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LING 201
Dec 23, 2024
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LING 201: Introduction to Linguistic TheoryFall 2024Assignment #8DueTuesday December 10thth(at or before 11:59PM). Late assignments will not be accepted.You may work in groups, but each student must turn in their own assignment. Please indicate atthe top of your assignment who you worked with. All assignments should be submitted in .pdfformat.Problem 1: Tojolabal [7 points]Consider the following data from Tojolabal, a Mayan language spoken in Mexico. The sound [kˀ]is a glottalized velar plosive (Roughly, a glottalized consonant is one pronounced with asecondary closure at the glottis).A. Are [k] and [kˀ] in contrastive or in complementary distribution? [3 points]They are contrastiveB. If you chose contrastive distribution, provide evidence. If you chose complementarydistribution, list the environments in which each sound appears and state the phonologicalprocess (rule) that derives one from the other. [4 points][ Kisim] and [kˀisim] as well as [sak] and [sakˀ]Problem 2: Kuria [27 points]Consider the following data from Kuria, a Bantu language spoken in Kenya and Tanzania. Payattention to the distribution of the voiced stops [b], [d], [g], and the voiced fricatives [β], [ð], [ɣ].(English does not have the sounds [β] and [ɣ]. Check the IPA to see what the features of thosesounds are).
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Answer the following questions:A. Are the sounds [b] and [β] contrastive or are they in complementary distribution? [2 points]ComplementaryB. Are the sounds [b] and [β] different phonemes or are they allophones of the samephoneme? If they belong to different phonemes, provide evidence. If they are allophonesof the same phoneme, list all environments in which each sound occurs. [4 points]They are allophones, the [b] occurs after an m and before a vowel where as the[β] occurselsewhereC. Are the sounds [d] and [ð] contrastive or are they in complementary distribution? [2 points]ComplementaryD. Are the sounds [d] and [ð] different phonemes or are they allophones of the samephoneme? If they belong to different phonemes, provide evidence. If they are allophonesof the same phoneme, list all environments in which each sound occurs. [4 points]Allophones, the d appears after an n and the is either at the front of a word or in between 2vowelsE.Are the sounds [g] and [ɣ] contrastive or are they in complementary distribution? [2 points]ComplementaryF.Are the sounds [g] and [ɣ] different phonemes or are they allophones of the samephoneme? If they belong to different phonemes, provide evidence. If they are allophonesof the same phoneme, list all environments in which each sound occurs. [4 points]Allophones, g is found after ŋ andɣ is found between vowels although it is after aŋ in one wordG. List all the phonetic features/properties that the sounds [β], [ð], [ɣ] have in common. [3points]VoicedContinuousNon-nasalH. What phonological process accounts for the distribution of [b], [d], [g], [β], [ð], [ɣ] inKuria? Describe the process in words and then give the rule in the format that we learnedin class. Be specific about which sound is the underlying one and clearly state whichenvironment it changes in. [6 points]Weakening in between two vowels+voiced + stop → +voiced +fricative / V__VProblem 3: German [16 points]Consider the following data from German.[pak] [bak] [pan] [ban]‘pack’‘mess table (nautical)’‘pan’‘spell/ban’A. Based on these data, are [p] and [b] different phonemes or are they allophones of thesame phoneme? Justify your answer. [4 points]
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They are different phonemes because if you swap just those sounds the words have differentmeaningsB. Now consider the following singular vs. plural pairs in the language. The plural suffixused in these examples is either -ə or -ən.[alp] [alp]‘mountain pasture’ ‘elf’[alpən] ‘mountain pastures(the Alps)’[albən] ‘elves’
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[raʊp] [dip]‘robbery’‘thief’[raʊbə] ‘robberies’[dibə] ‘thieves’What do you observe about the distribution of [p] and [b] in these examples? (hint: there is analternation between the singular and the plural). Clearly state where we find each sound. [3 points][b] only surfaces in the plural before the suffix and [p] surfaces in the singular and sometimes in the plural in thesame place before the suffixC. State a phonological rule that can explain the change that the sound [b] undergoes in thesingular of the examples above. [3 points]+stop, -voice → +voice / __VD. Assume your rule can generalize to all voiced plosives in the language. Give the surface(or ‘phonetic’) representation for the underlying forms below. [2 points each]i)/kɪnd/ kɪntii)/bɛrg/ bɛrkiii)/tag/ tak
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