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BIO 2200
Dec 23, 2024
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Anthony Pita09/04/2024Why we must rebuild trust in ScienceReading #1Questions (reiterated):1.The author gives 3 reasons why science is not trusted by a large percentage of the worldpopulation. What are they?2.What type of science most frequently leads to differences in public opinion?3.When does the author suggest is the best time to build trust in science?Answers:1.The three reasons the authors give for why science is not trusted by a large percentage ofthe population is that science and scientists not consistently earned and nurtured the trust,being a result of advancement of scientific enterprise, leading to lack of communicationbetween scientist and the public. The second reason is Science is messy, the trials anderrors in research methodology and the repetitive testing is often hidden to the public, notallowing them to see what is behind the end product, the public can not trust scientificproducts when the process is hidden from them. The third reason is that science has lostthe trust of the public through researchers’ missteps and blatant violations of trust. Theauthor gives the example of a loss of trust in a community by reminding us of the 40 yearTuskegee experiment of Black men with untreated syphilis which ended unethically andshould not have been allowed since it violated the trust of those in the experiment,leading to the Black Americans community to have a higher percent of distrust ofmedical experts than other demographic groups.2.The type of science that most frequently leads to differences in public opinion is theeducational and ideological differences, such as vaccines, GMO’s, renewable energy, andAI, basically technology that directly affects them.3.The author suggests that the best time to build trust in science is before you need it. Weneed to build relationships across “communities to become better informed and muchmore inclusive in how we define problems and find solutions … vigorously makeconnections and build trust between science and communities” (Parikh, pg 4)