Week 7 Regression Testing the Hypothesis.pdfsafe

University of Maryland, University College**We aren't endorsed by this school
MATH 302
Dec 26, 2024
Uploaded by BailiffFangArmadillo
Recall, our Car Price dataCar Price:YearYearsOldObservation 1$20,00020154Observation 2$25,00020163Observation 3$30,00020181Observation 4$31,00020181Observation 5$22,50020163Observation 6$25,00020163Observation 7$29,50020181Observation 8$24,00020154Observation 9$24,50020172Observation 10$25,00020172With the Regression output,Next, we want to test the hypothesis and see if the results are significant.The hypothesis scenario looks like:Ho:𝜌= 0Ha:𝜌 ≠0If we look at the p­value or theSignificance Fwe see the p­value = .000673..000673 < .05, Yes this is significant. This means Years Old is a significantpredictor of the Price of a Car.SUMMARY OUTPUTRegression StatisticsMultiple R0.884606501R Square0.782528661Adjusted R Square0.755344744Standard Error1725.490814Observations10ANOVAdfSSMSFSignificance FRegression185706451.6185706451.6128.786460.000673381Residual823818548.392977318.548Total9109525000CoefficientsStandard Errort StatP­valueLower 95%Upper 95%Lower 95.0%Upper 95.0%Intercept31959.677421296.43524424.651965897.83E­0928970.0923934949.2624528970.0923934949.26245Years Old­2629.032258490.0064638­5.3653011790.000673­3758.98919­1499.075326­3758.98919­1499.075326
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We can also comparer, the correlation to a critical value. Ifr< negative criticalvalue orr> positive critical value, thenris significant. Ifris significant and theline may be used for prediction.We knowr=­.8846. There is a correlation critical value table in RealizeIT underTesting the Hypothesis in Week 7 but here is a link to a more detailed table.Correlation CV TableWe know alpha = .05, this is two tailed test from the hypothesis scenario and n =10. The critical value that corresponds to this in the table isrCV = 0.632. Weknow our correlation is negative, so we will use the negative value of this.­.8846 <­0.632, this tells us thatris significant and you can use the line forprediction.This is the same conclusion we got with the p­value from above.Lastly, we can run a t­test to see if the data is significant. From the regressionoutput the t­Stat for the slope is­5.3653. But if we didn’t have the regressionoutput we can calculate this value using this equation.t =𝑟√𝑛−21−𝑟2Plugging in our correlation and sample size we get:t =.884610−21(.8846)2= 2.50202.4663505=−5.3651t – Test Stat we calculated by hand is very close to the t­stat in the output. It is alittle off because I did round some of my values.Then we can use the =T.DIST.2T function to find the p­value. This Excel functionshould look familiar.=T.DIST.2T(ABS(­5.3651),8)Remember if you have a negative value you will need to use the ABS function totake the absolute value of it.p­value = 0.000673544 < .05, Yes, this is significant. This is the same conclusion aswe got above, and this is the same p­value from the Regression Output.It does not matter what way you use to Test the Hypothesis of a Simple LinearRegression example, if done correctly you will get the same conclusion everytime.
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