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1E-Business and the InternetAmerican Public University BUSN320: Principles of E-BusinessJune 9, 2024
2E-Business and the InternetThe rapid development of e-business is intrinsically linked to the Internet. The internet isthe reason that businesses can spread their reach, increase productivity, and overall, makebusiness more convenient for the producer and the consumer. These days, business can beconducted through your computer, cellphone, and even your watch, but that was not always thecase.The internet has become such a huge part of our lives that it is hard to remember a timewithout it. Computers were used by researchers and scientists rather than everyday people. Infact, it was only in the 1990s that the World Wide Web or the Internet, as we know it, becamepopular. The internet was no longer just a way to send data but rather it was a “web” ofinformation. Since then, the internet has continued to evolve and in 1992, Congress made it legalto use the internet for commercial purposes (History Editors, 2010). Businesses could now havewebsites and do business electronically. Therefore, the world of e-business and e-commerce wasborn. An example of how the internet has helped the development of electronic business isthrough online banking and purchases. Financial institutions made online transactions possible,and has since become much more convenient for their customers (Smyth, 2020). E-businesswould not be possible if it was not for online banking. Then with the addition of wireless internetconnections, e-business gained even more traction. Suddenly, a customer could make a purchaseon their cellphone with the touch of a button and check their bank balances in the same breath tosee if they have the money to purchase more things.Also, the internet has changed the way people connect with each other using social mediaand businesses have been able to leverage this. In the past, companies would rely on
3conventional means of advertising. They would use billboards, posters or word of mouth.Nowadays, businesses can reach out to consumers directly by means of social media. This typeof marketing is more effective because the advertisements are more targeted to the specificconsumer, increasing the likelihood of them becoming a customer. For example, if someonefollows or likes posts of dogs on social media, they are probably a pet owner and will findthemselves a target for pet product advertisements.E-business could not have developed alone. It is only through advancements of internetand technology that it could grow to where it is today. Currently, you would be hard-pressed tofind a company without some sort of online presence. With all the advantages of electronicbusiness, of course, there are disadvantages. Cybersecurity CaseThe rise of e-business also means new business requirements. Consumers expect thatwith electronic purchases, comes not only speedier service but secure transactions (Pratt et al.,2022). Unfortunately, that is not always the case. While companies strive to protect user data,hackers are striving to steal that information. Identity theft and fraud are some of the biggestconcerns regarding e-business. For online transactions, users are generally required to givesensitive data like contact information and credit card numbers.A recent cybersecurity incident was the AT&T data breach. This past April, over 70 million, current and former, AT&T customers’ sensitive information were exposed on the dark web. This includes their names, addresses, pins, and social security information. Now, a class-action lawsuit has been filed against AT&T accusing the company of breach of contract, negligence, and failing to protect customer data. The breach seems to be from 2019 or earlier andthe data leak appeared in 2021, but AT&T denied it occurred and refused to investigate further
4(Posey, 2024). Now in 2024, customers have been notified that their personal information has been compromised. When companies demand customer information, the least they can do is safeguard that information.ConclusionThe growth of e-business and the internet go hand in hand. The internet has certainly made business transactions more convenient for both corporations and their customers. It changed the way businesses interact with their customers and expanded the available market. The internet and e-business will continue to advance and with that growth comes the responsibility of continuing to develop tools to secure all the electronic data of both the businesses and their consumers.
5ReferencesHistory Editors. (2010, July 30). The invention of the internet - inventor, Timeline & Facts. Posey, H. G. (2024, April 22). AT&T faces class action lawsuit over massive data breach exposing 70 million customers’ personal information. KPRC. Pratt, M. K., Cole, B., & Karjian, R. (2022, May 23). What is E-Business?. CIO. Smyth, D. (2020, November 10). Briefly explain the evolution of E-Business. Small Business -