DAILYLESSONPLANSchoolMarcial O. Rañola Memorial School Grade Level10TeacherLauren P. Realubit Learning AreaElectrical Installation and Maintenance (EIM)Teaching Dates and TimeApril 29, 20247:00 AM – 8:00 AMQuarter4thQuarter I. OBJECTIVESA. Content StandardsThe learner demonstrates an understanding of the concepts and underlying principles inperforming measurements and calculations.B. Performance StandardsThe learner independently performs accurate measurements and calculation based ongiven tasks.C. Learning Competencies /Objectives Carry out measurements and calculations.A.Specific Objectives:At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:a.) explain basic underlying principles behind Ohm’s Law;b.) demonstrate proficiency in solving simple electrical circuits using Ohm’s Law; and c.) develop appreciation for the importance of Ohm’s Law in a real-world situations.TLE_IAEI7/8ID-0e-1II. CONTENTSUBJECT MATTERPerform Mensuration and Calculation Specific Topic:Ohm’s LawLEARNING RESOURCESReferences:1. Teacher’s Guide pagesCOMPETENCY-BASED LEARNING MATERIAL ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION ANDMAINTENANCE NC IIUnit of Competency: Perform Mensuration and CalculationModule No. 4Module Title: Performing Mensuration and Calculation p. 15 – p. 162. Learner’s Materials pagesCOMPETENCY-BASED LEARNING MATERIAL ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION ANDMAINTENANCE NC IIUnit of Competency: Perform Mensuration and CalculationModule No. 4Module Title: Performing Mensuration and Calculation p. 15 – p. 16Other Learning Resources The Meaning of Ohm’s Law. Retrieved from https://www.power-and-beyond.com/the-meaning-of-ohms-law-fundamentals-at-a-glance-ad1825a8b6f5b33a92b0a6465d338e2d8/Values IntegrationUnity and Teamwork Instructional MaterialsPowerPoint Presentation, Visual Aids, ImagesSubject IntegrationScience and Mathematics Teaching MethodologyDiscussion and Cooperative Learning III. PROCEDURESTEACHERS ACTIVITYSTUDENT’S ACTIVITYA.PRELIMINARY ACTIVITIES●Greetings●Prayer●Checking of May I request everyone to please to stand up. Goodmorning, class!Before anything else, let us pray first to feel thepresence of the Lord through audio visualpresentation. Settle down everyone. I will check your attendance.Good morning, Sir!(Learners will pray.)(Learners will raise their hand orsay present if your name is
DAILYLESSONPLANSchoolMarcial O. Rañola Memorial School Grade Level10TeacherLauren P. Realubit Learning AreaElectrical Installation and Maintenance (EIM)Teaching Dates and TimeApril 29, 20247:00 AM – 8:00 AMQuarter4thQuarter Attendance●Setting up Classroom StandardsRaise your hand or say present if your name iscalled.(The teacher will present the classroom rules for theday.) Student A, please read our classroom rules fortoday.called.)B.Reviewing yesterday’s lesson C.Presenting the new lessonLast discussion, we discussed about system ofmeasurement, we learned what is English systemand Metric system. Moreover, we learned how toconvert system of measurement from English unit toEngilsh unit, metric unit to metric unit, English unit tometric unit and vice versa.We will now move on with our next discussion.Let’s have first a pre-test to check if you have priorknowledge of our lesson for today. Get ¼ sheet ofpaper and answer this within 5 minutes only?1. Which formula represents Ohm’s Law?a. P=IV b. V=IR c. R=VI d. I=RV2. What is the unit of measurement for voltage?a. Volts b. Ohm c. Voltage d. V3. What is the symbol for current?a. C b. I c. R d. V4. A 9 volts source connected to a 10 ohms resistor.What is current?a. 0.9 amps b. 0.9 ohms c. O.9 volts d. O.9 C5.a. 6 ohms b. 2 ohms c. 18 ohms d. 36 ohmsTime’s up! Exchange your paper with yourseatmates. Write your name as the corrector.Count the number of correct answer and return it tothe owner.Who got 5? 4? 3? 2? 1? 0?(Answer Key)1. B2. A3. B4. A5. BD.Activity With that, let us move on with our activity.I have a ball here, pass it around to each other while Iplay the music. When I stop the music, the personholding the ball should stop too. Whoever the ballstops with first will be the first to answer our activity.
DAILYLESSONPLANSchoolMarcial O. Rañola Memorial School Grade Level10TeacherLauren P. Realubit Learning AreaElectrical Installation and Maintenance (EIM)Teaching Dates and TimeApril 29, 20247:00 AM – 8:00 AMQuarter4thQuarter 1. What word can you form from this jumbled letters?- S I S A N E R T C E- M O H- R E E P A M- U R E N C R T- L O T S VFor our next activity, everyone, what can you sayabout the illustration shown in the front?Thank you for participating! Later, we will determine ifwhat you said are correct.- R E S I S T A N C E- O H M- A M P E R E- C U R R E N T - V O L T S- Resistance is the antagonist.- Current and Voltage is friends.-Voltage,CurrentandResistance have a complicatedrelationship.- Voltage is what pushing,currentisflowing,andresistance is getting in the way.E.AnalysisNow, let’s proceed with our discussion.Our topic for today is all about Ohm’s Law.Learner A, please read the learning objectives.The one who discovered Ohm’s Law was GeorgeSimon Ohm in 1826. He discovered it when he wasexperimenting electric circuit, he observed thatcurrent is directly proportional to current, andinversely proportional to resistance.Simply, Ohm’s Law is the relationship of the threequantities, it is the relationship of voltage, currentand resistance. Ohm’s Law helps us understand
DAILYLESSONPLANSchoolMarcial O. Rañola Memorial School Grade Level10TeacherLauren P. Realubit Learning AreaElectrical Installation and Maintenance (EIM)Teaching Dates and TimeApril 29, 20247:00 AM – 8:00 AMQuarter4thQuarter more how electricity works.Here, voltage is the pressure to the current, andcurrent is the flow and resistance is getting in the wayof current to flow.The principle is, when voltage increases, current willalso increase and resistance will decrease.When current increases and resistance remainsconstant, voltage will increase. When resistance increases and voltage remainsconstant, current will decrease. (The teacher will present the visual aid.)We will now proceed with our discussion on how tosolve basic problems about Ohm’s Law.Additional. These is the quantities involved in Ohm’sLaw; voltage, resistance and current. In science,voltage is called EMF or electromotive force orpotential difference. Current is dependent to voltage,they are always with each other. Current, when notmoving is called electrons, however, once there is apushed or pressure by voltage electrons becomeswhat we called current.The symbol for voltage is V, unit of measure is volt,and the formula is V=I×R.The symbol for resistance is R, unit of measure isOhm or the omega symbol, and the formula is R=V÷I.The symbol for current is I, unit of measure is ampereor Amps, and the formula for current is I=V÷RThis is the Ohm’s Law Triangle formula, whenhorizontal, you will multiply. On the other hand, whenvertical, you will divide.
DAILYLESSONPLANSchoolMarcial O. Rañola Memorial School Grade Level10TeacherLauren P. Realubit Learning AreaElectrical Installation and Maintenance (EIM)Teaching Dates and TimeApril 29, 20247:00 AM – 8:00 AMQuarter4thQuarter Now, I will solve a sample problems. I will start withthis word problem.SAMPLE PROBLEM: 1. If a circuit has a certain resistance of 18 ohms andcurrent of 15 A, what is the voltage?2. Resistance is 240 ohms and voltage is 9 V. Find I.3. Certain resistance as 10 Amps of current throughit, when a 120 V source is applied. Find the value ofresistance. 4.5.6.Given: R=18 ohmsI=15 AV=?V=I×R= 15 A × 18 ohms= 270 voltsGiven:R=240 ohmsV=9 VI=?I=V/R=9V/240 ohms=0.0375 amps=0.04 ampsGiven:I=10 ampsV=120VR=?R=V/I=120V/10 ampsR=12 ohmsGiven:R=20 ohmsI=2 ampsV=?V=I×R=2amps × 20 ohmsV=40 voltsR=12 ohmsV=36 voltsI=?I=V/R=36volts/12ohmsI=3 ampsGiven:V=36 voltsI =6 ampsR=?R=V/I=36volts/6amps
DAILYLESSONPLANSchoolMarcial O. Rañola Memorial School Grade Level10TeacherLauren P. Realubit Learning AreaElectrical Installation and Maintenance (EIM)Teaching Dates and TimeApril 29, 20247:00 AM – 8:00 AMQuarter4thQuarter R=6 ohmsF.AbstractionNow, what do you think is the importance of Ohm’sLaw in our lives?That’s correct! Very good! Ohm’s Law is importantbecause it helps us understand more aboutelectricity, especially on how it actually works. It helpsus solve problem when circuitry is not working.For example, when you are wiring on that wiringboard, sometimes you will say that the bulbs isglowing very little, and you will say it is because thecurrent is low and the resistance is high. That’sOhm’s law.I hope you are ready to utilize what you have learned.Now, for our group activity, we will be having acompetition. This is a competition of whoever solvesfirst and has the correct answer will get the highestpoints.The group that has the highest points will get areward. Actually all you will get a reward.Are you ready?The importance of Ohm’s Lawin our lives is that it helps usunderstandhowelectricityworks. Yes, Sir!
DAILYLESSONPLANSchoolMarcial O. Rañola Memorial School Grade Level10TeacherLauren P. Realubit Learning AreaElectrical Installation and Maintenance (EIM)Teaching Dates and TimeApril 29, 20247:00 AM – 8:00 AMQuarter4thQuarter G.Application(The teacher will give the reward)
DAILYLESSONPLANSchoolMarcial O. Rañola Memorial School Grade Level10TeacherLauren P. Realubit Learning AreaElectrical Installation and Maintenance (EIM)Teaching Dates and TimeApril 29, 20247:00 AM – 8:00 AMQuarter4thQuarter Thank you, Sir!H.Making generalizations To check ìf you gain significant learning. Let us sumup.What is Ohm’s Law?What are the quantities involved in Ohm’s Law?What is the symbol of current?What is unit of measurement of resistance?What is the formula when solving for the voltagequantity?Very good, everyone! For our short assessment, get¼ sheet of paper and solve this items. Write the letterof your answer. Ohm’s Law is the relationship ofvoltage, current and resistance.It helps us understand moreabout electricity- how it works.Voltage, current and resistance.IOhm or omega symbol. V = I × RI.Evaluating leraners1. Which formula will you use if you are solving forthe resistance quantity?a. R=I/V b. R=I×V c. R=V×I d. R=V/I2. What is the unit of measurement for current?a. C b. Ohms c. Amps/amperes d. I3. If the symbol of voltage is V, what is the symbol ofresistance?a. Ω b. R c. Ohms d. I4. A resistor has a value of 1000 ohms and has a 15amps current passing through it. Find the ofconnected voltage source. a. 15000 V b. 15 V c. 1015 V d. 1000 V
DAILYLESSONPLANSchoolMarcial O. Rañola Memorial School Grade Level10TeacherLauren P. Realubit Learning AreaElectrical Installation and Maintenance (EIM)Teaching Dates and TimeApril 29, 20247:00 AM – 8:00 AMQuarter4thQuarter 5. a. 0.24 amps b. O.24 amps c. 0.3 amps d. O.2amps(ANSWER KEY)1. D2. C3. B4. A5. AJ.Additional activities for application or remediationFor your assignment, answer the following problemsin your module on page 16. Write your answers andsolutions in a 1-whole sheet of paper. It will besubmitted tomorrow.April29,2024Module Title:PerformingMensurationandCalculation That is all for today. Thank you for listening! Goodbye, Sir!K.REFLECTIONA. No. of learners whoearned 80% on theformative assessmentB. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation.C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson.Remarks:Prepared by:LAUREN P. REALUBIT Practice Teacher Checked by:AMIEL O. MELITANTE Teacher IIINoted by:MARVI P. FAJARDO