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Dec 20, 2024
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Remember, for the Part2: Work on good ideas and vocabulary for themost common topic areas. And NOT grammar or linking.Describe a people:-Teacher-Famous person-Friend-Family member-Child-Someone who helps people-Someone who does something well-A shop-A restaurant-A street market-Who (appearance, personality)-What he / she does-When / how / where you met-How you know about this person-Why you like this personTheme (such as what people?):Hard-working-Enthusiastic-Energetic-Studious-Persistent-Motivated-Determined to succeed-Someone who sees things through-A good team player-Likes to challenge himself / herself-Example: …Friendly-Kind, caring-Generous, unselfish-Big-hearted-Supportive-Down-to-earth, easy-going-Always there when you need him / her-Someone who cheers me up-A big / magnetic personality-Lights up the room
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-Example: I remember when he used to get up at 5am to do some extrawork before school …5-8月真题描述你认识的爱说很多话的人范文描述一个在团队中工作出色的人范文描述一个善于让人感到宾至如归的人范文9-12月题库描述一个总是有强烈意见的人范文描述一个喜欢大量阅读的人范文描述一个喜欢手工制作东西的人范文描述一个选择在医学领域工作的人(如医生、护士)范文描述一个鼓励你实现目标的人范文描述一个别人喜欢向他寻求建议的人范文描述一个鼓励你实现目标的人范文描述一个喜欢买低价商品的人范文描述一个你喜欢一起学习/工作的人范文描述某人(名人)是年轻人的榜样范文描述一个你认识的孩子范文描述一个认为音乐很重要并且喜欢音乐的人范文描述一个你认识的有才华的人范文描述你认识最近做了一个正确的决定的人范文描述一个你遇到的有趣的老人范文描述一个你最喜欢的演员扮演的电影角色范文描述你在聚会上遇到的享受和他聊天的人范文Describe a person you only met once and want to know more aboutYou should sayWho he/she isWhen you met him/herWhy you want to know more about him/herAnd explain how you feel about him/her(试了一下,2min说不了多少东西)邓紫棋,大概是915号的8:30pm,像平时一样去鸟巢骑行,发现有人在开演唱会后,人非常多,声音很清晰,旋律我很喜欢,于是在那里一直呆到了演唱会结束,然后就看见
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她从室内出来,这是我第一次在线下看到明星,you know,我没买票,但我却看到了真人,这让我非常激动。I mean,我听说过她也知道她很出名,但我之前并不是很了解她。她长得不高,可能比我高一点,那天她的outfit非常好看,而且她很nice,会一个一个地跟她的粉丝握手。如果不是有栏杆挡着,我那天绝对也要冲过去跟她合影!1.How do people make friends in China?如果是我,直接上,say hi and introduce myself但不可否认,对于严肃的场合,我们更喜欢通过熟人介绍来结交新的人。2.On what occasions do people like to make friends?Definitely PartyI mean,在那种热闹的氛围下,每个人都很兴奋,也更乐意跟周围的人互动,很自然地就能和陌生人交上新朋友。如果party上都是朋友的朋友的话,就更容易了3.Is it important to have the same hobbies and interests when makingfriends? I think it is not necessary to have same hobbies and interest to makingfriendsI mean,如果有的话,更好,两个人能有更多的共同爱好。但是就算兴趣不同,两个人也可以轻松地聊到一起,因为另一个人的经对对来说很独特,说不定会更有吸引力。人们总是会向己未曾体会过的人生4.What qualities make true friends?In my openionthe true friend must care about each otherand be honestto each otherWe could have不同的兴趣爱好,不同的生,对世界有不同的看Those are all fine,但是the true friend,一定是,不我们有多不同,总能第一时发现我们的常,然后给予我们关心帮助的人,而且他们不会两面三,在后说我们的话。The true friend,可以比pattern陪伴我们更,也更真Describe a family member who you want to work with in the futureYou should say:Who he/she isWhether you worked together beforeWhat kind of work you would like to do with him/herAnd explain how you feel about this family member,我们合作过,大概是在我16的时,那是我第一次学习做,然后我妈教我如何炒菜,我不细节了,我只记得她时让我些油,然后把蔬菜慢慢倒进去,她还提醒小心不要让油溅上,我时我非常紧张,但我妈妈冷静她鼓励我不要害怕,我时确实安抚了。我经很没有回家了,我很想念我的妈妈而且我也很想再跟她一起做1. What kinds of family business are common in China? 2. Is it good to work with family members? Why? 3. Why do people want to do family business? 4. What benefits are there when working for big companies?
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Describe a popular/well-known person in your countryYou should say:Who this person isWhat he/she has doneWhy he/she is popularAnd explain how you feel about this person1. What kinds of people are popular at work? 2. Are bosses more popular than employees at work? 3. Which one is more important, keeping a good relationship with colleaguesor doing well at work? 4. What benefits are there when a child is popular at school?Describe a friend you like to talk withYou should say:Who he/she isWhat you like to talk aboutWhy you like to talk with him/herAnd explain how you feel about him/her1. Where do young people like to meet? 2. What do young people talk about when they meet up? 3. Do you think people should be honest when talking with friends? 4. On what occasions do people talk with strangers?Describe a person who you follow on social mediaYou should sayWho he/she isHow you knew him/herWhat he/she posts on social mediaAnd explain why you follow him/her on social media1. What can people do on social media? 2. Do you think older people and younger people will use the same kind ofsocial media software? 3. Do older people spend much time on social media? 4. Are non-social media like television and newspapers still useful?Describe a neighbor you are interested inYou should say:
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Who he/she isHow you know him/herWhat you do togetherAnd explain why you are interested in him/her1. Do you think people are familiar with their neighbors? 2. How can people improve the relationship with neighbors in a community? 3. How do children build relationships with others in a community? 4. Is it beneficial to get along well with neighbors?Describe an old person you know who has had an interesting lifeYou should sayWho this person isWhere he/she livesWhat he/she has done in his/her lifeAnd explain how you feel about him/her1. What do old people often do in their daily lives? 2. Why do some people live with old people? 3. Can old people and their grandchildren learn from each other when theylive together? 4. What are the benefits of elderly people living alone? 5. Do old people prefer to stay at home or go outside? Why? 6. Do you think old people's life will improve with the development oftechnology?Describe an old friend you had lost touch with and got in contactwith againYou should say :Who he/she isHow you knew each otherWhy you lost contactHow you got in contact againAnd explain how you felt after getting in contact again1. Is it better to have a lot of friends than just a few friends? 2. Would having just a few friends limit your horizons? 3. Do you think you are good at maintaining good relationships with others? 4. Why do old friends lose touch with each other? 5. Why do people need to make new friends? 6. Why do we have to give up some old friends?
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Describe a person who you follow on social media Who he/she is How you knew him/herWhat he/she posts on social mediaAnd explain why you follow him/her on social mediaP31.What can people do on social media?2.Do older people and younger people use the same kinds of social mediaapps?3.Do old people spend much time on social media?4.Are non-social media like television and newspapers still useful?Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot.You should say:Who this person isHow you knew this personWhat he/she usually talks aboutAnd explain how you feel about him/her潘迪积极,善于出自想法(很会说别人,坚信未来是graph,和合大想法,在团队里工作很好Part31 How should parents encourage their children to express themselves whenbeing asked questions that they are afraid to answer?怎么我也不知道2 Why do some children talk more than their peers?长不会打压吧,鼓励孩子有话直说3 What kind of professions involve talking to groups of people?教育工作,比如老机构辅导等等对一人,种年龄段Describe a person who works well in a team.You should say:Who this person isWhen you worked togetherWhat team project you worked onAnd explain why you think he/she was a great team member潘迪积极,善于出自想法(很会说别人,坚信未来是graph,和合大想法,在团队里工作很好Part31 What qualities should a leader have?责任感,能担责,能住压力;有决,有眼界,能决定下一步该怎么走;能说
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人,让人钦佩2 Do you think everyone can become team leaders?不是有人都能为领导者的,要经很多事情才能慢慢学会那些处事3 Why do some people dislike teamwork?有的人性格上就喜欢一个人做,最近很mbtiiei的人就更喜欢自一人,他们就不像e的人那样喜欢呆在人里。另一方面,多人合作容易生意见分歧,有的人不长,也不喜欢处理4 Do you think young people are good team players?年轻人经少,可能并不是好的team playersDescribe a person who always has strong opinions.You should say:Who this person isHow you knew him/herWhy you think he/her is an opinionated personAnd explain how you feel about him/her潘迪积极,善于出自想法(很会说别人,坚信未来是graph,和合大想法,在团队里工作很好想谈论的人是我的前友,我们在5月的一次唱歌活动中识并爱,但上个月刚刚分手。不过我们手的因并不是因为他的strong opinion,有一些其因。不过话说来,我之以会到他,是因为我始相处个月里,他是一个很喜欢跟我享他的看的人,他会跟我谈论各样的话题,历史、经政治艺术等等然他最喜欢的得是历史政治。他对很多会现有着自的看,跟中国媒体所宣传的很不一样。得他那时很喜欢在youtube上看一在中国政治敏感的视频,然后跟我享他对中产党的看然都是一较负面言论。我有时得他的想法过于消极便辩论,但最后他总能理由我,因为沮丧的是,实确实如他也有自己所坚持的一套理论,他“统战值”,而且他非常热于在朋友聊天的时候提起这套理论,向大家宣扬。现在想想是很有意的。Part 3What aspects do young people have strong opinions about?young people会对乐更感兴趣,比如对明星、游戏、音乐就会有更多的。一方面年轻人喜欢试新东西,喜欢一来多巴胺动,另一方面年轻人济负担,不考虑何赚钱养家以年轻人不会太关注政治、经类无聊的东西我在读大学的时,就很喜欢看漫画,因此当时更喜欢在网络与网友聊漫画或者的话题。What aspects do old people have strong opinions about?在我看来,old people 会更关心工作、会发会经济情况等。比如我自经工作一年了。在我工作之前,我就只关心哪里有合岗位可以申请,要如何准备简历,对形式有着自的一验理论。而在我到工作之后,我开始关心有发研究领域、可以投资票、老和保险政策等等类似,我的父母也都更
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关心赚钱住房等问题,对会上的新也很关心Are children’s opinions influenced by their parents?得一定是这样的,不是正响还负面父母观念都会影他们的孩子。比如我,我的父母都是比较小心谨慎的人,他们不会投资风险较大的理财产品,相应的,我在投资上也很保守,我到现在都没买过一支股票。然,如果孩子跟父母相处长的话,受父母的影很多。Describe a person who likes to read a lot.You should say:Who this person isHow you knew him/herWhat he/she likes to readAnd explain why you think he/she likes to read a lot我自/喜欢买一堆书,第一哈利波想谈论的人是我的前友,我们在5月的一次唱歌活动中识并爱,但上个月刚刚分手。他是我认识的人里,为不多的保持阅读习的人之一。他的子上类型,有说、文、传记,我得有本《百有一政治相关,比如朝鲜或者抗日有那《菊。另买了杂志,像国家或者学人。他在工作之喜欢意地中一,读上一会偶尔会做点读。他每天都会读点了读他买的那些书,他会通过kindle电子或者浏览闻网,了解一他的说,一天不读点,这天的他就没有了灵魂。受他的影,我也开始想养成每天读点的习,比如加入书小,之前我跟我朋友加入bookclubendedbecause I’m the 因为我总是,我不能每天的阅读。这点我是得跟前友多学习。Part 3Why are many people so keen on reading?在我看来,那渴望的人,往往是很得到读书机会的人,比如说那些家庭条件不好的人,他们没有富余,但得通过读够改变命运,因他们就会比生更好的人更渴望、学习。,那于工作,了上就是加班人,他们的精神过于疲惫,也会渴望通过读获取,来使下来,从工作中抽离Do you think parents should help their children develop thereading habit from an early age?父母帮助孩子从阅读习是很重要的。因为保持阅读习,能个人来很多好。两个方面,一方面阅读能让人接种不同的思想,通过阅读前人下来的文,就好像跟那大的人行了一场深刻的对话,能broaden one‘s horizon,对世界有更深刻的认识。另一方面,人在更容易对重事情形成long-termmemory,因也更容易养各种习,比如阅读习或者动习以从读习非常重要。ls reading for fun or for work?
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得阅读是为了乐,也是为了工作。一方面,阅读轻松的说、杂志,可以让人从受的工作中脱离出来,得到精神上和身体上的松和平,比如我,我时常阅读就像我自子做了一场massage或者spa,有时至会,因为精彩事已足够满足我。另一方面,为了能在工作中不增加竞争保持的学习能,不学习新的能,比如我是工,我就经常要阅读术类书来学习新工使用以对我来说,阅读不是为了fun,也是为了workbetterDescribe a child that you know.You should say:Who this child isHow often you see this childWhat this child is likeAnd explain how you feel about this child妹吧喜欢买一堆书,第一哈利波Part 31.In your country, who takes more care of children? Parents orgrandparents?在现在的中我了解,孩子要是跟爷爷奶奶在一起的,而更多的时间分工作,而跟孩的接更少2. What do you think about old people taking care of children?得让老年人来带小孩是双刃剑。一方面可以解年轻父母压力,但另一方面老人会更加宠溺孩,不长,同时也会增加孩和父母隔阂Describe a person who encouraged you to achieve your goalYou should say:Who the person isHow he/she encouraged youWhat goal you achievedAnd explain how you feel about this person,因为他经常鼓励别人实现目标,以大也乐意向他寻求建议。对我来说,他会支持,少工作,介绍老Part 31.Do you think children are more likely to achieve their goals if they areencouraged?然,我得不孩,要是个人,都会在有人鼓励的情况下更乐于去实现目标。对于孩子来说,2.What should parents do if their children don't want to study?当小孩不学习的时父母应该过于着孩,而是应该思考孩会有这样的想法,是学习了,是因为学不会而受到。然后父母应该帮助小服消极情,通过一更有趣方式帮小孩建慢慢引导小动学习的积极想法
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3.Who do you think should set goals for children?父母和老师应该帮助小定目标,但最决定目标样的,应该是孩子自父母和老师只辅助小孩认识到他自的能避免设置过高、无法实现的目标而不是直接孩子做决定。4.Who plays a more important role in children's education, parents orteachers?父母和老孩的影是同重要的,因为孩子每天有一的时在学,和老们呆在一起,另一的时里,和父母在一起,老父母思想和行为都会影响小孩的价值观5. Is money the only motivation for people to work hard?得对于现在的很多人来说,确实是他们工作的因之一,但这是一人们是为了有更好的生,能做一的兴趣爱好,以孩子更好的教育等等。但是很多人在的过中容易想法他们攒够,但也去了享受生欲望6. Which is more important, competition or cooperation?竞争带给感,催促人更加努,但竞争也会额外压力当压力出人受的的时,就会负面,合作能方带好的Describe a person from whom others like to ask for advice.You should say:Who this person isWhy people like to ask for his/her adviceWhat kind of advice he/she often givesAnd explain how you felt about the person,因为他经常鼓励别人实现目标,以大也乐意向他寻求建议Part 31 Do you follow the advice of your family members?有时会,有时不会。因为,在我看来,我的出的建议有的是合的,但有的受于我们的经不同,在我看来并不合。比如xxx2 Who should people ask for advice on big issues, family members orfriends?得在重大题的时应该向有经的人寻求建议,不是朋友,要他们能出有意的建议和解决,都应该3 Do people often ask for advice from professional people, like a lawyer?在中,我不得人们遇到麻烦的第一,是向律师等专业人士寻求帮助。因为,中人不喜欢付费帮助,向律咨询要一费用,这人一观念不一,中人会更喜欢向朋友或者家人这种不的人寻求建议,他们也没有好的想法4 Why do some people like to ask others for advice on almost everything?因为我不是那种喜欢向别人寻求建议的人,以我的点可能并不确。但我推测,那喜欢向别人寻求建议的人,有可能是对自没自的人,他们不确定自否正确,以会向于向他人寻求建议来忙肯定自。从另一方面来看,他们要别人点来否定自,是比较缺勇气的人。
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5 Do you think the advice parents give their children is always good?我不父母给孩子的建议永远是对的,因为你不穿一个人的,就不知道他所走过的父母会有更多的经,但他们毕竟没有经过孩子事情,比如有很多受霸凌的孩子,他们在向父母寻求帮助的时,很多父母只会让孩子不要,有的人至会过来孩子。So,我持保守意见。6 Are professional consultancy services expensive in your country?实不,因为我从来没有享受过专业咨询。但是我可以推测,中专业咨询务费用,大概会比发国家便很多。一是因为中多,竞争激烈,低价才能在场中优势是因为大多人遇到题下意识会寻求朋友的意见,而不是寻专业,这是个普遍专业咨询求不高没有场,这类服自然也不会Describe a person you really enjoy studying/working withYou should say:Who this person isWhen you often study/work togetherWhat you study/work togetherAnd explain why you enjoy studying/working with him/her,因为他经常鼓励别人实现目标,以大也乐意向他寻求建议。和他一起工作,他会很多帮助1.Should children be encouraged to learn from their peers?可以鼓励向好的同人学习,但不要向不好的同人学习2.What difficulties or problems would introverted people face in work orstudy?跟别人交无法融入集3.How can a person be a good co-worker?的见解,重他人的想法,认真听,寻求共同利益,做好自4.What makes a good employee?做好本职工作,同时保持的自我认同5.How can people improve their collaboration skills?试,动开,不,向朋友寻求帮助6.Do you think it is more important for an employee to keep goodrelationships with colleagues than just focus on the work?是的,跟同事保持好的会比自一人工作要好得多。一是融洽能让自己心情愉悦是好的合作也能轻自的工作负担,有来的职业Describe a person who is good at making people feel welcome inhis/her home.You should say:Who he/she isWhen and how you met him/herHow he/she welcomes visitors
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And explain why you think he/she is good at welcoming visitors那绝对得是我和我外公!共同点都是会准备的、收拾子,泡茶,会话题,留客人一起吃午饭或者Part31 What do you think of using food to treat visitors?得这是基本礼仪正在我,如果有摆放都会准备食物,有时果,有时零食,有时至会人一起。在准备傻姑娘也会比平时更加丰富2 Do people in your country often invite others to their homes?是的,在中,我们很喜欢拜访朋友的,因为上门拜访是中传统礼仪。一方面我们对人的重,另一方面,我们可能会带些礼物送人,里会更有隐私而且,对于系亲密的人来说,上门拜访是我们对这的认可。3 What kind of people are more likely to invite others to their homes?得热的人会更喜欢别人去他们里,因为他们享受和朋友一起的人可能也会喜欢别人。Describe a person who likes to buy goods with low pricesYou should say:Who this person isWhat this person likes to buy.Where this person likes to buy thingsAnd explain why this person likes cheap goods定是我,她喜欢三家1. What are the differences between shopping in a shopping mall and in astreet market?2. Which is more commonly visited in China, shopping malls or streetmarkets?3. What are the disadvantages of shopping in a street market?4. How do you buy cheap products?5. Do you think things are more expensive in big shopping malls?Describe someone (a famous person) that is a role model for youngpeopleYou should say:Who he/she isHow you knew him/herWhat he/she has doneAnd explain why he/she can be a role model for young people泰勒,她很爱音乐,想法反映在音乐里can do it,她的积极,人生值观也很积极1. What kinds of people are likely to be the role models for teenagers?2. ls it important for children to have a role model?
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3. Are there any differences between today's famous people and those ofthe past?4. What qualities do famous people have?5. What kinds of people are likely to become famous!6. Do people tend to choose the best people as their role model?Describe a person who thinks music is important and enjoys musicYou should say:Who this person isHow you knew him/herWhat music he/she likesWhy he/she thinks music is importantAnd explain how you feel about him/her绝对是泰勒,她很爱音乐,想法反映在音乐里can do it,她的积极,人生值观也很积极1. What do you think about playing music for children in class?2. Why do many teachers incorporate music into the classroom?3. Do you think there are any advantages to a shop with music playing?4. Would people's shopping behaviour be affected in a shop with music?5. What do you think would be the effect of background music in a film?6. Why are musical movies so popular?Describe a person you know who is talentedYou should say:Who this person isHow and where you knew this personWhy you think he/she is talentedAnd explain how you found out that he/she is talented绝对是泰勒,她很爱音乐,想法反映在音乐里can do it,有天,她的积极人生值观也很积极1. How do you think schools should help children develop their talents?2. What do you think of talented people and Al?3. Have you ever had any experience with things related to Al?4. Do you think Al will replace human beings?Describe an interesting old person you have met.You should say:Who this person isWhen/where you met this personWhat you didAnd explain why you think this old person is interesting
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天的那个演员,60的爱情观,我很喜欢Part 31. Do you think old people and young people can have common interests?2. What can old people teach young people?3. ls it easy for old people and young people to make friends with eachother?4. Are there benefits when one person is interested in another person?Why?5. Do you think people are more selfish or self-centered now than in thepast?6. What benefits can people get if they are self-centered?Describe a film character played by your favourite actor.You should say:Who this actor isWhen you saw the filmWhat the character was like in this filmAnd explain why you admire this actor天的价值观,大,演天的那个演员,60的爱情观,我很喜欢Part 31. Do you think being an actor is a good job?2. What can children learn from acting?3. Why do children love dressing up in costumes?4. What are the differences between actors or actresses who earn muchand those who earn little?5. What are the differences between acting in a theatre and that in a film?Describe a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking with.You should say:What party it wasHow you met this personWhat you talked aboutAnd explain why you enjoyed talking with him/her苏沺是在part上认识的,上次聊天,相似的经类似天的爱情观我很喜Part 31. On what occasions do people want to make new friends?2. Where can people make new friends?3. Do you think it is difficult for foreigners to talk with Chinese?4. Why are some people unwilling to have conversations with others?5. ls it difficult for adults to talk with children?
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Describe someone you know who made a good decision recentlyYou should say:Who he/she isWhen he/she made the decisionWhat decision he/she madeWhy it was a good decisionAnd explain how you felt about the decision苏沺远离渣女的决定,海王点,类似天的爱情观,我很喜欢1. Should parents make decisions for their children?2. Do you think parents are the best people to make decisions about theirchildren's education?3. At what age do you think children can be allowed to make decisions bythemselves?4. Why do most children find it difficult to make decisions?5. Should parents interfere in children's decision making?6. How should parents help their children make decisions?Describe a person who likes to make things by hand (e.g. toys,furniture).You should say:Who this person isWhat he/she makesWhy he/she likes to make things by handAnd explain how you feel about the person苏沺是在part上认识的我要介绍的人是我入职之后认识的一个朋友,然她经不是我的同了,但我们保持我这个朋友,然也喜欢做一些小,比如自己打磨戒指或者收集宠物toy。但她最喜欢的,是做一digital things,比如剪辑视频。因为她非常非常喜欢广播剧,,她是个拉拉以她喜欢听有两个爱的。但是这的听少,作品就比少,这就没满足我朋友那强烈的要看甜蜜互动欲望了,以她开自学视频剪辑,然后得非常出来,到了TikTok上。她也因收获了很多粉丝和点。我她能因为名人,那样我就是名人的友了。老实说,她的这种行动,真的让我很钦佩。我也我能为了得到自喜欢的东西,学会能。Part 3Are traditional handicrafts important to tourism?在我看来,传统的手工品对是很重要的。因为传统手工通常是无法,有很多历史的过逐渐了,到现在在的都是
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。而且因为传统手工大多以通常在某才有,地文的一了,是地的重要色,大力宣传类独特的手工品,可以吸引到更多前来买,也就能地的What are the benefits for students to learn to make things byhand?对于学生来说,上压力通常比大,做手工可以让学生从重的学习中解,得身心松。比如我上学的时,最喜欢上的就是实别是学实,因为可使用种试剂调出不同的果,能的发生过,很有意。这提醒我,让学生动手做东西,可以将理论应到现实生中,能帮助学生更好地握知识。Why do many children like to make things by hand?孩子喜欢手工制作,是因为他们在做手工的过中能体验创造东西的乐。而且他们手工的制作之后,会感到很有就感,因为手工制作有时对他们来说是一件难度高的。我得我就很喜欢做手工,我时很喜欢折纸,我1000千纸鹤他们了起来,工作的时真的非常自得自级棒How important are traditional handicrafts to a country's industry?传统手工品对国家的工业具有重要的经。手工品通常有着别的,能满足不同人的审美,而且手工与当地文有着,让手工品更,能吸引很多内和投资。而且出色的手工品通常能快速,因为大买一些特别的ls it reasonable to charge a high price for handmade things?手工品的量和制作难度来决定们的价。有手工品的制作难度很高,无法使用辅助类进快速人手工制作,花费数月的时才能做手工品,像这种手工品的价就非常高了,而且这种手品,每一都是的。另量高的品,普遍都会比意制作的手工品有着更高的价How does modern technology change the handicraft industry?我能到的是,现在媒体多,有很多人会选择在网络购物以有很 多 商会 在网 络上 通 过 直播 卖他 们 的品 , 比 如TikTok。 也 有 很 多 商会 在WechatInstagramFacebookAPP上发布广告他们的品。这APP都能手工人轻松地将产品出给世界各地的,而不是来到现场的人。总之,科技了手工品一个更大的场。Describe a person who has chosen a career in the medical field (e.g.a doctor, a nurse).You should say:Who her/she isWhat he/she doesWhy he/she chose this careerAnd explain how you feel about him/her,因为是他的妈妈他这做的,,能有好的收入。另他的有一定影拯救被相疾病困扰的人。
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Part 31.Do you think doctors and nurses are very important?2.Who is more important, doctors or nurses?3.Do you think that doctors and nurses are not paid enough?4.Do you think it is necessary to learn first aid skills?
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