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EG7021Industrial PlacementTitle: Industrial Placement PortfolioStudent’s Name:Student’s ID:Date of submission:1
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Table of ContentsAn evaluation of the work...........................................................................................................3A descriptive reflection on the placement application on me......................................................4References........................................................................................................................................62
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An evaluation of the workThe necessity for IT and software skills are growing in the market and it is necessary for everyindividual to have some unique skills by which they can secure their professional career. I wasappointed to an internship program in order to enhance my competencies and skills and it hasmultiple future applications on my professional career. I will use skills and my competencies toimprove my knowledge and manage any critical situation in the future workplace. In this context,I have to say that I developed my knowledge and understanding skills. Engineering andconstruction related knowledge will provide scope for me to apply my technical and practicalskills in the future workplace. In the engineering sector, professionals have to gain strongknowledge about design, development, maintenance of equipment and many more; however, myapplication skills will help me to manage all my future responsibilities. I gained huge knowledgeabout technical skills and general programming like General Programming: Python, C, R-Programming, HTML, Spark, PySpark. At the same time, the operating system knowledge willhelp me to secure my career in the IT sector.In this discussion, I have to mention the importance of management and leadership skills.Pellegrini et al. (2020) have described the relationship between leadership and knowledgemanagement because the guidance and suggestions of leaders are helpful for individuals to growtheir knowledge in their professional field. Whitley (2019) has also said that the nature ofmanagerial skills maximises the capability of individuals. Before participating in the internshipcourse I had no knowledge of how to manage team members. However, the group project taughtme how to manage my own activities and responsibilities and I enhanced my ability to supervisetasks. It has a huge future implication on my professional field. The internship program was definitely helpful for me in improving my interpersonal andcommunication skills. In order to be a good professional in the professional sector it is necessaryto have some communication skills. Mikkola and Valkonen (2019) have supported thisdiscussion and say that developing workplace communication has a positive reflection on therelationship-building approach. By working with the development team and team members Iimproved my communication and interaction approach. I developed my abilities to shareinformation and plans with team members which were beneficial for improving my social skills.3
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Open discussions with my team members and supervisor helped me to understand various blackbox testing methodologies like functionality testing, usability testing and regression testing. Workplace health safety and welfare is another prominent skill that should be present amongevery professional. I had minimum knowledge regarding the skills and did not get any chance topractically experience or apply my knowledge in the practical field. The internship programincreased my ability to manage risk and understand the necessity of health and safety practices inthe workplace. I knew about appropriate legislation, hazards and safe systems which will helpme to ethically practise business in my future professional career. The skills and responsibilitiesof the internship programs were helpful for reshaping my professional and academic career and Igained exclusive knowledge from it. A descriptive reflection on the placement application on meReflection practice is the most effective planning practice that provides opportunities forindividuals and learners to understand their strengths and areas of improvement. Glaister andGold (2022) have said that the practice of reflection is beneficial for people to bridge the gapbetween refractive learning and reflective practice. In this section, I conduct a reflection practiceto know the internship outcomes and understand my future job roles. For this purpose, I use thereflective model of Gibbs. It is the most effective model for meeting reflections andunderstanding the areas of improvement (Adeani, Febriani and Syafryadin, 2020). The 6 steps ofthis model are discussed below. Description: I was appointed to an internship program in the year 2023 and I was posted in thesoftware test engineer position at Million IT Solutions Private Limited. In 2021, I was associatedwith NTT Data Global Delivery Services Private Limited as the role of info technologyassociate. The internship course in Million IT Solutions was impactful for me as I developed myknowledge in managing and implementing software programs, testing and evaluating newprograms and identifying the areas of modifications of existing programs. Feeling: At the beginning of the internship course I was nervous and scared as I had no previousexperience in the specific job position. I had to play some major responsibilities during myinternship course which made me more nervous. In order to manage the whole situation I appliedmy academic skills and previous experiments of projects which helped me a lot to overcome the4
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critical situation. I started to interact with my supervisors and team members to get their supportand attention. Evaluation:Initially the environment of the internship company was not favourable for me.Extreme job pressure created challenges for me and I had to select some better strategies to solvemy problems. I applied my skills and competencies such as communication, management andleadership. At the same time, I applied my software programming knowledge and technical skillsto understand the requirements of the organisation and develop my professional career. Analysis:In the internship course every individual has to adjust with their team members andmaintain positive interaction with them and this philosophy was followed by me during theinternship program. It not only improved my communication skills but also helped me tounderstand the perspectives of others. At the same time, I gained huge practical and theoreticalknowledge which will ensure success in my future professional career. Conclusion:I am still working in this organisation as an intern and my course will be completedin September 2024. I have enough time to learn more skills and knowledge about IT solutionsand different software programming as well as coding systems which will improve myconfidence and skills for the future. Action plan:To improve my internship outcome I will openly discuss with supervisors andexperts and will also watch YouTube videos regarding the IT field as well as the management. 5
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ReferencesPellegrini, M.M., Ciampi, F., Marzi, G. and Orlando, B., (2020). ‘The relationship betweenknowledge management and leadership: mapping the field and providing future researchavenues.’Journal of Knowledge Management,24(6), pp.1445-1492 [Availableat:https://doi.org/10.1108/JKM-01-2020-0034Whitley, R., (2019). ‘On the nature of managerial tasks and skills: their distinguishingcharacteristics and organization.’ In Managerial work(pp. 337-352). Routledge [Availableat:https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9780429398599-21/nature-managerial-tasks-skills-distinguishing-characteristics-organization-richard-whitley]Mikkola, L. and Valkonen, T., (2019). Developing Workplace Communication. In WorkplaceCommunication(pp.179-192).Routledge[Availableat:https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9780429196881-14/developing-workplace-communication-leena-mikkola-tarja-valkonen]Glaister, C. and Gold, J., (2022). ‘Bridging the gap between reflective learning and reflectivepractice through anticipatory reflection.’Education+ Training, 64(8/9), pp.1060-1073[Available at:https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/ET-09-2021-0345/full/html]Adeani, I.S., Febriani, R.B. and Syafryadin, S., (2020). ‘Using GIBBS’reflective cycle in makingreflections of literary analysis.’ Indonesian EFL Journal, 6(2), pp.139-148 [Availableat:https://journal.uniku.ac.id/index.php/IEFLJ/article/view/3382]6
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