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FNSFMK515 - Comply with financial services regulation and industry codes of practice (Release 1)
Report – Best Interests Duty
Report – Best Interests Duty
You are the compliance officer of a mortgage broking firm and part of your role is to:
Identify new legislation and regulations that would affect your business
Access and interpret the changes
Review operational procedures to reflect changes
Communicate changes and implications of regulations to clients and
Implement the new operational procedures according to changes
You are to create and implement an operational procedure that reflects the Mortgage
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© Real Estate Academy Australia
Version 1.1 – January 2022
FNSFMK515 - Comply with financial services regulation and industry codes of practice (Release 1)
Report – Best Interests Duty
broker Best Interests Duty Obligations which came into effect on 1 January 2021.
You are required to access the following document (ASIC RG 273) (available in
FNSFMB515 - Additional Resources) and use it to complete the report containing in
this document.
If correct, you will see ‘Satisfactory’ or if incorrect you will see ‘Not Satisfactory’ in
your grades section of your learner portal next to the assessment name.
assessor will provide feedback and a Record of Results in the assessment task once
You will be required to resubmit your work for any ‘Not Satisfactory’
assessment tasks.
What you need to Submit:
Your completed Best Interests Duty - Report.
How to Submit your Assessment
Upload your completed document into the “FNSFMK515 – Report – Best Interests
Duty assessment task [1]” in your learner portal. You can drag and drop the file into
the window or use the add file icon in the top left of the submission window and
select the file your wish to upload by using the browse/choose file option.
Click on finish attempt to submit it for grading.
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© Real Estate Academy Australia
Version 1.1 – January 2022
FNSFMK515 - Comply with financial services regulation and industry codes of practice (Release 1)
Report – Best Interests Duty
Part 1 - Questions
Question 1
Source the relevant documents you would need to identify the new BID regulations.
The ASIC RG 273, (available in your FNSFMK515 – Additional Resources in your
learner portal) what other sources of information you would consider to secure the
new obligations?
The Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation
and Financial Services Industry (Royal Commission)- Final Report
Replacement Explanatory Memorandum
Other sources
Regulatory Guide 209
Regulatory Guide 205
Regulatory Guide 206
Question 2
Identify and explain in your own words the key changes brought by the new BID
Obligations and why was it introduced to mortgage brokers.
The new Best Interests Duty (BID) Obligations introduced important changes for mortgage
brokers to make sure they put their clients' needs first, rather than their own or anyone
else’s. Here are the main changes and the reasons they were implemented:
Acting in the Client’s Best Interests: Mortgage brokers must now legally prioritise their
clients' needs by recommending products that genuinely help them, not those that benefit
the brokers or their companies, to build trust and ensure fair advice.
Preventing Conflicts of Interest: The new rules prevent brokers from recommending
products for personal gain unless those products are also beneficial for the client,
ensuring clients get unbiased advice.
Documentation of Advice: Brokers must now document their recommendations to show
how their advice benefits the client, providing transparency and accountability for both
The BID obligations were created to fix issues with biased advice in the mortgage
industry, aiming to ensure that brokers provide fair and trustworthy guidance to
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© Real Estate Academy Australia
Version 1.1 – January 2022
FNSFMK515 - Comply with financial services regulation and industry codes of practice (Release 1)
Report – Best Interests Duty
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© Real Estate Academy Australia
Version 1.1 – January 2022
FNSFMK515 - Comply with financial services regulation and industry codes of practice (Release 1)
Report – Best Interests Duty
Question 3
According to the RG 273 ‘Complying with the best interests duty’, identify the impact
of the Best Interests Duty on the mortgage broker services. What further
steps/processes will they need to take to comply with the new changes?
Mortgage brokers must prioritise the best interests of each consumer when providing
credit assistance. This means assessing which products and services best meet the
individual needs, goals, and financial situations of each client.
Brokers should avoid a “one-size-fits-all” approach, as this increases the risk of non-
compliance. They need to use their judgement to determine what truly serves the client’s
best interests, even if it means challenging the client’s own views. While clients decide
whether to accept the recommendations, brokers are responsible for ensuring those
recommendations are genuinely beneficial.
To determine if a credit product is in the client’s best interest, brokers must consider
various factors holistically, weighing the value and benefits of each option. It's generally
expected that brokers present multiple options to clients in a way that aligns with their best
Compliance with these obligations should be supported by the broker’s records, which can
demonstrate adherence to the best interests duty and help ensure that credit licensees
are meeting their responsibilities.
3 Steps for Brokers
1. Gathering Information: Collect details about the consumer’s situation, goals, and what
they value.
2. Making an Individual Assessment: Evaluate various products to identify the best options
for the consumer's specific needs.
Presenting Information and Recommendations: Provide tailored recommendations
that reflect the consumer's circumstances, educate them for informed decision-
making, and support them in applying for their chosen credit product.
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© Real Estate Academy Australia
Version 1.1 – January 2022
FNSFMK515 - Comply with financial services regulation and industry codes of practice (Release 1)
Report – Best Interests Duty
Question 4
Draft an internal procedure the mortgage brokers will need to follow to ensure that
they comply with the company compliance program according to these new
(Note: the procedure must include Training & Education, Process relating to the
‘further steps’ outlined in question Part 3, and breach reporting process).
The internal Procedure
1. Education and Training
The mandatory two-week periodic training must be sufficient in terms of frequency,
scheduling, duration, and content to guarantee that each mortgage broker is aware of the
state and federal legal requirements that are relevant to their specific BIB responsibilities
activities. The training will take into account the specific duties of the individual mortgage
broker as well as the nature and complexity of the mortgage broking that person engages
2. Further Actions must be taken
Every mortgage broker must make sure they are knowledgeable about the following
Sep 1. Getting consumer information.
This process may involve gathering information about the consumer, their goals, and the
features they are looking for in order to investigate their circumstances, objectives, and
financial status.
Step 2. Making an individual assessment
This step may involve: considering a range of relevant products to identify options that are
available to the consumer to meet their goals and objectives; and assessing what is in that
particular consumer's best interests.
Step 3. Presenting information
and recommendations
This step may involve: making recommendations that reflect the broker’s consideration of
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© Real Estate Academy Australia
Version 1.1 – January 2022
FNSFMK515 - Comply with financial services regulation and industry codes of practice (Release 1)
Report – Best Interests Duty
the range of options that align with the
3. Process of reporting a breach
According to the breach reporting process, licensees must notify the compliance manager
within two hours of learning of, or recklessly disregarding, any grounds for believing that a
"reportable situation" exists. If mortgage brokers have reason to think that certain
reportable circumstances have occurred in connection to other licensees, they must notify
the compliance manager. The new method may also require them to inform clients who
were impacted by a breach. In many situations, violations of basic requirements will be
considered serious and will therefore be required to be reported, even if they are not
actually material.
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© Real Estate Academy Australia
Version 1.1 – January 2022
FNSFMK515 - Comply with financial services regulation and industry codes of practice (Release 1)
Report – Best Interests Duty
Part 2 – Report
Produce a report to communicate the new BID obligations key points to the
mortgage brokers and staff working in your company, and how this will affect their
client interactions and services. You are to highlight the new internal operational
procedure you design in question 4 to comply with these obligations. This report will
be incorporated into your business compliance policy and procedure documents for
audit, and must be written in a clear, detailed and plain language using appropriate
terminology for your audience and purpose. The report is to be no longer than one
Report About the New Obligations
To: Company Brokers and Staff
Re: New BID Obligations
This is to make you aware of the new BID obligations. The best interests duty requires
mortgage brokers to act in the best
interests of their consumers. What is required to act in a consumer’s best interests will
depend on the individual consumer’s circumstances. Mortgage brokers are likely to need
• Gather information about the consumer and their situation;
• Use that information to assess what credit assistance would be in the
consumer’s best interests; and
• Depending on that assessment, potentially suggest one or more options
to the consumer, and provide information about why the recommended
option(s) are in the consumer’s best interests.
In order to comply with these obligations, the following procedure will be followed:
Training and education- The periodic training required is 2 weeks and must be sufficient in
frequency, timing, duration, and content to ensure that the individual mortgage broker has
the knowledge of State and Federal legal requirements that apply to the individual BIB
obligations activities.
Taking further steps- These include; gathering customer information, Making an individual
assessment, and Breach reporting process.
Gavin, Compliance Officer.
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© Real Estate Academy Australia
Version 1.1 – January 2022
FNSFMK515 - Comply with financial services regulation and industry codes of practice (Release 1)
Report – Best Interests Duty
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© Real Estate Academy Australia
Version 1.1 – January 2022
FNSFMK515 - Comply with financial services regulation and industry codes of practice (Release 1)
Report – Best Interests Duty
Part 3 – Convey Information
Now that all employees and mortgage brokers are up to date with the new BID
Obligations and comfortable with the company organizational procedures you put in
place, you are to develop a material to convey the BID Obligations information and
its meaning to all the company’s clients. The key point of this communication is to
assure the clients that the company uphold high standards and will only act in their
best interests. (Example of material you could use but not limited to: website page,
template email, newsletter article, letters…)
The best interests duty- requires mortgage brokers to act in the best interests of their
customers and show evidence of this every time they provide credit assistance.
The conflict priority rule- means that you must not recommend a product or service of a
related party that would create extra revenue for yourself, your credit licensee or another
related party, unless doing so would also be in the customer’s best interests.
Conflicted remuneration- is a reward structure where a licensee or its representatives
receive additional perks and benefits (monetary or non-monetary) that could influence the
loan products they recommend or credit advice they provide to customers.
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© Real Estate Academy Australia
Version 1.1 – January 2022
FNSFMK515 - Comply with financial services regulation and industry codes of practice (Release 1)
Report – Best Interests Duty
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© Real Estate Academy Australia
Version 1.1 – January 2022