Event Sponsorship Analysis.edited

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PSY 100
Dec 21, 2024
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1Running Head: EVENT SPONSORSHIP ANALYSISEvent Sponsorship AnalysisCampaign Title: “Refresh Your Game – Root for Your Team”The rebranding campaign proposed for Poland Spring is the "Refresh Your Game –Root for Your Team" campaign, where the company aligns its product with the historicrivalry of the Yankees and the Red Sox to sell more of its Poland Spring 700ml case packs.This campaign associates Poland Spring with these legendary sports teams, adding to itsborn-in-the-Northeast image and tapping into friendly rivalry with regional consumers. Thetheme focuses on Poland Spring Water as the water of champions Thu, telling the fans tosupport their preferred team while at the same time reminding everyone of the brand'sconnection to the northeastern U.S.Campaign ObjectivesThe main objective of this campaign is to push the sales of Poland Spring's 700mlcase packs as an essential product of the Northeast fan experience. Other goals of the eventare to improve the visibility and perception of Poland Spring as a local market-dominantplayer and create hype for the game based on the pride of the Yankees and the Red Sox. Thisbrand integration will aim to reach the target consumers through the various advertising toolsavailable, focusing on the reminder strategy, which will remind the consumers why PolandSpring is their favourite. By incorporating digital, in-store, and experiential marketingtechniques, which include promoting a group feeling and a call to action, this campaigncreates good incentives and demands for products at the retail level.Campaign Concept and ThemeThe campaign title 'Refresh Your Game – Root for Your Team' employs the spirit ofteam loyalty that Poland Spring wants to associate with the beverage and with the Red Soxand Yankees as the refreshing quality of the product. Using the slogan of Poland Spring as
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2EVENT SPONSORSHIP ANALYSISthe "champion's water", the company can also improve its association with local sportingevents and increase sales. This campaign employs concepts such as "refresh, hometownpride, and local leadership to resonate with the company branding and underscore that PolandSpring is a regional leader in bottled water. The campaign title relates mainly to the region'sstrong fan loyalty, reminding the consumers about the opportunity to participate in the rivalrywhile providing Poland Spring as the brand of choice for enthusiasts behind the champions.Integrated Sales Promotion StrategyThe campaign features a multi-channel strategy encompassing digital engagement, in-store activities, in-stadium events, player endorsements, and traditional media. DigitalMarketing and Social Media Engagement will include "Pick Your Team" polls, rivalry-themed trivia, and a hashtag challenge, #RefreshLikeAChampion. These tactics encouragesocial engagement and provide weekly prizes like Poland Spring products, team merchandise,and game tickets, tying the campaign’s fun, competitive element to social media. There isalso the fan engagement tool in the form of an online gallery where fans can upload receiptsto collect points for their preferred team to a competition scoreboard that captures overallteam preferences throughout the campaign.The In-Store Activation will introduce Poland Spring branded team items of waterwith QR codes that lead to the microsite, which will be a simple and entertaining point ofentry to the promotion. The heavily trafficked stores' end-cap rivalry display will enable thefans to express their support through the team's branding on the case packs. Some selectstores will also run "Refresh Your Game" sampling activities for consumers wearing teammerchandise, including sampling and discount coupons. In particular, fans will be able to takepictures with the mascots of specific teams, and this way, the stalls will promote brands andstimulate buying and sharing of what they achieve.
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3EVENT SPONSORSHIP ANALYSISIn-Stadium Activation will target Poland Spring to the epicentre of the gameenvironment in delivery. During the Red Sox and Yankees games, several concession standswill be Poland Springs branded, and during some of them, fans will be able to taste the wateror participate in quizzes by scanning barcodes. Fans can support their team through a"Hydration Vote", a version of the scoreboard voting that might help increase the associationwith the brand. A halftime contest like the "Fastest Fan Chug" would also extend the brandexposure and double up as a fan engagement platform that will reward fans with PolandSpring gift packs or, if lucky, an All-Star Game experience.Player Endorsements and Influencer Partnerships will amplify the campaign'smessage and add more authority to the execution. Poland Spring will invite former Red Soxand Yankees players in the campaign, which will be promoted through social media and shortvideo clips highlighting the local feel and urging fans to chase base like the champions.Furthermore, Poland Spring will secure collaborations with local personalities affiliated witheither the Red Sox or the Yankees; they will develop fun content where they call on theirfollowers to respond to mini-challenges. These partnerships also help to promote thecampaign more credibly while gaining additional followers among fans on social networks.Traditional and regional media will ensure the campaign reaches as many people aspossible. TV advertising will include regional ads that run on NESN (Red Sox) and YESNetwork (Yankees), with the stop's "Refresh Your Game" theme to feature briefendorsements from former players and a general message that solidifies Poland Spring'sposition as a locally-owned brand. In engaging the spirit of rivalry, Poland Spring will embedsegments in WEEI and WFAN local sports radio, where listeners will be offered a chance toanswer quiz bowls for Poland Spring products, guaranteeing continuous mentions of
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4EVENT SPONSORSHIP ANALYSIScompany involvement in local baseball. This media campaign intends to establish a closebond between the brand and Northeast baseball, especially in the context of rivalry.Budget Allocation and Evaluation MetricsThe estimated budget is $750000, spent on digital engagement and social media –$200,000, in-store activation – $250,000, in-stadium activities – $150,000, playerendorsement and influencer partnerships – $100,000 and regional media – $50,000. To assessthe campaign's success, Poland Spring will focus on the number of sales increase,engagement rate on all forms of media, the number of media impressions, and brandsentiment analysis of the conversations generated by the campaign and follow-up surveysafter the campaign. Using these parameters shall enable understanding of consumers'responses and, thereby, the campaign's sales and brand recommendation success.ConclusionIn conclusion, the “Refresh Your Game – Root for Your Team” is a great campaignthat brings the Yankees and the Red Sox rivalry into the fold to make a powerful messagereassuring Poland Spring is the region's favourite. Digital, in-store, and experiential strategieswill form a powerful standpoint to encourage additional retail sales and strengthen PolandSpring's connection to Northeast pride and spirit. This campaign also allows fans to engage ina spirited rivalry; in the process, the brand ingrains itself into the experience of watching theRed Sox and Yankees games, with the consumers being loyal enthusiasts of the brand.References
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5EVENT SPONSORSHIP ANALYSISNorton, W. (2017). Leveraging Red Sox & Yankees Sponsorship via Integrated Sales Promotion. McCORMACK CENTRE.Lehr, S. A., Ferreira, M. L., & Banaji, M. R. (2019). When outgroup negativity trumps ingroup positivity: Fans of the Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees place greater value on rival losses than own-team gains. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 22(1), 26-42.https://doi.org/10.1177/1368430217712834
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