ethics have an impact on health care because they provide guidelines for decision-making andprovide limits on the possibilities and choices that can be accepted. 2.Based on the topic Resources, in 250-300 words, explain the term scientism and describe two of the main arguments against it.Scientism positions the hard sciences to provide greater scientific knowledge since it maintainsthat they are the only authentic source of absolute truths and information (Briggs, 2019). Itclassifies physics, biology, and other hard sciences as those that depend on experimentation andnatural rules. The outcomes of the hard sciences are trustworthy because they are based onfactual, testable, and reproducible facts. Soft sciences are viewed as pseudo-sciences that offerhypotheses and assumptions that are susceptible to change and might not be reproducible, whichmakes them less valuable than hard sciences. Based on the perceived value of the knowledge theyoffer, the hard and soft sciences are distinguished from one another. Since the hard sciences relyon testing, falsification, and objective scepticism to provide explanatory principles, they providemore important knowledge. However, the soft sciences are subjectivist, which allows for humannature to impact them. As a result, it is not unusual to have opposing views on the same principle(Briggs, 2019). In this way, hard sciences are seen by scientism as possessing more intellectualcontrol over actual knowledge than soft sciences.There are two primary objections to scientism. First of all, because the hard sciences are reframedby our current understanding of the environment and measuring devices, they cannot provideabsolute truths and facts. When new information is provided, things that were previously believed
to be absolute facts in the hard sciences do not alter. This implies that the data that is offered bythe hard and soft sciences can alter over time. Second, the hard sciences have taken a totalitarianstance that ignores individual opinion and relies too heavily on reason. These authoritarianmethods ultimately stifle independent thought, which is crucial for the advancement of scienceand for finding new facts. The soft sciences have taken a more tolerant stance that permitsdeliberate thought (Briggs, 2019)3.Respond to each of the worldview prompts according to your personal worldview, or "your own personal beliefs that comprise your worldview."a.In 125-150 words, explain ultimate reality.According to philosophy, ultimate reality is the most profound and essential aspect of life. Itinvestigates the nature of reality itself, as well as the fundamental ideas and truths that underpinit, going beyond the visible world. According to the theory of ultimate reality, each person is aresult of their interactions with their surroundings. My environment shapes who I am as a person,and I am a result of nurture. My values, mannerisms, and thought processes have been shaped bymy family, neighborhood, community, city, state, government, and other environmental forces.For example, because the two religions have different ideas about how many people should be ina legal marriage, I would be more tolerant of polygamy if I were a Muslim and less tolerant if Iwere a Christian. Therefore, ultimate reality examines the ways in which experience influencesmotivations, choices, and perspectives on life.b.In 125-150 words, explain the nature (origin) of the universe.
According to the Centre for Astrophysics, the Big Bang Theory states that the entire universeoriginated from a single, dense, and highly hot place some 13.8 billion years ago. However, timeis the most fundamental change in the cosmos, which is constantly changing due to its inherentnature. Energy is the driving force behind change in the cosmos, and the processes of competition,extinction, evolution, and energy conversion determine the degree and direction of change(Bennett et al., 2022). The struggle to get the limited energy resources is a component ofcompetition. Extinction is the process of eliminating elements that cannot compete, either directlyor by natural disasters. Evolution is the process of changing with the environment to fit better.Energy conversion is the process of converting one kind of energy into another. It starts withplants absorbing solar energy.c.In 125-150 words, explain what it means to be a human being and if there is purpose in human life and existence. There are two ways to define a human being. According to the religious viewpoint, God is thecreator of humans, according to the first definition. According to the Christian creation account,God made people in his image with the aim that they would procreate and carry out his will, whichincludes caring for other creations and abiding by the Ten Commandments (Hawthorne & Gordon,2020). According to the second definition, which comes from a biological standpoint, humans areevolutionarily evolved beings who have evolved higher cognitive processes that enable them tomodify their surroundings to suit their requirements. Humans have been able to use the world
beyond their physical capacities thanks to the development of sophisticated languages, vocabulary,technology, and clothing made possible by higher cognitive processes.d.In 125-150 words, explain what knowledge is and what the sources of knowledge are.The distinct collections of facts, information, and abilities that a person cognitively gains byeducation and experience are referred to as knowledge. The senses are how perception gathersinformation. Knowledge sources are the places where people learn stuff. They can be thought of ascognitive abilities that are used when someone learns something new. Authority, intuition,scientific empiricism, and educated guesswork are the sources of new knowledge (Cervetti &Wright, 2020). Hypotheses can come from authority, intuition, or a well-informed estimate, butfresh information can only come from scientific empiricism. While education entails participatingin formal and informal processes to gain theoretical information, experience entails practice tobecome familiar with knowledge. Knowledge enables people to think in different ways. Forexample, a person with engineering knowledge may effectively oversee a building project, and aperson with medical expertise can identify and cure illnesses.e.In 125-150 words, explain ethics and where the knowledge of right and wrong comes from. My understanding of ethics is predicated on two ideas. The first idea is the use of one's ownjudgement, convictions, and consciousness to establish what is morally right and wrong. This isbased on what I've learned from my surroundings. For example, I think that stealing is bad and that
everyone should work honestly to make a living. No matter the laws or my surroundings, I wouldhave a hard time stealing. Public values and beliefs are the second idea. Even while I might holdpersonal convictions, they might not align with the public views that are established by consensusand public debate. For example, there are ethical guidelines for handling private information in awork setting, and I should abide by them regardless of my views.f.In 125-150 words, explain the purpose of your life and existence. There are two reasons why I exist. Creating and raising future generations is my primary goal. Thisentails getting married, starting a family, working to support them, and having kids. It also entailsprotecting the environment so that my faults won't affect future generations. My second goal is tocarry out God's plan by abiding by moral standards and religious precepts like the TenCommandments. I firmly think that God made me to serve, and that my worth is contingent upon myability to do so. Therefore, my goal is to have children, make the world a better place for cominggenerations, and accomplish God's plan.4.In 125-150 words, explain the influence of your personal worldview values in decision-making within current or future professional practice.My personal worldview—basically, my views, values, and attitudes—has a big impact on thedecisions I make in my line of work. This is due to the fact that my worldview influences howI perceive the world and, consequently, how I interpret events and circumstances. For example, Iam likely to make choices that are consistent with my values if I value honesty and integrity, such asabstaining from unethical behavior. In a similar vein, because believe that cooperation and teamwork
are important, I always give priority to choices that encourage cooperation and support among allparties. My perspective will continue to influence the decisions I make in my future career. It willassist me in judging what is good or bad, significant or unimportant.
ReferencesBriggs, W. (2019). In opposition to scientism. Retrieved from, J., Shostak, S., Schneider, N., & MacGregor, M. (2022). Life in the Universe. PrincetonUniversity Press.Cervetti, G. N., & Wright, T. S. (2020). The role of knowledge in understanding and learningfrom text. In Handbook of reading research, volume V (pp. 237-260). Routledge.Hawthorne, D. M., & Gordon, S. C. (2020). The invisibility of spiritual nursing care in clinicalpractice. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 38(1), 147-155.