Lesson Plan

Machakos University**We aren't endorsed by this school
Arts & Humanities
Dec 25, 2024
Uploaded by MasterRock15915
1Lesson Plan PostTITLE: Exploring American Traditions and SymbolsCONCEPT/TOPIC: Understanding various holidays and symbols in the United StatesGRADE LEVEL: KindergartenTeacher: (Enter Your Name)NEW YORK STATE COMMON CORE STANDARDSK.3a: Diverse cultural groups within the community and nation embrace unique traditions and beliefs, and celebrate distinct holidays.K.3b: The study of American symbols, holidays, and celebrations helps develop a shared sense of history, community, and culture.STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOME1.Students will be able to identify more than two symbols associated with the United States, such as the bald eagle and the Liberty Bell.2.Students will be able to demonstrate respect for the United States flag by simply standingup.3.Students will be able to explain the importance of national holidays like Thanksgiving and Independence Day.
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2MATERIALSSmall flag of the U.S. for every studentDrawing materials: paper and crayonsKids’ books on the U.S. holidaysPictures of the American flag, bald eagle, Liberty Bell, and other American symbolsANTICIPATORY SET/INTRODUCTIONI will start by showing students a slideshow of renowned American symbols and holidays. Then, I will ask students individually whether they have ever celebrated a holiday. Asking and engaging students in this manner will invoke their curiosity about American symbols and holidays.PROCEDURESI will ask students to name American symbols or holidays and record their answers. I will then introduce the American symbols in a picture presentation, explaining each symbol and its meaning. For example, I will tell them that the bald eagle is the national bird of the United States, and the American flag is a symbol of the nation. Next, I will demonstrate to the students how to stand respectfully while placing their arms over their hearts whenever they look at the flag of the United States. Once learners grasp that, I will give each of them a small U.S. flag and ask them to imitate gestures, showing respect for the flag. To check whether they understood the concept, I will ask them questions like “What is the meaning of bald eagle?” or “Why are there
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3holidays in our country?” finally, I will give each student a piece of paper and crayon and ask them to draw symbols of the United States they have learned. ADAPTATION/DIFFERENTIATIONFor gifted students, I will encourage them to do more than what I taught in class. For instance, I could ask them to draw other symbols or holidays in the United States. For special needs students, I will use specialized materials, such as tactile and visual aids, to helpthem acquire the concepts through hands-on exploration. For students who are physically disabled, I will provide them with resources at levels where theycan access them and give them options to engage in the learning process verbally.CLOSUREI will end the lesson by summarizing everything I taught the students. I will then ask them to share with their friends what they drew and explain before the class what their drawings are (what symbols they represent) and what that symbol means. Finally, I will culminate by asking students to sing the song “God Bless America.” ASSESSMENTI will use observation and analyze students’ drawings of the American symbols to gauge their understanding. I will also look at their discussion responses to see if they grasped the concept of American holidays and symbols. Finally, I will assess their drawing tasks to see whether they understood what I taught them.
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4RESOURCESGod Bless America. https://youtu.be/tc6SzyZFVJ8New York State P-8 Social Studies Framework. https://static.nylearns.org/content/documents/ss-framework-k-8.pdfSymbols of the United States. https://www.loc.gov/classroom-materials/symbols-of-the-united-states/Celebration: The Story of American Holidays. https://www.abebooks.com/9780027709032/Celebration-Story-American-Holidays-Penner-0027709035/plpAmerican flagsDrawing papersCrayonsColoring sheetsPatriotic music: America the Beautiful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAU2TgfZAcc&pp=ygUWYW1lcmljYSB0aGUgYmVhdXRpZnVsIA%3D%3DProjector for slideshow Flashcards portraying holidays and symbols to help students in interactive learning.
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