American Government Theories, Policies and Politics - Unit Evaluation 3
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A+Assignment Grade 100%Assignment Weight 4%Date Submitted OCT 18, 2024Date Graded OCT 18, 2024Terrific! You have done an exceptional job on this unit evaluation! By answering all of the questionscorrectly, you have demonstrated your mastery of the material in Unit 3. Keep up the excellent work!After reviewing this report and the material in your course and textbook, move onto TeacherConnect 3 and Project 2, which will complete Unit 3.Unit 3 Evaluation (in printable format)(/Files/Courses/SSTH037060/Unit-3/Unit 3Evaluation (in printable format).pdf)Select the response that best completes the statement or answers the question.12/21/24, 1:12 PMAmerican Government: Theories, Policies and Politics - Theorem
1.A main reason for federalism in the United States is thatA.the Framers believed a centralized government could threaten liberty.B.the Framers wanted a centralized government.C.the Framers did not trust the states to make any decisions.D.the Constitution created the states.Correct Answer: AThe Framers wanted to replace the Articles of Confederation but did not want to return to acentralized government. A way of limiting the government’s power was to divide powers amongstate and national governments. For more information, see page 114 in your textbook.2.Which amendment of the United States Constitution provides for the division of powers betweenthe national government and the states?A.10th AmendmentB.8th AmendmentC.14th AmendmentD.5th AmendmentCorrect Answer: AThe 10Amendment says that all powers not expressly given to the national government or deniedto the states are reserved for the states. For more information, see Lesson 5, Federalism: PowersDivided.3.Which of the following is an implied power of the United States Government?A.collecting taxesB.coining moneyC.regulating labor-management relationsD.regulating foreign and interstate commerceCorrect Answer: Cth12/21/24, 1:12 PMAmerican Government: Theories, Policies and Politics - Theorem
Implied powers are not expressly stated in the Constitution, but they follow logically from thepowers that are expressed. The Necessary and Proper Clause (Article I, Section 8, Clause 18) isthe basis for implied powers. An example of such a power is regulating labor-managementnegotiations. For more information, see page 116 in your textbook.4.Which of the following is an expressed power of the United States Government?A.regulating immigrationB.acquiring territoryC.suppressing rebellionsD.declaring warCorrect Answer: DThe Constitution expressly gives the national government the power to declare war. The otherpowers mentioned are inherent powers. For more information, see page 116 in your textbook.5.Exclusive powers are those thatA.can only be exercised by the national government.B.can only be exercised by the states.C.are shared by state and national governments.D.are shared by state and local governments.Correct Answer: AExclusive powers can only be exercised by the national government. For more information, seepage 119 in your textbook.6.Reserved powers areA.exercised by the national government.B.denied to the states.C.expressly given to local governments.12/21/24, 1:12 PMAmerican Government: Theories, Policies and Politics - Theorem
D.exercised by the states.Correct Answer: DThe states have reserved powers. All powers not given to the national government or denied to thestates are reserved for the states. For more information, see page 118 in your textbook.7.A state can do which of the following?A.declare warB.permit gamblingC.coin moneyD.regulate trade with other countriesCorrect Answer: BStates may make decisions about gambling. The other powers mentioned are exclusive powers,meaning that they can only be exercised by the national government. For more information, seepage 118 in your textbook.8.Which of the following could keep a new state from joining the United States?A.failure of the Congress to pass an act of admissionB.failure of the President to issue an executive orderC.failure of the Supreme Court to approve a charterD.failure of the existing states to ratify the new state’s charterCorrect Answer: AOnly Congress can admit new states to the Union. If Congress approves a request for statehood, itpasses an enabling act, which authorizes the people of the territory to draft a state constitution.Congress then passes an act of admission, which the President signs. For more information, seepage 126 in your textbook.12/21/24, 1:12 PMAmerican Government: Theories, Policies and Politics - Theorem
9.Imagine that a state receives a federal grant for terror prevention. The money must be used to trainsheriffs and deputies in terror prevention tactics. The grant is an example ofA.a categorical grant.B.a block grant.C.revenue sharing.D.enabling.Correct Answer: ACategorical grants are intended for specific purposes. These grants have specific guidelines, or“strings,” that determine how they are to be used. For more information, see page 129 in yourtextbook.10.Interstate compacts are agreementsA.between states.B.between states and the national government.C.that must be approved by all fifty states.D.between several cities or counties in a single state.Correct Answer: AInterstate compacts are formed among several states. They must have congressional approval ifthey increase the political power of a state. Most interstate compacts are submitted to Congress forapproval. For more information, see page 130 in your textbook.11.Article IV, Section 2, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution does which of the following?A.provides for interstate compactsB.provides for full faith and creditC.outlines the procedure for extraditionD.provides for privileges and immunitiesCorrect Answer: C12/21/24, 1:12 PMAmerican Government: Theories, Policies and Politics - Theorem
This clause explains the process of extradition. For more information, see page 133 in yourtextbook.12.Which constitutional clause allows state universities to charge higher tuition for out-of-statestudents?A.Privileges and Immunities ClauseB.Full Faith and Credit ClauseC.Extradition ClauseD.Necessary and Proper ClauseCorrect Answer: AThe Privileges and Immunities Clause prevents states from drawing unreasonable distinctionsbetween their own residents and residents of other states. Still, practical and reasonabledistinctions are allowed. Colleges may charge higher tuition for out-of-state students. Thesestudents’ taxes are not benefiting the colleges they attend. For more information, see page 134 inyour textbook.13.In the case of Hicklin v. Orbeck, the United States Supreme Court ruled thatA.states can give hiring preferences to their own residents.B.a governor cannot be forced to grant extradition.C.a governor can be forced to grant extradition.D.states cannot give hiring preferences to their own residents.Correct Answer: DThe decision in this case was that a state cannot give preferential treatment to its own residentswhen hiring employees. To do so would violate the Privileges and Immunities Clause. For moreinformation, see page 134 in your textbook.14.In the case of Saenz v. Roe, the United States Supreme Court ruled that which of the followingviolated the Privileges and Immunities Clause?A.a state annulling a marriage from another state12/21/24, 1:12 PMAmerican Government: Theories, Policies and Politics - Theorem
B.a state reversing the decision of another state’s courtC.a state giving lower welfare benefits to new residentsD.a governor refusing to extradite an alleged arsonistCorrect Answer: CThe decision in this case was that a state could not give higher welfare benefits to long-termresidents. For more information, see page 134 in your textbook.15.State constitutions have usually been written byA.voters.B.legislatures.C.governors.D.conventions.Correct Answer: DState constitutions are usually written by conventions. For more information, see page 665 in yourtextbook.16.Which of the following is a basic principle of every state constitution?A.statutory budget-making power to the governorC.popular sovereigntyD.initiativeCorrect Answer: CPopular sovereignty is a basic principle of every state constitution. For more information, see page664 in your textbook.17.Suppose that a state legislature proposes an amendment to protect water resources. The proposed12/21/24, 1:12 PMAmerican Government: Theories, Policies and Politics - Theorem
amendment is placed before the voters in an election. The legislature’s actions are an example ofA.initiative.B.referendum.C.recall.D.ratification.Correct Answer: BA referendum occurs when a legislative measure is placed on a ballot and submitted to the voters.For more information, see page 673 in your textbook.18.The power to safeguard the well-being of the people in a state isA.senatorial power.B.congressional power.C.military power.D.police power.Correct Answer: DThe ability of a state to safeguard and provide for the public welfare is called the police power. Formore information, see page 671 in your textbook.19.Suppose that a governor has been misappropriating funds. Voters petition and request a vote onwhether to keep the governor in office. In the election, the voters decide to remove the governor.This situation is an example ofA.recall.B.initiative.C.referendum.D.implied powers.Correct Answer: A12/21/24, 1:12 PMAmerican Government: Theories, Policies and Politics - Theorem
The ability of the people to remove an official from office before the end of his or her term is calledrecall. For more information, see page 677 in your textbook.20.Which of the following is a non-legislative power of a legislature?A.regulating commercial activitiesB.defining crimesC.impeachmentD.providing for punishmentsCorrect Answer: CImpeachment, or the ability to accuse an official of a crime, is a judicial power. For moreinformation, see page 671 in your textbook.21.Which of the following is a constituent power of a legislature?A.planning a budgetB.approving a governor’s appointmentsC.amending a state constitutionD.taxationCorrect Answer: CConstituent powers involve writing and amending state constitutions. For more information, seepage 671 in your textbook.22.Which judicial power allows a governor to release a person from the legal consequences of acrime?A.commutationB.reprieveC.paroleD.pardon12/21/24, 1:12 PMAmerican Government: Theories, Policies and Politics - Theorem
Correct Answer: DA pardon is a release from the consequences of a crime. State governors have the power topardon individuals. For more information, see page 680 in your textbook.23.Which judicial power allows a governor to reduce a sentence imposed by a court?A.pardonB.commutationC.paroleD.reprieveCorrect Answer: BCommutation is the reduction of a sentence. State governors have the power to commute thesentences of convicted criminals. For more information, see page 680 in your textbook.24.In most states, what happens if a governor does not sign a bill within the prescribed time?A.The lieutenant governor may sign the bill.B.A special session of the legislature is called.C.The bill does not become law.D.The bill becomes law.Correct Answer: DIn most states, a bill that a governor ignores becomes law. A few states have a “pocket veto,”which means a law that a governor ignores does not become law. For more information, see page680 in your textbook.25.A governor with a(n) __________ can reject only parts of a bill.A.item veto12/21/24, 1:12 PMAmerican Government: Theories, Policies and Politics - Theorem
B.legislative vetoC.congressional vetoD.pocket vetoCorrect Answer: AThe item veto allows a governor to reject certain parts of a bill while approving others. For moreinformation, see page 680 in your textbook.26.A __________ determines whether evidence against a person charged with a crime is sufficient tojustify a trial.A.petit juryB.impartial juryC.grand juryD.federal juryCorrect Answer: CA grand jury determines whether there is enough evidence to justify a trial. For more information,see page 686 in your textbook.27.Which kind of trial is held without a jury?A.closed court trialB.bench court trialD.petit trialCorrect Answer: BA bench trial is held without a jury. Civil cases and misdemeanors are often heard in bench trials.For more information, see page 686 in your textbook.12/21/24, 1:12 PMAmerican Government: Theories, Policies and Politics - Theorem
28.Which of the following often takes the place of a grand jury?A.petit juryB.informationC.common lawD.a panel of city council membersCorrect Answer: BAn information occurs when a prosecutor files a formal charge against a suspected criminal. Theinformation is often used because grand juries are expensive and time consuming. For moreinformation, see page 686 in your textbook.29.What is generally the first step in a major criminal prosecution?A.a trial appellate hearingC.a preliminary hearingD.a bench trialCorrect Answer: CTypically, the preliminary hearing is the first step in a major criminal prosecution. For moreinformation, see page 687 in your textbook.30.The major function of a state’s __________ is to review decisions of lower courts in appeals.A.unified courtB.supreme courtC.general trial courtD.juvenile courtCorrect Answer: BThe major function of state supreme courts is to hear appeals and review decisions of lower courts.For more information, see page 690 in your textbook.12/21/24, 1:12 PMAmerican Government: Theories, Policies and Politics - Theorem
31.Which of the following deal with minor civil complaints in urban areas?A.justices of the peaceB.magistratesC.petit juriesD.prosecutorsCorrect Answer: BMagistrates hear misdemeanor cases and minor civil cases. These officials are based in urbanareas. Justices of the peace handle similar responsibilities in rural areas. For more information, seepage 688 in your textbook.32.A misdemeanor is a(n)A.serious crime punishable by a heavy fine, prison sentence, or death.B.minor crime punishable by a fine or short jail term.C.a civil lawsuit.D.out of court settlement.Correct Answer: BA misdemeanor is a minor crime punishable by a fine or a short jail term. A felony, by contrast, is aserious crime. Felonies are punishable by large fines, long jail terms, and possibly death. For moreinformation, see page 685 in your textbook.33.Which elected county official keeps county funds? (Refer to the Duties of County Officials table onpage 695 in your textbook.)A.assessorB.treasurerC.auditorD.coronerCorrect Answer: B12/21/24, 1:12 PMAmerican Government: Theories, Policies and Politics - Theorem
A county treasurer keeps county funds and makes payments from those funds. For moreinformation, see page 695 in your textbook.34.Which elected county official keeps financial records? (Refer to the Duties of County Officials tableon page 695 in your textbook.)A.sheriffB.deputyC.auditorD.clerkCorrect Answer: CA county auditor keeps official records and authorizes payments for county expenses. For moreinformation, see page 695 in your textbook.35.Which type of law is based on executive regulations?A.statutory lawB.administrative lawC.common lawD.equityCorrect Answer: BAdministrative law is based on policies and regulations that executives establish. For moreinformation, see page 683 in your textbook.36.Which of the following is a benefit of a strong-mayor government?A.It depends on the capacities of one person.B.Disputes with the city council can stall government.C.Issues of responsibility are clearly decided.D.It is complicated and hard to understand.12/21/24, 1:12 PMAmerican Government: Theories, Policies and Politics - Theorem
Correct Answer: CAlthough a strong-mayor government has several disadvantages, matters of responsibility areclearly decided. For more information, see page 701 in your textbook.37.Incorporation is the process in whichA.a city enacts its laws.B.the residents of an area petition Congress to become a city.C.a state creates a new city.D.states enter into an interstate compact.Correct Answer: CStates create cities through the process of incorporation. For more information, see page 700 inyour textbook.38.In a state government, the attorney general, the state treasurer, and the secretary of state areA.executive officers.B.judicial officers.C.positions that are no longer important.D.officers who are mainly concerned with rural areas.Correct Answer: AThese officials are executive officers. In most states, they are elected. For more information, seepages 681 and 682 in your textbook.39.Which of the following is an example of a precedent?A.A judge ignores the ruling in a previous case.B.A judge bases a decision on the ruling in a similar case.12/21/24, 1:12 PMAmerican Government: Theories, Policies and Politics - Theorem
C.New circumstances make a court ruling obsolete.D.A court reverses the decision of a lower court.Correct Answer: BA precedent is a court decision that influences future decisions. Once a decision is made, itbecomes established as a precedent. For more information, see page 684 in your textbook.40.Medicaid provides funding care for all United States care for retired benefits for low-income exemptions for people working in medical fields.Correct Answer: CMedicaid is a welfare program that provides health benefits to low-income individuals. Medicaidprograms are administered by national and state governments. For more information, see page709 in your textbook.41.Which tax is levied on the earnings of private individuals and corporations? taxB.sales taxC.income taxCorrect Answer: CThe income tax is levied on the income (earnings) of individuals and corporations. For moreinformation, see page 714 in your textbook.42.Which of the following is usually a progressive tax?12/21/24, 1:12 PMAmerican Government: Theories, Policies and Politics - Theorem
A.income taxB.sales taxC.a “piggy-back tax”D.a tax on Internet salesCorrect Answer: AA progressive tax requires wealthier individuals to pay a higher percentage in taxes. The incometax is a progressive tax. For more information, see page 714 in your textbook.43.Which of the following is a non-tax source of revenue?A.a levy on real propertyB.a levy on a document such as a marriage licenseC.a lotteryD.a levy on the estate of a deceased personCorrect Answer: CStates have several non-tax sources of revenue. They include publicly-operated enterprises, courtfines, and lotteries. For more information, see page 717 in your textbook.44.States may tax which of the following?A.federal agenciesB.foreign commerceC.interstate commerceD.a license to engage in a certain businessCorrect Answer: DThe states are prohibited from taxing interstate and foreign commerce, as well as agencies of thenational government. For more information, see page 716 in your textbook.12/21/24, 1:12 PMAmerican Government: Theories, Policies and Politics - Theorem
45.What is a service that states provide to their residents? laws with other countriesB.public welfareC.appointing mayors of townsD.appointing city managersCorrect Answer: BPublic health is part of public welfare. States take an active role in protecting the health andwelfare of their citizens. For more information, see page 709 in your textbook.46.A __________ sales tax is applied to the sale of most commodities.A.generalB.selectiveCorrect Answer: AA general sales tax is applied to the sale of most commodities. For more information, see page 714in your textbook.47.A form of city government consisting of three-to-nine popularly elected commissioners is aA.county government.B.council-manager government.C.commission government.D.weak-mayor government.Correct Answer: CA commission government does not have a mayor or manager. Such a government is composed ofbetween three and nine elected officials. For more information, see page 702 in your textbook.48.What is the LEAST common way in which state judges are selected?12/21/24, 1:12 PMAmerican Government: Theories, Policies and Politics - Theorem
A.popular electionB.selection by the governor with the “Missouri Plan”C.selection by the governorD.selection by the legislatureCorrect Answer: DSelection by the legislature is the least common way in which state judges are selected. For moreinformation, see page 691 in your textbook.49.Which type of local government has the most powerful executive branch?A.a strong-mayor governmentB.a weak-mayor governmentC.a commission governmentD.a New England town meetingCorrect Answer: AIn a strong-mayor government, the mayor holds most of the executive powers. For moreinformation, see page 701 in your textbook.50.Papillion, La Vista, Bellevue, Ralston, and Council Bluffs are all cities near Omaha, Nebraska.Together, these cities form aA.municipality.B.district.C.metropolitan area.D.township.Correct Answer: CA metropolitan area is composed of a city and its extensions, as well as smaller towns in closeproximity. For more information, see page 706 in your textbook.12/21/24, 1:12 PMAmerican Government: Theories, Policies and Politics - Theorem
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