West Charlotte High**We aren't endorsed by this school
Dec 21, 2024
Uploaded by CaptainElectronCoyote40
1.) Why do you think the use of holistic treatments for animals is controversial? Some people claim that holistic treatments don't work. Evenwhen humans use essential oils and holistic treatments, some people don't believe in them. People could also think it's really risky for animals because there's not many studies on them.There's a lot of side effects just on cats alone, so there needs to be more research on them.2.) Why do you think more research has not been done on the use of holistic veterinary treatments? I think they aren't doing much research on holistic vet treatments because they're not really popular right now. There's more studies on allopathic medicine because those actuallywork and are conventional. I think in time there will be more studies on them but right now they are focusing on conventional medicine.3.) If you had to choose one of the treatment areas discussed in the unit to practice, which one would you choose to practice? Why? I think if I had to study one treatment I would chose the holistic treatments. I really like those and I am a firm believer they work. I use essential oils on myself and it is amazing the difference it makes. I would choose those because if you can find ahealthy way to cure an illness it reduces the risk of all the side effects from the conventional medicines.4.) What do you think are some of the pros and cons of using holistic treatments for diseases in animals? The pros and cons of using holistic treatment of diseases in animals its benefits are inexpensive and can reduce stress. And cons is unreliable in every way and is a very long process. The reason why I think there is good and bad is because it can be a good type of treatment that can end badly in animals and not all people approve or like this type of treatment and it can have side effects.5.) Do you think you’d like to learn how to perform veterinary acupuncture? Why or why not? I think learning about acupuncture would be cool and it would be fun to see the effects it can have on the animals however, I could never do it to myself. It freaks me out and I have never done it, nor will I. I can't handle all the needles just sitting there and I think it would freak me out to do it to an animal as well.