EEE2113BEQAssignment (1)

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CSE 101
Computer Science
Dec 29, 2024
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United International University Department of CSE CSE 2113: Electrical Circuits Final Examination Fall 2022 Time: 1 Hour 45 Minutes Full Marks: 30 1. Figure 1 for Question 1. For the above circuit shown in Figure 1, determine ๐‘–๐‘œ, ๐‘ฃ??and ๐‘ฃ๐‘ฅ& ๐ผ๐‘ฅat the node X using Node Analysis. [8] 2. Figure 2 for Question 2.
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Answer the following questions for the above circuit shown in Figure 2, (a)Determine the currents in all resistors using Mesh Analysis. [7] (b)Determine the power absorbed the in R1 resistor. [3] 3. Figure 3 for Question 3. Answer the following questions for the above circuit shown in Figure 3, . (a) If the equivalent resistance between a and b terminal is 50 Ohm find R. [5] (b) Find the voltage and current across 12 Ohm resistors using the voltage and current divider rule. [7]
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Page 1of 2Any examinee found adopting unfair means would be expelled from the trimester/ program as per UIU disciplinary rules. Question 1: Answer all the questions. (6 Marks) The charge flowing in a wire having 20 ฮฉ resistance is shown in Figure 1. Answer the following questions: i)Clearlysketch the corresponding current and find current at t = 2.5 sec and t = 5.5 sec. ii)Determinethe time when maximum power is delivered to the element. Also, findthe maximum power. Figure 1. [4+2] Question 2: Answer all the questions. (6 Marks) For the circuit shown in Figure 2, determine the following questions: i)Find the equivalent resistance across the terminals a-b. ii)A 30 Vvoltage source is connected to the terminals a-b, the positiveterminal of the source is connected to aand the negativeterminal is connected to b. Find the currents IceandIebusing current division rule. Figure 2. [3+3] United International University(UIU)Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering(CSE)Mid-Term Exam: Trimester: Summer 2023Course Code: EEE 2113; Course Title: Electrical CircuitsTotal Marks: 30; Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes
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Page 2of 2Question 3: Answer all the questions (6 Marks)Figure 3. UseKirchoffโ€™s Current Law(KCL) and Kirchoffโ€™s Voltage Law(KVL)to find all the branch currents and node voltagesof the above circuit in Figure 3. [6] Question 4: Answer all the questions. (6 Marks)For the circuit shown in Figure 4, determine ๐‘–๐‘œand current through the battery using mesh analysis. Figure 4. [3+3] Question 5: Answer all the questions. (6 Marks)Figure 5. For the circuit shown in Figure 5, answer the followings using node analysis: i)Determinethe current through the 5โ„ฆ resistorand ๐‘‰1. ii)Evaluatewhich voltage source is supplying power to the circuit. [3+3]
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Page 1of 2Question 1: Answer all the questions. (20 Marks) A circuit element is connected to a voltage source as shown in Figure 1a. The charge entering through this element is shown in Figure 1b. Now, answer the following questions: i)Calculate and sketch the current flowing into this element between 0 to 10 ms.ii)Calculate and sketch the power of this element between 0 to 10 ms. Determine at which time intervals the power is absorbed and power is delivered. Figure 1a Figure 1b [10+10] CO1Question 2: Answer all the questions. (20 Marks) Answer the following questions for the circuits shown in Figure 2(a-b): i)Determine the voltages ๐‘‰1and ๐‘‰2using KVL.ii)Determine the currents ๐ผ2and ๐ผ๐‘†using KCL.Figure 2a Figure 2b [10+10] CO2Question 3: Answer all the questions (30 Marks)Determine the following for the circuit shown in Figure 3: i)Equivalent Resistance, ๐‘…??for this circuit. ii)Current ๐‘‰1, ๐ผ1and ๐ผ2using CDR, VDR. [10+10+10] CO2United International University(UIU)Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering(CSE)Assignment-3, Trimester: Summer 2024Course Code: CSE 113/EEE 2113; Course Title: Electrical CircuitsTotal Marks: 100 (Any Copy found would be considered a punishable act, he/she will get zero in 20 marks in MID)
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Page 2of 2Figure 3 Question 4: Answer all the questions. (30 Marks)Answer the following questions for the circuit shown in Figure 4 (a-b): i)Use the mesh analysis method to determine the mesh currents and the value of ๐‘–๐œ™in the Figure 4a circuit. ii)Using nodal analysis in Figure 4b, find the value of ๐ผ๐‘œ. Figure 4a. Figure 4b.[15+15] CO2
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Page 1of 2Any examinee found adopting unfair means would be expelled from the trimester/ program as per UIU disciplinary rules. Question 1: Answer all the questions. (8 Marks) Answer the following questions for the circuit shown in Figure 1: i)The current shown in Figure 1is flowing through a 5โ„ฆ wire. Now, draw the charge, q vs. time graph for this currentconsidering the initial charge in the wire is 1C at t=0s.ii)Draw the power absorbed by this wire vs. time graph.Figure 1[4+4]Question 2: Answer all the questions. (6 Marks) For the circuit shown in Figure 2, answer the following questions: i)Writethe KVL equations for the Loops, L1 and L2. ii)Calculatethe values of Vxand Iy. Figure 2. [3+3]United International University(UIU)Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering(CSE)MID Exam, Trimester: Spring 2024Course Code: CSE 113/EEE 2113; Course Title: Electrical CircuitsTotal Marks: 30; Duration: 1 hour 30 min
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Page 2of 2Question 3: Answer all the questions (8 Marks)Answer the following questions for the circuit shown in Figure 3 (a-b): i)If Req= 10 โ„ฆfor the circuit shown in Figure 3(a), then find the value of R. ii)Figure out the values of v1, v2in the circuit shown in Figure 3(b). [4+4]Figure 3a Figure 3b Question 4: Answer all the questions. (8 Marks)Answer the following questions for the circuit shown in Figure 4 (a-b): i)Find the current, i , and the voltage, Vo in Figure 4ausing mesh analysis. ii)Using nodal analysis in Figure 4b, find the values of v1 andv2. Figure 4a. Figure 4b.[4+4]
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UnitedInternationalUniversityDepartment of Computer Science and EngineeringEEE 2113: Electrical CircuitsMid-Term Exam: Spring 2023Time: 1 hour 45 minutesMarks: 30There are five questions here. Answer all of them1. Determine the followings for the circuit shown in Figure 1:(a) Equivalent Resistance of the circuit across the voltage source.[2](b) Voltage across 3 โ„ฆ and 2 โ„ฆ resistors with appropriate polarities using VDR.[2](c) Current through 50 โ„ฆ and 12 โ„ฆ resistors with proper directions using CDR.[2]Figure 1: Circuit for Q-12. The charge flowing through a 10 โ„ฆ resistor is given below:Figure 2: Charge distribution for Q-2(a) Derive the equation of current of this resistor and sketch it as a function of time.[4](b) Calculate the total energy delivered between 0 sec and 6 sec.[2]3. For the circuit shown in Figure 3,(a) Use Kirchoffโ€™s laws to determine all branch currents and node voltages.[4](b) Calculate the power dissipated through all the elements of the circuit. Determine which elementsare supplying power to the circuit and which elements are absorbing power.[2]1
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Figure 3: Circuit for Q-34.(a) Use the mesh analysis method to determine mesh currents in the circuit.[4](b) Find the power dissipated in 1 โ„ฆ resistor.[2]Figure 4: Circuit for Q-45. Consider the following circuit:Figure 5: Circuit for Q-5(a) Find all node voltages in the above circuit using Nodal Analysis method.[4](b) CalculateV0andI0in the circuit.[2]Page 2
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