ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 2 Table of Contents I.WELCOME ............................................................................................................................................................4 ETS Performance Assessments Informational Website .......................................................................................................................4 ETS Performance Assessments Online Submission System .................................................................................................................4 II.TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS AND SUPPORT ........................................................................................................5 Operating Systems and Browsers Currently Supported ......................................................................................................................5 Computer Hardware Currently Supported .........................................................................................................................................5 Bookmarking URLs .............................................................................................................................................................................5 Text Editing Tools ..............................................................................................................................................................................5 Pop Up Blockers .................................................................................................................................................................................5 Technical Issues .................................................................................................................................................................................5 Saving Responses ...................................................................................................................................................................................5 Log In Error ............................................................................................................................................................................................6 Request Entity Too Large Error ..............................................................................................................................................................7 Account Locked Out Error ......................................................................................................................................................................7 Working in Multiple Browsers May Affect Data Integrity ......................................................................................................................7 Upload Issues.........................................................................................................................................................................................7 Technical Support Contact Information..............................................................................................................................................7 III.REGISTRATION ....................................................................................................................................................8 IV.PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENTS HOME SCREEN .................................................................................................16 Access the Assessment ....................................................................................................................................................................16 My Resources ..................................................................................................................................................................................17 Overview .........................................................................................................................................................................................17 Upload/Manage My Artifacts ..........................................................................................................................................................18 Preparing Your Artifacts for Uploading ................................................................................................................................................19 Reducing jpg images ............................................................................................................................................................................20 Uploading Artifacts ..............................................................................................................................................................................20 Linking Artifacts to Task Responses .....................................................................................................................................................21 Removing Artifacts ..............................................................................................................................................................................21
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 3 Task Chart ........................................................................................................................................................................................21 Links to Contact Information ............................................................................................................................................................22 Other Links ......................................................................................................................................................................................23 TASK OVERVIEW .....................................................................................................................................................23 Locating Your Task List .....................................................................................................................................................................23 Task Selection ..................................................................................................................................................................................23 Task Structure ..................................................................................................................................................................................24 Instructions ..........................................................................................................................................................................................24 Upload/Manage My Artifacts Button ..................................................................................................................................................24 Content Area (PPAT only) ....................................................................................................................................................................25 Task Panels ..........................................................................................................................................................................................25 Textbox Features .............................................................................................................................................................................25 Text Format .........................................................................................................................................................................................26 Character Count ..................................................................................................................................................................................26 Save Response .....................................................................................................................................................................................28 Auto Save .............................................................................................................................................................................................29 Save Response Errors ..........................................................................................................................................................................30 Link Uploaded Artifact to Text .............................................................................................................................................................30 View Linked Artifact .............................................................................................................................................................................32 Remove Linked Artifact .......................................................................................................................................................................32 Video Upload ...................................................................................................................................................................................32 Step 1: Confirm Video File Size and Type.............................................................................................................................................33 Step 2: Upload the Video .....................................................................................................................................................................34 Step 3: Review Video ...........................................................................................................................................................................35 Replace Video ......................................................................................................................................................................................36 Submitting Your Tasks and Agreeing to Submission Terms ...............................................................................................................36 Tasks not Submitted ............................................................................................................................................................................37 COMPLETION ..........................................................................................................................................................37 SCORE REPORTS ......................................................................................................................................................38 RESUBMISSION .......................................................................................................................................................38 Resubmission Registration ...............................................................................................................................................................39 Resubmission Tasks .........................................................................................................................................................................42 Submitting Your Resubmission Tasks ...............................................................................................................................................42 Resubmission Score Reports ............................................................................................................................................................42
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 4 I.Welcome ETS Performance Assessments Informational Website Information about the ETS Performance Assessments is available on the informational website at PPAT Assessment: PASL Assessment: PATL Assessment: You will find details about ETS performance assessments, including task requirements and rubrics, preparation materials, candidate handbooks, ancillary forms and documents, registration and submission deadline dates, fees and payments, scores, and frequently asked questions. ETS Performance Assessments Online Submission System The online submission system is where you will enter your task responses, upload all required artifacts, link required artifacts to your task responses, upload and review your video, and submit your tasks. This guide provides step-by-step instructions with related screenshots to help direct you through the registration and submission process. The images provided are a combination of screenshots from multiple performance assessments.
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 5 II.Technical Requirements and Support The online submission system has been fully tested and supported on the following operating systems, browsers, and hardware. Using other versions, may not provide all system functionality to support your submissions. Operating Systems and Browsers Currently Supported Windows®: Chrome®, Firefox®, and Edge MAC®: Chrome® and Safari® Computer Hardware Currently Supported PC and MAC are supported hardware. The use of mobile devices (tablets, cell phones, etc.) for entering and submitting your task responses is not supported. Internet Explorer is no longer supported. Bookmarking URLs To access the submission system, type the URL directly into the address bar of a newly opened browser page. We recommend that you do not bookmark the URL. If it is necessary to save the URL as a bookmark/favorite, you must edit the bookmark/favorite to reflect the test-taker URL: Text Editing Tools Disable text editing applications/tools you may have on your computer when you are working in the submission system. These applications may interfere with the linking functionality in the textboxes. It is your responsibility to ensure that your linked text is highlighted and surrounded by brackets before submitting the task. Contact ETS if you encounter issues when linking your artifacts. Pop Up Blockers The application utilizes several pop-up windows. Disable the pop-up window blocker within your browser to allow these to display. Technical Issues Saving Responses •A maximum character count has been established for each task as seen in the task requirements. This maximum count is for your response to the entire task. This is not a maximum for each individual textbox. You will encounter errors when attempting to save your responses if your character count has exceeded the maximum character limit for the task. While the text that you entered may appear in the textboxes, the text and artifact links will not save if the maximum character count is exceeded. It will be necessary to edit your response in order to save your work. Verify your character count often to make sure your response does not exceed the maximum character count. The character count button is located above the textboxes.
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 6 •Your responses will not save if you are disconnected from the submission system. Upon saving your response, a popup window will appear confirming the save. If you do not receive a pop-up confirmation after attempting to save, your response did not save. It is very likely that you may be disconnected from the system. •Your responses will not save if you navigate away from the task page without saving your work. The Save Response button that is located above the textbox saves only that textbox response. The Save All Responses button that is located after the final step of the task at the bottom of the screen saves all textbox responses. Log In Error Most log in errors (as seen in Figure 1) are the result of: •not properly closing out a session from a previous log in using the "Sign Out" link •using a browser or operating system that is not supported by our systems •trying to log in using a bookmark of the URL •trying to log in too many times with an incorrect password Figure 1: Log In System Error If you encounter log in errors, please attempt to log in again by following the steps below. 1.Close all internet browsers, then open a new browser window. Type: directly into the address bar of the newly-opened browser page. 2.We have seen issues when users are trying to log into the site using a bookmark or favorite. When you initially save the test taker URL above as a bookmark or favorite, it converts to a very long URL. If you save the URL as a bookmark/favorite, please edit the bookmark/favorite to reflect the test taker URL: 3.If the issue persists, the Internet browser cache may need to be cleared. Use the links below to access instructions on clearing the cache on these supported browsers. •Chrome: Clearing the Cache •Firefox: Clearing the Cache •Safari: Clearing the Cache •Edge: Clearing the Cache
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 7 Request Entity Too Large Error Be sure to log out of the submission system properly by selecting the Sign Out link. Users who repeatedly close the browser window without properly signing out of the submission system, may encounter errors when attempting to access the submission system or a task in future sessions. Multiple cookies may be stored in the browser. If you encounter an error of "Request Entity Too Large" when trying to access the submission system or a task, please follow the steps below. 1.Clear cookies and browser cache. 2.Logout of the submission system and close all internet browsers. 3.Open a new browser window, login to your account and try to access the submission system. 4.If the issue persists, please use a different browser to access your account. Account Locked Out Error Technical error messages (as seen in Figure 2) may be the result of a user account becoming locked due to too many login attempts using an incorrect password. If you receive this message, try the steps listed above. If you are still unable to log in, contact Customer Service support. Figure 2: Technical Error Working in Multiple Browsers May Affect Data Integrity When working in the submission system, work in only one browser window of the submission system. Multiple browser windows open in the submission system may result in loss or change to data especially when the autosave process runs in all open windows. Upload Issues For artifact upload issues, see the Upload/Manage My Artifacts section of this guide. For video upload issues, see the Video Upload section of this guide. Included in this section are tips for reducing the file size and joining video segments to meet the file requirements. If you are still unable to resolve your upload issues, contact our support team. Technical Support Contact Information Should questions arise as you are using the system, please contact customer service. Email: Phone: 1-609-359-5634 or 1-855-628-5088
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 8 Representatives are available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET (except for U.S. holidays). When contacting ETS for technical issues, please be prepared to provide information about your operating system and browser, a description of what you were doing in the system when the error occurred, and a screen shot of the error that you encountered. III.Registration You must create an ETS Performance Assessment account and register for your assessment before you can access the submission system. To create an account and register for an assessment, go to the “Registration” web page for your assessment found on the ETS Performance Assessments website at PPAT Assessment: PASL Assessment: PATL Assessment: You will find an overview of the registration process and a link to the site where you will create your account. On the Performance Assessments Sign In for Test Takers page, select the Create an Account button (as seen in Figure 3). If you have an existing account for an ETS® Performance Assessment for the GACE Teacher Leader assessment, or for the GRE®, sign in as a Returning User. You cannot use your Praxis® account credential because the ETS Performance Assessments registration site is different from the registration site used for Praxis assessments. Figure 3: Sign In for Test Takers Page When creating your account, you will be prompted to enter your personal information. In states where approval is required to take the assessment, please make sure that your name and date of birth on your account match the same in your state certification system account.
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 9 Background Information and Certification State You will also be presented with a few background information questions when creating your profile. Most questions are optional. However, it is mandatory that you respond to the question that asks for the state where you are seeking certification. Your response to this question will be used to determine whether we automatically report your scores to a state agency. If you are seeking certification in a state that is an automatic score recipient for the assessment, the state certification agency will automatically receive a copy of your scores. A list of states and passing scores can be found on the informational website in the “Scores” section for each test. For PASL Assessment Candidates Seeking Certification in Texas •Check with your EPP to ensure that you’re approved in the state certification system to take the PASL assessment. •If you’re an out-of-state/out-of-country candidate, you’ll need to get testing approval by calling the Texas Education Agency (TEA®) at 1-512-936-8400 (choose Option 2: Educator Certification). •If you’re already a certified Principal and want to upgrade to the Principal as Instructional Leader certificate, call the TEA for testing approval. We verify candidate approval to take the PASL assessment with the Texas Education Agency (TEA) system prior to you reaching the Select a Test and Submission Window screen. If you are not approved for the assessment in the TEA system, you will encounter error messages on this screen. Follow the instructions in the messaging to resolve the issue. If you are not registering for the PASL assessment, disregard these messages. For PASL Assessment Candidates Seeking Certification in Georgia Make sure your GaPSC MyPSC account shows that: •your EPP has approved you for the assessment •you have verified your enrollment in your preparation program Check with your EPP to resolve if you are not approved in the GaPSC certification system to take the PASL assessment. ETS will verify your eligibility after you register and if you’re not approved for the assessment, your registration will be cancelled. Once you have created your account, your home screen (as seen in Figure 4) serves as your access point to registration, profile information, resources, scores, and the assessment. These features will be described in detail in the following sections.
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 10 Figure 4: My ETS Performance Assessment Home Screen My Tests Under “My Tests”, select Register for a Test (as seen in Figure 5) to register for your assessment and submit payment. Figure 5: Register for a Test You will be taken to a screen that shows the testing policies and terms and conditions. Read this information and then check the box indicating that you understand and agree to the terms (as seen in Figure 6). After you check the box, select Next. Figure 6: Agreement to Policies and Terms and Conditions The personal information from your ETS Performance Assessment Account will appear. Review your information and select Next.
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 11 Figure 7: Confirm Your Personal Information On the Select a Test and Submission Window screen, you will be presented with the state in which you are seeking certification and the ETS Performance Assessments that are available for registration (as seen in Figure 8). Verify the state that appears is the state in which you are seeking certification. Follow instructions to change this state, if needed. Next, search for your assessment and select the applicable submission window. Carefully consider your choice. If you select a submission window and then decide to change to a later one, you will be subject to a reschedule fee. You will be required to re-enter any task written commentary that you may have previously entered in the system. If the test you need to take does not appear when registering, contact us. The registration deadline may have passed but late registration may be available over the phone with our contact center. When you have selected your assessment submission window, select Next.
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 12 Figure 8: Select a Test and Submission Window Using the drop-down menu, select your Educator Preparation Program (EPP) that is requiring you to take the assessment. The EPP you select will automatically receive your scores for the assessment. If you are seeking certification as an out of state/out of country candidate, select the state in which you are seeking certification from the Select State drop-down list and then select the “Prepared Out of State” listing from the Educator Preparation Program drop-down list.
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 13 Figure 9: Select Your EPP You may also select up to four additional score recipients as part of your test fee. You may add score recipients up until 10 p.m. ET the night before the submission deadline date (the last task submission deadline date for assessments with multiple submission deadline dates). To send your scores to a state licensing agency, be sure to select them as a score recipient. If you indicated in the Background Information questions that you are seeking certification in a state that is an automatic score recipient for the assessment, the state certification agency will automatically appear as a score recipient. A list of states and passing scores can be found on the informational website in the “Scores” section. Enter your additional score recipients and select Next. Figure 10: Select Score Recipients During registration, you will be asked to provide demographic and other background information that may be used for research purposes. Responses to these questions will not affect your scores. Some responses will be included on score reports sent to your EPP and the other score recipients you select. In addition, you will be asked to respond to several questions relating to your clinical experience.
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 14 Figure 11: Background Information Questions After you are finished with the background questions, select Next to review your shopping cart (as seen in Figure 12). Confirm your information including the assessment, submission window, EPP, and additional score recipients, if any. Select Proceed to Checkout to move on and submit your payment. Figure 12: Shopping Cart The Checkout page will display applicable taxes due on the order. If you are using a voucher code for either full or partial payment, enter the code where prompted and select Apply (as seen in Figure 13). Upon processing the voucher code, your “Pay Amount” will be reduced to reflect a new amount due. If the voucher covers the full amount of your registration, the Pay Amount will reflect a $0.00 balance. Select Submit to proceed.
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 15 Figure 13: Checkout with Voucher If you are not using a voucher or if your voucher only covers a portion of your registration, select Pay Now to move on to payment. Enter your payment information and select Continue. Figure 14: Payment Method Once your order has been successfully processed, you will be able to access your Order Confirmation. You will also receive an Order Confirmation email at the email address you entered when creating your account. You can access the assessment from your Home page by selecting Go To Assessment.
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 16 IV.Performance Assessments Home Screen Access the Assessment After your registration is complete, your assessment will appear under “My Tests” on the “My Home” screen (as seen in Figure 15). Select the Go To Assessment link to access the assessment and submit responses to the tasks. Note that if you selected a submission window that begins in the future, you will not be able to work on the tasks in the system until the submission window begins. Figure 15: Access the Assessments Assessment Overview Page The assessment Overview screen (as seen in Figure 16) will serve as your access point for the resources, assessment tasks, submission overview, and artifact library. These features will be described in detail in the following sections. Figure 16: The Performance Assessment Overview Screen
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 17 My Resources On the left side of the assessment overview screen, you will find a section titled “My Resources” (as seen in Figure 17). This section will provide you with links to resources on the informational website related to the assessment, including task requirements, rubrics, ancillary materials (documents referenced in the tasks that may be used for your task responses), handbooks, permission forms, submission dates and deadlines, standards and indicators measured by the assessment, and video requirements. These links are assessment specific. Simply click on one of the links to be redirected. Figure 17: My Resources Overview In the center of the screen (as seen in Figure 18), you will be provided with general information about: •the ETS review of all task responses for overlap with test-taker submissions from all submission windows and from the library of examples •the order in which tasks may be accessed and submitted •submission deadline time (2 p.m. ET) The time zone for deadlines is Eastern time (New York) and may not be the same time zone where you are located. If you are not located in the Eastern time zone, it is important to determine the applicable time zone based on where you are located so you do not miss the deadline. Depending on the assessment, the Overview information may vary. For example, the task access and submission dates may be the same for all tasks, or they may be staggered.
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 18 Figure 18: Assessment Overview Example Upload/Manage My Artifacts Located just below the “Overview” section on the assessment home screen is the Upload/Manage My Artifacts button (as seen in Figure 19). When clicked, this button will grant you access to your Library of Artifacts. Figure 19: Upload/Manage My Artifacts All assessments require the inclusion of artifacts with your submission. Note about artifacts: In order for your responses to be scored fairly: •do not exceed the required number of artifacts, •do not attach those required artifacts multiple times within your response, •do not exceed the maximum page limit for each artifact,
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 19 •do not include a link to third-party sites for the rater to view your artifact •do not include artifacts that are blurry, illegible or contain images that are too small to read. Blurry or illegible artifacts may result in a score of zero if the rater is unable to read the artifact, •do not attach additional artifacts that are not required by the task. To protect the identity of students and adults, it is extremely important that, in your task responses and artifacts, you do not identify: •yourself •your students •your colleagues •your school or the city/town in which your school is located Instead, refer to students as “Student 1,” “Student 2” and so on. Refer to places as “my school” or “my district.” Please remove identifiers from work samples, observations, letters, etc. — you can do this simply by crossing them out with a marker or by covering them with correction tape or fluid before scanning. The purpose of the Library of Artifacts is to provide you with an area where you can store artifacts that you will be submitting for the assessment. Uploaded artifacts that you intend to be part of your task response MUST BE linked to text in your task response. Once an artifact is uploaded, it will be available for linking to any task response. Upload your artifacts prior to performing the link function in your text response. Information about uploading, linking, and removing artifacts follows in this guide. Figure 20: Library of Artifacts Preparing Your Artifacts for Uploading Prior to uploading your artifacts, verify that the file type, size and file name meet the online submission system requirements: •Acceptable artifact file types include: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .rtf, .txt and .png. •Maximum file size: 1 MB
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 20 •File names: cannot contain spaces or include such characters as ! + $ % , ` ^ * < > [ ] { } ? “ # / ~ = @ ; % and cannot exceed 50 characters If your file does not meet these requirements, you will receive an error message when trying to upload and the upload will fail. You may need to make changes to your file in order to meet the system requirements. For example, you may need to reduce the file size. See options below for reducing jpg files. Search online for additional options to reduce a file size or convert a file to an acceptable file type. Reducing jpg images If you are not able to scan your artifacts, take a picture of the artifact with your cell phone or tablet. This usually creates a jpg file. You will not be able to upload the file from your cell phone or tablet, but you should be able to send the file to your email account. If the file is too large, your phone should prompt you with options to reduce the file size before sending the email. Select one of the reduced file options. Access your email from your PC or MAC to retrieve the reduced file. If the file is already on your computer, open your document library on your computer and find the file. 1.Select the file with the mouse, but do not open the file. 2.On the toolbar, click Email. 3.If the Attach Files dialog box opens, select a picture size, and then click Attach. 4.Windows will automatically resize the picture and attach it to an email message. 5.Right click on the file in the email and save the new file to your computer. Allow time to resolve any upload errors that you may receive. If your file still does not meet the system requirements or if you continue to encounter errors when uploading the file, please contact Customer Service for assistance at 1-855-628-5088. Uploading Artifacts For assessments that require a video recording, please note that your video file does not get uploaded to the Library of Artifacts. Refer to “Section V, Video Upload” for information about uploading your video recording. To upload an artifact, go to the Library of Artifacts by first selecting the Upload/Manage my Artifacts button on the assessment home screen. Click the Upload Artifact button, located above the artifact directory (as seen in Figure 20). After you click the Upload Artifact button, a file-selector window will pop up. Select the Upload Document or File button and find the file you wish to upload. The file name will appear within the file-selector window and will be highlighted in green (as seen in Figure 21). You can choose to upload another document by selecting the Upload Document or File button again, or you can return to the Library of Artifacts by selecting the Close button in the lower right corner of the window. If you receive an error message during the upload, verify that the file type, size, and name are acceptable based on the document attributes identified in the Upload Artifacts pop-up box. Also, check to make sure that the file was not previously uploaded to your library.
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 21 Contact ETS if you have exceeded the maximum number of artifacts but need to upload additional artifacts. After uploading your file, open it from the Library of Artifacts to verify that the content can be viewed. Figure 21: File Selector Window Linking Artifacts to Task Responses For scoring purposes, the artifacts that you wish to include with your submission MUST be linked to your written responses. After you have uploaded your artifacts to your Library of Artifacts, the artifacts will be available for linking to any task response. See “Section V, Textbox Features” for specific instructions about how to link artifacts to responses. Removing Artifacts To remove an item from the Library of Artifacts, simply return to the Library of Artifacts directory (as seen in Figure 20). The Library of Artifacts directory has three columns: artifact name, action, and date uploaded. By clicking on the Remove link, located under the action column, you will remove the selected artifact from your library. If you wish to remove an artifact that is linked to a task response, you must first remove the link in the task response textbox (see “Section V, Textbox Features”). Artifacts that have been linked to submitted tasks cannot be removed or replaced. Task Chart On the assessment Overview screen, you will find a task chart that identifies the submission window and tasks associated with the assessment (as seen in Figure 22). This is where you will access the assessment tasks.
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 22 Figure 22: Task Chart Example •Task Number and Description The task chart indicates each task number and name. By clicking on the task number, you will be redirected to the task submission area for that particular task. Task submissions will be discussed in more detail in “Section V, Task Overview.” •Submission Deadline This section of the task chart indicates the submission deadline for the particular task. Depending on the assessment, the submission deadline dates may be different for each task. Important Note About Task Deadlines: Tasks are due by 2 p.m. ET (New York) on the submission deadline date indicated in the task status chart. We recommend that you allow plenty of time to enter, edit and submit your responses in the system ahead of task deadline day. •Submission Status The submission status section of the task status chart indicates the status of each task as either “Not Started,” “In Progress,” or “Submitted.” –“Not Started” refers to task responses that you have not yet saved. –“In Progress” refers to tasks that you have saved but have not yet submitted. –“Submitted” refers to tasks that you have submitted. Once a task reaches the submitted stage, it cannot be edited. •Last Saved This section indicates the last date on which the particular task response was last saved. Links to Contact Information The upper right corner of each screen includes links to customer service contact information.
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 23 Other Links On the bottom of the screen, you will find a link to the ETS Performance Assessments Informational website. The ETS Performance Assessments Informational website contains valuable information about your performance assessment, including information about registration, dates and deadlines, fees, resources, test preparation, permission forms, how to build tasks, and scores. Task Overview Locating Your Task List The assessment tasks are found in the task list on your performance assessment overview screen (as seen in Figure 22). To view your task list from any other screen, you must first return to the assessment overview screen by either selecting the linked assessment name on the top of your screen (as seen in Figure 23) or by using the Back button on the bottom left of your screen. Figure 23: Navigate to My Overview Screen Task Selection Some assessments use staggered submission dates and require that tasks be submitted in a specific order, while other assessments require that all tasks be submitted by the same date. To determine the submission order for your particular assessment’s tasks, refer to the instructions in the “Overview” section. If tasks are required to be submitted in a specific order, the tasks will become accessible based on the same order. Before working on your assessment tasks, you should read the candidate handbook for your assessment; this handbook will provide detailed instructions for completing the tasks. Depending on the assessments, additional handbooks may be available. Handbooks may be found on the ETS Performance Assessments Informational website for each assessment: PPAT® Assessment: PASL Assessment: PATL Assessment: To begin your first task, select the task number from the task chart on your assessment overview screen (as seen in Figure 24). The task chart will vary depending on the assessment.
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 24 Figure 24: Beginning Task 1 Once you click on a task number, you will be redirected to that particular task’s submission section (as seen in Figure 25). Figure 25: Task Structure Task Structure Once redirected to a task’s submission section, you will see the following: Instructions Review the instructions at the top of the page. These are provided to help you perform the functions required for your responses. Upload/Manage My Artifacts Button Below the instructions, you will find the Upload/Manage My Artifacts button. When you select this button, you will be redirected to your Library of Artifacts. Be sure to save any responses before selecting this button. Uploading artifacts is discussed in more detail in “Section IV, Upload/Manage My Artifacts.”
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 25 Content Area (PPAT only) Tasks 2, 3 and 4 of the PPAT Assessment require that you select a content area that best identifies your student teaching assignment and which you will be using as the focus of your task response. When selecting a content area, please keep in mind that this identification process allows us to match your submissions to raters with expertise in that same content area. For example, if you teach at the pre-K to second-grade level, your responses will be scored by Early Childhood teachers who are in pre-K to second-grade classrooms; therefore, you should select Early Childhood from the drop-down menu. If your teaching assignment is in a language immersion classroom, ASL classroom, or you are teaching a World Language other than French, German, Latin, Spanish, or Standard Chinese, please email with the language in which your video and artifacts will be presented. You will find the Content Area selection box below the instructions (as seen in Figure 26). Figure 26: Select Your Content Area Task Panels The task is organized into multiple panels (as seen in Figure 25). The panels will be collapsed when you initially view them. To expand the panels, select the Expand All link above the task panels. The first panel of each task contains the task overview. The overview outlines the task’s purpose, the standards and indicators being measured, the evidence (artifacts and written responses) you need to submit, and instructions for how to complete the task. Each task contains a number of steps, which will vary depending on the assessment. The purpose of the steps is to help scaffold the task’s workflow to make your progress more gradual. Some steps of a task may contain multiple activities, and this will be reflected by multiple panels on the screen. It is important to review all panels/steps thoroughly before submitting your task. Textbox Features A textbox is provided for each step that requires a response. Use this area to respond to the guiding prompts. You may type your response directly in the textbox, or if you have been working on your response outside of the submission system, you may use the copy and paste functions on your computer to import text. Important Note: When pasting text into the textbox from another source, select the “Paste as plain text” instead of “Paste” with your mouse (as seen in Figure 27). Note: Your written response to the guiding prompts cannot be linked to a textbox as a standalone document.
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 26 Figure 27: Paste Response as Plain Text Features such as Character Count, Save Response, and Link My Artifact(s) to My Response are located above each textbox; these are tools to assist in the development of your response (these features are seen in Figure 28). Note that once a task has been submitted (and its status is marked as Submitted), these features will no longer be available to you, because the textbox response will be in a read-only format. Important: You must SAVE changes you make in a textbox before navigating to another step or away from the textbox screen; otherwise, your data will be lost. Figure 28: Textbox Features Text Format The font used for text entry is standard for all textboxes. Changes to font size or style (such as adding boldface, underlining, or italics) are not permitted. If you copy and paste text from a document that contains special formatting, the special formatting will not be copied into the textbox. Character Count There are two character counters.
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 27 Contextual Information Character Count This is available for tasks that contain a Contextual Information textbox. The maximum number of characters that can be entered into this textbox is 1,500. When you select the Character Count button, a pop-up window will appear showing your character count for the textbox (as seen in Figure 29). This allows you to track your total number of characters entered for this textbox only. The system will not allow you to save a response that is over the 1,500 character limit. This character count IS NOT included in the character count for the all other textboxes. Figure 29: Contextual Factors Character Count Character Count for All Other Textboxes Selecting the Character Count button for all other textboxes will provide you with your total character count for all textboxes within the given task, as well as provide you with the maximum character count allowed for the given task (as seen in Figure 30). The maximum character count indicated in each Task Overview is a sum of all characters for all textboxes. It is not a per textbox maximum. Please note that if you exceed the maximum character count, you will NOT be allowed to SAVE or SUBMIT your task response. You will lose data if you navigate away from the page without editing your responses so that the character count is below the maximum. Figure 30: Character Count Feature
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 28 Save Response Be sure to use the Save features OFTEN, especially before navigating away from any screen AND before logging out. THE SYSTEM WILL NOT SAVE YOUR RESPONSE IF YOU HAVE EXCEEDED THE MAXIMUM CHARACTER COUNT. There are two SAVE options. One is at the textbox response level. It is important to select this feature when working on your responses. Note that when the Save Response button is selected, a pop-up window will appear notifying you of your saved response for the textbox (as seen in Figure 31). Clicking the Save Response button will save your text response only for the particular textbox within which you are working. Figure 31: Save Textbox Response Notification The second SAVE option is at the overall Task level. The Save All Responses button (as seen in Figure 32) is located after the final step of the task, at the bottom of the screen. When you click the Save All Responses button, all textbox responses for the entire task will be saved and you will receive a message advising that the save was successful (as seen in Figure 33). Figure 32: Save All Responses Button
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 29 Figure 33: Save All Responses Notification Make sure you receive a save confirmation message after every save attempt. If you do not receive a save confirmation message, you could be disconnected from the submission system. Before navigating away from the page to check your connection, make a copy of the text that you entered into the textboxes so you do not lose that information. After you have successfully saved your response, the submission status on the task chart on your home page will read as “In Progress,” and the date on which the task submission was last saved will be updated (as seen in Figure 34). Figure 34: Task Submission Status Auto Save The system will automatically save your response after 17 minutes. You will be presented with an auto save confirmation box. In the event that the auto save detects that your character count is over the maximum permitted, your response will not be saved and you will be presented with auto save validation error (as seen in Figure 35). Figure 35: Auto Save Validation
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 30 Save Response Errors You may encounter errors when attempting to save your responses if your character count has exceeded the maximum character limit for the task. While the text that you entered will appear in the textboxes, the text and artifact links will not save if the maximum character count is exceeded. Verify your character count often to make sure your response does not exceed the maximum character count. The character count button is located above the textbox. If you receive a message when attempting to save that is different from those shown in Figure 31 and Figure 33 above, check the character count for your response. If your character count is over the maximum character count, edit the information in the textboxes until your character count is below the maximum. You will lose data if you navigate away from the page without editing your responses so that the character count is below the maximum. If your character count is within the parameters and you do not receive the Save message, contact Customer Service Support. Link Uploaded Artifact to Text All tasks require the submission of evidence called “artifacts”. Artifacts that you are required to submit with your task response must be linked to text in the appropriate textboxes. You must upload your artifacts into your Library of Artifacts prior to linking them to your responses (see “Section IV, Upload/Manage My Artifacts”). If you realize that you need to upload an artifact while you are entering your task response, be sure to select Save All Responses prior to navigating to your Library of Artifacts. When you are ready to link your artifacts to your written commentary, make sure the artifacts that you select from the Library are: •only those that are required by the task directions •linked just once within your response (Repeated attachment of the required artifacts and extra artifacts are not acceptable.) •linked in the designated textbox •not exceeding the required number of pages Note: Artifact files should not contain links to third-party sites. Raters will not go to a third-party site to retrieve your artifact. The rater scoring your response is trained to look at and value only that which is required by the assessment. Refer to each of the task’s directions for a list of the required artifacts and the maximum number of pages allowed for each. Perform the following steps to link an uploaded artifact to your task response. a.Go to your textbox response. b.Highlight the text you wish to link to. You may highlight: oletters, numbers and spaces only. Punctuation marks, parenthesis, or any type of special character may not be selected for linking
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 31 oa minimum of 3 characters up to a maximum of 250 characters oat least one letter or one number. c.The Link My Artifact(s) to My Response button will remain gray until text is highlighted. When text is highlighted, the button will turn blue, which indicates that it is enabled (as seen in Figure 36). Figure 36: Link My Artifact(s) to My Response Button d.Select the Link My Artifact(s) to My Response button. When you select the Link My Artifact(s) to My Response button, you will be presented with a pop-up box listing all your uploaded artifacts in your Library of Artifacts (as seen in Figure 37). Choose the artifact that you wish to include with your response and select Link Artifact. Figure 37: Link to Artifact Window e.Select the Save Response button so that you do not lose your data. To confirm that the link was successfully created, the text you highlighted previously is now highlighted and surrounded by brackets (as seen in Figure 38).
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 32 Figure 38: Artifact Link in Textbox View Linked Artifact To view the artifacts you have linked to your responses, click on the linked text that is highlighted and surrounded by brackets. Two new buttons will appear above the textbox: View Link and Remove Link (these buttons are seen in Figure 39). Click on the View Link button to access the artifact. Figure 39: View Link and Remove Link Buttons Remove Linked Artifact If you wish to remove the link to an artifact, click on the text that is highlighted in yellow as a link and then select the Remove Link button, which will appear above the textbox. Contact us if you are unable to remove a link from a textbox. Video Upload Some ETS performance assessments require the submission of a video to support one of the task responses. The uploading of this video does not take place within the Library of Artifacts. The video-upload feature can be found in Step 5 of the task in which the video is required. Review the task activities and guiding prompts for instructions about what is required in the video recording. For some assessments, your video may consist of one continuous unedited video segment, while other assessments may require multiple unedited video segments joined together into one file. Regardless of the
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 33 number of segments you have been instructed to include in your video, please note that only one video file may be uploaded. To save time, we recommend that you upload your video as soon as it is ready because it may take up to 30 minutes to fully process the file after it is uploaded. You can work on your textbox responses while the video is processing. If you record your video on a tablet or cell phone, be sure that you are able to transfer the video file to a desktop for uploading to the submission system. You will not be able to upload the video file from a mobile device. A reminder about video files: •Including a link to a third-party site for the rater to view your video is not acceptable and raters will not view videos on a third-party site. •The video segments that you include in your file must be unedited. If a segment appears to have been edited, the entire task will receive a score of zero. •View the Candidate and Educator Handbook for additional information on video requirements for your assessment. Step 1: Confirm Video File Size and Type Acceptable file types: .avi, .divx, .flv, .mov, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .wmv Maximum file size: 1.5 GB Editing the Video to meet Upload Requirements The individual video segment(s) that you will submit as evidence cannot be edited. If the segments within your recording appear to have been edited, the entire task will receive a score of zero. Depending on how your video was recorded, it may be necessary for you to use video-editing software to: •combine the segments into one file, •to convert the file type into one of the acceptable file types listed above, or •to reduce the video’s file size. Perform an online search for software tools that can assist you with getting the file ready for uploading. The software, Any Video Converter ( is just one of many free software products available online. ETS does not recommend or endorse any software. When you are searching for video-editing software, make sure you download the software from the manufacturer’s official website. If you are unable to adjust the file to meet the system requirements or if you cannot resolve system errors, contact Customer Service for assistance before the submission deadline to allow time to resolve the issue. Additional video information — including tips about lighting and the placement of video equipment, about the importance of recording multiple videos, and about how to analyze your video recording — is available in the candidate handbook for each assessment (See My Resources on your assessment overview screen for links to the handbook).
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 34 Step 2: Upload the Video The video upload is a multistep process that could take more than 30 minutes to complete. When you are planning to enter your response to the video task, be sure to allow enough time for the upload process to complete and for you to review the video in the submission system prior to your submitting the task. It is veryimportant that you review your uploaded video to make sure that the upload was successful. Make sure that both the video and the audio have uploaded properly. If raters cannot view and hear your video, your scores will be impacted. To upload your video, select the Upload Video button (as seen in Figure 40) within Step 5 of the task that has been identified as the appropriate one for video uploading. Figure 40: Uploading the Video A file-selector window will pop up. Select the blue Select and Upload Video button (as seen in Figure 41) and find the video you wish to upload. When the first step of the upload process is complete, your video file name will appear in a green highlight (as seen in Figure 41). Click the Close button on the lower right corner of the window. Figure 41: Upload Video File Selector Window After you select your video file for uploading, the video-uploading step will display a Replace Video button, the name of the file that you selected for uploading, and an upload status (as seen in Figure 42). The upload status will remain as “Being Processed” until the upload and file verification process is complete, and the file is ready for you to review. This could take 30 minutes or more, so be sure to allow time for this
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 35 process to complete before you submit the task. A status of "Being Processed" is not a guarantee that the video upload will be successful. The process could fail. If the "Being Processed" status does not change after 60 minutes or it changes to "Failed" and you are not able to identify the problem, contact Customer Service for assistance. Figure 42: Video Upload Status Step 3: Review Video When the video is ready for review, the upload status will change to “Upload Successful” and a Review Video button will appear (as seen in Figure 43). You may then review your video. Figure 43: Review Video Button It is very important that you review your video in the submission system after uploading to ensure proper sound and play quality. Your scores may be impacted if raters are unable to view or hear your video during
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 36 scoring. It may take more than 30 minutes for your uploaded video to be processed and for you to be able to review your video. Please allow time for this processing before that task submission deadline. To review your video, select the Review Video button in the upload video step (as seen in Figure 43). A Review Video pop-up box will appear. To play your video, click on the arrow. After reviewing the video, click the Close Video button to close the pop-up box. Be sure to select Save All Responses when you have finished reviewing the video. Replace Video If you find that you need to replace the video that you uploaded, return to the video upload step and select the Replace Video button. You will be presented with the Upload Video pop up box (as seen in Figure 43). Follow the “Video Upload” instructions. Submitting Your Tasks and Agreeing to Submission Terms Each task is submitted separately. Once you have addressed all activities and guiding prompts within a task, saved your work, uploaded your artifacts, linked your artifacts to your response, uploaded the video and are ready to submit your task, select the Submit Responses button, which is located at the bottom of the screen, after the final task step (as seen in Figure 44). Figure 44: Submit Responses Button After you select the Submit Responses button, the system will run a validation check to make sure you have entered text in and created an artifact link in at least one textbox and, for the PPAT assessment, a Content Area was selected for tasks 2, 3 & 4. If the validation passes, a confirmation window will appear (as seen in Figure 45). Verify your submission is complete and review the submission terms displayed in the confirmation window. To proceed with submission, select the check box indicating your agreement with the terms, and select the Yes, Submit Now button. Submission Terms are assessment specific.
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 37 Figure 45: Sample Submit Task Confirmation Window Once you submit your task, your task status in the task chart on your home screen will be indicated as “Submitted” and a task submission confirmation e-mail will be sent to the e-mail address you entered when creating your account. Contact Customer Service if the submission status does not update or if you do not receive the confirmation email. Note that once a task has been submitted, you will no longer be permitted to go back and edit your responses to that task. You are permitted to view your responses in a read-only format. Tasks not Submitted If you can’t submit your task by the original submission deadline, a late submission service may be available for your assessment. Check the Dates and Deadlines page for your assessment on the website for details. This service is not available for the resubmission windows. PPAT Assessment: PASL Assessment: PATL Assessment: If you do not submit the task, you will receive a score of “0” for the task on your score report. Completion Once all your tasks have been submitted, you have completed the assessment. Note that you can confirm that all tasks have been submitted by checking that the submission status column of the task status chart says “Submitted” for all tasks (as seen in Figure 46). Figure 46: Task Status Chart
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 38 Score Reports Score reports will be posted to your online account by 5 p.m. ET on the date indicated on the informational website — see links below. PPAT Assessment: PASL Assessment: PATL Assessment: To retrieve your score report, log into your account. From your home page, select “View Scores” link (as seen in Figure 47). Figure 47: View Scores Resubmission If your assessment score falls below the designated passing score for the assessment, you are eligible to resubmit tasks for a fee during the resubmission window(s) established for your registration. Resubmission for the PATL assessment must occur in the resubmission window immediately following your original submission. For the PPAT and PASL Assessments, you are allowed to resubmit two times to attempt to receive a passing score. Tasks may be resubmitted in the resubmission window immediately following the original submission window, or you may wait until the next window. The two-resubmission limit still applies. If you do not resubmit within this timeframe, you will have to register and pay to retake the assessment. See “Dates and Deadlines” on your assessment’s website: PPAT Assessment:
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 39 PASL Assessment: PATL Assessment: See your assessment’s Resubmitting Your Tasks page under the Building and Submitting Your Tasks section of the website to help you determine which task or tasks to resubmit. PPA Assessment: PASL Assessment: PATL Assessment: tasks/resubmit-tasks.html Resubmission Registration To register for resubmission, select your appointment number from the “View Scores” page. Next, select the Resubmit Appointment link under the “Actions” heading. (as seen in Figure 48). Figure 48: Register for Resubmission You will be taken to a screen that shows the testing policies and terms and conditions. Read this information and then check the box indicating that you understand and agree to the terms. After you check the box, select Next. The personal information from your ETS Performance Assessment Account will appear. Review your information and select Next. At the next screen, select the resubmission window and select Continue (as seen in Figure 49). Figure 49: Select the Resubmission Window
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 40 You will be presented with the tasks available for resubmission. Select the task(s) that you wish to resubmit, select Continue (as seen in Figure 50). Figure 50: Select the Resubmission Task(s) Review your shopping cart (as seen in Figure 51). The task(s) that you selected will appear in the shopping cart. Select Proceed to Checkout to move on and submit your payment. Figure 51: Shopping Cart for Resubmission Task(s)
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 41 You can access the resubmission task(s) from your home page by selecting Go to Assessment. Your task list will be updated to include the resubmission task(s) that you purchased. Figure 52: Task List Showing Resubmission Task(s)
ETS Performance Assessments Submission System User Guide 42 Resubmission Tasks When you access the assessment after registering for resubmission, you will find that the resubmission tasks have been added to your Task List (as seen in Figure 52). These tasks will have “Resubmission” associated with the task name to indicate that these are the resubmission tasks. The resubmission task(s) are completely separate responses from what was originally submitted. When scoring your resubmitted tasks, raters do not have access to your original submission. During resubmission, you will begin with blank textboxes for each of the tasks. Be sure to enter and submit the entire task response as if you are submitting the task for the first time. You should: •enter the written commentary in all textboxes; •link the artifacts to the written commentary where required; •upload the video, if resubmitting the video task and •respond to the prompts and activities for all steps, not just the steps where you scored low. Submitting Your Resubmission Tasks The submission process for resubmission tasks is the same as for the original submission tasks. Resubmission Score Reports Once your resubmission tasks are scored, the score report previously posted to your online account will be replaced. The tasks with the highest total task score, whether from the original submission window or from the resubmission window, become part of your final score for the assessment.