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Section III: Value of the ProgramThe Community Health Outreach Program (CHOP) aims to directly address Whittaker MemorialHospital's mission statement by providing basic and essential healthcare needs for underserved communities in Newport News. This is especially important in a world where diseases are managed early, and the cost of acute care services is significantly higher than the cost of offeringhealth.This is where this program offers an element of value by offering better care than what is offeredin the hospital through preventative care, chronic disease management, and health education. Thepractices of CHOP governance will work well in memorizing the essence of Whittaker Memorial, which was established to provide special attention to low-income, elderly, and uninsured patients. Percentages of medical expenses continue to increase; community-based or prevention programs involving such structures as CHOP must evolve as a way of alleviating pressure on emergency services while focusing on improving the healthcare needs of underserved populations (Becker's Hospital Review, 2021).Mission AlignmentWHITTAKER MEMORIAL & CHOP'S AIMS AND GOALS ARE A GOOD FIT FOR THE PROGRAMS AND SERVICES FOR CHILDREN, IN PARTICULAR, THOSE WHO CANNOT AFFORD TO SEEK MEDICAL HELP DUE TO FINANCIAL and PHYSICAL restrains. Newport News residents who delay or fail to receive preventive services and acute caredisproportionately suffer from chronic diseases affecting low-income and minorities. CHOP will cover these loopholes of educating the public on health, screening, and support in a way that willmake Whittaker Memorial achieve its vision and reopen as a standard health delivery institution.Compatibility of a new program with Existing Service OfferingsWhereas Whittaker Memorial carries out meaningful treatments for patients' diseases, CHOP prevents and addresses the root causes of such diseases. Two issues where Whittaker has not developed care yet but are critical to the present management of diseases such as diabetes or hypertension are chronic disease management and health education. This initiative will enhance the continuum of care within the hospital and increase positive health outcomes because it will involve coordination with different ongoing services that are likely to decrease the readmission of hospital patients.Competitive AdvantageEmployers and large hospital systems can have low visibility and commitment to serving a community beyond clinics and limited preventative services, often substantially sacrificing community investments for acute care profits. This void in service will be beneficial for
Whittaker Memorial; CHOP will help the hospital stand out in the community; what the big hospital chains tend to neglect but are crucial to people experiencing poverty are health promotion, disease management, and ongoing community health awareness and checkups. A 2022 study shows that the hospitals that invested in specific community health activities got more returning patients and improved health outcomes indeed because such programs attend to disease determinants and build proper patient engagement (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2022). In filling this local vacuum, CHOP will increase Whittaker Memorial competiveness in the Newport News market.Section IV: Financial and Economic IssuesEconomic Factors and IssuesThe creation and management of CHOP will also demand strategic financial consideration—the primary issues of which will be discussed below—because of the difficulties that many nonprofithospitals experience when trying to find sustainable revenue sources. Newport News' economic conditions also play a part because the majority of employees experience poverty, which hinders the hospital financially in reimbursable payment structures. Outcome: Mobile health technology and staffing may affect the achievement of CHOP's objectives and costs. According to the American Hospital Association 2021, small nonprofit hospitals face the problem of their inabilityto compete for funds as most of the large heath systems have better access to capital; it is thus important that such centers get priority funding for the provision of essential service such as those offered by CHOP.Local Economic ImpactIt was possible to improve or deteriorate the local economy through the implementation of the program. The positive impacts include employment in CHOP that will promote the creation of healthcare jobs and possibly lower the healthcare costs of the community by managing to preventfurther hospitalization. Such an approach may lead to relief on local emergency services' budgetsand lower cost of treatment among patients with chronic diseases (Jones et al., 2021). Of course, the funding issue may pose serious threats as to how much potential it could achieve, as the financial crunch may hamper the economic capacity of the community to support more and moreCHOP. However, with targeted efforts, CHOP should build an even stronger community health presence and decrease reliance on expensive ER treatment.Funding SourcesTo diversify financial risks, the following funding options are available for Whittaker Memorial. These are federal range grants from the Health Resources and Services Administration, foundation grants on health equity, Medicaid cost, and possible state range grants for healthcare-promoting community endeavors. Furthermore, funds from local nonprofit organizations and sponsorship from business companies ready and willing to fund such causes may be important support. CHOP must explore Medicaid reimbursement options for prevention care services
source of consistent revenue because of the capitated reimbursement system that puts pressure onproviders to limit the type of patients they accept and the types of patients CHOP must remain accessible to whether they can afford to pay or not (HealthIT.gov, 2020).Estimated CostsThe capital and overhead cost for implementing and maintaining CHOP is approximately $ 250,000 for equipment, workforce, and information literature. The planned expenses that are recurrent ones, such as employee compensation, mobile health unit, and health education resources, are estimated at $150,000 per year. Moreover, patient data technologies, which include EHR and other technologies for patients, are expected to cost half a hundred thousand dollars per annum. These costs correlate with best practice benchmarks for community engagement interventions in peer hospitals, as reported in other research on nonprofit healthcare interventions (CDC, 2021).Section V: Marketing IssuesEffect on Current' Marketing Communication' StrategyFurther adoption of CHOP will require modifications to Whittaker Memorial's marketing messages that will focus on community health. The marketing strategies that were previously targeted mainly at conducting acute care services will be broadened to meet new objectives of offering preventive, ongoing, and education services to needy AG consumers. Marketing communication campaigns would utilize the internet, newspapers in specific regions, and cooperation with community facilities in reaching the groups of identified consumers. As in any contemporary healthcare marketing, Whittaker Memorial will also seek opinion leaders in the locality to advocate for the program (Becker's Hospital Review, 2021).Target Market DemographicThe major population that CHOP targets are the low-income, elderly, and uninsured clients living in Newport News who may, at times, not access health care services. These groups often get excluded from conventional forms of marketing since they prefer something other than digital marketing. To this, CHOP will use low-cost publicity methods like participation in community health fairs, going around the community houses to create awareness, and using churches and nonprofit organizations. Explaining that health education workshops and free health screening will be an important component of the program, the value that the community will receive from the program will be explained. The community members rarely come into contact with healthcare providers (CDC, 2021).The particular way that the organization proposes to deliver value that is unique from competitors.
Other competitors may also provide these similar services although CHOP's approach of providing broad access to comprehensive, communally-focused outreach services shall distinguish it. Opponents mainly target short-term acute/basic key essential primary preventative care. At the same time, CHOP will form a uniform population health-supporting system for lifelong chronic disease management and general health literacy enhancement. The main area that CHOP focuses on, the community need and the fact that patients are not treated within a hospital's walls, serve as an added value of inclusion to deprived areas. Research findings indicate that caregivers who put more effort into the prevention section and patients' attention aremore likely to develop a more effective and healthy patient-doctor relationship (Jones et al., 2021).Section VI: Organizational ImpactRegulatory and Policy ImplicationsStarting CHOP will mean that Whittaker Memorial Hospital will need to undertake different functions that meet the needs of regulations for the effective implementation and continuation of the program. Deliveries with communal engagement require stronger security measures regarding the patients' information, which are inherent in HIPAA regulation, especially in mobilehealth services. Risk management measures to be adopted will include training the staff in handling patient data as per the HIPAA regulations and instituting secure ways of handling patients' information. Also, CHOP qualifies for Medicaid reimbursement, which entails certain preventive service requirements under Medicaid standards; therefore, conducting routine compliance checks is critical to maintaining the funding.Also, mobile health services are prone to the regulation of a state health department concerning equipment, personnel, and services' safety and delivery. For instance, mobile clinics require compliance with sanitary and functional requirements of state and local healthcare departments. This means that Whittaker Memorial will work hand in hand with the governmental authorities to attain a license or permit for obtaining mobile units to ensure that CHOP complies with the required laws and regulations of the community.Licensing and Certification Rules and Regulations
Other licensable services which may require additional licenses include mobile health and communication services and chronic disease management education which are not considered traditional hospital services. The staff for CHOP delivery may also need other certifications in the area of community health education, chronic diseases and others for an improved delivery of the program. As a result, we plan to provide the staff with opportunities for professional development and training to sustain the drive for excellence as well as to address licensing stipulations set forth by HealthIT.gov (2020).Impact on Tax StatusThat CHOP is a community-based nonprofit organization makes it a better match for Whittaker Memorial's 501(c)(3) tax-exempt standing since the organization operates as a charity. Since CHOP is concerned with the supply of proper health care to vulnerable communities, it also reminds the hospital of its public utility function and thus qualifies for tax-exempt status. Stayingtrue to the published accounts and adhering closely to mission-critical objectives is imperative if this tax status is to be retained and the requisite credibility with the public gained.Liability and Risk ManagementCHOP presents liability risks enhanced by the ambulatory nature of mobile health services and the susceptive populations of interest. Several of these risks will require staff training on patient privacy, informed consent, and emergency response, among other things. Moreover, proper liability insurance for the operation of mobile health will offer a legal risk shield. Essential requirements such as HIPAA will reduce liability risks of patient identity as a result of proper data management as a sign of compliance (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2022).Space and Necessities of the PremisesAs for Whittaker Memorial, the initial CHOP-related activities can take place in the hospital's present structures, but possible future growth may require more space to conduct educational sessions and manage the program. There could be a short-term solution: holding some of the workshops and health fairs in community spaces while the hospital establishes a relationship with these organizations. Mobile health units will mean that rooms on each hospital's compound to store and maintain the hardware will be necessary, a reasonable ask taking into account the current size of the program and its future expansion.Additional Evidence as to the Effectiveness of the Proposed ProgramCurrently, there is ample evidence on the role of community health outreach programs in improving the health status of populations and the economic costs of health services. Through early intervention strategies, community health outreach programs whose focus is prevention help to minimize hospitalization, emergency attendance, and future healthcare costs relating to
chronic disease. A 2021 systematic review of mobile health clinics in underserved areas pointed out that it reduced avoidable hospitalization by approximately 27% in five years, showing that the intervention decreases cost and improves the quality of the population's health (Jones et al., 2021).In addition, other related programs that empower patients through discharging health literacy on chronic disease management, like CHOP, have been most successful in the long run. These programs make sure that people change their daily behavior, start taking medicines on time, and notice an enhancement in Disease self-management. A report by Kaiser Family Foundation (2022) pointed out something as follows: Concise healthcare outreach programs that focus on standard and culturally competent program promotional strategies enjoy commendably higher patient compliance levels; this is in addition to enhanced disease outcomes besides health systems utilization burden. The elements described above are incorporated in the CHOP model, which is expected to have the same positive effects and, therefore, could be useful for Whittaker Memorial to steadily improve patients' health and minimize the hospital's dependence on expensive emergencies. This evidence strengthens CHOP's proposition of improving community health and more closely connecting with the hospital's mission of delivering affordable and competent care.Conclusion and RecommendationFrom the above feasibility analysis it is highly advised that Whittaker Memorial should go aheadwith the implementation of the Community Health Outreach Program (CHOP). The above program shares the mission of a hospital, which is to cater to vulnerable groups. However, at the same time, it is sustainable for organizations' growth and financial profitability. By fulfilling the goals set by CHOP in terms of educating the community on certain health issues and offering preventive and chronic illness care, Whittaker Memorial will be rediscovered as a reliable healthcare institution to which people will come willingly and often.In fairness, ethical factors are key to this recommendation solely because CHOP promotes equal access to health care and patient enlightenment. Moreover, given the opportunity of allowing people to become in charge of their health and removing hindrances to getting proper care, Whittaker Memorial will be making a tangible positive impact on Newport News. In conclusion, what CHOP provides is a sustainable, values-based solution to Whittaker Memorial's organizational imperatives, as it offers social and economic returns with which the hospital can pursue the mission of being successful in the long run.