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Information Systems
Dec 22, 2024
Uploaded by manisharmavittapu
Unit-III Sentiment Analysis1.Explain the relationships among data mining, text mining and sentiment analysis.2.What is sentiment analysis? How does it relate to text mining?3.What are the most popular application areas for sentiment analysis? Why?4.Describe how special lexicons are used in identification of sentiment polarity?Unit-IV Web Analytics, Web mining.5.Explain the relationships among data mining, text mining and Web mining.6.What are the three areas of Web mining? Discuss the differences and commonalities among these three areas.7.What is Web structure mining? What are authorities’ pages and hubs? How do they relate to we structure.8.What is web usage mining? Draw a picture of the web usage mining process and explain/discuss the major steps in the process.Unit-V Social Analytics & Social Network Analysis.9.What is a search Engine? Why are they important for businesses?10.What is meant by social analytics? Why is it an important business topic?11.What is a social network? What is social network analysis?12.List and briefly describe the most common social network types?13.List and briefly describe the social network analysis metrics?Objective type questions1.Current use of sentiment analysis in voice of the customer applications allows companies to change their products or services in real time in response to customer sentiment. (True/False)(True)2.In text mining, inputs to the process include unstructured data such as world documents, PDF files, text accepts, e-mail and XML files. (True/False)(True).3.Regional accents present challenges for natural language processing.(True/False)(True)4.Web mining (or Web data mining)is the process of discovering intrinsic relationships (i.e ., interesting and useful information) from Web data.5.Which of the following heavily relies on Web mining?[ D]A)data mining B) text mining c) enabling tools and techniquesD) All 6.Web content miningrefers to the extraction of useful information from Web pages.7.Web crawlers (also called spiders)are used to read through the content of a Web site automatically.8.Web pages also contain hyperlinkspointing one page to another.9.Web content miningcan also be used to enhance the results produced by search engines.10.The structure of Web hyperlinks has led to another important category of Web pages called a hub.11.The most popular publicly known and referenced algorithm used to calculate hubs and authorities is hyperlink-induced topic search (HITS).12.Web structure miningis the process of extracting useful information from the links embedded in Web documents.13.A search engine system is composed of _____________main cycles.[ C]A.3B. 5C. 2D. 4WSMA Question Bank
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14.The query analyzeris responsible for receiving a search request from the user.15.How does page rank work_______________________. 16.SEO techniques are broadly classified as________________.[ C]A.4B. 3C.2D.517.Sentiment analysis is closely related to [ D]A.Computational linguistics B. natural language processing C. Text mining D. All18.What are the other names referred as Sentiment analysis [ D]A. opinion miningB. subjectivity analysis C. appraisal extraction and Computing D. All19. Which methods are applicable for sentiment analysis? [ E]A. survey based B. focus group centeredC. costly D. time-consumingE. All20 Expand VOC Voice of the customer (VOC)21 ExpandVOM Voice of the Market (VOM)22 Expand VOEVoice of the Employee(VOE)23. How many steps are involved in sentiment Analysis Process?[ B]A. 6B. 4C.3D.524. A lexiconis essentially the catalog of words, their synonyms, and their meanings for a given language.25. Speech analyticsis a growing field of science that allows users to analyze and extract information from both live and recorded conversations.26. The Web is too big for effective data mining (True/False)[True]27. The Web is not specific to a domain.(True/False)[ True]28. Web analytics can be considered a part of Web mining. (True/False)[True]29. Search engine is the popular term for information retrieval system. (True/False)[True]30. The query analyzeris responsible for receiving a search request from the user and converting it into a standardized data structure.31. Expand CTR Click-Thru Rates {CTR}32. Web analytics provides a broad range of metrics are _____________categories.[ A]A. 4B.3C. 2D.5 33. A Framework for Web Analytics Maturity Model consists of _________ Stages[ E]A. 4B.3C. 2D.5E. 634. Web Trends means Data mining of Web traffic information.35. __________ are thetypicalsocial network types that are relevant to business activities?[ A]A. 4B.3C. 2D.5E. 6
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