
Patuakhali Science and Technology University**We aren't endorsed by this school
Dec 23, 2024
Uploaded by MegaOtter4848
1.All the mobile phone operators in Bangladesh such as Grameen Phone, AKTEL,BanglaLink and TeleTalk have entered into an agreement to allow each other to use theirown network. What kind of cooperative strategy is it?2.A few years back, Standard Chartered Bank purchased the operations of the GrindlaysBank in the South Asia and South-East Asia. Is it merger or acquisition? Give yourarguments.3.Glaxo was an independent company and SmithCline was another independent company.Both these companies do not now exist with their independent status, and so we see theexistence of GlaxoSmithCline. Is GlaxoSmithCline an instance of merger or acquisition?4.Mrs Naila Seraji is working as Marketing Manager at 5M Corporation which producescomputer parts and hardware. She has very recently identified some unique issues whileshe was working as marketing consultant just before she took up the position ofMarketing Manager. Based on her information she suggested the higher management togo for stable-growth strategy rather than growth strategy. Can you guess what issues didshe identify?5.The Partex Particles Board Mills Limited introduced veneer board in Bangladesh marketfor the first time. For a very long time, there was no competitor of this product. Theveneer board was introduced with the brand name of ‘Partex Board’ and over the yearsthe veneer board manufactured and marketed by other companies has come to be knownas ‘partex’. It is a glaring example of how the first-mover can become the marketchampion. What first-mover advantages did Partex Particles Mills Limited enjoy?6.A company has been using the low-cost strategy for the last 12 years for one of itsconsumer products. Some managers of the company have become very critical of thisstrategy a few days ago in a meeting where all senior and mid-level managers attended.They alleged that the strategy is not yielding desired results, although the companyachieved distinct competitive advantage in the initial years of launching the strategy. Canyou guess why these managers were critical of the strategy? When does actually this typeof strategy work well?7.A special brand of Mercedes-Benz car is selling at around Tk.15000000.00 in Dhaka. Thedealer of the car has taken strategy of reducing the price of the brand for Tk.500000.00 toincrease its sales. Do you think the dealer’s strategy would yield the desired results?8.For decades now, 5M Corporation headquartered at Dhaka has advertised that its 5MPerfume Soap is 99% pure. 5M Corporation has refused to add deodorants, facial creams,or colors to its soap. It also packages its soap in plain paper wrappers – no foil or fancyprinting. Is 5M Corporation implementing a product differentiation strategy, low coststrategy, focus strategy (niche strategy), or some combination? Explain your answer.9.Suppose you are a mid-level manager in a large manufacturing company. As advised bythe top management, you have just completed SWOT analysis of your company. Basedon the information that you have generated through SWOT analysis, what step would youtake next that should logically lead to strategy formulation?
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