HIS 100 Module Two Activity Research Question Template

Southern New Hampshire University**We aren't endorsed by this school
HIS 100
Dec 27, 2024
Uploaded by KidZebraPerson620
HIS 100 Module Two Activity Template: Historical Research QuestionThis activity is your last chance to choose a topic. Topic changes may be based on your research or instructor feedback. Then write a historical research question that addresses an aspect of your finalized topic. Replace the bracketed text below with your responses.Non-graded portion:List your historical research topic here:oChernobyl Graded portion:Write a clear, relevant, and focused research question about your finalized topic. oWhat are the current health risks to being in the contaminated area?Explain how another person’s beliefs, assumptions, and values may lead that person to create a different question than you.oAnother person's beliefs, assumptions and values may lead that person to create a different question simply because they are a different person and they think differently than I do. I chose this question because I would love to know if there is any chance for the Earth to heal and the land to be livable again. Someone else could pose other questions like, what triggered the nuclear accident? How many people were harmed or affected? What clean up plan was put in place after the accident?
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