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ECON 102
Dec 21, 2024
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Final Project Ben Alexander SNHU Dr. Belsky 12/7/24
Part OneI recommend the following powerful guiding coalition be established to lead the sale of the organization: Omar Mattsson, Manufacturing Director; Elaine Hartwick, Acting Director; and John Martensson, Research Director. Each of these individuals will bring unique skills, experience, and influence in the organization that are necessary for taking this strategic shift.Omar Mattsson, who is the Manufacturing Director, will prove to be a considerable asset to the guiding coalition. He oversees a total of 12 manufacturing plants, operating a total of 580 hourly employees. He is also very deeply involved in the company's supply chain, especially considering the company has begun to expand operations into the Middle East. Having been directly involved in an acquisition in the past, Omar serves with first-hand experience in managing transitions and integrations-and arguably are the most key skill to take place throughout the sale. Although he is known at times to "rub people the wrong way," his very high level of job satisfaction, added to his proven capacity to lead highly successful initiatives, makes him an exceptional candidate for the coalition. Omar will bring operational leadership to ensure that the manufacturing and supply chain processes are integrated into thenew organization without hiccups. His experience in managing large teams and executing strategic changes effectively is essential to this role.Elaine Hartwick brings coalition vision leadership. Having 10 years with the company, managing 18 senior managers, she holds a critical leadership role and has been ableto drive adaptation and change within the organization. Although her reputation for being difficult to work with might constitute a liability, her ability to appreciate complementary strengths in others and her adaptive leadership style make her an integral part of the guiding coalition. Elaine brings experience managing significant organizational change, as well as the
visionary outlook that makes her the best person to lead the strategic direction of the sale. Shewill be in charge of ensuring that the top management is aligned and innovative solutions are driven within the coalition.John Martensson, Research Director, will be highly relevant in protecting the interestsof the organization's R&D in this sale. He runs the research laboratories across three countries that deal with over 100 scientists. Being with the company for 22 years and being part of the founding membership, John brings a depth of institutional knowledge and an understanding of the successes and failures of previous mergers that will prove invaluable. His high level of job satisfaction and reputation for seeing a job right through to the end suggest that he is committed to long-term success with the company. His role in the coalition will be one of ensuring R&D's smooth integration into the new structure and protecting the intellectual property considered so important to the value of the company. His leadership in assuring that ongoing projects will not be disrupted will be key in this sale process.The need for a cohesive and effective guiding coalition may mean that team building will be necessary. This will require careful planning in terms of strategies that help the team to work together and fall into step. The first strategy I will use is regular team meetings that make room for open communication, allowing each member to update and share concerns. These would act as a forum where progress can be discussed and every department aligned with the overall goals of the sale. I will ensure communication is consistent at all times for transparency and accountability, two very important virtues that keep team members together and working as one (Amos, Hu, & Herrick, 2005). I will establish clear and ambitious goals concerning the sale process, with well-defined deadlines that will help to keep the focus sharp. I will impress on them the importance of current market conditions and the need for swift action, while concurrently maintaining high standards of due diligence. I will lead this process with ownership by
reframing the sale into an opportunity for growth and a necessary evil to ensure the future of the company. This will cure complacency and drive the team through transition (Igbinenikaro, Adekoya, & Etukudoh, 2024).I will create an environment of trust within the team by fostering an atmosphere that allows for cooperation and shared responsibility. In that line, I will support the facilitation of workshops or any teamwork exercises that enable members to learn from one another by understanding strengths and how each communicates better. The exercises will instill mutual respect among them and eliminate barriers that are not interpersonal, thus helping to stop any potential collaboration. I will also initiate a decision-making process that allows for substantial input from all members of the coalition. All of them deserve to be heard, and in that way, they feel part of the problem. This brings a sense of ownership and collective responsibility in the success of the sale. We will also make sure during discussions that there will be free talk and that everyone is being listened to, enhancing their understanding and building their relationships further. Regular feedback sessions shall be conducted so that not only does the team feel valued and understood, but it also reassures us of our commitment towards collaboration and a supportive environment. It will eventually instill confidence among the team members to develop one vision toward meeting set objectives.These approaches nurture open communication, establishing a sense of urgency, and building trust-will definitely ensure that the guiding coalition to steer the process of change isrobust, aligned, and effective to see the organization through such a major transition. By choosing members with the right mix of leadership, influence, and expertise, and by implementing those team building strategies which further guarantee collaboration and a sense of urgency, it will be well positioned to lead the organization successfully through the sale process (Keavney, 2016).Employee Attrition and Retention Analysis Report
IntroductionThis report analyzes employee attrition and retention within a large life sciencescompany in the Midwest. As part of a broader exit strategy, the organization is assessing itscurrent human resource data to determine its value to potential buyers. The organization’stalent pool is a key strength, and the organization’s ability to retain valuable employees willbe a crucial determinant of the organization’s valuation in the event of an acquisition. In thisanalysis, we analyze human resources data, such as attrition trends, employee satisfaction,promotion history, and other essential factors that affect employee stability. This data predictsfuture attrition and actionable recommendations are suggested to increase retention rates andprotect the organization’s value.1. Current Employee DemographicsKnowing the demographic profile of the workforce is important in evaluating theorganization’s current state and forecasting future trends (Amegayibor, 2021). Theorganization is heavily skewed towards younger employees, with the largest group being inthe age group of 28 – 32 years old. The most populous age bracket in the company is this agegroup with approximately 280 employees. The number of employees decreases graduallywith age, as there are only 40 employees in the 53 to 56 age group. This means that thecompany has a young workforce, as is to be expected in a dynamic, evolving industry like lifesciences. However, if the representation is lacking in older age groups, there might be aproblem with retaining experienced professionals or attracting senior talent.Gender distribution data shows a clear imbalance, with about 900 male employees to550 female employees, or approximately 62% of the workforce male and 38% female. Notonly does this gender imbalance suggest broader industry trends, but it also points to thepossibility of the organization’s improvement. A more balanced gender representation incompanies may be advantageous to a wider set of perspectives, more creativity and improved
decision making processes. To attract and retain more female employees, especially inleadership roles, the organization may want to plan to implement strategies that are focusedon diversity and inclusion.In addition, marital status data gives us insight into employees’ personal lives andhow that might affect their work-life balance and job satisfaction expectations. In the data,670 employees are married, the largest group, followed by 460 single employees and 330divorced employees. For example, as married employees usually have different needs andexpectations (e.g., in the matter of family-related benefits such as childcare, flexible workinghours, or health insurance), they should also be treated differently. Meeting these needs wellcan enhance the satisfaction and retention of employees, especially among this group.Education levels in the organization vary but are skewed towards higherqualifications. Of the employees, almost 600 have an undergraduate degree, 400 have agraduate degree, and 350 have completed high school or another equivalent qualification.About 250 employees hold an associate degree, and 100 have a doctorate. This reflects theskilled workforce a company operating in the life sciences sector needs. A strength is the highlevel of employee education, but there could be more to develop. Continuous learningopportunities (e.g., advanced certifications or assistance for employees to obtain highereducation) could significantly invest in the workforce and help retain employees.2. Attrition AnalysisPatterns in employee turnover and which factors are most likely to lead an employeeto leave are revealed through attrition data. Job satisfaction is one of the most importantfactors that indicate employee attrition. Comparing current and former employees, there is avast difference in job satisfaction. However, former employees overwhelmingly reportedlower job satisfaction than those currently employed. For example, 300 former employeesrated their job satisfaction and work-life balance as "unsatisfied," while only 80 current
employees reported similar dissatisfaction. Job satisfaction is a primary factor in employeeretention, and tackling this dissatisfaction could reduce turnover rates by a great deal (Suraihiet al., 2021).Another essential attrition factor is how long an employee has been since his lastpromotion. The data indicates that employees who have not been promoted within three tofive years are likelier to leave the organization. For example, around 55 people left after theirfirst year without a promotion, and this pattern continues out through the three to five-yearmark, but at a lower rate. This means that employees who do not have a clear path for careerprogression are more likely to look elsewhere. This issue can be mitigated by offering regularpromotions, merit-based raises, and transparent communication about career paths (Suraihi etal., 2021).Insights are also provided by the age distribution of those employees who leave theorganization. Most who leave are 28 to 32 years old, a critical age group for careerdevelopment. This age range of employees usually looks for a chance to grow, bettercompensation, or a better work-life balance. About 45 former employees fall into thiscategory, so the organization should focus on retaining talent in their late twenties and earlythirties. Many employees at this age make critical career choices, and organizations that offerclear paths to advancement and job satisfaction will be more likely to keep employees in thisdemographic.Another significant finding from the attrition analysis is that most employees wholeave do so quickly within the first year. Data shows that 55 former employees left theorganization within their first year, which is a high rate of early-stage turnover. This impliesthat the onboarding process and the first employee experience might not fulfill the new hires’needs. Once on board, improving onboarding through comprehensive training, mentorship,
and regular check-ins during the first year of employment could help reduce early attritionand improve retention overall.Moreover, the training-to-attrition relationship is noteworthy. Those who had receivedmore training were likelier to stay with the organization. Those who attended three to fourtraining sessions had better retention rates than those who received only little or no training.This trend indicates that employees supported in their professional development are likelier tostay engaged and committed to the company. One way to solve this problem is to expandtraining programs across departments so all employees can take advantage of continuouslearning opportunities, improving retention rates and employee satisfaction.3. Retention InsightsComparing current and former employees provides a better understanding of factorsessential to employee retention. One of the most critical elements of retention is the jobsatisfaction. The data shows that 2,600 current employees are "delighted" with their jobs,compared to fewer than 500 former employees who reported similar satisfaction levels. Thestark contrast here highlights the need to keep employee satisfaction at high levels to avoidattrition. Satisfied employees who feel good about their jobs and work-life balance arelikelier to stay with the organization. In contrast, dissatisfied employees who indicateunhappiness are likelier to leave.Employees in their late twenties and early thirties are more at risk of attrition. Theyare more likely to leave if they do not see career progression opportunities or are unhappywith their work-life balance. The data also shows that former employees in this age rangewere more likely to have left due to dissatisfaction with their promotion opportunities or aperceived lack of growth within the company. The organization should offer clear careerpaths, leadership development programs, and competitive compensation packages to retainyounger employees.
Forecasting future attrition depends on closely watching how employee jobsatisfaction levels fluctuate, especially in the first few years of an employee’s tenure. Thosewho are unhappy with their job, have not received a promotion, or have not had access toregular training are at the most risk of leaving. This is a critical period for engagement andretention since the data suggests that these employees are more likely to leave within theirfirst three to five years. By doing regular employee satisfaction surveys, offering mentorshipand career coaching, these proactive measures could help identify at risk employees beforethey decide to leave.Additionally, it is a critical consideration that high attrition can potentially impact theorganization’s valuation. However, high employee turnover, especially among younger orcritical positions employees, could hurt the company’s perceived value during an acquisition.High attrition rates may be seen by buyers as a symptom of internal instability or poormanagement, therefore making the organization less appealing to potential acquirers. Assuch, it is essential to deal with the root causes of attrition not only to retain talent but toprotect the organization's long-term value.4. Actionable StepsActionable steps can be taken to increase employee retention using attrition andretention analysis findings. The first is to improve career development programs. Employeeswho can no longer envision a future with the company are less inclined to remain withit(Baskin, 2023). Career paths will be structured, promotions will be regular, and employeeswill be mentored so they can see a future with the company. The onboarding process alsoneeds to be improved – particularly during the first year when attrition is high. Acomprehensive orientation, exceptional mentorship, and regular feedback during this periodcan also help with employee engagement and decrease early-stage turnover (Baskin, 2023).
Another key step is expanding on training and development programs. Regulartraining increases employees' likelihood of remaining part of the organization. Additionally,offering many learning opportunities, such as a certification or leadership workshop, canimprove employees’ skills, including their loyalty to your company. In addition, work-lifebalance policies must be further improved since dissatisfaction with this significantlycontributes to attrition. Working from home, flexible schedules, and mental health supportwill increase job satisfaction(Arulsamy et al., 2023).The organization should also address diversity and inclusion efforts, specificallyaround gender balance. A more diverse workforce causes creativity and innovation. A gapexists between the number of female and minority engineers in the industry and the societaldemand for representation and available talent (Kaur & Arora, 2020). Finally, it is essential tonurture a culture of recognition and reward. People who are recognized for their tasks aremore likely to stay. Employees can boost morale and reduce turnover, strengthening theorganization's retention efforts through promotions, performance reviews, and employeerecognition programs (Radu., 2023).In conclusion, to improve employee retention, we need to concentrate on careerdevelopment, onboarding, training, work-life balance, and diversity. Focusing on these areaswill lead to job satisfaction and loyalty and thereby deplete attrition rates. In the future, whenacquisitions occur, a stable, satisfied workforce will increase the organization's long-termvalue, both for employees and the company.
Alternative Buyer Introduction:In light of recent events and developments regarding the possible sale of our organization to an apparent hesitant buyer, this report presents Johnson & Johnson (J&J) as an alternative buyer for our life sciences organization. The company is one of the largest healthcare companies in the world, so this represents a strategic opportunity for our organization that is consistent with our organizational goals and future growth aspirations. This report will assess J&J's potential as an acquirer by analyzing its market position, financial strength, recent developments, and strategic fit with our organization. In addition, it will outline a step-by-step roadmap for the acquisition process to ensure structured and efficient execution of this potential business combination. With its financial strength, strategicalignment, and industry leadership, J&J is the best potential buyer for our life sciences organization. J&J was founded in 1886, and its diversified portfolio comprises pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and consumer health products (Johnson&Johnson, 2023). It has divided its 2023 divisions into Kenvue, which focuses on the high-growth, innovation-driven healthcare segments. It is, therefore, a good time to have acquisition discussions.Current Market AnalysisJohnson & Johnson operates in a diverse and expansive healthcare market through three primary business segments. In the consumer health sector, the company manufactures and distributes a wide range of personal care products and over-the-counter medicines that are household names across the globe. Their pharmaceutical division focuses on developing and marketing prescription drugs, with particular emphasis on immunology, oncology, neuroscience, cardiovascular, and metabolic diseases. This will complete their portfolio, having surgical equipment, orthopedic devices, and vision care products. In such a way, the company will be considered as offering full healthcare solutions. Their products target a broad and diverse range of customers in multiple segments of the healthcare sector. These
products reach the health-care providers and systems such as hospitals and clinics while others go to pharmacies and retailers who distribute their consumer products. Individual consumers are the big chunk of their market, specifically for over-the-counter products and personal care. Also, government agencies and organizations buying health care equipment forthem, and research-based institutions and laboratories that demand advanced medical technologies. Generally, in the global healthcare and pharmaceutical industry, Johnson & Johnson is one of its most competitive companies, second to Pfizer, Novartis, Roche, and Merck. This organization operates in the pharmaceutical preparation manufacturing industry, classified under NAICS code 325412 (Curtis, 2023). This is the same sector in which our organization has been actively competing. Diversifying their portfolio and maintaining leadership among various healthcare segments have proved them to be one of the most reliable and innovating companies in the medical sector. Financial SituationThe financial health of Johnson & Johnson is outstandingly sound and stable in the healthcare sector. In 2023, the company's revenues had grown to an astonishing level of $85.2billion with an operating margin of around 17.69% (Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) - Operating Margin, n.d.). Further financial solidity is established through an excellent cash position at $23 billion or more in cash and short-term investments (Johnson & Johnson Cash Flow Statement 2009-2024 | JNJ, n.d.). Over 60 consecutive years of dividend payments qualify the company as one of the elite dividend kings. Excellent financial stability stands behind a AAA credit rating. In terms of innovation and future growth, commitment is reflected by huge annual R&D investments of about $15.1 billion(Joaquin Duato, 2023).Recent Developments
Over the past year, Johnson & Johnson has observed tremendous strategic transformation and growth. One of them includes the successful Kenvue consumer health spin-off last 2023(Johnson&Johnson, 2023). And another was the acquisition done strategically when it purchased Abiomed for $16.6 billion back in 2022(Reuter, 2022). Their pharmaceuticals business remains promising, considering the robust pipeline of new drugs and treatments being developed. In contrast, issues the company faces are litigated regarding some products, and managing the control of legal risks and related resources will be required.The company's medical devices business has been hurt by the market, and acquisition integration costs from recent acquisitions remain to be managed. Despite these challenges, the trend is positive, while strategic initiatives are focused on long-term growth and stability.Buyer RationaleJohnson & Johnson would be our ideal buyer for several quite compelling reasons. The overall strategic fit between our organization and that of Johnson & Johnson is very strong based on their long history as an established player in life sciences and corporate culture and systems that resonate with and emphasize innovation. Their track record on successful acquisitions shows that it has the ability to induct new businesses, and complementary research capabilities indicate strong potential for synergistic growth. The strength of the balance sheet of the company lays a solid foundation for acquisition of this business. It has huge cash reserves besides having a proven ability of executing large-scale transactions that combine with a good credit rating to ensure that the acquisition would not only get completed but also invested in growing the companies acquired. There are vast operational benefits of joining Johnson & Johnson through their access to worldwide distribution networks, established market positions, and advanced capabilities in R&D. The integration team is highly experienced in conducting successful integration.Acquisition Road Map
The acquisition process began with several crucial completed tasks. During the last few months, our strategic planning team has extensively analyzed the market. Market analysis included competitor assessment as well as an evaluation of market opportunities. This life sciences environment, with which we are presently confronted, requires a deep understanding of the strengths of both the organizations and potential synergies as this mergeropportunity presents. These results showed a huge potential for generating value through technological integration, market expansion, and innovation in collaboration, which could change the partnership into an innovative and beneficial one to both parties and their differentstakeholders.During our strategic evaluation, we thoroughly studied our firm's position in the market, its core competencies that it might possess, and whether they can be aligned with those of Johnson & Johnson portfolio. Such an evaluation included in-depth research into operational capabilities, synergies in research and development, and market opportunities. From these evaluations, we determined through careful consideration of the strengths and the strategic objectives of both firms which aspects would be of high value if combined. This lays a very good foundation to move ahead with the acquisition process. Pre-acquisition planning is the development of a comprehensive framework that will guide negotiations and eventual integration. Our team has created detailed financial models that consider both tangible assets and intangible value drivers, including intellectual property, research pipelines, and market presence. This planning phase would also involve scenario analyses in regards to market conditions and integration pathways so that all possible outcomes are prepared for during negotiations with Johnson & Johnson.Our due diligence processes are quite transparent, and we take proper measures to protect sensitive information. It is a comprehensive process where we document everything from regulatory compliance to market strategies. We have recorded portfolios that reflect the
legal compliance, intellectual property portfolios, and operational metrics. This has given us avery detailed preparation for focused and productive negotiations aimed at value creation andstrategic alignment rather than transaction mechanics.The integration strategy is built around retaining the innovative culture of both companies while using the global reach and market penetration of Johnson & Johnson. The approach accounts for organizational culture, management philosophies, and operating practices in such a way that there would be an easy transition with no interference in businessactivities. System integration, process standardization, and cultural alignment will have clear milestones and timelines with accountability throughout the integration period. Our financial structure allows for a multitude of possible outcomes and is designed in a flexible negotiationframework that leaves room for many alternatives, while also having some clearly defined parameters on the limits of what can be agreed to in terms of acceptability. This would also take into account earn-out provisions as well as other performance-based considerations regarding payments. We have produced elaborate financial projections that help highlight the potential value created in the merged entity to help buttress our negotiating position with Johnson & Johnson. It runs for two years, and within this period, the integration of all systems at hand willbe done comprehensively to achieve absolute organizational alignment. The initial stages dealmore with business continuity at basic levels of integration; the later stages involve standardization of processes, further expansion into markets, and culture harmonization. It is all done with great care so that stability develops step by step toward complete integration with Johnson & Johnson. Our risk management approach considers any challenge that may emerge based on regulatory requirements and in terms of maintaining operational continuity. Contingency plans have been crafted for scenarios which would not take away the robustness of our acquisition process. This holistic approach in managing risk has response protocols to
specific areas of challenges and allows rapid adaptation without losing momentum toward integration goals. Effective stakeholder management is an integral part of our acquisition strategy. In this respect, we intend to have full transparency and keep the concerned parties well within time so that the right information at the right moment can reach all constituencies during the process. Some specific plans in respect to the employee, shareholder, customer, and regulatory body on engagement so that none of their confidence and support erodes, while still managing the expectation appropriately. The methods of measuring effectiveness are both qualitative and quantitative pointers that give an overall view of how the acquisition has performed. Monitoring under our framework encompasses operational efficiency pointers, market performance, synergies from research, and cultural integration pointers. Healthy monitoring of these pointers help in quick identification and eradication of problems arising as part of integration while it is still possible to pause and celebrate and consolidate itssuccesses.Fig 1: Gantt Chart
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