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Electrical Engineering
Dec 20, 2024
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Name___________ ID____________ PHY-227 Exam 1 (Version A) Before the Exam Starts1.You should have an exam questionnaire packet and an answer sheet in front of you. Do not open the exam questionnaire until instructed. 2.Make sure the answer sheet is pre-filled with your name and student ID. Write your name and ID at the top of this sheet. 3.On the answer sheet, fill in the bubble corresponding to the exam version at the top of this page. 4.No phone, calculator, smart watch, computer, tablet, or any other communication device allowed. Turn all devices off and put them away, close all bags. During the Exam 5.Do not speak to others while the exam is going on (even if you have finished). 6.Raise your hand if you have a question and the proctor will assist you. 7.Do not make marks on the answer sheet other than within the bubbles. After you have finished the Exam 8.Come up to the front of the room and hand in your answer sheet and exam packet. Do not speak to other students until after you hand in your exam and leave the room, otherwise we will assume you are sharing information.
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Analy&cal Physics 01:750:227 Equa%on sheet Charge, Coulomb’s Law, E-Fields - Module 1 ࠵?⃗!="#!#"$̂$"(Coulomb force) ࠵?%⃗="#$̂$"=#$̂&’(#$"(field from point charge) ࠵?⃗= ࠵?࠵?&⃗(force on charge) Electric Flux, Gauss’s Law - Module 2 Φ!= ∫ ࠵?&⃗∙ ࠵?࠵?⃗(electric flux through surface) Φ!= ∮ ࠵?&⃗∙ ࠵?࠵?⃗#=$!"#%$(Gauss’s Law) ࠵? =&’()%$(field from infinite line of charge) ࠵? =*’%$(field from infinite plane of charge) Electric Poten%al - Module 3 ࠵?)="#!#"$(Electric Poten?al Energy 2 charges) ࠵? =+,%)(Electric poten?al single charge) ࠵? = − ∫ ࠵?&⃗∙ ࠵?࠵?⃗(Voltage from E field) ࠵?&⃗= −-.-)࠵?̂(field from poten?al) ࠵? = − ∫ ࠵?࠵?&⃗∙ ࠵?࠵?⃗(poten?al energy charge q in E field) ࠵? = ∑∑+,&,’)&’/01234/54214(poten?al energy of n charges) Capacitance -Module 4 ࠵? = ࠵?/࠵?(capacitance) ࠵? =6%$-(parallel plate capacitor) ࠵? =4’࠵?࠵? =4’࠵?࠵?’(stored energy) 47!(= ∑47&/214(capacitors in series) ࠵?8,= ∑࠵?2/214(capacitors in parallel) ࠵?9= ࠵?࠵?(capacitor with dielectric)
Constants Coulomb constant k = 8.99 x 109N-m2/C2Electric constant e0 = 8.85 x 10-12C2/N-m2 also (F/m) MagneBc constant μ0= 4px 10-7 T-m/A = 1.26 x 10-6T-m/A Avagadro’s number ࠵?6= 6.02 × 10’:Speed of light c = 3.00 x 108m/s Mass of electron 9.1 x 10-31kg Mass of proton 1.7 x 10-27 kg Charge of proton 1.60 x 10-19C Charge of electron -1.60 x 10-19C Geometrical Formulae Circumference of circle of radius R: 2࠵?࠵?Area of circle of radius R: ࠵? = ࠵?࠵?’Surface area of sphere of radius R: ࠵? = 4࠵?࠵?’Surface area of cylinder of radius R and length L: ࠵? = 2࠵?࠵?࠵?(side) + [2 × ࠵?࠵?’] (two ends) Volume of sphere of radius R: ࠵? =;:࠵?࠵?:Volume of cylinder of radius R and length L: ࠵? = ࠵?࠵?’࠵?Dot and Cross Product ࠵?⃗∙ ࠵?&⃗= |࠵?||࠵?| cos ࠵? = ࠵?<࠵?<+ ࠵?=࠵?=+ ࠵?>࠵?>࠵?̂ × ࠵?̂ = ࠵?M࠵?̂ × ࠵?M= ࠵?̂࠵?M× ࠵?̂ = ࠵?̂࠵?⃗× ࠵?&⃗= N࠵?=࠵?>− ࠵?>࠵?=O࠵?̂ − (࠵?<࠵?>− ࠵?>࠵?<)࠵?̂ + N࠵?<࠵?=− ࠵?=࠵?<O࠵?MCommon integrals ∫ ࠵?/࠵?࠵? =4/34࠵?/34∫4<࠵?࠵? = ln (࠵?)∫ sin ࠵? ࠵?࠵? = − cos ࠵?∫ cos ࠵? ࠵?࠵? = sin ࠵?V ࠵??<࠵?࠵? =1࠵?࠵??<