalism in countries like the U.S., Canada, and the U.K.-Growing immigrant populations influencing culture, cuisine, and media.Geo-demographicGeographic + DemographicExample: Genz live in VietNamValues and lifestyle (Psychological)Based upon AIOActivitiesInterestsOpinionNote: Demographic segmentation tells us who makes consumer choicesAIO suggests why consumers make choices-Has a greater influence on buying behaviour than demographics-More difficult to measure than demographic
AIOA brand that is positioned in terms of the kind of people who use it is making use ofuserimagery-Anita, who is in the process of shopping for a new car, is fascinated with a televisioncommercial that relates the Porsche 911 to a thoroughbred horse, comparing the qualityof design and aerodynamics of the car to the fine breeding and training of a championrace horse. This commercial is an example ofconcretizing-Enrico is on his way to the mall to purchase a pair of running shoes. Assume he hasestablished three minimal standards that a suitable pair of running shoes would have tosatisfy (good arch support, well-know brand name, priced below $100). If he eliminatesall brands that do not satisfy these three minima, his choice from among the remainingbrands that do satisfy the criteria would adhere toconjunctiveAn object is asymbolwhen the object and referent have no prior intrinsic relationship but arerather arbitrarily or metaphorically related-feature analysisis a stage in perceptual encoding
-An advertiser that positions a bicycle in terms of it's unique ability to go off-road andhandle rough terrain is making use ofusage imagery-Marketersofhigh-endclothingmanufacturersproductcategorieswouldbemostinterested in the VALS™ "Achievers" groupingExample 1Example 2Price,packaging,anduserandusageimageryareallexamplesofnon-product-related attributesGeorgetown,Inc.isamanufacturerofsurgicalgloves.Georgetown'sadvertising efforts appeal tomedicalprofessionals,capitalizing on the need forsafeguards against infectiousdiseases.Thecopyinarecentmagazineadreads,"Whileyou'resavingtheirlives, we're protecting yours."The magazine which featuresGeorgetown'sadvertisementiscalledthemessagechannelAmarketerpositioningaproducttoappealtomembersofthe"Experiencers"categoryshouldemphasizeallEXCEPTwhichofthefollowing benefits economicAudience Sciencecompaniestracks Internet users' surfingbehaviors and provides thisinformation to advertisers thatwishtotargetprospectivecustomersbasedontheironline search behaviorAnadforHanesbrandofunderwear says, "Wait 'til weget our Hanes on you!" Thebrand is positioned as beingcomfortableforthewearer,andtheadreallystressedhowcomfortablethebrandfeels against your skin. Thisbrand'spositioningisbestdescribedasappealingtoconsumersexperientialneeds.Thesourceisacommunicatorinsomemarcomcapacitywhohasthoughtstosharewithanindividualcustomer/prospector an entire target
In actuality, consumers pay attention to a small portion of marketing communications stimuliA consumer will devote conscious attention to an advertisement if it holds a high level ofrelevance to his or her interest.Information in longterm memory is organised into coherent and associated cognitive units calledschemataThe initial stage of perceptual encoding whereby the receiver examines the basic features of astimulus and from this makes a preliminary classification is calledfeature analysisexpectations,needs,personalitytraits,pastexperiencesplays a role in determiningconsumer perceptionsA field of experience is also known asperceptual fieldThe key to effective communication is based on ashared meaningrelationshipThe ‘Communication model for the communication age’ shows we receive our information fromsources other than the brand itself, such as (competitors, advocates,word of mouth, new media)Doritos, Mortein and Audi, among other brands, have designed ads where the consumerdecides on the ending of the advertisement and in some instances on the future marketing ofthe product. This is known asco-creation communicationThe constructive process is a process whereby meaning is determined both by the messagesource’s choice of signs and by the receiver’s unique socio-cultural background and mindset atthe time of exposure to the message.Which marketing communications element is an especially important instrument of meaningtransfer => advertisingMeaning can be thought of as the perceptions and affective reactions to stimuli evoked within aperson when he or she is presented with a sign in a particularcontext
CommunicationalFramework(AIDA,HierarchyofEffectsModel,TORA, ELM, Attitude)Communication processWhich of the following is not an element of the communication processstimuliThe marketing communicator’s challenge is to providevalued informationthat consumers willstore in long-term memory.When making choices under non-dominant circumstances, consumers must give something upin order to get something else. This is calledtrade-offsConsumersdonotalwaysbehaveina manner consistent with theirpreferences…Themessageis a symbolic expression of what the communicator intends to achieve.Noise may occur at any stage in the communication process, such as/atthe point of encoding,the point of decoding, in the message channelMeaning resides in the mind of the people and not in themessage
●The advertisers that designed the Mountain Dew commercials portraying the softdrink as a hip and outrageous brand used the positioning strategy.●According to the MECCAS model, the value orientation represents the consumervalue or the end level on which an advertising strategy focuses and can bethought of as its driving force●According to the MECCAS model, the executional framework provide(s) themechanism for communicating the value orientation and the overall tone andstyle for the advertisement.●The positioning strategy implants in the customer’s mind a clear meaning of whatthe product is and how it compares to competitive offerings.●The resonance strategy extends from psychographic research and structures anadvertising campaign to pattern the prevailing lifestyle orientation of the intendedmarket segment.●Two distinct forms of corporate advertising are image and issue●The pre-emptive strategy is employed when an advertiser makes a generic-typeclaim but does so with an assertion of superiority●The emotional strategy works especially well for food B jewellery C cosmetics●Thebrandimagestrategyinvolvespsychological,ratherthanphysical,differentiation.●Advertising that attempts to establish goodwill for the company and its productsis known as corporate image advertising●Enduring beliefs that people hold regarding what is important in life are known asvalues●Message strategies and decisions are most often the joint enterprise of thecompanies that advertise and their advertising agencies●Most personal computers purchased by households are acquired primarily toassist children in their schoolwork. In referring to its brand of PC, one computercompany came up with the clever advertising line ‘The teacher’s aid’. This line isthe only notable aspect of the company’s advertising. What strategy is thecompany employing? Pre-emptive
AIDAStageGoalHow to Achieve ItExampleAttentionCapturetheconsumer'sattention-Useeye-catchingvisuals,headlines, or ads.-Intriguingcontentsuchasvideos or bold statistics.- Leverage high-traffic platforms.AcreativeInstagramadwithboldcolorsandacatchytaglinegrabsattention.InterestMaintaininterestbyengagingtheconsumer- Highlightproduct features andbenefits.- Usestorytelling or relatablecontent.-Shareeducationalorentertainingcontent(blogs,infographics, videos).Asmartwatchademphasizesfeatureslikefitnesstrackingandlongbattery life.DesireCreateastrongdesirefor the product- Show testimonials, reviews, orcase studies.-Emphasizebenefits,exclusivity,orlimitedavailability.-Addresspainpointsoraspirations.Askincarebranddemonstrates "before andafter"transformations,emphasizingquickandvisible results.
ActionEncourage theconsumertotake action- Provide clearCTAslike"BuyNow"or "Sign Up." -Offer incentives likediscountsorfree shipping.-Ensureaseamlessuserexperience(fast-loading pages,simple navigation).A car dealership offers a"limited-time discount" witha clear "Book a Test Drive"button.Hierarchy of Effects ModelDetergent: chất tẩy rửa
TheHierarchy of Effects Modeloutlines thestagesa consumer goes through from initialawareness of a product to the final purchase. Below is the model in table format:StageObjectiveDescriptionExample1.AwarenessCreatebrandawarenessTheconsumerbecomesawareof the brand or productthrough marketing efforts.A TV ad introduces a newbrandofcoffeetotheaudience.2.KnowledgeInformtheconsumerProvidedetailed informationabout the product's features,benefits, and value.Awebsiteexplainstheingredientsandbenefitsof a skincare product.3. LikingDevelop a positiveattitudetowardsthe brandBuildemotionalorrationalappealthroughengagingcontent or endorsements.Acelebrityendorsesasports drink, emphasizingits hydration benefits.4.PreferenceCreate preferenceovercompetitorsHighlightuniquesellingpoints(USPs) to position theproduct as superior.An ad compares the fuelefficiency of a car to itscompetitors.5.ConvictionConvincetheconsumer to takeactionBuildtrustthroughtestimonials,reviews,orguaranteestoreducepurchase hesitation.Afreetrialofasubscriptionserviceencourages customers totry it risk-free.6.PurchaseDrivetheconsumer to makea purchaseInclude a clear call to action(CTA)or incentives to finalizethe sale.Aflashsaleoffersdiscountsforpurchasingtheproductwithin24hours.Satisfactionis NOT a step in the hierarchy-of-effects model
Linda saw a print ad in a magazine for Clairol's Natural Essence semi-permanent haircolor that she knew existed but did not know anything about it. The ad informed her thatusers of this hair dye will not see gray roots. In terms of the hierarchy-of-effects model,which step does this marketing communication represent? =>creating an expectationWhich marcom tool is best at encouraging trial purchases? =>sales promotionThis model suggests that marketing communication needs to guide consumers step-by-step,addressing their needs at each stage:●Cognitive(Awareness and Knowledge): Inform and educate.●Affective(Liking and Preference): Build emotional connection and preference.●Behavioral(Conviction and Purchase): Inspire action and close the sale.
The simplest of all decision heuristics isaffect referralA brand'spositioningrepresents the key feature, benefit, or image that it stands for in thetarget audience's collective mind-Asignis something physical and perceivable by our senses that represents, or signifies,something to somebody in some context.-The second stage of perceptual encoding is calledactive synthesis
Theory of Reasoned Action (lý thuyết hành động hợp lý)Consumers’ attitudes towards a brand (ABj) is determined by their beliefs (bij) about theoutcomes (i), or consequences, of owning the brand weighed against the evaluations (ei) ofthose outcomes (i)ComponentExplanationExampleAttitudes(ABj)Overall evaluation of the brand based onbeliefs and evaluations.Positiveattitudetowardsasmartphone brand.Beliefs (bij)Consumer’s perception of the outcomesor consequences of using the brand."Thesmartphonehasahigh-resolution camera and fastspeed."Evaluations(ei)Importanceorvalueplacedontheoutcomes by the consumer."I value good camera quality andreliable performance highly."WeighingProcessCombination of beliefs and evaluationsto form attitudes towards the brand."If the smartphone delivers thefeatures I value, I like it."FinalBehaviorConsumeractsbasedonpositiveattitudesinfluencedbybeliefsandevaluations.Purchases the smartphone afterconcluding it meets their needs.-Trân mua son Maybelline -> Trân tin son May lì mà không gây thâm môi -> Trân đánhgiá cao son môi k gây thâm môi (độ quan trọng cao) -> Thái độ tốt với son May-A consumer may believe that a brand offers high quality (belief), but if the price is toohigh, the evaluation (ei) may be negative, affecting the overall attitude.
Attitude-change StrategiesStrategyFocusExampleChangeBeliefs(bij)Correctmisperceptions,emphasizepositiveattributes,orreduce focus on negatives.Highlighting that electric cars nowoffer 400 miles of range, correctingconcerns about limited range.AlterOutcomeEvaluations (ei)Influencehowmuchconsumersvaluecertain attributes by makingthemseemmoreorlessimportant.Convincing consumers that luxurywatchcraftsmanshipismorevaluable than just timekeeping.Introduce a NewOutcome (ei)Addapreviouslyunconsideredbenefit or feature into the evaluationprocess.Promotingsmartphonedataprivacy and security as a new keyfeature.Elaboration Likelihood ModelThe Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) is a theory inpersuasionand consumer behavior thatexplains how peopleprocess persuasive messagesand how this influences theirattitudes,including: the central route and the peripheral route (tuyến ngoại vi)M: content có relevance kO: để quảng cáo ở đâuA: quảng cáo có dễ hiểu k
Exposure occurs when consumers come in contact with the marketer's messageThe hierarchy-of-effects metaphor implies that for marketing communications to besuccessful, the various marcom elements must advance consumers through a series ofpsychological stagesFactors Affecting the Route Taken:●Motivation: The greater the personal relevance of the message, the more likely theconsumer will process it via the central route.●Ability:The consumer’s ability to process the message also plays a role. If theconsumerlacks knowledge or is distracted, they are more likely to process themessage through the peripheral route.●Message Characteristics:○Argument qualityandcomplexity(central route).
○Source attractivenessorcredibility(peripheral route).Summary:RouteCharacteristicsOutcomeExampleCentralRouteHighinvolvement,thoughtfulprocessing, logical arguments.Deep,lastingattitude change.Comparing features andbenefitsoftwosmartphonesbeforebuying.PeripheralRouteLowinvolvement,shallowprocessing, influenced by cueslike source attractiveness.Temporaryattitudechange,easily swayed.Decidingtobuyaproductbecauseofacelebrity endorsement.AttitudesAttitudes are either apositiveornegativepredisposition (khuynh hướng)towards a person,an object or an issue.Attitudes:- are learned- are relatively enduring (tương đối bền vững)- influence behaviour.
Tri-component model of attitudes-Let's say that you are watching a TV advertisement. During the ad, a spokesperson talksabout the attributes of the product. At the same time you are shown a picture of theproduct in use, the warranty information is flashed across the screen. Your ability toprocess the warranty detail is limited becauseshort-term memorycannot handle theinformation overload.-Resourcesis NOT a primary motivations dimension of the VALS™ psychographicsclassification model-The second stage of perceptual encoding is calledactive synthesis-Marketing communicators can most effectively gain the consumers' attention by creatingmessages that truly appeal to their needs forproduct-relevant information
ComponentDescriptionExampleBased OnCognitiveBeliefs, thoughts, andknowledgeabouttheobject."I think this brand ofshoesisofhighquality."Influencedbyinformation,experiences,andfactsconsumers learn or hear.AffectiveEmotional reactions orfeelingstowardtheobject."Ifeelhappyandexcited when I thinkabout this brand."Influencedbypersonalemotions,previousexperiences,orassociations.ConativeIntentionsorbehavioraltendenciestoward the object."I plan to buy theseshoeswhenIneednew ones."Influencedbyintentions,motivation,andexternalstimulilikepromotions.RACE framework:StageGoalActionsExamplesReachBuildbrandawarenessandattracttherightaudience.Drivetraffictowebsites,increasevisibility,andattract potential customers.- Paid search campaigns- Social media promotion- SEO and content marketingActEncourageinteractionandengagement.Get visitors to interact withyour content or take initialactions (e.g., sign-up).- Newsletter sign-ups- Downloading eBooks- Viewing product pagesConvertTurnleadsintopayingcustomers.Convertwebsitevisitorsintopayingcustomersorgoal completers.-Optimizingcheckoutprocess-Offeringtime-limiteddiscountsEngageBuildloyaltyandencouragerepeatbusiness.Retaincustomersandencouragerepeatpurchasesthroughrelationship-buildingactivities.-Sendingpersonalizedrecommendations- Loyalty programs- Referral schemes
In the VALS™ framework, "Believers"are predictable consumers who favor established brandsand American-made productsAllis a group into which Generation-Xers have been placed based on their attitudinal profiles
A national sample of nearly 1,000 youths between the ages of 9 and 14 revealed all of the followingEXCEPTGirls are more materialistic than boys.ComprehendingoccursBEFOREtheconsumerprocessingmodel'sstage4,agreeingwithcomprehended information
●Exposure occurswhen consumers come in contact with the marketer's message●A sign relation is established in marketing communications whena brand and a referentbelong to the same cultural context●The heuristic in which the individual calls from memory his or her attitude toward relevantalternatives and picks the alternative for which the affect is most positive is known asaffect referral●Assume a consumer who has just eaten is driving down the road when an advertisementfor the Yellow Submarine sandwich shop catches her attention. Although she is nothungry or in the mood to think about food, the radio ad has attracted her attention with aloud foghorn sound effect. This consumer's attention to the ad for the Yellow Submarinesandwich shop is best described asinvoluntary attentionIn the context in which a stimulus is perceived, combining stimulus features with expectations ofwhat should be present is known asactive synthesisExposureoccurs when consumers come in contact with the marketer’s message
A sign relation is established in marketing communications when abrand and a referent belongto the same cultural contextShort-term memory is also known as working memory.MOD 3: Persuasion in CommunicationsLO1: Meaning of Colours & Culture cuesLO2: Advertising AppealsLO3: Message ExecutionPersuasion-Persuasion aims to ‘guide people to accepting a belief, attitude / behaviour-Can be related to tri-component model of attitudeAdvertisers may-Appeal to consumers using the CPM approach-Appeal to their fantasies & feelings using HEM approachPersuasive objectives may be directed to:-Changing pre-existing beliefs, attitudes & behaviours-Creating new beliefs, attitudes / behaviorMeans of persuasion arehighly diverse- not just one techniqueLO1: Meaning of Colours & Culture cuesMeaningscan be considered the perceptions (thoughts) and affective reactions (feelings) of thereceiver.-Meanings are evoked by stimuli (signs).-Meanings are internal and open to interpretation.Coloursare used as a positioning tool.-Colours shape our mood and feelingsEx:BodyShopusesgreencolours to position itself as a “green product” and “naturalingredients”.According to the CPM, consumer behaviour is seen as rational, highly cognitive, systematic ,reasoned (KO bao gồm irrational, illogical)According to the HEM, consumer behaviour is seen as emotional
By definition, exposure simply means that consumers come in contact with the marketer’smessage.Symbolsare used to establish arelationshipbetween a brand and areferent (tham chiếu);e.g. Red Bull uses the picture of two bulls to represent strength.Often the symbolic relationship is established using figurative, or non-literal language (khôngtheo nghĩa đen)-Simile: so sánhuses comparisons (as or like) to highlight the message)(‘car build like a tank’)A(n)Simile uses a comparative term such as ‘like’ or ‘as’ to join items from different classes ofexperience.
-Metaphor: ẩn dụapplies a word or phrase to give meaning to concept or object it does notliterally describe – ‘love is a rose’-Allegory: hoán dụcharacters, figures or events are used in a narrative or pictorial form to representdifficult-to-advertise productsVí dụ: cây vú sữa - mômCulture-Culture shapes our values, attitudes and our identity.-Culture helps define the norms of the society.-It influences our behaviourLO2: Advertising Appeal-Hedonic needs (nhu cầu khoái lạc)are satisfied when consumers attend to messagesthat make them feel good andsatisfy theirpleasureneeds.-Informational needsare satisfied by messages thatsupply relevantfactsand figures.Appeal typesFEAR AppealAds appeal to consumers’ fears by identifying negative consequences of:-notusingtheadvertisedproduct–for example, social disapproval by not usingtoothpaste and mouthwash-engaging in unsafe behaviour (e.g. drugs).Fear-appeal logic-Stimulates audience involvement and promotes acceptance of the arguments.Appropriate intensity-The greater the topic relevance, the lower the threat intensity that is needed to activate aresponse.
ElementDescriptionExampleIdentifyingNegativeConsequencesAds focus on the risks or negativeoutcomes that could happen if theproduct or behavior is not used.- Toothpaste/Mouthwash: Social disapprovaldue to bad breath.Fear-Appeal LogicFear is used to grab attention andstimulateemotionalinvolvement,prompting the consumer to act toavoid negative outcomes.- Seatbelt Ad: Fear of injury or death in a carcrash if the seatbelt is not worn.Appropriate IntensityThe intensity of fear should matchthe relevance of the topic to theaudience.Toomuchfearmaycause rejection.- Moderate Fear: Smoking ads showing therisks of lung cancer to encourage quitting.-TooIntense:Overlygraphic ads maycause anxiety and avoidance.Additional Notes:●Topic Relevance: The more relevant the issue to the consumer (e.g., health concerns),the less intense the fear needs to be to drive action.●Intensity of Fear: An appropriate balance is crucial—if the threat is too intense, it maycause fear without motivating action; if it's too mild, it might not create enough urgency.Once brand-specific beliefs and attitudes are formed as the outcome from firsthandproduct usage experience, subsequent marketing communicationsserve to reinforcethe consumers' beliefs and attitudesThe objective for a brand's marcom program at any point in time depends onwhere on the hierarchy most consumers are locatedObjectives must be stated in terms of profits is NOT a requirement for setting marcomobjectivesA certain brand of hand lotion commands 7 percent of the market for this productcategory.Toincreasethebrand'smarketshare,anewadvertisingcampaignisformulated with the following objective: "Within the next six months, our objective is to
increase the brand's market share from 7 percent to 40 percent." This objective suffersfrom beingunrealisticWhich of the following is an argument against using sales as the objective for a brandedproduct's marcom effort? =>Marcom's effect on sales is typically delayedHarriet is a marcom manager who asserts that using sales as the objective for abranded product's marcom effort is unsuitable because she feels that sales are afunction of other factors in addition to marcom efforts. Harriet is espousing which view?=>traditional viewJohn is the marcom manager at a major consumer packaged goods manufacturer. Hefeels that marcom objectives should be stated in terms of sales or market share gainsand that failure to do so is a cop-out. Which view is John espousing=>heretical viewn terms of profitability, investing in advertising can be justified only if the incrementalrevenue generated from the advertising effort exceeds the increase in theadvertisingexpenseWhich of the following can impact the sales-to-advertising response functionall (a.creativity of advertising execution,state of the economy,intensity of competitiveadvertising efforts, overall quality of the brand's mix)HUMOUR Appeal - Hedonic needsHumour often involvesincongruity resolution (giải quyết sự bất hợp lí). Makes people laughand creates a pleasant, more favourable attitude to both the ad and the brand.Example:The incongruity:the woman’s exaggerated, horrified facial expression while holding a glass ofwine contrasts sharply with the usual behavior of someone savoring wine.The resolution:in the form of the text, "Next time... Bring a McGuigan," implying that theunpleasant reaction can be avoided if one chooses McGuigan wine in the future.
GUILT AppealThis approach aims totrigger negative emotionsE.g.breaking the rules or violating standards.It focuses on past/futuretransgressions (hành vi vi phạm)or failure to care for others.It motivates the individuals to undertake a responsible action OR to avoid the feeling of guilt.(Signs are the stimuli used to evoke an intended meaning.Signscontainnomeaninginthemselves;they must be paired with a person’s internalresponses.Signs are most effective when they are common to both the sender and receiver.)The criticism that the percentage-of-sales budgeting technique is not logical is based onthe idea thatit reverses the true functional relationship between advertising and salesNathan is determining next year's advertising budget by establishing specific marketingobjectives,assessingthecommunicationfunctionsthatmustbeperformedtoaccomplish those objectives, determining advertising's role in the total communicationmix,establishingspecificadvertisinggoalsintermsofthelevelsofmeasurablecommunication response required to achieve the marketing objectives, and establishingthe budget based on estimates of expenditures required to accomplish the advertisinggoals. Which advertising budgeting method is Nathan using? =>objective-and-taskmethod
A clothing store that sets their advertising budget by following the major competitor andadding an additional 15 percent is using thecompetitive parityAssume that the total advertising expenditures for shoe manufacturers is $828 millionand Nike spends $207 million. Nike'sshare of voicewould be 25 percent.SEX AppealThe use of sex in advertising:-captures consumers’ attention and retains it for longer-enhances recall of message points-evokes an emotional response (e.g. feelings of arousal: kích thích or lust: ham muốn).
COMPARATIVE Advertising-Compare against competitive offerings.-Based on claims of superiority.
LO3: Message Execution (thực hiện thông điệp)OrientationStyleDescriptionFunctional OrientationUniqueSellingProposition (USP)Advertiserclaimsarebasedonthesuperiorityof a product attribute.This strategy is most useful when a point ofdifferencecannotbereadilymatchedbycompetitorsSymbolic/ExperientialOrientationBrand ImageFocusesoncreatingastrongidentityorperceptionassociated with the brand.Claimsarebasedonpsychosocialdifferentiationand symbolic association.Abrandisgivenadistinctidentityorpersonality.Usesprestigeclaims;itrarelychallengescompetition directlye.g.thetransformationalpropertiesofshampoo (how you will feel after using it).Nike’s "Just Do It" campaign, emphasizingempowerment and athletic spirit.ResonanceConnectswiththeaudience’spersonalexperiences, values, or memories.Advertisements that resonate (or reflects) theaudience’s life experiences.For example:as you get older you becomemore concerned about the wrinkles and thegrey hair.
EmotionalEvokesspecificfeelingstoinfluenceconsumer behavior.Both negative and positive emotions can beused to advertise.COCA COLA, PEPSICategory-DominanceGenericChung chungPromotesgeneralbenefitsofaproductcategory rather than individual uniqueness.Makes a generalised claim about thebrand/product.There is no attempt to differentiate offerings(opposite to USP).Ex: “Got Milk?” campaign, encouraging milkconsumptionbroadlywithoutmentioningbrands.Pre-emptivePhòng ngừa trướcClaimsacategorybenefitbeforecompetitors, making itseem unique.Ageneric claim, but with an added messageof superiority.Used when the products in the category havefew functional differencesRESONANCE
OrientationStyleWhen to UseFunctional OrientationUniqueSellingProposition(USP)Use when the product has a clear, distinctfeatureorbenefitthatsetsitapartfromcompetitors.Idealforproductsinhighlycompetitivemarketswheredifferentiationiskey.Symbolic/ExperientialOrientationBrand ImageUsewhenyouwanttocreateastrongemotional connection or personality for thebrand, especially in saturated markets wherefunctionality isn’t enough. Ideal forlifestyleorluxury brands.ResonanceUse when the goal is to deeply connect withthe audience’s personal experiences, values,oraspirations.Effectiveforstorytelling andcampaigns that aim to foster brand loyalty.EmotionalUse when the objective is to evoke feelingsthatdrivepurchasedecisions,suchashappiness,nostalgia,orempathy.Ideal forcategories like food, family-oriented products,or causes.Category-DominanceGenericUse when the focus is on promoting the overallproductcategory rather than specific branddifferentiation. Common for category leadersor industry organizations (e.g., milk, eggs, ortourism).Pre-emptiveUsewhenyouwanttoclaim a benefit orfeaturecommontothecategorybeforecompetitors, positioning it as unique. Workswell for early market entrants or innovators in aproduct category.Key Factors to Consider:●Market Position: New entrants may focus on USP, while established brands may buildbrand image.●Target Audience: Emotional and symbolic strategies work better with lifestyle-drivenconsumers, while functional appeals are effective for rational buyers.●Product Category: Generic and pre-emptive styles are more suitable for commodity orcategory-level campaigns.●Competitor Landscape: If competitors focus on functionality, a symbolic or emotionalstrategy can differentiate your brand.
Seven tools of persuasionTool of PersuasionExplanationExample1. ReciprocationSự đáp trảPeoplefeelobligedtoreturnfavors or acts of kindness.A company offers free samples, andcustomers feel compelled to buy theproduct.Mosteffectivewhenthepersonbeingpersuadedperceivesthegift-giver ashonest & sincere2. Commitment &ConsistencyPeopletendtosticktotheircommitmentstomaintainconsistency in behavior.Consumersremainconsistentwhentheyarehighlyegoinvolvedin their choiceConsumersneedtofeelimportant&valuedtobepersuadedPublicly committing to a fitness goalincreases the likelihood of followingthrough.Trân post lên facebook thực hiệnthử thách 100 ngày đi tập gym3. Social ProofPeoplelooktoothersforguidance,especiallyinuncertain situations.Newproductmarketersencourage wider adoption of aproduct bygiving the productto leaders & trendsettersPositiveonlinereviewsortestimonialsencourageotherstobuy a product.4. LikingPeoplearemoreeasilyinfluenced by those they like orfind relatable.-Physically attractive-Similar to themselves (ortohowtheyperceivethemselves to be)-More likely to adopt anattitude/undertakeanactionwhenalikeableFriendlyinfluencerssuccessfullymarket products to their followers.
personpromotesthataction5. AuthorityTrust is often given to experts orauthoritativefigures:parents,teachersA doctor endorsing a health productincreases its credibility.6.EnsureEthicalStandardsEthics - belief of what is right &wrong;whatismorallyacceptableSocial responsibility - built intothebrandingcommunicationsrather than being an add-on○Coca-colaundertookaneducation campaign into high sugarintake7. ScarcitySự khan hiếmItemsperceivedasrareorlimited become more desirable.Productsareperceivedmorevaluable when in great demandbut short supplyHermes - birkin
MOD 4:Disruptive Technologies in MarketingLO1: Automation & Machine LearningLO2: AI, AR, VRLO3: Social RobotsLO1: Automation & Machine LearningMarketing automationMarketing automation is the use of software to handle routine marketing tasks such asmarketing research, communications, personal experience, customer serive and sales.Using software such as Hubspot, Salesforce, Mailchimp, businesses can understand what eachcustomer is looking for at any given point in time.Businesses can automate the communication by providing useful information across differentchannels (e.g. social, digital, mobile, email)-Build CRM ( Customer Relationship Management) to track customer’s behaviour-Identify the touch points-> Awareness social ad (download brochure: tờ rơi)-> Sales (lead)-> Conversion social ad (20% off the product/service for limited time)-> Reminder email to order again-> Build loyalty (WOM and referral programs)
Machine Learning-Make decisions based on big data-Based on historical data of 100 campaigns businesses can predict the advertisingappeals that work better.-Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Snapchat, TikTok and many others use recommendedtargeting to achieve optimal advertising effectiveness.Machine Learning Benefits-Improves the quality of data analysis-Enables you to analyse more data in less time-Adapts to changes and new data-Allows you to automate marketing processes and avoid routine work-Does all of the above quicklyMachine Learning Examples-Recommended systems(customers that bought similar products/services also boughtthese products) via email or checkout.-Forecast targetingSegment targeting (show ads to groups of users with thesame set of attributesTrigger targeting (show ads to users after they take acertain action (for example,viewing a product oradding an item to the shopping cart)Predictive targeting (show ads to users based on the likelihood of their making apurchase)-Lifetime Value Forecasting (LTV):total profit of a customerthat interacts with thebusiness. Using profiling businesses can forecast the potential value of the customer.-Churn Rate Forecasting (dự báo tỉ lệ hủy bỏ):customers who have left thecompanyand therevenue lostis expressed as a percentage. The probability of thecustomer leaving
LO2: AI, AR, VRAIArtificial Intelligence: fastautomated decisions based on datacollection, data analysis, andadditional observations of audience or economic trends that may impact marketing efforts.-data analysis-natural language processing-media buying-automated decision making-content generation-real-time personalization-Bidding on Programmatic Media-Selecting the right message-Personalisation-Chatbots and conversation experiences-Predictive Marketing Analytics (predicts future behaviour using past behaviour) ie. Youeat out every Friday night. Therefore, the restaurant should advertise to you everyThursday and Friday)-Dynamic pricing
AR (thực tế TĂNG CƯỜNG)A technology thatsuperimposes computer-generated information: công nghệ chồng thôngtin(sounds, images, videos, 3D models) on a user's view of the real world, thus providing acomposite view.ConversionMicrosoft HoloLensGoogle Glass Enterprise EditionMagic Leap LightwearVuzix Blade ARAR Benefits-Brand engagement -> enhance customer experience-Evaluation-Consideration set-Sales-Fun factor
VR: THỰC TẾ ẢOThe use of computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional (3D)image or environmentthat can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way by a person using specialelectronic equipment.Meta-Unique experiences: deeper connection with the consumer (arousing the senses)-Avoiding ad blockers: use of ad blockers rose by 30% between 2015-2016. VR creates amore immersive experience.-Recall: create better ad recall. 70% of VR ads are less intrusive (gây khó chịu).-Social platforms are on board: Facebook Oculus Go, more users generated content.VR Tourism●Taking users on flights●Tour of the hotel room●Divingwithwilddolphins●ExploringcitiesandsurroundingsVR Retail●Immersiveretailexperience●Virtual shopping●Fashion walks●Product trialsVR Real Estate●Search●Home visits●Consideration set●Renovations(education)●Fun factorFeatureArtificialIntelligence(AI)Augmented Reality (AR)Virtual Reality (VR)DefinitionAIreferstothesimulationofhumanintelligenceinmachinesthatcanlearn,reason,andsolve problems.ARoverlaysvirtualelementsontothereal-worldenvironment,enhancing it.VRimmersesusersinacompletelyvirtual,computer-generatedenvironment.Core FunctionEnablesmachinestomake decisions, predictoutcomes,andadaptbased on data.Enhancestherealworldwith digital content.Createsanentirelynew virtual world thatreplaces reality.Interaction with RealityWorksinthebackground,analyzingdataandprovidinginsightsorintelligentbehavior.Combines virtual elementswith the real world.Fullydisconnectsfromtherealworldand places users in avirtual environment.
Devices/ToolsDependsontheapplication:computersoftware,robots,smartphones,orservers.Smartphones, tablets, ARglasses(e.g.,MicrosoftHoloLens, Magic Leap).VRheadsets(e.g.,OculusRift,HTCVive,PlayStationVR).Applications-Chatbots(e.g.,ChatGPT).-Autonomous vehicles. -Predictiveanalytics.-Image recognition.-ARshoppingapps(try-ons).-Gaming(PokémonGO).-ARmaps/navigation.-VRgaming(BeatSaber).-Virtualeventsortravel.-Training simulations.User ExperienceOftennotdirectlyvisible; AI powers thefunctionality of systemsand applications.Partially immersive: digitalcontent interacts with thereal world.Fullyimmersive:users are completely“inside”thevirtualenvironment.Cost/AccessibilityVaries widely based onusecase;someapplicationsarefree,whileothers(likeautonomoussystems)are costly.Oftenlowercost;workswithexistingsmartphones/tablets.Higher cost; requiresspecialized headsetsand equipment.Focus AreaDecision-making,problem-solving,automation,andpersonalizedexperiences.Real-worldenhancementthroughvisualoverlaysand interactivity.Fullimmersionforentertainment,training,orexploration.
Attitudesare relatively enduringWhich tool of influence is being used when a car salesperson gets a consumer to agree to aprice and then says that the sales manager’s approval is required? => commitment andconsistencyAccording to the theory of psychological reactance,people react against any effort to reducetheir freedom of choiceKim is asked to make a contribution to the Leukemia Foundation. She asks how much otherpeople are giving and ends up giving that amount. She has used thesocial prooftool ofinfluenceA person’s intention to donate or not donate to a charity is best described as the conativeattitude component.When the receiver challenges a message claim,attitudes and normative influencesariseA salesperson is hired because he is the same age as most of the shoppers and is consideredhandsome. What tool of influence is being used? => likingIn Pavlov’s experiment, the bell was theconditioned stimulus
The influence tactic that is based on the principle that things become more desirable when theyare in great demand but short supply is known as scarcityA clothing salesperson is using thescarcitytool of influence when she tells a customer thatthere are only a few scarves left and they are selling fast.The three factors that determine each individual’s elaboration likelihood for a particular messageare motivation, opportunity and abilityThe mental activity in response to a message, such as an advertisement, is known asperceptionMarketers can enhance the consumer’s opportunity to encode information by repeating brandinformationAn example of a peripheral cue would be( background music in a television commercial ,sceneryinatelevisioncommercial,asalesperson’saccent,asalesperson’sphysicalappearance)
Module 05 - Campaign PlanningLO1: Campaign ObjectivesLO2: Campaign BriefLO3: Campaign StrategyLO1: Campaign Objectives-Advertising is widely used to meet the campaign objectives.-Advertising consumes a major proportion of marketing budgets.-Characterised as impersonal and one-way communication (do not need interaction)-Paid for by the sponsor and predominantly used to build BRAND AWARENESS.-Growth areas include digital advertising; e.g. Facebook, Google and search engines,video contentThe traditional view-The traditional view rejects the use of sales as a suitable advertising objective.-Sales volume is the consequence of a host of factors in addition to advertising.-The effect of advertising is delayed.-Sales cannot be accurately assessed.When there are television commercials for the Ford Focus, television is the messagechannel
An alternative view ( mục tiêu của quảng cáo là tạo ra doanh thu)-advertising’s purpose is to generate sales, or gain market share-sales measures are ‘vaguely right’.(mơ hồ đúng)The goal of advertising is not solely to generate awareness, influenceexpectations, or enhance attributes, but rather togenerate Sales.Strive to be"vaguely right"for strategic decisions where understanding broad trends andinsights is more important.Avoid being"precisely wrong"by ensuring that your objectives and focus align with theproblem at hand, even at the cost of losing some precision.If you aim for being"vaguely right,"you might sacrifice precision due to measurementlimitations.If you aim for"precisely wrong,"you risk focusing too narrowly or on the wrong objectivesdespite having exact measurements.
A more recent approachA more recent view focuses onaccountability (trách nhiệm giải trình)Measurables include the traditional and alternative approaches.The shift in focus has led to an emphasis on measurable metrics, which are acombinationofbothtraditionalapproaches(e.g.,brandawareness,impressions)andalternativeapproaches (e.g., direct sales, conversions).Traditionalmeasures might focus onlong-term goals, like brand recognition, whilealternativemeasures prioritize immediate results such assalesconversions or click-through rates.By combining traditional measures (to track long-term awareness) and alternative measures (forshort-term sales), advertisers can assess not only the effectiveness of the campaign in terms ofimmediate results but also its overall contribution to brand growth.
SMARTCriteriaDescriptionExampleS - SpecificTheobjectiveshouldbeclearandwell-defined. It answers the questions:who, what, where, when, and why.Increasebrandawarenessforanew product line among men aged25-40 in metropolitan areas.M-MeasurableTheobjectivemustincludemeasurable criteria to track progressand success.Achieve a 20% increase in brandawarenessora10% increase inwebsite traffic from social media.A-AchievableTheobjectiveshouldberealistic,consideringavailableresources andconstraints.Generate100qualifiedleadsthrough a targeted email campaignwithin three months.R - RelevantThe objective must align with broaderbusiness or marketing goals.Increase sales of the new productby 15% in the next quarter to meetthe company’s revenue target.T-Time-boundThe objective should have a defineddeadline or timeframe.Launchtheadcampaignandachieve the desired results within 3months.In Pavlov’s experiment, the meat powder was the (None: conditioned stimulus, preconditionedstimulus , conditioned response)A marketer who is using more colourful ads is enhancing the consumers’motivation to attend tothe message.In Pavlov’s experiment, thetrainerwas the unconditioned stimulus.Betty Franks agrees with the message in an advertisement for a political candidate. This is anexample ofclassical conditioning.Marketers can enhance consumers’ motivation to attend to a message byappealing tohedonistic needs../Evelyn Rivers is the advertising director of a chain of health clubs. She isputting together an advertisement. She wants to enhance the consumers’ opportunity to encodeinformation. The best way to accomplish this objective would be torepeat the ad on multipleoccasions.Jack Joseph challenges the message claim made in an automobile commercial. This is anexample ofcounter-argumentsMarketers can enhance consumers’ opportunity to reduce processing time bycreating Gestaltprocessing ../Margaret Stephens notices a television commercial because of its loud music.
This is an example ofinvoluntary attention../Marketers can enhance consumers’ ability toaccess knowledge structures by employing verbal framingAnexemplaris a specimen or model of a particular concept or idea../As part of the socialisationprocess in all cultures, people acquire anorm of reciprocityA student union sponsored a blood drive at the university in cooperation with the Red Cross, butstudents were not eager to donate. Red Cross volunteers took an impromptu survey anddiscovered that students erroneously believed they could contract AIDS in the process of givingblood. The erroneous belief that AIDS can be contracted while donating blood is best describedas reflecting thecognitivecomponent of the student body’s attitude.A clear progression is implied from initial cognition to affection toconationAccording to the ELM theory, people experiencetemporaryattitude changes when persuadedvia the peripheral routeFady refuses to eat his spinach. His father says, ‘Eat your spinach, Fady, and you can stay upone hour longer than your normal bedtime’. What influence tool is Fady’s father using=>reciprocationMarketers can enhance consumers’ ability to access knowledge structures by (None: appealingto hedonistic needs, using large pictures, using celebrities, repeating key scenes)
Budget: dựa vào 3 cái nìComponentDescriptionExample1.TheObjectiveWhatthecampaignaims to achieve.A brand wants to increasebrand awarenessby20%within6monthsthroughadigitaladvertising campaign.2. Competitor’sActivityAnalyzecompetitors'presenceandadjustaccordingly.A competitor recently launched a high-budgetTVcampaign,achievingaShareofVoice(SOV)of 30%. Your brand aims to achieve anSOV of 35%.3.FundsAvailableThe financial resourcesavailableforthecampaign.The marketing budget is$500,000, which mustbe allocated across digital, print, and influencermarketing channels for maximum impact.
Example in Context:Scenario: A cosmetics brand (e.g., L'Oréal) is launching a new skincare line.●Objective: Increase online sales by 15% in 3 months.●Competitor's Activity: Competitors are running high-profile campaigns on TikTok; thebrand decides to invest more in influencer partnerships to counter them.●FundsAvailable: $1M budget to be allocated primarily to social media ads andinfluencer collaborations.-Share of Voice (SOV) (the percentage of total advertising in a market that your brandcontributes)-Share of Market (SOM) (your brand's market share compared to competitors)Set budget depend on Percentage of salesAdvertising budget as a fixed percentage of past or anticipated sales volume. (i.e. 2021 sales =$100,000, 20% of the revenue from 2021 sales).Basis:The advertising budget is calculated as a percentage of either:Past sales: Revenue from a previous period (e.g., last year's sales).Anticipated sales: Projected revenue for the upcoming period.Formula:Advertising Budget = Sales Volume (past/anticipated) × Fixed PercentageExample:2021 Sales: $100,000.Percentage Allocated to Advertising: 20%.Advertising Budget:100,000 × 0.2 = 20,000100,000 × 0.2= 20,000.For 2022, the company allocates $20,000 to advertising based on its 2021 sales revenue.
Objective-and-task method:-establish marketing objectives-assess communication objectives-determine advertising’s role-establish specific advertising goals.Affordability method:Only the funds left after everything else is budgeted for are used foradvertising.StepDescriptionExample1.EstablishMarketingObjectivesDefine the overall business goalsthat advertising will support, suchas increasing sales, market share,or product launch.Increase sales by 20%in thenext 6 months with the launchof a new product line.2.AssessCommunicationObjectivesSet the communication goals for thecampaign,focusingonbrandawareness, shaping perceptions, orinfluencing attitudes.Increase brand awareness by30%amongthetargetaudience of men and womenaged 18-35.3.DetermineAdvertising’s RoleClarifytheroleofadvertisinginachievingthecommunicationobjectives,suchascreatingawareness or driving action.Advertisingwillcreateawarenessanddrive interestforthenewproductlinethroughdigitaladsandinfluencers.4.EstablishSpecific AdvertisingGoalsSet measurable and specific goalsthat align with the communicationobjectives.Generate 1,000 product pagevisitsin the first month andachieve a5% conversion rateon those visits.Examples:To achieve 300,000 impressions on social media by the end of the quarter. (awareness)To have 50,000 followers on social media by the end of the year. (engagement)To increase website traffic to 10,000 visitors per week. (conversion)To increase conversion rates by 3% on the website by the end of the year. (sales)To increase sales by 10,000 units by the end of 2021.To attain 1,000 loyal customers by the end of the year. (brand loyalty)
The Roy Morgan ‘Visible Achievementconsumer segment describes those who are visiblesuccess storiesThe Roy Morgan ‘Young Optimism’ consumer segment describes those who seek to improvetheir prospects in lifeAppeals to functional needs include those directed at consumers’desire for products thatperformThe median age of Australians has been increasing in the past two decades.The Roy Morgan ‘Real Conservatism’ consumer segment describes those who are oftencautious with their purchases.Brand positioning is an essential preliminary activity in developing successfulattitudestrategiesAn effective positioning statement should motivate consumers toactionUser imagerymeans that brands can be positioned in terms of their unique usage symbolismor with respect to the kind of people who use them.Generallyspeaking,successfulbrandpositioning requires a communication strategy thatsatisfies a(n)singletype of consumer need.In Australia, of all families with children at any age,77percent had dependent children, while 23percent had non-dependent children.LO2: Campaign BriefDetermines the parameters for the campaign.The agreement between the client and the agency.It determines the objectives, budget, channels, and theMUST havesfor the campaign.
A student’s intention to give or not give blood in a drive sponsored by the Red Cross is bestdescribed as reflecting theconativeattitude component.The central and peripheral paths represent endpoints on a continuum of persuasion strategiesand are intended to imply that persuasion is a (None: either–or proposition, combination of thetwo, unrelated activity, unnecessary activity)When a person is attracted to a stimulus and continues to pay attention because it holds his orher interest, involuntary attention has occurred.Attitudestowardsabrandresultfromacombinationofcentral-andperipheral-routeattitude-formation processes../When children learn to return a favour, this is an example of thenorm of reciprocity.When consumers are attracted to stimuli that supply relevant facts and figures, they areinterested in meeting their informational needsSupposeasalespersonmakesthefollowingstatement in attempting to sell you stereospeakers: ‘The head of the music department at the university bought these exact speakers justlast week’. What influence tool is the salesperson using? => authority
Nathan refuses to eat his spinach. His father asks, ‘Nathan, do you want to grow up to be bigand strong?’ Nathan says, ‘Yes’. His father says, ‘Popeye eats spinach and he’s strong, don’tyou agree Nathan?’ Nathan again says, ‘Yes’. His father then says, ‘Then why don’t you eatyour spinach?’ What influence tool is Nathan’s father using? => commitment and consistencyThe basis of thescarcity tacticis that things become more desirable when they are in greatdemand but in short supply../The theory that suggests that people react against any efforts toreduce their freedom or choices is calledpsychological reactanceWhen a person intentionally notices a stimulus,voluntary attentionhas occurred.Based on (TORA), in the attitude formation equation, ABj = ∑ bij x ei, the bij term refers to abelief regarding outcome i. i = 1../ the ei term refers to aevaluation of outcome i../ the ABjterm refers to aattitude towards brand jThepersonalrelevancethatmarketingcommunicationshasforareceiverisacriticaldeterminant of the extent and form of persuasion../ Highly involved consumers are motivated toprocess peripheral cues when exposed to marketing communications.Research suggests that persuasion occurs not from external communications per se, but fromtheself-generated thoughtsBaby boomers do not represent a true market segment in the strictest sense of this termThe Roy Morgan ‘Visible Achievement’ consumer segment describes those who are oftenretired, pensioners or on social security.The main country of birth for Australians (other than those born in Australia) isthe UnitedKingdomThe Roy Morgan ‘.......’ consumer segment describes those who feel they get a raw deal (None:Look at Me, Conventional Family Life, Real Conservatism, Basic Needs)The post childrearing years are often accompanied by a(n)decrease in incomeOne of the interesting aspects of the Australian population is the shift that has taken place inregardtogeographicdistribution../The Roy Morgan ‘Traditional Family Life’ consumersegment describes those who are generally empty-nesters or part of extended families.When marketing organisations direct their offerings to particular consumer segments, suchactionsmayraiseethicaldilemmas if marketing communications are targeted at (None:homogenous consumers, wealthy consumers, medium-size families, potential customers)Fundamental to the concept and practice of positioning is the idea ofmeaningThe Roy Morgan‘Look at Meconsumer segment describes those who are fashion and trendconsciousAppealstofunctionalneedsincludethosedirectedatconsumers’(None:desireforself-enhancement,desire for group membership, desire for products that provide sensorypleasure)
The Roy Morgan ‘Something Better’ consumer segment describes those who want a biggerand better deal out of lifeA positioning statement for a brand represents how a marketer wants customers and prospectsto think and feel about a particular brandValues and lifestyles represent a combination of (activities, interests, opinions)The Roy Morgan‘Conventional Family Lifeconsumer segment describes those who representthe core of ‘middle AustraliaPositioning a product via product attributes relies onbrand attributes that consumers needThe Roy Morgan ‘.......’ consumer segment describes those who seek to improve their prospectsin life.(None: Fairer Deal, Conventional Family Life, Real Conservatism)Innovative product design and superior materials are some of the attributes that provide thefoundation for positioning a brandThe Roy Morgan‘Socially Aware’ consumer segment describes those who are communityminded and socially active.TheRoyMorgan‘____________’consumersegmentdescribesthosewhoarefashionconscious. (Traditional Family, Conventional Family Life, Real Conservatism, Basic Needs)Most Australians live in households that consistof a family unitBaby boomers are the (None: largest, smallest, only, youngest)segment in the Australianpopulation.
ObjectiveDefinitionExampleInformingProvidingnewinformationtocreateawarenessoreducatethe audience.AtechcompanyintroducingasmartphonewithadsexplainingitsAI-poweredcameraandfastprocessor.PersuadingConvincing the audience to takeaction, such as purchasing orswitching brands.Adetergentbrandshowingcomparisons to prove it cleans betterthan competitors.RemindingKeepingthebrand/productinthe audience’s mind for repeatpurchases.Coca-Colarunningholidayadstoremind customers of the brand’s joyand tradition.Adding ValueEnhancing customer perceptionby showcasing unique benefitsor values.Askincarebrandemphasizingitscruelty-free and eco-friendly products.AssistingOtherCompany EffortsSupportingbroadercompanyinitiatives,likeCSRorrecruitment.Acompanypromotingsustainabilityinitiatives to reinforce CSR goals andattract eco-conscious talent.LO3: Campaign Strategy-Awareness vs image-Volume ads vs quality of the communication-Mass communication or one-to-one communication-Economic condition (reduce advertising expenditure during recession)-Competitor’s activity (new brand in the market = large volume of ads) vs (an establishedbrand in the market = maintain similar volume of ads to competitors)The premise underlying geo-demographic targeting is that people whoreside in similar areasalso have demographic and lifestyle similarities.By monitoring changes in the demographic variables of the Australian population, marketers canforecast product sales
Consumers’ functional needs includegood healthThe Australian population is expected to reach approximately 28 million by the year 2026Symbolicneedsincludethose directed at consumers’ desires for affiliation../ Appeals tofunctional needs are the most prevalent form of brand benefit positioningAspects of consumers’ lifestyles such as their activities, interests and opinions compriseAIOcharacteristicsGeo-demographicsis a combination of demographic and lifestyle characteristics of consumerswithin clusters such as postcode areasDemographic variables include characteristics such as age, income andethnicityA detergent advertised on the basis of how clean it gets clothes appeals to consumers’functionalneedsManaging a specific brand concept can be accomplished by appealing to functional, symbolic orexperiential needsSun Microsystems recently introduced a new desktop computer. The headline of their two-pageadvertisement in Business Week reads, ‘The World’s Most Powerful Laptop for the Price of aPC’. This statement is an appeal to a consumer’sfunctional needsA medicated shampoo ad highlights the fact that it is so effective, it actually prevents dandruff.This is an example of an appeal to consumers’functional needsAn ad for a hair coloring brand features a famous actress telling potential customers that theyshould use the relatively costly brand ‘because you’re worth it’. This brand’s concept is aimed atconsumers’symbolicneeds.Consumers’ experiential needs represent their desires for products that providecognitivestimulationBaby boomers represent (None: an actionable market segment, a small market segment,asegment where income and lifestyles are fairly consistent)Selectingtargetsegmentsthathavemeasurable,accessible,profitableandactionablecharacteristicsisthecriticalfirststepindevelopingeffectiveandefficientmarketingcommunication objectivesThe State with the largest population in Australia isNew South Wales
Elasticity TypeStrategyReasonExamplesNeither Price-Elastic norAdvertising-ElasticMaintain status quoConsumershavewell-establishedpreferencesand are notinfluencedbypriceoradvertising.Utilities (electricity, water),essential medicationsMore Advertising-ElasticSpendmoreonadvertisingSalesarehighlyinfluenced by advertising,creating brand value andemotional appeal.Luxurybrands(Gucci,Chanel),premiumcosmetics,homefurnishing itemsMore Price-ElasticFocusonpricediscountingConsumers are sensitiveto price changes and mayswitch brands if a betterprice is available.Consumergoods(toothpaste,detergent),snacks, bottled waterBothPriceandAdvertising ElasticCombineadvertisingand price discountsProducts respond to bothadvertisingandpricechanges;abalancedapproach is needed.Breakfastcereals(Kellogg’s),cars,householdappliances(refrigerators,washingmachines)In general, novel messages that areemotionally chargedact as stimuli to generate greaterattention than those messages that are familiar and routine../ Advertisers sometimes use motionto both attract and direct consumer attention to the brand name and the ad copy.Enhanced processing motivation means that the receiver of an advertisement has an increasedinterestin reading and/or listening to the ad message../ Enhance the relevance and raisingconsumers’ curiosity about the brand are two techniques used by marketing communicators toenhance consumers’ motivation to process messagesMarketing messages are further enhanced if the communicator can reduce thetimerequired bythe consumer to read, listen to and comprehend the message.The use of pictures and imagery creates a form of total-message processing that allowsconsumers toencodethe totality of the message../ The success of an organisation’s ethicalbehaviour can be considered on how it has achieved itssocietal responsibilitiesThe persuasion approach relies on the fact that people are more likely to adopt an attitude orundertake an action when alikeable personpromotes that action
AbilityisbasedonwhetherJennyisfamiliarwithmessageclaimsandiscapableofcomprehending them.Elaboration occurs when consumers view a commercial that ispersonally relevantto them andthink about the people in the commercial and the similarity to their family or friends, andconsider how the advertised product could benefit their lifestyles.When John is watching a television commercial,opportunityis restricted when among otherreasons, a message is presented too quickly, the sound is too low, or he is distracted by aphone callAccording to the Theory of Reasoned Action (TORA), the persuasive strategies that marketingcommunicators can employ in attempting to change consumer attitudes could beto changebeliefsBeliefs are the consumers’ subjective probability assessments regarding the likelihood thatperforming a certain act, such as buying a bottle of perfume, will lead to a certain outcomeAnythingamarketercandotoenhanceMOAfactorsislikelytoresultinincreasedcommunication effectiveness because increases in motivation, opportunity or ability will result ingreater messageelaborationCreating specific and tangible brand benefits is based on the idea that it is easier for consumerstorecallandretrievetangibleinformation../Theprincipleofsocialproofisactivatedincircumstances where appropriate behaviour is somewhat unclearThesuccessofmarketingcommunicationstopersuadeconsumerstochoosebetweencompeting socially acceptable positions often depends invoking some form of authorityQuadrantShareofMarketofmyCompetitor’sShareofVoice(SOV)StrategyExamples
company(SOM)ALowHighFindadefensiblenicheand decreaseadvertisingLocalorganicskincarebrand, niche restaurantsBHighHighIncreaseadvertisingto defend positionCoca-Colavs.Pepsi,Nikevs. AdidasCLowLowAttackwithalargeSOV premiumNewride-hailingapps,emergingelectricvehiclebrandsDHighLowMaintainamodestadvertising premiumLeadingfast-foodchain,Appleinpremiumsmartphone marketsWhat are the ethical issues facing the campaign?‘Ethics’ describes the belief of what is right or wrong; what is morally acceptable.Ethical approaches that do not vary in the extreme (do not cause extreme dissonance) can havea positive effect on the brand.Social responsibility should be built into the branding communications, rather than being anadd-on.Coca-Cola undertook an education campaign into high sugar intake.MOD 6:Communication channel: Digital MediaTừ vựng quan trọng (Glossary):●AdExchange-Virtualmarketplacewhereparticipatingsuppliersauctiontheirimpressions to eligible buyers. The ad exchange announces each impressions, in realtime, and asks buyers if they are interested to buy said impression and at which price.●Ad Impression - An advertisement impression transpires each time a consumer isexposed to an advertisement.●Ad Server - Technology that stores display advertisements, delivers them to websitevisitors in a way that would maximise the Advertiser's (or Publisher's) revenue, monitorcampaigns and create reports.●Affiliate marketing - Agreement between two sites in which one site (the affiliate) agreesto feature content or an ad designed to drive traffic to another site. In return, the affiliate
receives a percentage of sales or some other form of compensation generated by thattraffic.●Click-through -the action of following a link within an advertisement or editorial content toanother Web site or another page or frame within the Web site.●Cookie -a small piece of information (i.e., program code) that is stored on a browser forthe purpose of identifying that browser during audience activity and between visits orsessions.●CPA (Cost-per-Action) -cost of advertising based on a visitor taking some specificallydefined action in response to an ad. "Actions" include such things as a sales transaction,a customer acquisition, or a click.●CPC (Cost-per-Customer) -the cost an advertiser pays to acquire a customer.●CPC (Cost-per-click) -cost of advertising based on the number of clicks received.●CPL (Cost-per-lead) -cost of advertising based on the number of database files (leads)received.●CPM (Cost-per-thousand) -media term describing the cost of 1,000 impressions. Forexample, a Web site that charges $1,500 per ad and reports 100,000 visits has a CPMof $15 ($1,500 divided by 100).●CRM -customer relationship management. Business practices that foster customer care,loyalty, and/or customer support.●Display Advertising -a form of online advertising where an advertiser’s message isshown on a destination web page, generally set off in a box at the top or bottom or toone side of the content of the page.●E-mail Advertising -banner ads, links or advertiser sponsorships that appear in e-mailnewsletters, e-mail marketing campaigns and other commercial e-mail communications.Includes all types of electronic mail (e.g., basic text or HTML-enabled).●E-mail Bounce -An e-mail that cannot be delivered to the mailbox provider and is sentback to the e-mail Service Provider that sent it. A bounce is classified as either hard orsoft. Hard bounces are the failed delivery of e-mail due to a permanent reason, such asanon-existent address. Soft bounces are the failed delivery of e-mail due to a temporaryissue, such as a full inbox or an unavailable ISP server.●Floating ads -an ad or ads that appear within the main browser window on top of theWeb page's normal content, thereby appearing to "float" over the top of the page.●Fold -The line below which a user has to scroll to see content not immediately visiblewhen a Web page loads in a browser. Ads or content displayed ‘above the fold’–arevisible without any end-user interaction. Monitor size and resolution determine where ona Web page the fold lies.●Frequency -the number of times an ad is delivered to the same browser in a singlesession or time period. A site can use cookies in order to manage ad frequency.●Geo targeting -Displaying (or preventing the display of) content based on automated orassumed knowledge of an end user's position in the real world.●Impression-a measurement of responses from a Web server to a page request from theuser browser, which is filtered from robotic activity and error codes, and is recorded at apoint as close as possible to opportunity to see the page by the user.
●Interstitial ads -ads that appear between two content pages. Also known as transitionads, intermercial ads and splash pages.●Lead Generation -fees advertisers pay to Internet advertising companies that referqualified purchase inquiries (e.g., auto dealers which pay a fee in exchange for receivinga qualified purchase inquiry online) or provide consumer information (demographic,contact, and behavioural) where the consumer opts into being contacted by a marketer(email, postal, telephone, fax). These processes are priced on a performance basis (e.g.,cost-per-action, -lead or -inquiry), and can include user applications (e.g., for a creditcard), surveys, contests (e.g., sweepstakes) or registrations.●Midroll -Form of online video ad placement where the ad is played during a break in themiddle of the content video.●Profiling -the practice of tracking information about consumers' interests by monitoringtheir movements online. This can be done without using any personal information, butsimply by analysing the content, URL’s, and other information about a user's browsingpath/click-stream.●Referral link -the referring page, or referral link is a place from which the user clicked toget to the current page. In other words, since a hyperlink connects one URL to another,in clicking on a link the browser moves from the referring URL to the destination URL.Also known as source of a visit.●Search engine marketing (SEM) -a form of Internet Marketing that seeks to promotewebsites by increasing their visibility in the Search Engine result pages●Search engine optimization (SEO) -SEO is the process of improving the volume andqualityoftraffictoawebsitefromsearchenginesvia"natural"("organic"or"algorithmic") search results.●Socialmarketing-Marketingtacticthattapsintothegrowthofsocialnetworks,encouraging users to adopt and pass along widgets or other content modules created bya brand, or to add a brand to the user’s social circle of friends.●Social network -An online destination that gives users a chance to connect with one ormore groups of friends, facilitating sharing of content, news, and information amongthem.EG: include Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.●Time Spent -The amount of elapsed time from the initiation of a visit to the last audienceactivity associated with that visit. Time spent ... should represent the activity of a singlecookied browser or user for a single access session to the web-site or property.●Traffic -the flow of data over a network, or visitors to a Website●Unique user -unique individual or browser which has either accessed a site (see uniquevisitor) or which has been served unique content and/or ads such as e-mail, newsletters,interstitials and pop-under ads. Unique users can be identified by user registration orcookies.●Viral marketing -1) any advertising that propagates itself; 2) advertising and/or marketingtechniques that "spread" like a virus by getting passed on from consumer to consumerand market to market.●Visit -A single continuous set of activity attributable to a cookied browser or user (ifregistration-based or a panel participant) resulting in one or more pulled text and/orgraphics downloads from a site.
●Visit duration -the length of time the visitor is exposed to a specific ad, Web page or Website during a single session.●Visitor -individual or browser which accesses a Web site within a specific time period.Brand imageAdvantages of Digital Media●Two way communication between the sender and the receive●Participants control the information they receive●More optimal targeting of consumers who visit web pages.●Accessibility across locations and time of day●Better behavioural tracking of participants●Improved cost-effectiveness●Enhanced follow-up from enquiries and sales●More customised advertising
Figure: Earned Media, Paid Media, Shared Media, Owned Media1. Paid Media●Description:○Channels youpay forto display your content or advertisements.○Usefulfordrivingtraffic quicklyandtargeting specific audiences, oftensupporting other campaigns.●Examples:○Social Media Ads:Advertising on platforms like Facebook and Instagram.○BoostedContent:Promoting existing posts on social media to a broaderaudience.○Sponsored Content:Paid articles or features on blogs or news sites.○Lead Generation:Paid email campaigns or Google Ads.2. Earned Media●Description:○Publicity or mentionsgained organically through others, such as journalists,bloggers, or customers.○Buildstrust and credibilityas it’s perceived to be unbiased.
●Examples:○Media Relations:News articles or reports about your product launch.○Blogger Relations:Positive reviews written by bloggers.○Word-of-Mouth:Customers recommending your product to others.○Link Building:Backlinks to your content from trusted websites.3. Shared Media●Description:○Content shared by users across social platforms and online communities.○Encouragesengagementand is often part of campaigns involving communityparticipation.●Examples:○User-Generated Content:Photos of customers using your product, shared onInstagram.○CommunityEngagement:InteractionswithusersinFacebookgroupsorforums.○Reviews:Customer reviews on platforms like Google or Amazon.○Partnerships:Collaborating with other organizations for charity or events.4. Owned Media●Description:○Channels and content youown and control, such as your website or blog.○Focused onlong-term brandingand delivering value directly to your audience.●Examples:○Website/Blog:Hosting articles about your product or industry.○Email Marketing:Sending newsletters or promotional emails to your audience.○Content Marketing:Creating videos, podcasts, or tutorials.○Customer Stories:Sharing success stories or testimonials from customers.Real-World Application of PESO:To create a successful marketing strategy, you should integrate all PESO components:●Example for a wheelchair company:○Paid Media:Running Facebook ads showcasing unique wheelchair features.○Earned Media:News outlets writing about innovative wheelchair technology.○Shared Media:Customers posting videos of their experiences using the product.
○Owned Media:Hosting a blog on the company website with tutorials and caretips for wheelchairs.Promotional mixRole of digital marketingAwarenessDisplay advertising on websites; such advertising maynot be possible through traditional media because ofcostsPersuasionOnlinecommunities–WOM;positivecommentsabout the brandCustomeracquisitionViral videos – how products can be usedCustomer retentionDigitalgames–allowcustomerstointeractanddesign productsCross-sellingEmails – use a database related to one product toinform users about related productsBrandingYouTube – companies post their products showingdifferent models and uses of the productsServiceTwitter–usercomplaintscanbemonitoredandaddressed quicklySearch●Display ads in search engine results●Sponsored ads, search marketing, search-engine marketing, pay-per-click marketing,and cost-per-click marketingThere is more than Google:
●Google (77.43%)●Baidu (8.13%)●Microsoft Bing (7.31%)●Yahoo (5.6%)●Ask (0.13%)Figure: Ad RankAd Rank is determined by a combination of three factors:●Bid: The maximum amount an advertiser is willing to pay for a click.●Quality: The relevance and quality of the ad content, which depends on:○Relevance to the user's search query.○The landing page's usefulness and relevance.○Click-through rate (CTR).●Format Impact: The ad’s format and features, such as:○Inclusion of images, prices, directions, or phone numbers.○How well the ad is optimized for user experience (e.g., mobile-friendly design).2. Phân tích bảng ví dụ●Dòng đầu tiên($2 Bid, High Quality, High Format Impact) cóAd Rank cao nhất (20).Quảng cáo này có khả năng xuất hiện ở vị trí đầu tiên vì cân bằng tốt giữa giá thầu, chấtlượng và định dạng.●Dòng cuối cùng($4 Bid, Low Quality, No Formats) chỉ đạtAd Rank 5, mặc dù có giáthầu cao nhất. Điều này cho thấy chất lượng kém và không có tính năng bổ sung đã làmgiảm xếp hạng.
SEO/SEMSEO = organicĐịnh nghĩa: SEO là việc tối ưu hóa website và nội dung để đạt được thứ hạng cao trên trangkết quả tìm kiếm (SERPs)một cách tự nhiên (organic)mà không phải trả phí quảng cáo.Search Engine Results Pageslà bảng kết quả trả về của các công cụ tìm kiếm, thường đượcviết tắt là SERPĐặc điểm:●Không tốn phícho mỗi lần nhấp chuột (free clicks).●Tập trung vào việc cải thiệnchất lượng nội dung,trải nghiệm người dùng, vàkỹthuật website(technical SEO).●Yêu cầuthời gian dàiđể thấy kết quả, vì thứ hạng phụ thuộc vào các yếu tố như:○Từ khóa (keywords).○Liên kết (backlinks).○Tốc độ tải trang và tính thân thiện với di động.SEO StrategyObjective.Establish which sector you want to target and what your objective is once youpursue this goal.SEO web design. Focus on creating a high-qualityfast speedwebsite that’s interesting andinformative for your users.Keywords. What does your business offer?Optimizing content. Update content and focus on better-quality content. This will drive moretraffic.CTR. Click-through rate indicates the percentage of clicks that users make on a link and allowsyou to measure performance. The higher the percentage, the higher chance of a good SEOpositioning.Links.Havinglinks,bothinternalandexternalonyourwebsite,allowsyoutohavehigher-quality content on your website. Remove dead links.Structure. Follow the specifications established by Google regarding the length of texts, the titleof an article, the URL, images sizing, and more.SEO off page. Build quality back-links that has high trust and reputation.Link building. Creating external links to your domain. Link your website to other websites thathave a similar theme to yours.Social networks. Increase your website visibility and create a community of loyal followers.
SEM = paidĐịnh nghĩa: SEM là việc sử dụng các chiến dịch quảng cáo trả phí để hiển thị ở các vị trí nổibật trên trang kết quả tìm kiếm (SERPs).Đặc điểm:●Trả phí: Nhà quảng cáo trả tiền mỗi khi người dùng nhấp vào quảng cáo (Pay-Per-Click- PPC).●Hiển thị nhanh chóng ở các vị trí đầu tiên trên trang tìm kiếm, nhưng phụ thuộc vào:○Bid (Giá thầu): Số tiền sẵn sàng chi trả.○Quality Score: Điểm chất lượng của quảng cáo và trang đích.SEM StrategyBudget.ROI.Return on investment, through call tracking.Quality score. Measures the quality level of a website and Google Ads. The assessment isbased on the amount of clicks and the content of the page. it’s essential that users click, that thecontent of their search fits that of the website, and, of course, is reliable and relevant content.Ad rotation. Determine the order and how often ads will appear on an IP address.Landing pages. The first page of your website that a user sees when they click on a link,button, or advertisement that leads them to your website.Responsive. Website is easy to read and access on all types of devices.Optimization. Make sure to optimize the keywords, the CTR percentage, and constantly updatethe website structure and content.Follow up. Keep track of your campaigns and analyse. SEM allows real-time data to beobtained that helps make decisions faster and more effective.Google Ads●Search Network campaigns- usually text form, these ads can show on Google Searchresults pages when someone searches for a product or service that’s similar to yours●Display Network campaigns- usually image form, these ads appear on websites orapps that your customers visit●Video campaigns- usually 6 or 15 second videos, these ads show right before orduring YouTube content●CPC(Cost Per Click) orPPC(Pay Per Click) means you only pay for an ad if someoneclicks on it.●Cost Per Impression, where you pay based on how many times your ad was shown(not clicked)
●CostPerEngagement,whereyoupaywhenausercompletesapredefinedengagement (like watching your video ad)Website Effective MetricsMOD 7: Communication Channels: Social MediaSuperstitialsareatypeofonlineadvertisingthatappearsintheformofafull-pageadvertisement or bannerPop-upsare a common marketing tool used by websites to capture the attention of users andpromote specific products, services, or offers. However, a pop-up campaign's success heavilydepends on its design. A well-designed pop-up can be engaging and persuasive, while a poorlydesigned one can be intrusive and annoying.When a national television advertiser places ads in select geographic markets, this is termedspot advertisingThe best medium to which to transfer images from television advertising isradio.Newspapershave historically been the leading marketing communications medium.If magazine advertisers want pertinent cost information in the form of a rate card, they will obtainthis through a media kit.
One reason that cable advertising is attractive to national advertisers is because cable networksfocus on specialised areas of viewing interest. This is called narrowcastingSyndicated programmingin television occurs when an independent company, such as BuenaVista Television Advertising Sales and Sony Pictures Television, markets a TV show to as manynetwork-affiliated or cable television stations as possibleThe cost of network television advertising depends on (the time of day when an ad is aired, thepopularity of the television program in which the ad is placed, the time of year)Bonnie needs audience information for local radio ratings. She would be able to get thisinformation fromNielsen Media ResearchTo combat declining ratings and the movement of advertising dollars to online and social media,the television industry is rolling outaddressableadvertisementsProduct placement is destined to become an increasingly major part of thecommunicationsmixInfomercials appear to be especially effective for consumers who are (innovative. priceconscious, impulsive)The duration of the majority of current TV commercials is only 15 or 30 secondsResearch reveals that perhaps as much as33%of the potential audience for a TV commercialmay be lost to zapping
The greatest relative advantage of television advertising is its ability to achieveimpactThe heaviest viewers of network television tend to be in thelower socio-demographicsegmentSpot advertising is particularly desirable when a company launches a newproductin a statemarket before it achieves national distribution.Greateruseofspottelevisionadvertisingisharmoniouswiththegrowingpracticesofregional-oriented marketing and geo-demographic segmentation of consumer markets.FacebookFigure: Boosted Page PostIn radio, the period of time referred to as morning drive is from6 a.m. to 10 a.m.In radio, the period of time referred to as evening is from7 p.m. to midnightOne advantage of television advertising is (None: cost, audience fractionalisation, zipping andzapping)National advertisers find it difficult to buy radio time.Vehicles are the specific broadcast programs or print choices in which marketing messages areplacedAll of the following are advantages of radio advertising except (None: intimacy, short lead times,transfer of imagery from TV, economy)
TheAustralianCommunicationsandMediaAuthorityregulatesbroadcastingservicesinAustralia.Audience fractionalisation is a limitation of radio advertisingProduct placement in radio advertising is often calledlive read advertisingOneadvantageoftelevisionadvertisingis(All:demonstration ability, ability to generateexcitement, ability to achieve impact)When a brand appears in a negative context within a TV program or movie, this is referred to asnegative placementIn radio, the period of time referred to as afternoon drive is from 3 p.m. to 7 p.mIn Australia, the most important research innovation since the advent of television audiencemeasurement is thePeople MeterContent and complaints handling comes under a code of practice developed with differentsectors of the television, radio and Internet industries and theACMAInfomercials were introduced to television in the early1980sThe judges on the reality TV show Australian Idol drink out of large Coca-Cola cups during theshow. This is an example ofproduct placementA TV set-top box that requires consumers to punch a button to record their television viewing isknown as apeople meterWhich of the following is an example of a type of product placement? => A brand is mentionedin music.●A car manufacturer that advertises its product as the only car where you canunlock the door with your thumb-print is using the unique selling propositionstrategy.●ATVcommercialforasportscarmarketedto young people emphasisespleasure and freedom as end levels. The advertised car is shown deliveringthese end levels when the car is transformed into a magic chariot and its youngdriver is carried away into a fantasyland. In terms of the MECCAS model, themagic chariot technique represents the commercial’s leverage point●An insurance company’s advertisements that mention how they contribute tocancer research would be using corporate image advertising.●Corporate issue advertising is also known as advocacy advertising.●Sunshield is a new line of sunglasses that boasts lenses that grow progressivelydarker with increasing sunlight. Other brands have this same type of lens, butSunshield is the first to make the claim that its product helps prevent sun linesand ageing of skin. What type of creative advertising strategy is described here?Pre-emptive●Advertisements for athletic shoes often focus on technological features such asspecial shock-absorbing sole construction. What strategy is being used when the
advertising for a brand of athletic shoes focuses on a particular technologicalfeature? unique selling propositionFigure: Facebook MatrixTV advertising in Australia is (None: decreasing, out of date, not popular)In Australia, subscription channels represent 22 percent of the market
Syndicated programs are either original productions orre-runsA strength ofradio advertisingis its ability to avail itself of the reputations and the sometimesbigger-than-life personae of local personalitiesIn relation to television, prime time is the time period between8 p.m. and 10 p.mOn television, early morning is the time period between6 a.m. and 10 a.m.All of the following are examples of syndicated programs exceptAustralian IdolSubscription advertising appeals to national advertisers because of the high price of networkadvertising and declining audiences for network advertisingAll of the following are examples of types of product placement exceptcompany sponsoring theprogramOne disadvantage of television advertising is (None: one-on-one reach, intrusion value ,effectiveness with sales force and trade)Which of the following is not a relative advantage of television advertising? => low costMore than75 percentof Australia households now have access to all of the free-to-air digitalchannels on offerWhenacompanyrollsoutanewbrandmarket by market before it achieves nationaldistribution,spot advertisingis particularly desirable.Frequencies used inradioare AM and FM.The following are all examples of subscription networks except (None: Foxtel, Optus, Austar)Subscribers of cable TV tend to beyounger, economically upscaleIn relation to television, late fringe is the time period between11 p.m. and 2 a.m.The most cluttered of all advertising media is television
Figure: Select the right audienceA strength of radio advertising is (All: the ability to reach segmented audiences, the ability toreach prospective customers on a personal and intimate level, low cost per thousand,shortlead times)Jack Davidson owns a chain of bookstores. He has a limited advertising budget and wants toadvertise in the medium with the lowest cost per thousand for reaching his target audience.Jack should useradio advertisingConsumers considertelevision themost cluttered of all media types.When a national television advertiser places ads in select geographic markets, this is termedspot advertisingWhenaviewerswitchesto another channel while commercials are aired,zappinghasoccurred.MonicaFergusonistheadvertisingdirectorforacompanythatmanufacturesexerciseequipment. She wants the advertisements to demonstrate the use of the products and generateexcitement. She should use television advertisingWhich of the following is not a problem with television advertising? => inability to achieve impactThe best medium to which to transfer images from television advertising isradioAn example of a vehicle isNewsweekA personal video recorder is a cross between a computer and a VCRIn Australia, a government-funded television station isABCThe period immediately preceding prime time is knowna prime access
The medium that is best able to use humour as an advertising strategy istelevisionWhen viewers fast-forward through ads that have been recorded along with program material,they arezippingWhich of the following is not an advantage of digital technology format?=> lower costWhen a program is broadcast via the Internet and received directly by a personal computer, thisis referred to asonline broadcastingOn television, early fringe is the time period between 4 p.m. and 7 p.mMOD8:CommunicationChannels:Traditional&Non-TraditionalMedia●A(n) means–end chain represents the linkages among brand attributes, theconsequences obtained from using the brand and the personal values that theconsequences reinforce.●The consistency triangle model contains aspect/s of (all)●The consistency triangle model can be used to identify inconsistency in thecompany’s communications●Brand integrity exists when a brand does what it says it will do and whenexpectations and experience are conformed by others.●ThemainfeatureoftheUniqueSellingProposition(USP)advertisingisidentifyingtheimportantdifferencethatmakesabranduniqueandthendeveloping an advertising claim that competitors either cannot make or havechosen not to adopt●Transformational advertisements make the experience of using the brand (all)●The important point to remember is that the MECCAS approach provides asystematic procedure for linking the advertiser’s perspective with the consumer’sperspective.●Advertising and other forms of marketing communications are most relevant tothe consumer●Twoimportantsub-attributesofendorsercredibilityare trustworthiness andexpertise●An in-depth analysis of a broad spectrum of magazines revealed that about onein 20 advertisements contains an appeal to guilt.
Figure: Media and Media VehicleBroadcast, Print, Support Media●broadcast media: Television and radio●Free-to-air (FTA) television has 99.7% penetration in Australia.●Pay TV accounts for a low 29% penetration.●61% of Australian homes have two or more TVs.●A rural/metropolitan divide exists in the industry.●Ads are typically 10 sec, 15 sec, 30 sec.●Or a long commercial (28–30 minutes) known asInfomercials.●a blend of entertainment and selling●expensive to produce●anespeciallyeffectivepromotionaltoolforthoseproductsthatrequiredetailedexplanations
Figure: Television Programming Day-PartsFigure: TV Advertising Strengths and WeaknessesHorizontal lines on packaging suggestrestfulness and tranquillityThe VIEW model is a guideline to effectivepackagingThe least expensive form of advertising ispackagingThe most popular medium to sell beauty products ismagazinesEnvironmentally safe packaging has increased what we might call societal workabilityThe third component of the VIEW Model is emotional appealThe first step in the package design process is to specify brand-positioning objectivesP-O-P materials perform all of the following functions except triallingWhen an ad appears in any location, on any page, at the discretion of the newspaper, this isknown as run of press (ROP)
Figure: Product Placement●high intrusive value is NOT an advantage of using magazines as an advertising medium●All is a complicating factor that makes subscription counting an inadequate way ofdetermining a magazine’s readership●Roy Morgan of the following measures magazine readership●Alan is the advertising director for an electronics company. He wants to advertise in amedium where detailed product information can be portrayed with a sense of authority.Alan should use magazine-A package has various advantages, such as it justifies a product price1.The main determinant of how much emotion is needed when evaluating a packagedepends on the nature of the product category2.billboard advertising is the major outdoor medium3.All is a strength of billboard advertising4.audience selectivity is NOT a strength of billboard advertising5.Temporary P-O-P displays are designed for fewer than two months’ use6.The point of purchase is the time and place at which all elements of the saleconsumer,money and productcome together7.Low-involvement consumer products often employemotionallybased packaging due tolow levels of processing that a consumer will undertake in purchasing such a product.8.Point-of-purchasematerialshavevariousbenefits,togetherwithplayinganotherimportant role as the capstone for an IMC program9.The brand lift index is used to gauge the average increase of in-storepurchasedecisionswhen point-of-purchase material is present versus when it is not
1. Brand mentioned in the script (Thương hiệu được nhắc đến trong kịchbản)●Ví dụ:James Bond – Bollinger-> Thương hiệu Bollinger (rượu Champagne) được nhắc tên trực tiếp trong lời thoại củanhân vật hoặc kịch bản.2. Product seen in shot (Sản phẩm xuất hiện trong cảnh quay)●Ví dụ:James Bond – Omega-> Đồng hồ Omega xuất hiện rõ ràng trong cảnh quay nhưng không được nhắc đến haysử dụng trực tiếp.3. Product seen being used (Sản phẩm được thấy đang được sử dụng)●Ví dụ:James Bond – BMW-> Xe BMW được nhân vật sử dụng trong phim và người xem thấy rõ sản phẩm nàytrong hành động.4. Product used and mentioned (Sản phẩm vừa được sử dụng vừa đượcnhắc đến)●Ví dụ:James Bond – Heineken-> Nhân vật vừa sử dụng sản phẩm (bia Heineken) và thương hiệu được đề cập tronglời thoại hoặc hành động.5. Negative placement (Quảng cáo tiêu cực)-> Thương hiệu hoặc sản phẩm xuất hiện trong bối cảnh hoặc cách thức tiêu cực, có thể ảnhhưởng không tốt đến hình ảnh của thương hiệu đó. Ví dụ: nhân vật phản diện dùng sản phẩmhoặc nhấn mạnh tính năng xấu của sản phẩm trong câu chuyện.Tóm lại, các loại quảng cáo này giúp thương hiệu được giới thiệu theo những cách khác nhau,từ hiển thị trực quan đến tương tác trực tiếp với cốt truyện
Figure: Measuring Television Audience●Radio was once part of local business’ communications, but is now sought out byregional and national brands.●Each week, radio reaches 76% of Australians (aged 10+). Australians average 16 hoursof listening.●location of listeners and geographic coverage●expense and attractiveness of day-parts-morning drive (6 a.m.–10 a.m.) (more expensive)-midday (10 a.m.–3 p.m.)-afternoon drive (3 p.m.–7 p.m.) (more expensive)-evening (7 p.m. to midnight)-late night (midnight to 7 a.m.).
Figure: Radio Advertising Strengths and weaknessesNewspaper & Magazines•Newspapers in Australia have a readership of more than 4.7 million during the week and over10.5 million on Saturdays and Sundays (2016).•Newspapers are mostly state-based.•Magazines are classified by:audience (e.g. consumer, business, farming)geographical locationdemographics of readership (e.g. student magazines)editorial contentphysical characteristics (e.g. size)distribution and circulation.
Figure: Newspaper advertising strengths and weakness-disadvantage of newspaper advertising isall-An advantage of newspaper advertising isability to use detailed copy-A strength of newspaper advertising isflexibility-An advertiser who is interested in advertising in a specific magazine would want toobtain amedia kitto learn about the demographic and lifestyle profiles of the readersAn advertiser of designer jewellery will want to usemagazineadvertising if she wants to conveyelegance, quality and snob appeal.A limitation of magazine advertising isfewer geographic options than other mediaThe major reason/s that people use social media is tostay in touch with friends
Figure: Magazine advertising strengths and weakness1. Loại quảng cáo màu (Four Colour):
●Full page (Toàn trang):○Giá quảng cáo cho một trang đầy đủ.○Ví dụ:■Casual: 29,638■Level 5: 26,378●Double page spread (Trải dài hai trang):○Giá quảng cáo trải dài trên hai trang liên tiếp.○Ví dụ:■Casual: 59,277●Half page (Nửa trang):○Giá cho quảng cáo chiếm nửa trang.○Ví dụ:■Casual: 20,749●Third page (1/3 trang):○Giá cho quảng cáo chiếm 1/3 trang.○Ví dụ:■Casual: 16,3002. Loại quảng cáo bìa (Covers):●Inside front cover (Bìa trước bên trong):○Đây là vị trí đắc địa, thường có giá cao hơn so với các trang bên trong.○Ví dụ:■Casual: 77,059Các cấp độ giá (Levels):●Casual: Giá áp dụng cho quảng cáo ngắn hạn hoặc không cam kết dài hạn.●Level 1 - Level 5: Cấp độ càng cao, giá càng giảm, thường dành cho hợp đồng quảngcáo dài hạn hoặc nhiều số báo.Out-of-home Advertising●Billboards●bus shelters●transit vehicles (buses, taxis, trams)●shopping centre displays●Point of purchase displays●Packaging●Creating brand-name recognition is the primary objective.
●Billboards are located in areas with significant pedestrian or vehicular traffic.●Traditional billboard space is usually sold on a monthly basis.●Design considerations include:●letter visibility●colour visibility●distance comprehension.Figure: Out of Home Ad (OOH)Sales Promotion●Interchangeable with the word ‘promotion’.●Two type of sales promotions:1. franchise building; creates loyalty and long-term activity; e.g. loyalty cards2. non-franchise building; short-term strategy, no time for customers to build loyalty; e.g. saleprice on a product.●Manufacturers use this technique to encourage purchasing of the brand.●Can be directed at trade, retailers or distributors.
Push Vs Pull Strategies●A push strategy encourages wholesalers and retailersto increase inventories (at the expense of competitors) through promotional activities such aspersonalselling,tradeadvertisingandtrade-orientatedpromotion(salesinfluence,advertising and promotions in the form of allowances).●A pull strategy is directed to consumers with the intentof influencing their behaviour. The goal is to have consumers seek out retailers who sell thebrand by directing customeradvertisingor promotions towards them.Types of Consumer PromotionSampling (Dùng thử sản phẩm): Phát sản phẩm mẫu miễn phí để khách hàng dùng thử.Ví dụ: Một công ty trà Kombucha phát mẫu thử miễn phí trong siêu thị.Experiential marketing (Tiếp thị trải nghiệm): Tổ chức các sự kiện cho khách hàng trảinghiệm sản phẩm/dịch vụ.Ví dụ: Một thương hiệu xe hơi tổ chức lái thử xe miễn phí.Coupons and vouchers (Phiếu giảm giá và phiếu mua hàng): Cung cấp phiếu giảm giá chokhách hàng.Ví dụ: Giảm 20% cho lần mua hàng tiếp theo khi dùng phiếu.
Purchase premiums (Quà tặng kèm khi mua hàng): Khách hàng nhận quà khi mua sảnphẩm.Ví dụ: Mua sữa rửa mặt tặng kèm túi đựng mỹ phẩm.Special prices (Giá đặc biệt): Cung cấp giá giảm trong một thời gian giới hạn.Ví dụ: "Mua 1 tặng 1" vào dịp Black Friday.Bonus packs (Gói quà tặng thêm): Cung cấp thêm sản phẩm trong cùng một giá.Ví dụ: Gói dầu gội "mua 2 tặng 1".Rebates (Hoàn tiền): Khách hàng được hoàn tiền khi mua sản phẩm.Ví dụ: Hoàn tiền 10% khi mua điện thoại thông qua ứng dụng thanh toán.Sweepstakes (Quay thưởng): Khách hàng có cơ hội nhận thưởng lớn khi tham gia mua hàng.Ví dụ: Mua sữa bột có cơ hội trúng xe máy.Continuity programs (Chương trình tích lũy): Tích điểm để đổi phần thưởng hoặc ưu đãi.Ví dụ: Thẻ thành viên Starbucks tích điểm đổi cà phê miễn phí.Overlay and tie-in promotions (Khuyến mãi kết hợp): Kết hợp các chương trình khuyến mãihoặc thương hiệu.Ví dụ: Mua đồ ăn nhanh được nhận vé xem phim giảm giá.Retailer promotions (Khuyến mãi tại nhà bán lẻ): Các ưu đãi riêng tại cửa hàng bán lẻ.Ví dụ: Giảm giá 10% khi mua tại siêu thị CoopMart.Public Relation●Publicrelations(PR)isconcernedwiththe development of positive relationshipsbetween the organisation and its stakeholders (i.e. customers, employees, shareholders,governments etc.).●PR comprises two main strategies:●PROACTIVE(press and product releases)●REACTIVE(crisis management)●MarketingPR(MPR)isanactiveformofPRactivitiesdesignedtomaximiseopportunities that will improve an organisation’s marketing communication objectivesand outcomes (e.g. product sales).●It is argued that MPR offers a more credible and cost-effective way of facilitatingmarketing success.SponsorshipSponsorship involves an exchange between a sponsor (brand) and the person, organisation,location or event that is to be sponsored.- The sponsored party receives a fee.- The sponsor obtains the right to associate itself with the sponsored activity and market thatassociation.
Figure: Selecting eventEvent Sponsorship●Creating customised events- This provides a brand with total control over locations, venues,scheduling, content,marketing, and sanctioning of the event.- It removes the problem of ‘clutter’ from too many other sponsors:e.g. Red Bull’s flying and snowboarding events.●Sponsorship of a location or team- Etihad Airlines sponsors Etihad Stadium (formerly the Telstra Dome).- This type of sponsorship can be difficult to measure.●Ambushing- Ambushing occurs when companies create a false impressionof sponsorship:e.g. Holden flew a red blimp over the MCG during the 2006 ToyotaAFL Grand Final.
Cause-related Marketing●CRM involves giving support, often in the form of funds, to charities or causes.●CRM is an amalgam of PR, sales promotion and corporate philanthropy:e.g. when a company pledges to contribute to a designated cause every time the customerundertakes some action that supports the company and its brands.Google AnalyticsSetup and Key Features:●Implement tracking codes and set up data filters.●Metrics to track include:○User demographics (age, gender, location).○New or unique visitors.○Total number of sessions and average session duration.○Percentage of new sessions and bounce rate.○Pages per session, pageviews, most popular content/pages (top landing page),and top exit pages.Key Definitions:●New Visitors: Unduplicated users visiting the website for the first time.●Sessions: Total site visits, including bothnewandrepeatvisits.●Bounce Rate: Percentage of users leaving after visiting a single page (optimal range:26%-40%).●Session by Channel: Sessions attributed to specific channel groupings (e.g., organic,social).●Popular Pages: Most visited or entry pages and exit pages.Data ReportingAnalyze:○Most popular pages.○Sources of traffic.○Number of users and sessions.○Bounce rates.
Strategies to Reduce Bounce Rate:1.Optimizeloading timeswith smaller images/videos.2.Ensure ease of navigation and searchability.3.Provide relevant content aligned with user intent (e.g., local searches like “doctor nearme”).4.Focus pages on clear calls-to-action (CTAs).5.Use appealing design, readable layouts, and mobile-friendly formatting.6.Write concise, engaging paragraphsMOD 9Google Analytics-New or Unique visitors: the number of unduplicated (counted only once) visitors to your websiteover the course of a specified time period.-Number of sessions: the total number of visits to your site — including both new and repeatvisits. So that same person who visited your site 100 times on the same device is counted as oneuser, but 100 sessions-Average session duration: average length of sessions on a website. Google Analytics beginscounting a session once a user lands on a site, and continues counting until the user exits the siteor is inactive for a predetermined amount of time.-Percentage of new sessions: the percent of total users who came to the website for the first time.-Bounce rate: when a user opens a single page on your site and then exits without triggering anyother requests. Av bounce rate = 26%-70%. Optimal to be around 26%-40%.-New Session: New sessions: % new sessions refers to an estimate of the percentage of first-timevisits.-Sessions by channel: the number of sessions attributed to each channel grouping. E.g. social,organic etc)-Pages per session: average number of pages a person views in a given session-Pageviews: an instance of a page being loaded-Top exit page: the last page a visitor views before they leave your websiteLO2: Data Reporting1.Traffic report:- most popular pages,- where is the traffic coming from,
- how many users,- how many sessions2.Bounce rate (how can we reduce this?)•Strategies to reduce bounce rate:•Reduce loading time, smaller images and videos•Easy to search the information that the user is looking for•Relevant information to the search•The page focuses on the users call to action e.g. doctor near me•Easy to navigate•Great design•Easy to read•Mobile friendly•Short paragraphsLO3: Data GovernanceMOD 10●The objective of direct marketing (DM) is toencourage purchases(or other immediateresponses).●DM aims to seek out the ‘best prospects’ to achieve the objective.●DM is an interactive process that does not merely passon information.●InDM,whenfrequencyincreases,awarenessfallsdramatically(unlikeotherformsofadvertising).•Marketing material is sent directly to the customer.•Mail (post and email) is synonymous with DM.•Responses to DM are most likely to be the purchase of the brand, but other forms of responses exist,such as attending an event or providing personal information
ObjectiveThepurpose;whatistobeachieved(themeasurable)MediaThe vehicle to be usedCreativeThe way in which the message is presentedDatabaseThe system that holds the information on theaudienceFulfilmentImplementationofthecampaignthroughtodeliveryDifferent forms of media exist for direct marketing:- postal mail (p-mail) advertising (delivered by the postal service)- electronic messaging (email, blogs and social media)- television- print media- door-to-door.•Each entry in the database should be considered a long-term asset.•Each asset has an associatednet present value (NPV),which translates into the profit a company canexpect from the average new customer over an expected number of years that customer is retained on thelist.•Two functional elements of NPV are theretention rateandaverage yearly sales.•Direct marketing has two basic creative elements:copy (the words) – aims to:•get attention•develop interest•offer proof•motivate consumers•Overall look•Does it conform to the existing brand design guidelines?
•Is the style in keeping with the brand’s positioning?•Does the visual reflect the quality of the product?•Does it fit to the restrictions (size, weight, colour, etc.)?•Does the style reinforce the key copy messages?•Does the design aid attention, interest, proof and action?Databasesare a fundamental ingredient of direct mailing advertising.•Databases can contain information related to:•current customers•prospective customers•buying behaviour•geographic segmentation•demographic segmentation•psychographic segmentation•Different internal sources can be used to gather information to populate mailing lists:•feedback from promotions•information from warranty cards•data from registration programs•participation in rebate programs•telemarketing efforts.•For both postal mail and electronic mailing, the maintenance of the mailing list is critical.•Interchangeable with the word ‘promotion’.•Two type of sales promotions:1. franchise building; creates loyalty and long-term activity; e.g. loyalty cards2. non-franchise building; short-term strategy, no time for customers to build loyalty;e.g. sale price on a product.•Manufacturers use this technique to encourage purchasing of the brand.•Can be directed at trade, retailers or distributors.
Push Vs Pull Strategies•A push strategy encourages wholesalers and retailersto increase inventories (at the expense of competitors) through promotional activities such aspersonal selling, trade advertising and trade-orientated promotion (sales influence, advertisingand promotions in the form of allowances).•A pull strategy is directed to consumers with the intentof influencing their behaviour. The goal is to have consumers seek out retailers who sell thebrand by directing customer advertising or promotions towards them.Responsiveness to PromotionIf magazine advertisers want pertinent cost information in the form of a rate card, theywill obtain this through amedia kitThe tendency for consumers to impute characteristics from a package to the brand itselfis referred to assensation transferenceThe most frequent use of blow-ups or blimps as an outdoor advertising medium is byretail outletsBillboard advertising is the mainoutdoor mediumAll of the following are forms of transit advertising excepttelevision advertisingAn advantage of magazine advertising isclutter
Critical criteria that need to be considered when designing billboard messages includeallA disadvantage of newspaper advertising ismediocre reproduction quality●One limitation of out-of-home advertising is inability to pinpoint specific marketsegments●Packages constructed of plastic evoke feelings ofcleanliness and cheapness●The marketing messages that are displayed on billboards are poster panels – usedprimarily to create brand-namerecognition●A good slogan on a package is one that is short andmemorableYellow is a good attention getter in relation to packaging and affects consumersnoneP-O-P displays used for over six months are calledpermanent P-O-P displays●Slanted lines on packaging suggestNone●The ability of a package to attract attention is referred to asvisibility●The final step in the package design process is to determine communication priorities●Vertical lines on packaging suggeststrength and pride●Billboards are sometimes referred to aslitter on a stick●Packages constructed of metal evoke feelings ofstrength and durability●Orange on packaging is an appetising colour often associated withfoodUsing the colour blue on packaging suggestscoolness and refreshmentPackages constructed of foil evoke feelings ofprestige●Using the colour green on packaging suggestscalmness and serenity●According to the VIEW model, visibility signifies the ability of the package toattractattention
●According to the VIEW model, visibility signifies the ability of the package toNonePackage information is useful for All•Trade promotions :•trade allowances•forward buying and diverting•cooperative advertising and vendor support programs•trade contests and incentives•trade showsOrganizationstraditionallyhavehandledadvertising,salespromotions,mobileadvertising, social media, and other communication tools as virtually separate practicesand organizational units rather than having generalized knowledge and experienceacross all tools - true
approach will best serve the customers' needs and motivate them to purchase thebrand Outside-inCentral to the definition of marketing communications is the notion that allmarketing mix variables, and not just promotion alone, can communicate withcustomers●The concept of media is relevant to which marcom tool? All of these are correct●One important factor that has led more firms to perform research and acquiredata to determine whether implemented marcom decisions have accomplishedtheobjectivestheywereexpectedtoachieveisincreasingdemandforaccountability●Harvey is a brand manager for a national brand of soft drinks. He is making theimplementationdecisionsinthemarketingcommunicationsdecision-makingprocess, and he wants a marcom tool that is most capable of directly affectingconsumer behavior. Which of the following tools should he use sales promotion●Marketing communications objectives usually are accomplished sequentially●Loyalty programs and creating brand experiences that make positive and lastingimpressions are ways to build customer/brand relationships
Abrand'srepresentsthekeyfeature, benefit, or image that it stands for in theconsumer's or the target audience's collective mind. PositionFrom the perspective of the customer or consumer, is the extent to which they arefamiliar with the brand and have stored in their memory favorable, strong, and uniquebrand associations Brand EquityHarold is trying to determine the appropriate metric his company should use to gaugethe effectiveness of its marcom efforts. Which of the following is a possible option AllIn legal terms, brand names and logos are referred to as trademarks.The notions of trial and repeat purchase are particularly apt for inexpensive consumerpackaged goodsLegally, a patent provides the right to exclude others from making, using, selling,offering for sale, or importing the invention for the term of the patent.●Theconsequencesarewhatconsumershopetoreceiveoravoidwhenconsuming products.●●2. Harriett Barnes purchased a very expensive watch. The status Harriett isseeking is the consequence of wearing the watch.●
●A document designed to inspire copywriters by channelling their creative effortstoward a solution that will serve the interests of the client is known as a(n)creative brief●Laddering is a marketing research technique that has been developed to identifylinks between attributes, consequences and values●The generic strategy is employed when an advertiser makes no attempt todifferentiate its brand from or claim superiority over competitive offerings.●Marian is concerned with the preservation and enhancement of her family andfriends. She is honest, loyal and helpful. She possesses the benevolence value.●The generic strategy is most appropriate for a company that dominates a productcategoryDetermine communication priorities is NOT a step of the brand naming process1.Sometimes the only way to overcome the perception of a lack of is through heavyadvertising to convince consumers that a new way of doing things really is betterthan an existing solution Compatibility2.The extent to which an innovation can be used on a limited basis prior to makinga full-blown commitment is referred to as trialability3.A variable that affects the trier class is price
●Levi’s 501 and 502 jeans are advertised as casual clothes for fashion-consciousyoung people. In comparison, Just Jeans advertises their Plain Pockets brand asno-nonsenseandmoreeconomicalthanthenamebrands.JustJeansispracticing what type of advertising strategy - positioning●Youare the brand manager of a new spray-can lubricant product that willcompete against WD-40, the category leader. You want to convince consumersthat your brand, SA-90, is better than WD-40. Which advertising strategy wouldyou use? Positioning●Humour in advertisements involves the use of incongruity resolution●Your company markets a moulded plastic product shaped like a baseball that ismeant to be used to store baseball cards. You will advertise this product as a giftitem to be purchased by parents of young children. Your advertising will featurethenostalgiaofcollectingbaseballcards.Whatstrategyareyouusing?resonance●When consumers find something in an endorser that they consider attractive,persuasion occurs through identification●Jif Peanut Butter has long used the slogan ‘Choosy mothers choose Jif’. Thiscampaign does not directly challenge competitors but instead relies upon anunderstanding of the consumer’s desire to be perceived as a good parent.Hence, in the sense that Jif is being advertised as the ‘good-parent peanutbutter’, what creative advertising strategy is being used? brand image
●Twoimportantsub-attributesofendorsercredibilityare trustworthiness andexpertise●Two types of negative appeals in advertising are fear and guilt●Currently, advertising agency compensation comes in the form of monthly feesAll of the following are desired attributes of endorsers except exposureThe degree to which a product innovation is perceived as better than existingalternatives is termed relative advantage●In general, new brands that lend themselves to trialability are adopted at a morerapid rate.●A song scored on sheet music can receive protection with a copyright●Elyssanoticesanadvertisementwithinformationthatiscontrarytofact.According to the FTC, this is a misrepresentation●What are the three basic elements of the FTC's current policy determiningwhether or not an ad is deceptive misleading, reasonable consumer, and material●State attorneys general have played an active role in the regulation of marketingcommunications.The major green communications efforts include all of the following EXCEPT salepromotionsMany critics consider it unethical to market food products to children, especially throughpractices using cartoon characters to sell sugared cereals and non-nutritious snacksbecause Obesity is major problem with America's children
is NOT a type of green advertising appeal ads that promote short filling, which is theuse of less packagingstatements is true regarding advertising's manipulative powerPeople, when consciouslyaware that attempts are being made to persuade or influence them, have the cognitivecapacity to resist efforts to motive them in a direction they wish not to be moved.corrective advertising is based on the premise that a firm that misleads consumersshould have to use future advertisements to rectify the deceptive impressions it hascreated in consumers' minds.Chapter 5●criteria for determining segment effectiveness is the degree to which the segmentis large enough to be worth attentionSubstantial●two main dimensions of the VALS™ frameworkindividuals primary motivationsand resources●Joan has a strong self-esteem and abundant resources. Friends and colleagueslook to her for new ideas and trends. In terms of the VALS™ framework, Joan isa InnovatorInthe VALS TM segmentation scheme, consumer segments are representedalong the dimensions of primary motivations and resources.1.is NOT one of the classification categories of seniors age 55 and older UnhealthyOutsider
2.The VALS™ segmentation scheme places American adult consumers into one ofsegments based on their responses to a questionnaire. Eight3.Martin is a politically conservative person who respects authority and the statusquo. He drives a high-end automobile and shops at expensive specialty shops. Interms of the VALS™ framework, Martin is a(n) _ achiever4.The most prevalent form of brand-benefit positioning is appeals to functionalneeds5.Which of the following is a VALS™ segment Innovator6.A brand that is positioned in terms of the kind of people who use it is making useof user imageryChapter 6Short-term memory is also known as working memory.●Hedonistic needs are satisfied when consumers attend to messages that makethem feel good. True●The message channel is the path through which the message moves fromsource to receiver. True●The representation of sensory experiences in short-term memory is known asImagery●Short-termmemoryservesasthecenter for current processing activity byintegrating information from the sense organs and from long-term memory. True●A sign relation is established in marketing communications when a brand and areferent belong to the same cultural context.The term comprehension is often used interchangeably with perception; both termsrefer to InterpretationChapter 7Chapter 8Marcom objectives should specify the target audience, indicate the specific goalto be accomplished and indicate the relevant time frame.1.is NOT a step in the hierarchy-of-effects model Satisfaction2.Harriet is a marcom manager who asserts that using sales as the objective for abranded product's marcom effort is unsuitable because she feels that sales are afunction of other factors in addition to marcom efforts. Harriet is espousing whichview? traditional view3.Advertisers obtain consumer loyalty by providing a brand that meets the needs ofthe consumers and by continually advertising the brand's merits
4.Intermsofprofitability,investingin advertising can be justified only if theincremental revenue generated from the advertising effort exceeds the increasein the advertising expense5.According to the heretical view, presales, or communication, objectives such asincrease in brand awareness are claimed to be precisely wrong6.Amanufacturerofconsumergoodshasstatedtheadvertisingandsalespromotion objective is to increase retail distribution by 25 percent while at thesame time has reduced the sales force size by 20 percent. This objective suffersfrom7.not being internally consistent8.Which of the following is a step in the hierarchy-of-effects model allChapter 9Chapter 10Especially during holiday seasons, advertisers can get people to care about their brandsby appealing to that are relevant to the product category in which the advertised brandcompetes - emotionsThe emotional creative style would work especially well for. all: foodJewelry cosmetics soft drinksThose performing the "creative" function in the advertising-development process mustknow the audience for the advertisements they are to create. This "audience" is alsoreferred to as the target market
Pay - per - clickEffective advertising takes the consumer's view●FALSEregardingeffectiveadvertisingeffectiveadvertisingmusttaketheadvertisers view●Levi's 501 and 502 jeans are advertised as casual clothes for fashion-consciousyoung people. In comparison, J.C. Penney advertises their Plain Pockets asno-nonsenseandmoreeconomical than the name brands. J.C. Penney ispracticing what type of advertising style brand image●addresses the matter of whether an advertisement reflects empathy with thetarget audience's basic needs and wants as they relate to making a brand-choicedecision in a particular product category. Connectedness●Concretizing is based on the idea that it is easier for people to remember andretrieve tangible rather than abstract information.●A value proposition is the essence of a message and the reward to the consumerfor investing his or her time attending an advertisement.Chapter 11A primary factor executives consider when making their celebrity-selection forendorsements decision is celebrity credibility●true regarding the source attribute of attractiveness? an endorser, althoughphysically unattractive, may be perceived as attractive of consumers share asense of similarity with him or her●Lance Armstrong, an American who won seven straight Tour de France bicyclingevents, appeared in a television advertisement endorsing Trek bicycles claimingthey are the best money can buy. Lance's ability to favorably influence the
audience's perceptions of Trek bicycles is likely due to his as it relates to thisproduct. Expertise●The saturation factor refers to the number of brands the celebrity is endorsingand if he or she is overexposed●Appeals to fears in advertising identify the negative consequences of not usingthe advertised brand and engaging in unsafe behavior
An endorser who is perceived as an expert on a given subject is more persuasive inchanging audience opinions pertaining to his or her area of expertise than an endorserwho is not perceived as possessing the same characteristic.Depending on the targeted audience, the effectiveness of a fear appeal is often relatedto its level of intensity.communication function do many advertising practitioners and scholars think musicperforms? all of these are correct (attracting attention, putting consumers in a positivemood,makingconsumersmorereceptivetomessageargument,communicatingmeanings about advertised products)Theeffectivenessofsexualcontent depends on the appropriateness of it to theadvertised subject matterExplain the significance of the theory of psychological reactance. This theory suggeststhat people react against any any efforts to reduce their freedom or choices. Appeals toscarcity are not effective. If the persuader, is credible and legitimate then an appeal mayindeed be effective. We are too afraid to make choices and thus rely on others to helpus make them.●An attribute for a brand of automobiles might be engine performance.:●Accountmanagersareinvolvedintactical decision making and day-to-daycontact with brand managers and other client personnel.●Emotional advertising works well for ice-cream.●A strategy statement gives copywriters an understanding of how their creativework must fit into the overall marketing strategy.●One way of defining effective advertising is if it accomplishes the advertiser’sobjectives●Inthetermsofthe MECCAS model, an advertisement that proclaims thatpleasure and freedom will result from the purchase of a particular brand is usingpleasure and freedom as driving forces●Whenaudienceattitudeschangebecausetheyperceivean endorser of aproduct to be credible, this is referred to as internalisation●Music in advertising is good for attracting attention communicating meaningabout a product●Which value is derived from the need for variety and achieving an exciting life?Stimulation
●The tasks of full-service advertising agencies include performing research +providing creative services + media planning and buying + account management●Guiltappealsinadvertisingareusedtomotivateindividualstoundertakeresponsible action●According to classical conditioning theory, when music is used in advertising it isthe unconditioned stimulus●In a study where advertisers were trying to pick music for a new ballpoint pen ad,more than half of the subjects in the study selected the pen after listening to - koco j dung het●Many advertisements that portray typical-person users often include multiplepeople rather than a single individual. The reason for this practice is to generatehigher levels of message involvement