Bkaromo- M2. Critical Continuity and Integration of the New anaysing.edited.edited (2)
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Nations UniversityM2. Critical Introduction to theNew Testament Scriptures Topic. Continuity and Integration of the New Testament Scriptures NA200010Karomo Benjamin Kazila2022/08/12Pro. Alexander Bert
Karomo| 1 ContentsIntroduction............................................................................................................................................2Essay..........................................................................................................................................................2The Old Testament Foundations............................................................................................................2Unity and Continuity the New Testament is linked to the Old Testament.........................................3The problems............................................................................................................................................4Inconsistency in the New Testament canon..........................................................................................4Examples of these Problems..................................................................................................................5The Popularity of the Bible......................................................................................................................6Unity of Theme..........................................................................................................................................6Unity in the simplicity of vocabulary and language of the New Testament book.............................7Conclusion.................................................................................................................................................7References................................................................................................................................................8
Karomo| 2 Introduction The purpose of this essay is to provide relevant data on the continuity and integration of the New Testament Scriptures. The Old Testament would be laid the foundation of the New Testament that helped the continuation of the New Testament Scriptures. The continuation and integration of the New Testament Scriptures can help people to see the fulfillment of God's work on earth. The whole motive of Jesus entering this field cameto fulfill what was written in the Mosaic Law,the Prophets, and the Psalm. The New Testament isno longer written in “isolation” butis as mucha part of the Bible asthe Old Testament. As it stated, “The Christian church is both depicted in most of the books of the NT and presupposed by all of them” (Muddiman and Barton,2010, p.15).Essay The Old Testament FoundationsThe New Covenant (or the New Testament) is God's promise to mankind that He will forgive sins and restore fellowship with those whoare sincere withHim. Jesus Christ is the mediator of the New Covenant, and the absence of His passing lifestyle is the idea of apromise (Luke 22:20). The New Covenant was predicted by Old Testamentprophecyand a few of these prophets are mentioned in the New Testament Scriptures. As stated, “This common belief in Jesus Christ is expressed in many different ways in the New Testament” (Perkins, 2012, P.35). The Old Covenant that God establishedwith mankindrequired strict adherence to the Mosaic Law.The law was simplified by Jesus with love because love covers the multitude of sins. As it stated, “Love the Lord with all your heart, strength, and mind, and love your neighbors as you love yourself” (Luk.10:27).However, Moses, whom God establishedthe Old Covenant, alsoproclaimed the New Covenant. Undoubtedlyone ofhis lastcomments to the state of Israel, he considered beforethe Israelites received "theheart of knowledge" they should first
Karomo| 3 know God’s precepts (Deut. 29:22-28).Moses prophesied that the Israelites mightnot be able to keepthe Old Covenant, buthe later discovered thatthere wasa time forrestoration. The New Covenant is concernedwith the total surrenderof an independentheart sothat the man of Godmay become His fellow man.The prophet Jeremiah alsoproclaimed the New Covenant. “‘Iwill putmy dominion over their minds, and I will engravethem on their hearts. I am their God, and let thembe mine” (Jer 31:31, 33). Jesus Christ camehere to fulfill Moses'thumb instruction (Matt 5:17) and to establish an entirelynew covenant betweenGod and his people. As it stated, “The New Testament canon as a result of the overwhelming influence and importance of Matthew in the early church” (David, 2018, p.174). The Old Covenant seemed to be carvedin stone, but the New Covenant was written in people’s hearts. Unity and Continuity the New Testament is linked to the Old Testament. In Genesis,one sees that the Messiah could have beenborn of a woman. It wasfulfilled in Matthew. In Micah, one sees that the Messiah could have beenborn in Bethlehem, a prophecy that wasfulfilled in Matthew. Thus the promise of the Spirit to lead the Church “into all truth” has led us to examine not faith or order, doctrine or organization” (Nugent, 2010, p.22).The book of Isaiah emphasizes that the Messiah could have beenborn of a virgin. In Genesis, Numbers, Isaiah, and a pairof Samuel were all saying that a Messiah might follow inthe footstepsof Abraham. People would see of theseprophecies were fulfilled in Matthew, Luke, Hebrews,and other epistles. In Jeremiah, one sees that there couldbe a bloodbath of young people atthe birthplace of the Messiah.This wasfulfilled in Matthew 2.In Zechariah,one may see that the Messianic wouldbe used to buy Potter'sfield.That wasfulfilled in the background ofMatthew 2. In Psalms, it was saidthat he couldbe falsely accused, and also in Isaiah, he would be silent before hisaccusers, spitting on him, and would be beaten.In thePsalms, one sees that he washated for no reason.All of these prophesies came to pass as they were writtenin Mathew Mark and John as well as Pauline epistles and other epistles. In Psalms, Zechariah, Exodus, and Isaiah,one see that the Messiah couldbe crucified with criminals. He could also drink vinegar,His hands, feet, and face shallbe pierced. Many would mock him, and soldiers
Karomo| 4 couldbe mocked, and soldiers could playon hisclothes. All that was written in the all were integrated into the New Testaments. As Jesus would confirm it to the audience of that time this scripture has come to it is fulfillment (Luk 4:21).The problems Many Christians maynot expect any problemsor errors regardingthe content of the biblical text. Some fundamentalists amongbelievers mayalso deny this and assert that the Biblicaltext is or shouldbe, literally, ideally, and infallible.“There are few thingsin history more fascinating to scholars than the story of the preservation of the textof the Greek New Testament from the first century A.D. till now” (Nugent 2010, p.25)Others claimthat God is the author of the Bible, naming it the Wordof God. However, although devoutbelievers hold these opinions,they may not holdthem. In this researcher's opinion, the above "heartwarming" assessments couldbe theresult ofone of three basicreasons such as misinterpretation or misinterpretation of each statistic, and delineation of the terms shameless, inspirational, and infallibleaccuracyofcustom length. Inconsistency in the New Testament canon As stated, “The whole context of these stories in their canonical shape was directed to providing a vehicle by which Israel could learn to know and obey its God”(Matthew, 2013, p. 40). Consequently, most Bible college students and critics recognizethat many complex questions have turned into arguments and assertions. They have arisen as a result of inconsistencies and contradictions regarding complexity. As stated by Matthew, "Even the superscriptions point to a theological rendering of narrative which moved it beyond its original limited function"(Matthew, 2013, p. 40). The complexity of biblical faith, narrative, and textual content is a composition of the sacred canon of the New Testament. It also stated, “Canon formation and assertion are always implicated in power relations (Mercedes and Marinella, 2015, p. 19).Even the superscriptions point to a theological rendering of narrative which moved it beyond its original limited function. This may be one of the reasons why Jude,
Karomo| 5 brother of Jesus Christ, advised the early brethren of the Christian Church when he wrote: “I consider it necessary to go through the interior text in which you urge them to try hard for their inherent faith, again to all the saints” (Jude 1:3). However, no one dares to think that a stubborn Christian who does not take the time to study the Bible carefully and thoughtfully will claim that the Bible texts are perfect. The importance of matters of inconsistencies, contradictions, errors, and discontinuities in the New Testament canon makes for a solid dedication to the Church of Christ. Here are some of the major trauma conditions where these questions can alsoarise: first the contradictions in the writings of the New Testament would greatly reduce the odds of biblical reality. Second, the Bible is believed by many believers as the true Word of God. The internal contradictions in the New Testament writings can undermine faith or conception of reality. Due to the factual principle of the New Testament writings,biblical text. The third is the biblical reality is reduced, which means there is a lack of necessity or standardization where something is also possible. Also became in the time of the Israelites they had no king, "They did what was right in their own eye" (Judges 21:25).Examples of these Problems Any scholar familiarwith the Bible is aware ofthe variety, discontinuity, and competition that exist withinand betweenthe Old Testaments that make up the Bible. In particular, inthe New Testament corpus,the Gospels forma large number of narratives that expressthe perspectivesof four uniqueauthors. And asfourmissionaries wrote under the inspiration of the Lord, each emphasizedtheir energy in strategies that helped find their expertise, global vision,or keyattributes. The academiccritic might addthat there maybe a neurological difference betweenthe books of Hebrews and Romans. The imageof Jesus Christ is depictedin the usualconceptual sentences asinconsistent with the fourth gospel. Jesus wouldpuzzleto discoverthat there maybe a changein judgments in eschatological expectations. However, Paul emphasized it to theThessalonians about the coming Lord and what is going to happen to believers.
Karomo| 6 Nevertheless, Apostle John in his apocalyptic secretary seemsto begin inthe first three chapters of his discourse dealingwith a chosen organizationof people (seven churchesin Asia Minor) on issues thatcanbe very immediateand normal; butthen deviates tothe fourth financial devastationto speakof "thingsthat musthappen then" (Rev 21.1).Furthermore, the studentmay further, atthe outset or inthe initial analysis, be appalled byPaul's use of the term justification byfaith. “Analytical scholarship denies none of this and applies the same principle to the authors of the New Testament. Those authors, too, drew conclusions based on what they knew” (Davies, 2011, p.8).The Popularity of the Bible Althoughwe have facedsome problemswith texterrors and inconsistencies in the content ofthe New Testament,the Christian Bible student no longer has togive up or be confusedin his journey of discovery. Theinner group spirit and beauty represent the Bible. The Bible,for there, seems to be several signs and symptoms todayattest to the fact that biblical literature is entirely coherentand cohesive.How the Bible has beentranslated into approximately683 regional languages fromthe Biblicallanguages ofHebrew, Aramaic, and KoineGreek; a compendium is expectedto have morethan 5 billion copies in print today. As it stated, “Hence, such word lists must be based on a specific body of text or texts which is known as a text corpus”(Davies, 2011, p.8). Sothe above is why we have unique viewsand differencesamong mixed gospels, similarto the fourth gospel. Their views also differed as towhether each would write for a particularor impressiveaudience. Each alsotook an authorizedportrait of Jesus that they wantedto make available totheir audience. Unity of ThemeDue to the natureof this study, there maynot be enough spaceto engagein an exhaustive exchange of site-specific issuesassociated with many worksof the New Testament canon. Below, we will make three detailedclassifications to understand someof the observable themes inthe New Testamentcanon. In the Gospels, these latertroubles stand outand form the poemfrom which manyNew Testament works
Karomo| 7 taketheir theology: salvation, the divinity of Jesus,the incarnation, The historicalJesus,the formationof Jesus, miracles of Jesus, the deathand resurrection of Jesus, the promise of the Holy Spirit, the Great Commissions,faith and repentance, warnings,God's dominion, sin, judgment, obedience, eternity, and eschatological questions.Unity in the simplicity of vocabulary and language of the New Testament bookUnlike the Old Testament canon, which was written in three easy-to-understand languages of Greek LXX or the Septuagint is a translation of the Hebrew Bible incorporated into one of the base languages. “For the Bible scholar focusing on textual variants of Holy Scripture, it may provide insights on a specific text corpus of scripture” ”(Schmidt, 2017, p. 6). The New Testament canon was written in a single language, Koine Greek, unifying the entire corpus. Because learning with picturesand vocabulary iseasy to read and clear, it isnot easy. “For the linguist and literary critic, it can deliver insights on how a topic is dealt with by the original authors in terms of style, grammar, and composition by the use of certain words and their morphological variants in a well-defined body of texts, the text corpus" (Schmidt, 2017, p.7).Several New Testament languages, as well as biblical citationsand references toknown names, individuals, and institutions,are derived from the Old Testament canon. Although some of Paul's letters have been deemed to usesome of them "heavy and powerful" (2 Cor. 10:10). This also describes how the uneducated apostle Peter (Acts 4:13)recognized Paul's letters. However,the ignorant mustdestroy themselves, as theyhave revealedin the scriptures” (2Pet. 2:15-16). ConclusionSome mightsay that inthe Old Testament thatmany promises, prophecies, patterns, and shadows are related toChrist. This, of course, is correct. The centralfactor of all Old Testamentpromises, prophecies, types, and shadow is Christ. However, people should also go through the same wayto invite this question: whatform of Christ waspromised, prophesied, typed,and overshadowed inthe Old Testament? It is easyto see, even withoutrevealing that the Old Testament provided
Karomo| 8 forChrist asKing. According to Genesis 3:15, Christ is the one who crushes the serpent's head. The important line concerningChrist in the Old Testament is that Christis the EternalGod. He would incarnate asa manwho lived on earth, died onthe cross, rose again,and ascended into heaven.
Karomo| 9 ReferencesDavies, S. L. (2011. ). The New Testament : An Analytical Approach.Salem, Oregon: Westar Institute. Retrieved from https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=e093mww&AN=870921&site=ehost-live&scope=site.DeSilva, D. A. (n.d.). 2018, An Introduction to the New Testament : Contexts, Methods &Ministry Formation(Vols. Second edition, viewed 12 August 2022,). , IVP Academic, Downers Grovevol. Retrieved from <https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=e093mww&AN=1898952&site=eEmerson., M. Y. (2013.). Christ and the New Creation : A Canonical Approach to the Theology of the New Testament. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock.Retrieved from https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=e093mww&AN=834169&site=ehost-live&scope=siteJohn Muddiman, and John Barton. 2010. (n.d.). The Gospels.(OUP Oxford. ed., Vol. Vol. Updated selection.). Oxford:: Oxford Bible Commentary. Retrieved from https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=e093mww&AN=335554&site=ehost-live&scope=siteMercedes Navarro Puerto, and Marinella Perroni. (2015.). Gospels : Narrative and History. Society of Biblical Literature. The Bible and Women.Atlanta:: SBL Press.Retrieved from https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=e093mww&AN=1067290&site=ehost-live&scopeNugent, J. C. ((2010). ). Radical Ecumenicity : Pursuing Unity and Continuity After John Howard Yoder.Abilene Christian University Press. Retrieved from https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=e093mww&AN=514433&site=ehost-live&scope=sitePerkins, P. ((2012)). Reading the New Testament : An Introduction:(Vols. Vol. 3rd ed.,).and updated. Paulist Press. Retrieved from https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?
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