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MGT 3054
Dec 27, 2024
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1.Intro (add one slide) - Objective & background2.Activities (add one slide) - Methodology (activities done)3.Outcomes - results & discussion4.Conclusion5.Recommendation6.Reference7.Appendix8.Self reflection1200 words for group report200 words for self reflectionReport:IntroductionClimate Action is one of the 13 Sustainable Development Goals, and it should raise publicawareness. Climate action is being taken because the public is concerned about climatechange. Climate change is a major issue that affects the entire world due to its severe impacton human lives and economies. People are already feeling the significant effects of climatechange, such as altered weather patterns, rising sea levels, and more frequent and severeweather events. Human-caused greenhouse gas emissions are fueling climate change and willcontinue to rise. Without intervention, it is predicted that the average surface temperature ofthe planet will rise over the next century, likely exceeding 3 degrees Celsius, with someregions of the planet experiencing even greater warming (Martin, 2022). The most vulnerableand impoverished individuals are most impacted. Therefore, several activities are carried outto achieve the SDG 13 goal.ObjectivesUrgent action is needed to lower emissions and prepare for climate change, which is animportant concern for society and the environment (Katila et al., 2019). As a result, when thegroup project is completed, three goals are intended: raising awareness, lowering carbonfootprint, and protecting natural resources.First and foremost, raising awareness is a crucial goal of this initiative since it seeks to inspireand educate people about significant environmental challenges (Sola, 2014). This may beaccomplished in a variety of ways, including through the deployment of waste management,self-evaluation on a google form, and posting on environmental concerns. By spreadingconsciousness,suchinitiativeswillencourageafeelingofindividualenvironmentalresponsibility and the implementation of sustainable behaviours in daily existence.Additionally, Romanello et al. (2021) state that lowering carbon footprint is a critical step incombating climate change and preserving human health. By taking this measure, theatmosphere's release of these gases might be reduced, avoiding or minimising the detrimental
effects. Therefore, the goal established is meant to be appealing to the general public in orderto help create a society that is more ecologically sensitive.Third, it's critical to protect natural resources in order to preserve harmonious ecosystems andsafeguard them for the next generation (Abate, 2019). This goal is prioritised in order toencourage ethical resource exploitation and stop harming the environment. As a result, it isanticipated that such actions will preserve the natural balance and promote a sustainablefuture.In brief, we're able to take steps to combat climate change and pave the road for a sustainablefuture that benefits both the planet and mankind by raising awareness, lowering carbonfootprint, and protecting natural resources.ActivitiesAs our group focuses on the Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action, weconducted a series of activities to spread awareness about climate change and engageindividuals in combating this global issue. Our first initiative involved the creation of aGoogleFormquestionnaire.Throughthisform,weaimedtogaugerespondents'understanding of climate change, their knowledge of the greenhouse effect, and theirwillingness to contribute to climate action. By collecting and analysing the responses, wegained valuable insights into the public's perceptions and concerns regarding climate changewhich will be useful guides for future initiatives.In addition, we established an Instagram page dedicated to raise awareness about climatechange. Through captivating and informative posts, we covered various topics such as thepossible causes and potential consequences of climate change, the current climate condition,and the people directly affected by it. The Instagram page served as an effective medium foreducating and engaging a wide audience, particularly the younger generation who are activeon social media platforms.Furthermore, our group actively participated in recycling efforts. We collectively recycled atotal of 40.9 kg of recyclable items, including aluminium, plastic, cardboards, papers, textiles,and cartons at IPC Recycling & Buy-Back Centre. Our recycling efforts demonstrated ourcommitment to sustainability by reducing waste and promoting responsible consumption.In brief, our group engaged in a multifaceted approach to spread awareness on climate action.Collectively, these activities contributed to our goal of fostering awareness and actionregarding Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action.VideolinkrecyclingtoIPCRecycling&Buy-BackCentre:
OutcomesClimate change community projects have produced considerable outcomes through a varietyof approaches including Google Forms, the setting up of Instagram accounts, and recyclingactivities at IPC centre. These findings have benefited community awareness, behaviourchange,andenvironmentalsustainability.Firstly,aGoogleformwas generated anddistributed to peers and relatives for completion. The study generated a total of 70 responses,with 41 from female participants, 27 from male participants, and two individuals who prefernot to say. The survey and questionnaire resulted in significant findings regarding people'sunderstanding of climate change and their willingness to embrace environmentally friendlyhabits through active participation.By creating an Instagram account dedicated to climate change, we gained access to a wealthof knowledge and resources. In total, our account has 100 followers and 6 posts, each ofwhich has received about 50 likes. The page serves as a central hub of information, providingcomprehensive insights into the causes and effects of climate change, known facts, currentconditions,people affected and the potential consequences. This increased awarenessempowers each individual to make informed choices and take action to address climatechange.Lastly, a mutually agreed upon schedule was established to visit the recycling facilityoperated by IPC. A total of 40.9 kg of environmentally sustainable materials, such ascardboard, aluminium cans, plastic bottles, and so on were successfully recycled. In short, theproject encouraged an intense sense of achievement, not just by reducing the quantity ofrefuse being deposited in waste disposal facilities, but also by growing an attitude ofresponsibility for the environment.Assessment and RecommendationsEven though we gave it our best effort, there are still certain areas where we may improve inorder to better satisfy the objectives of SDG 13. Some recommendations include posting onInstagram about some activities that are organised by the IPC Recycling and Buy-BackCentre (IPC RBBC) to let others know about these events and encourage them to participate.Secondly, inviting friends or followers of the Instagram page to join our activities at the IPCRecycling and Buy-Back Centre to cultivate the habit of recyclingFurthermore, it is crucial to participate in events or campaigns that increase understanding ofclimate change and its consequences on health. This will enable individuals to comprehendand support societal initiatives to limit global warming. We may post these details on socialmedia to encourage more people to take part in these events. These suggestions are assistingin educating people about recycling and helping youngsters in particular to have a betterknowledge of it. In addition, it is advised to maintain the activities done at the IPC RBBC,which significantly reduce waste. In order to prevent global warming and raise awareness, itis vital that we regularly remind ourselves of the lessons we have learned during this projectand put them into practice.
ConclusionToputitbriefly,humanirresponsibilityhassignificantlyaffectedtheclimateandenvironment. However, it is still possible to rectify the environmental damage that hasalready been done. We also raise public awareness about climate change by publishinginformation, as is evident from our survey and Instagram feed. We have also demonstratedour dedication by recycling at the IPC Recycling & Buy-Back Centre in an effort to keepraising awareness among the general public. As a result, we should work towards asustainable future in order to successfully combat climate change-related problems.(words)ReferencesKatila, P., Colfer, C. J. P., De Jong, W., Galloway, G., Pacheco, P., & Winkel, G.(2019, December 12).Sustainable Development Goals. Cambridge University Press., A. O. (2014). Environmental Education and Public Awareness.Journal ofEducational and Social Research,4(3)., M., McGushin, A., Di Napoli, C., Drummond, P., Hughes, N., Jamart, L.,Kennard, H., Lampard, P., Rodriguez, B. S., Arnell, N. W., Ayeb-Karlsson, S.,Belesova, K., Cai, W., Campbell-Lendrum, D., Capstick, S., Chambers, J., Chu, L.,Ciampi, L., Dalin, C., . . . Hamilton, I. (2021). The 2021 report of the LancetCountdown on health and climate change: code red for a healthy future.The Lancet,398(10311), 1619–1662., R. S. (2019).Climate Change and the Voiceless: Protecting FutureGenerations, Wildlife, and Natural Resources. Cambridge University Press.Martin (2022).Climate Action - United Nations Sustainable Development. Availableat:
Self ReflectionWeirui:Ithinkoneofthemostsudden areas of change has been my growth inself-awareness. I have come to realise the importance of understanding my strengths,weaknesses and values. This awareness has allowed me to make more informed decisions andwork towards personal growth. In terms of leadership, I am still introverted compared tobefore and now, so I have not made a lot of progress. On the contrary, in terms ofcollaborative skills, I can cooperate better with the group leader's work schedule andcomplete my work at the set time than before. Much progress has been made in this area. Inaddition, after this group presentation, I have seriously realised that there is still room forgreater awareness of protecting the environment. Before this, I did not pay much attention tothe topic of caring for the environment, and sometimes I just threw my drink in the trash afterdrinking it, not realising that this small action could cause so much damage to theenvironment. However, now I am a citizen who can lead by example in caring for theenvironment, this is the change before and after I took this subject.Jing Jing: Friendship can have a major impact on our health and well-being, but it is not easyto develop or maintain friendships. I still remembered I was betrayed and ignored by friendsdue to a small issue. This caused me to be quieter and more afraid to make new friends withothers when I first started in college for my foundation. But as I still have continued mystudies for a few years in university, I realised that I need to shift my personality from reserveto assertive by keeping an open mind set. I have changed to be braver and take the initiativeto meet new friends. Eventually, I met my friends and we often discussed homework orassignments and studied together. I also ask any questions when I meet problems duringacademics. I think it is best for my future. First, it makes me more confident, boosts myhappiness and reduces my stress at the same time. During this assignment, I have made newfriends and we work together to complete our task. It is also good for my future workingplace. For example, it will improve the job quality, satisfaction of job as well as boostproductivity by having close relationships with colleagues. Hence, the revenue and profit ofthe company also increased at that time. To sum up, developing friendships while I study willenhance my social skills forever.Ga Yan:As to the title of self-reflection, I did not consider who I was before I entered intoSunway college. I realise that I am an introvert and I like to stay alone rather thancommunicate with a group of people. This causes me to be hard to find group or teammembers as I feel hard to meet or communicate with new friends. I tried to step out from mycomfort zone when I felt that I must force myself to find a group or team member to finishmy task or assignment. As having more friends, I felt that I have learned a lot from every oneof them and also understand them well. By participated in this community project, I meet myteam members and I feel happy to have good and effective conversations with them as everymeeting. In the future, I will continue to work hard and gather more new friends by
participate in some club activities and share my own information with my friends for them tohave deeper understanding of myself .Pravin:Organising my time was one of the issues I had faced from my highschool. I havealways kept my work pending till it reaches the due dates and I put myself under a lot ofpressure to submit my work on time. However, at one point of time, I have learnt that timemanagement skills are very important during university life. Making a detailed plan for mydaily chores and a to-do list is something I have learned is incredibly helpful for making myday as effective as possible. I would divide the workload across the days of the weekdepending on the importance of each task after checking the content that was due.Additionally, by managing my time well, I can finish my work on time, continue to beinterested in my students' development, and have more time to pursue interests of mine, suchas sports and hobbies. Hence, now I know how to manage my time effectively for my studiesand other things. I was able to break my procrastination problem that I developed earlier withthe help of this community project. By being involved in this project, I also started to spendmy time contributing to the environment to overcome climate changes by actively doingrecycling.Wen Jing:I was a person who struggled with time management before I started college. I amunable to finish the tasks assigned in time, and I eventually come close to missing thedeadline and failing my assignment. I therefore generally botched my previous tasks andassignments. I regret and despise myself for my bad time management because it has anegative impact on my future. So when I started college, I made the decision to change mybad time management. I began to make plans before beginning my task or assignment. In myschedule, I noted all the significant dates, including meetings, exams, and deadlines forassignments. In order to avoid missing any important dates, I recorded in the memo section ofmy phone.Therefore, I feel that everything is going smoothly and that my assessmentprogress has gone according to plan. I am aware that my self-discipline and time managementhave improved as a result of my involvement in this community project. I used the timemanagement strategies to prioritise tasks, establish deadlines and be in contact with the teammembers for the progress.Zi Yang:First of all, participating in this group project related to climate change provided agreat opportunity for me to gain transformative experience both personally and academically.Before getting into this group project, I had a limited and vague understanding on the issuesof the environment. However, after around 2 months of attending lectures and gettinginvolved in the implementation of community group projects, I have gained a comprehensiveunderstanding of the complex issues surrounding climate change. Throughout the course, Ilearned about the causes and consequences of climate change, the role of human activities inexacerbating it, and the urgent need for sustainable solutions. Not just about climate issues, Ialso learned how to work as a team and communicate effectively among each other, as it isimportant to navigate various challenges and brainstorm innovative ideas for the activities ofthe group project. Looking ahead, it awakened a sense of responsibility to take action and
contribute to the fight against climate change. I am looking forward to raising awarenessamong my peers and actively supporting organisations working towards environmentalpreservation.Amanda: Before starting on this project, I never thought much about the problem of climatechange. Despite this topic always being brought up on social media, news outlets, and beingadvocated for in school, I paid no mind to it as it seemed very detached from my life, as if Ihad no part in it and it had no effect on me nor the people around me. However, after havingto do research on climate change for this Community Project, I have come to the realisationthat climate change very much affects me, my loved ones, and everyone else, whether theyare aware of it or not. From the facts of climate change to the consequences of it, it clearlystates how dire the situation has become, but this problem always falls on deaf ears for peoplewho are indifferent to it, thinking this will not directly impact their daily lives and not caringfor the future of this planet. That is why, while I do not plan on being a radical activist or apolitician after this self-awareness, I will try my best to advocate for it by bringing this topicup with my friends so they can be aware of it too, watch my food intake as well as thedisposal of wastes, consider my mode of travel and electricity usage, and support the peoplewho are negatively impacted by climate change in any capacity I have.Carlson: Throughout the completion of the group community project coursework centredaround Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action, I have had the opportunity toreflect on my own performance and growth. Before commencing the project, I identified aweakness that I aimed to address and improve upon. The weakness that I identified was alimited understanding of the technical aspects related to climate change and sustainablepractices. To address this, I dedicated time to research and self-study. I delved into relevantliterature and engaged in discussions with classmates who possessed a deeper understandingof the subject matter. Through these efforts, I not only expanded my knowledge but alsodeveloped a stronger foundation in the principles and concepts of climate action. Theoutcomes of the improvement were significant. I found that my enhanced understanding ofclimate change and sustainable practices allowed me to provide informed insights andsuggestions during group discussions and project planning sessions. I improved my ability incritically analysing complex issues and suggesting practical solutions. Overall, this projectprovided me with an invaluable opportunity for personal growth and development. Byaddressing my weakness and actively working on self-improvement, I was able to makemeaningful contributions to the project and develop skills that will benefit me in futureendeavours related to climate action and sustainability.Andrew: Before starting this community project, I have little to no knowledge regarding theenvironment and issues regarding climate change. During the discussions carried out togetherwith my team and I, I have learned quite a lot regarding the climate change and also theenvironment. I. In regards to this project, I am grateful to be assigned with my team membersas they are very capable people and I enjoy working with them. In the midst of carrying outthis project, I realized that my time management could be improved. I am also very shy andintroverted due to my insecurities which I realized might make me look incompetent
sometimes. After making the effort to collect recyclable items from our own homes, wegathered at IPC Shopping Mall to recycle them.I learned that each individual with smallsteps can make a big difference to make an impact to tackle climate change. There were somany things that we can recycle from just our home itself. After the project, I took time toreflect on what I could’ve done better. I learned that I can and should improve my socialskills and time management.