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Unit 3 TestAP Physics I2024/2025
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Name:______________________ Date____________________Period_____________________Unit 3 TestAP Physics IPart 1: Multiple Choice: Choose the statement that best answers the question. Write the letter ofthe answer using aCAPITALletter next to the question number1.A 10 kg mass is attached to the ceiling with twostrings (shown below). If the system is in staticequilibrium, what is the tension in each of thestrings?(A) 50 N(B) 70.7 N(C) 100 N(D) 141.4 N2.Two solid spheres of radiusRmade of the same typeof steel are placed in contact. The magnitude of thegravitational force they exert on each other isF1.When two other solid spheres of radius 3Rmade ofthis steel are placed in contact, what is the magnitudeof the gravitational force that they exert on eachother?(A)F1(B) 3F1(C) 9F1(D)81F1
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3.A force is exerted on a block as shown in the figureabove. The block accelerates horizontally along thefloor and the coefficient of kinetic friction betweenthe block and the floor isµk. Which of the followingis a correct expression for the acceleration of theblock?(A)(B)4.A 50.0 N box is at rest on a horizontal surface. Thecoefficient of static friction between tWhich of thefollowing correctly describes the motion of a realobject in free fall? Assume that the objectexperiences drag force proportional to speed and thatit strikes the ground before reaching terminal speed.(A) It will fall with increasing speed and increasingacceleration.(B) It will fall with increasing speed and decreasingacceleration.(C) It will fall with decreasing speed and increasingacceleration.(D) It will fall with decreasing speed and decreasingacceleration.5.In the figure above, two blocks of mass 3mand 2mare attached together. The plane is frictionless and thepulley is frictionless and massless. The inclinedportion of the plane creates an angleθwith thehorizontal floor. What is the acceleration of the block2mif both blocks are released from rest (gravity =g)?(A) 2mg(B)(C)(D)6.Two people are pulling on the ends of a rope. Eachperson pulls with a force of 100 N. The tension in therope is:(A) 0 N(B) 50 N(C) 100 N(D) 200 N7.A sphere starts from rest atop a hill with a constantangle of inclination and is allowed to roll withoutslipping down the hill. What force provides thetorque that causes the sphere to rotate?(A) Static friction(B) Kinetic friction(C) The normal force of the hill on the sphere(D) Gravity
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8.A 2 kg block slides along a frictionless surface asshown in the figure above with an acceleration of 2.5m/s. Two horizontal forces are acting on the block.What is the magnitude of force F0?(A) 20 N(B) 10 N(C) 15 N(D)5 N9.A satellite is in line with a planet of massm1, and amoon with a mass ofm2, as shown in the figureabove, andm2, is greater thanm2. The net force onthe satellite is zero at this position. How does thedistance between the satellite and the center of theplanet,d1, compare to the distance between thesatellite and the center of the moon,d2?(A)d1>d2(B)d1>d2(C)d1=d2(D) Cannot be determined10. A box of mass m is sitting on an incline of 45° and itrequires an applied forceFup the incline to get thebox to begin to move. What is the maximumcoefficient of static friction?(A)(B)(C)(D)11. The planet Mars exerts a gravitational force FMarsonits moon Phobos. Phobos, which has a smaller massthan Mars, also exerts a gravitational force FphobosonMars. Which one of these statements is true?(A)FMars> FPhobos(B)FPhobos> FMars(C)FMars= FPhobos(D) Can not Determinedned
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12.A force with a magnitude ofF0is exerted on a blockas shown in the figure above. There is a friction forcebetween the block and the floor with a magnitude off. If the block remains in contact with the floor, thenet force acting on the block is(A)(B)(C)(D)13. A block of massMis attached to a modified Atwoodmachine and is accelerated upward at 3aby aconstant forceF0. What is the weight of the block?(A)F0Mg(B) 3Mg(C) 2Mg(D)Mg14.A box of mass m is initially at rest at the top of aramp that is at an angle q with the horizontal. Theblock is at a height h and length L from the bottom ofthe ramp. The block is released and slides down theramp. The coefficient of kinetic friction between theblock and the ramp isμ. What is the kinetic energyof the box at the bottom of the ramp?(A)mgh(B)(C)(D)15. Two identical blocks are sliding down two inclines asshown in the figure above. The coefficient of kineticfriction is the same for both inclines. Which blockexperiences a friction force with greater magnitude(A) Block A(B) Block B(C) The blocks experience friction forces with equalmagnitudes(D) Cannot be determined
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16. Each of the figures above shows a tractor attached toan object. The tractor exerts the same constant forceF on each object in every case. Which of thefollowing is true about an object and the relativemagnitude of the force exerted by the object on thetractor?(A)The magnitude of the force exerted by the truckon the tractor is the greatest, because theresulting motion is in the direction opposite tothe tractor's pull.(B)The magnitude of the force exerted by theboulder on the tractor is the least, because nomotion results.(C) The magnitude of the force exerted by the wagonon the tractor is the least, because the resultingmotion is in the direction of the tractor's pull.(D) The magnitude of the force exerted by eachobject on the tractor is equal, because thetractor exerts an equal force on each object17. A ball attached to a light string swings in acounterclockwise vertical circle, as shown above.Which of the following arrows represent one ofthe forces exerted on the ball at the moment itpasses through point P? Select two answers.18. An elevator carrying a person of massmismoving upward and slowing down. How does themagnitudeFof the force exerted on the personby the elevator floor compare with the magnitudemgof the gravitational force?(A)F<mg(B)F=mg(C)F>mg(D)Fcan be greater than or less than mg, dependingon the speed of the elevator
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19. A force is applied to the left of three blocks withdifferent masses which are sliding on a frictionlesssurface as shown in the figure above. The threeblocks accelerate together without losing contact.What is the magnitude of the force that block Cexerts on block B?(A) 0 N(B) 6 N(C) 8 N(D) 24 N20. A ladder at rest is leaning against a wall at an angle.Which of the following forces must have the samemagnitude as the frictional force exerted on theladder by the floor.(A) The force of gravity on a ladder(B) The normal force exerted on the ladder by thefloor(C) The frictional force exerted on the ladder by thewall(D) The normal force exerted on the ladder by thewall21. The figure above shows a truck pulling three cratesacross a rough road. Which of the following showsthe directions of all the horizontal forces acting oncrate 2 ?22. A forceFis applied perpendicular to the top of a boxof mass m sitting on an incline of angleθ. What isthe magnitude ofFsuch that the normal force of theincline on the box is equal to the weight of the box?(A)(B)(C)(D)
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23. A block is attached to a spring which has an originalunstretched length of 28 cm. The other end of thespring is attached to a wall. The block is pulled awayfrom the wall and released, and the block oscillatesleft and right. Which of the following shows thedirection of the spring force acting on the block whenit is in the position shown in the figure above?24. A child pushes horizontally on a box of mass mwhich moves with constant speedvacross ahorizontal floor. The coefficient of static frictionbetween the box and the floor isμ. At what rate doesthe child do work on the box(A)μmgv(B)mgv(C)μmv2(D)μmgv325.A box of massmis on a rough inclined plane set atan angleθwith the horizontal. A force of magnitudeFat an angleϕwith the plane is exerted on the block,as shown above. As the block moves up the plane,there is a frictional force between the box and theplane of magnitudef.What is the magnitude of thenet force acting on the box?26.A ball is suspended from two cables as shown in thefigure above. The ball is at rest and the tension in thecable on the right is 40 N. The tensionT0in the cableon the left is most nearly(A) 20 N(B) 69 N(C) 23 N(D) 40 N
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27. A small block slides along a frictionless track with avertical loop as shown in the figure above. The blockis not attached to the track in any way, but its initialvelocity is great enough that it moves through theloop without losing contact with the track. What isthe direction of the force exerted on the block by thetrack when the block is at the top of the loop?28. A boy pushes a 10-kg crate across the floor with aconstant force of 10 N against a force of friction. Thebox accelerates at a rate of 0.1 m/s2. What is themagnitude of the opposing frictional force?(A) 0 N(B) 1 N(C) 5 N(D) 9 N(E) 10 N29. A car pulls a large block across the ground where thefriction between the block and the ground is notnegligible. The car is moving at a constant speed.Which of the following statements is true?(A)The force exerted on the block from the car isgreater in magnitude than the friction force onthe block(B) The force exerted on the block from the car issmaller in magnitude than the friction force onthe block(C) The force exerted on the block from the car isequal in magnitude to the friction force on theblock(D)The friction force on the block is zero30. The Gravitron is a carnival ride that looks like a largecylinder. People stand inside the cylinder against thewall as it begins to spin. Eventually, it is rotating fastenough that the floor can be removed without anyonefalling. Given then the coefficient of friction betweena person’s clothing and the wall isμ, the tangentialspeed isv, and the radius of the ride isr, what is thegreatest mass a person can be to safely go on thisride?(A)(B)(C)(D) None of the above
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31. A wooden block experiences a frictional force, f, as itslides across a table. If a block of the same materialwith half the height and twice the length were to slideacross the table, what would be the frictional force itexperienced?(A)(B)f(C)2f(D)4f32. A person is standing in an elevator which isaccelerating upwards. Which of the following is trueabout the person’s apparent weight?(A) The person’s apparent weight is zero(B) The person’s apparent weight is equal to theperson’s true weight(C) The person’s apparent weight is less than theperson’s true weight, but its not zero(D) The person’s apparent weight is greater than theperson's true weight33. A ball with a mass of m is at a height of h above theground on a planet with a mass ofMand a radius ofR. Which of the following is a correct expression forthe acceleration of the ball the moment it is releasedfrom that height?34.Three forces of magnitudes F1 , F2 and F3 are actingon an object of massmas shown in the figure above.Which of the following represents the magnitude ofthe object’s acceleration
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