Week 2 Learning journal

University of the People**We aren't endorsed by this school
Dec 24, 2024
Uploaded by MagistrateWaterBuffalo19631
Improving Performance with Helpful FeedbackFeedback, or comments about how we're doing at work, can truly make a significantdifference in how we perform our jobs. As someone who has been employed in a storeenvironment, I've had the opportunity to experience both positive and less constructive feedback.Allow me to share my insights into how feedback can profoundly impact our performance in theworkplace.A Good Feedback Story:I vividly recall a particular instance during a conversation with my boss about myperformance at work, where I received exceptionally helpful feedback. My boss took the time tocommend me on my excellent customer service skills, highlighting specific instances where Ihad excelled. By recognizing my key contributions, my boss not only boosted my morale butalso underscored the direct correlation between my efforts and the store's increased sales. This feedback was instrumental in enhancing my understanding of what constitutes topperformance in my role. Moreover, receiving commendation promptly after demonstratingexceptional service gave me a sense of pride and boosted motivation in me to continue strivingfor excellence.A Not-so-Good Feedback Story:Conversely, there have been instances where the feedback I received fell short of beingconstructive. During another feedback session with my boss, I found the feedback to be vagueand unhelpful. Without specific examples or context, it was challenging for me to grasp the areasrequiring improvement.Furthermore, the delay in providing feedback diminished its effectiveness, as I struggledto recall the incidents in question. The lack of tact and empathy in the delivery of feedbackfurther exacerbated my sense of demotivation and confusion.What I've Learned:Reflecting on these contrasting experiences, I've gleaned several invaluable lessonsabout the art of giving and receiving feedback:Be Clear and Specific: Constructive feedback should be precise, citing tangibleexamples of both strengths and areas for improvement.Relevance is Key: Feedback must be pertinent to the responsibilities of our role,aligning with our professional objectives and helping us enhance our performance.
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Timeliness Matters: Providing feedback promptly allows for better retention andapplication of insights, facilitating meaningful growth and development.Supportive Tone: Delivering feedback in a compassionate and encouraging mannerfosters a conducive environment for learning and improvement.To ensure a continuous flow of constructive feedback, I've resolved to engage in morefrequent check-ins with my boss. These regular discussions will enable us to addressperformance-related matters proactively and collaboratively. Additionally, leveragingcommunication tools such as email or dedicated feedback apps can streamline the process ofexchanging feedback, enhancing efficiency and accountability.While receiving constructive criticism can be challenging, reframing feedback as acatalyst for growth and improvement can help alleviate apprehensions. Similarly, whenproviding feedback, adopting a solution-oriented approach that emphasizes actionable steps forimprovement can mitigate any negative associations.In essence, feedback serves as a guiding beacon on our journey towards professionalexcellence. By assimilating insights from past experiences and adhering to the principlesoutlined above, I'm eager to embark on a continuous path of growth and refinement, therebycontributing to the success of our store and ensuring exceptional experiences for our valuedcustomers.Additionally, creating a culture where feedback is welcomed and appreciated can lead to amore cohesive and productive work environment. When employees feel comfortable sharingtheir thoughts and ideas, it fosters a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect. This sense ofbelonging encourages individuals to take ownership of their work and strive for continuousimprovement.Moreover, involving peers and subordinates in the feedback process can provide valuableperspectives that may not have been considered otherwise. By soliciting input from colleagueswho are directly involved in day-to-day operations, we can gain a deeper understanding of thechallenges and opportunities present within the workplace. This collaborative approach not onlystrengthens teamwork but also promotes a culture of learning and development.Utilizing technology to facilitate feedback exchanges can further enhance transparencyand inclusivity within the organization. Platforms such as anonymous surveys or digital feedbackportals offer employees a safe space to express their thoughts and concerns without fear ofjudgment or repercussion. This democratization of feedback empowers individuals at all levels tocontribute to the improvement of processes and policies, ultimately driving organizationalgrowth and success.In essence, embracing a growth mindset when it comes to feedback enables us to viewconstructive criticism as an opportunity for personal and professional growth. Instead of being
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defensive or discouraged by feedback, we can choose to approach it with curiosity and awillingness to learn. By leveraging the insights gained from feedback, we can adapt and evolvein response to changing circumstances, ensuring our continued relevance and success in the ever-evolving retail landscape.References:Carpenter, M., Bauer, T., & Erdogan, B. (2010). Management principles, v. 1.1.https://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/management-principles-v1.1/index.html.
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