Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute**We aren't endorsed by this school
CHEM 6961
Dec 23, 2024
Uploaded by UltraRabbitMaster1118
Act 1: After the Inspector's arrival Act 2 : Gerald and Mrs BirlingStep FourFinal Plot TwistAct 3 : The Inspector's final speechAct 1: Before the Inspector arrivesREVISE LIKE AREVISE LIKE APRO:PRO:AN INSPECTOR CALLS REVISION PLANAN INSPECTOR CALLS REVISION PLANIn what way do the charactersfirst interact with each other?What are some potentialconflicts that arise from theirrelationships? Please provideexamples.1.2.How does the arrival of theInspector alter the mood andatmosphere? Can you providesome examples of these changes?Who is the first person theInspector investigates during hisinquiry?How is Edna depicted in thisscene? What is her treatment byother characters?Exploring the Mood Shifts andCharacterisations in "An InspectorCalls"1.2.3.How does JB Priestley employ plotdevices to uncover the dramaticnature of the characters beinginterrogated by the inspector?Act 3: Eric Birling From the given information, what canwe infer about Eric's parentalrelationship?What is the importance of theInspector's closing speech on theaudience and other characters?What does the final plot twist in "AnInspector Calls" mean for theaudience?