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Ministry of Health Ethiopian Health Professionals’ Licensure Examination PHARMACY Ginbot 2015/May 2023 (1-20)
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1. Tenofovir + Lamuvidine + Efaverinze is one of the first line fixed dose combination Anti Retroviral Therapy (ART) used by patients on a daily basis. The total number of patients who are under this treatment is known. In addition, the numbers of patients eligible to take this fixed dose combination product have been increasing by five percent monthly. The ART Pharmacy Coordinator is responsible to undergo the quantification of this regimen. What is the most appropriate quantification method the pharmacist should use? A. Morbidity Method B. Consumption Method C. Service level Projection Method D. Adjusted- Consumption Method
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2. A hospital has a strong drug management team, where drug transaction information is recorded appropriately. The hospital started giving services in 2009 E.C. and, a team is required to conduct quantification for the year 2014 E.C. What is the most appropriate method to be used in this case? A. Morbidity methodB. Consumption method C. Adjusted consumption methodD. Service level projection method
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3. A pharmacist is working in the drug supply management unit of a hospital, which was established ten years back. The hospital mostly purchases its health commodities from local suppliers, unless there is emergency stock-out. The hospital has a complete record of the purchase and utilization of pharmaceuticals. There was also a relatively uninterrupted supply trend of pharmaceuticals. Thus, the pharmacist decided to quantify an amount of pharmaceuticals for the next budget year. What is the most appropriate quantification method to use for the above scenario? A. Morbidity B. Consumption C. Proxy-consumption D. Service level projection
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4. A pharmacist, who is assigned in the drug supply management unit of a new hospital, wants to forecast the quantity of pharmaceuticals needed. But, there is no information regarding previous consumption of pharmaceuticals and patient attendance. What is the most appropriate quantification method to be used by the pharmacist?A. Morbidity B. ConsumptionC. Proxy-consumption D. Service level projection
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5 A total of 200 ampoules of Gentamycin injection were set as safety stock to prevent stock out of the drug from a hospital. The lead time is two weeks. What is the average monthly consumption?A. 100 B. 200 C. 600 D. 400
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6A health center purchased a single source medicine at negotiated price. The medicine purchased was patented to a single supplier. Which method of procurement is applied by the health center?A. Competitive negotiation procurementB. Restricted tender procurementC. Open tender procurement D. Direct procurement
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7. A hospital plans to purchase 10,000 cartons of disposable glove with a reasonable price. A market assessment indicates that there are a number of suppliers to purchase from. What is most appropriate procurement method to use? A. Open tender B. Restricted tenderC. Direct procurement D. Competitive negotiation
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8. A hospital's purchasing officer purchases 10000 capsules of 500mg Amoxicillin and 8000 tablets of 500mg Ciprofloxacillin. The team have collected Performa invoice from three potential suppliers with a low prices. However, the suppliers have no a renewed license. What is the most likely problem in the logistics in this case? A. Reliable supply B. Right quantityC. Reliable time D. Right price
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9. A dispensary pharmacist requested 1000 capsules 500mg Amoxicillin capsules from a store. There were two batches of the medication. Batch A was received on September 20, 2020 and have an expiry date of December, 2022 while Batch B was received on January 20, 2020 and have an expiry date of December 2021. What is the most appropriate inventory rotation to issue the medication? A. First Expiry First out (FEFO) B. Last Expiry First Out (LEFO) C. Last in Last out (LIFO) D. First in First Out (FIFO)
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10. A hospital store manager is processing request of pharmaceuticals from OPD dispensary. He\she is transcribing information from Intra-Facility Report and Resupply Form (IFRR) on to an issuing voucher. The information transcribed includes date, name-dispensing unit, code of the product, description of the product, batch number, unit of measurement, quantity received, total selling price and expiry date. What is the most likely issuing voucher that the store manager used? A. Model 20 B. Model 22C. Model 06 D. Model 19
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11. A pharmacist is keeping a stock record of paracetamol 500mg tablet. He\she places the record on the pallet where the medication is found. The record included the stock on hand of paracetamol for that batch only. Besides, any losses and adjustments for the specified batch were recorded. What is the most likely type of stock keeping record the pharmacist using? A. Bin Card B. Stock card C. Inventory card D. Store ledger card
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12. A store manager of a hospital does not know and implement when to order or issue, how much to order or issue and how to maintain appropriate stock levels of pharmaceuticals. Hence, morbidity increased due to shortage of essential drugs. On the other hand, overstock of less essential pharmaceuticals was reported which precipitates inefficient budget utilization. What is the most likely system that the store manager fails to implement? A. Distribution system B. Procurement system C. Proper storage system D. Inventory control system
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13. A hospital pharmacy department reported 100kg of empty PVC plastic and glass packaging wastes in the previous quarter. The hospital management decided to dispose it. And, the management requests the department to present the recent recommendation of EFDA. What is the most likely waste disposal method the department should present? A. Landfill B. Burning in open placeC. High-Temperature incineration D. Medium-Temperature incineration
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14. A pharmacist, who is working in the central medical store, is arranging medicines with the aim of strengthening the security of medicines. What is the best way of arrangement to be used? A. Based on pharmacological category B. Based on a commodity code C. Based on therapeutic category D. Based on the dosage form
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15. A pharmacist needs to place ordering of pharmaceuticals based on the Max-Min inventory control systems. At the end of the review period, he\she reviewed the stock level of all the pharmaceuticals and ordered enough stock to equal to reach the maximum stock level. What is the most likely type of Max-Min inventory control system the pharmacist following? A. Push ordering system B. Standard review system C. Continuous review system D. Forced-ordering system
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16. In the past month, a primary hospital's store manager reported that 30 male condoms were expired, 4 IUDs were stolen, 120 sachets of oral rehydration salts were loaned for other health facility and, 20 treated malaria nets were received from another health facility. What is the most likely essential logistics data the report contains? A. Loss or adjustment data B. Dispensed to user data C. Stock transfer data D. Wastage data
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17. Implementation of appropriate stock location is important to maintain the integrity of a drug until it is consumed by patients. Some products might need to be kept under cold environmental temperature, while others needed to be kept at room temperature. What is the most likely temperature range of cold environmental condition? A. 0 degree centigrade B. 15 to 25 degree centigrade C. 2 to 8 degree centigrade D. 25 to 30 degree centigrade
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18. A health center has 180,000 birr for pharmaceuticals purchase in 2014 fiscal year. The pharmacy head has quantified pharmaceuticals by categorizing as vital costing 80,000 birr, essential costing 90,000 birr and normal costing 20,000 birr. What is the most appropriate solution for the scenario? A.Decrease 50 percent budget from the Normal B. Decrease 14 percent budget from the Essential C. Decrease 10 percent budget from the Essential D. Decrease 11 percent budget from the Vital
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19. A pharmaco-economic analysis should be done before selecting and incorporating medicines in to the National Medicine's List. What is the most appropriate analysis to be done? A. Cost-Utility Analysis B. Cost-Benefit Analysis C. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis D. Cost-Minimization Analysis
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20. A purchased laboratory reagents were loaded on a transport vehicle. When the vehicle has arrived to the facility after 24 hours of a drive, some of the reagents were damaged. What problem is most likely occurred? A. Items were sub-standards B. Delivery invoice was not sent with C. Items were not in good condition D. Inventory of the items was not done
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21 A primary hospital utilized 300, 250, 200 and 450Packs of Ceftriaxone injection in September, October,November and December respectively. The lead time for the product is two months with safety stock of 600packs.The procurement period is also six months.What would be the maximum stock level Ceftriaxoneinjection?A. 1800 pack`B. 2400 packC. 3000 packD.4200 pack
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22. Bottled gas or kerosene powers refrigerators;alcohol; and power Bunsen burners are amongthe pharmaceuticals that need special storageconditions.What is the most likely reason that necessitates thespecial storage conditions?A. Because they are Controlled SubstancesB. Because they are FlammableC. Because they are CytotoxicD.Because they are Bulky
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23 Placing pharmaceuticals order is a routine activity inlogistics. In most logistics systems, an order is placedfor new supplies every month, or every quarter, from aService Delivery Point to a higher level. In somelogistics systems, the quantity to be resupplied iscalculated by the person (usually the pharmacyprofessional) placing the order. And this is one of thesystems of ordering pharmaceuticals.What is the most likely system of orderingpharmaceuticals that the above case is referring?A. Pull systemB. Push systemC. Allocation systemD.Rationing system
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24. A hospital pharmacy department reported thatthe time between new stocks are ordered andreceived to be used is 15 days.What is the most likely key performance indicatorthat the department reporting?A. Transportation timeB. Procurement time.C. Delivery timeD. Lead time
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25 .Quinine is anti-malarial drug that is widelyused in rural public health care facilities ofEthiopia. It is included in the national EssentialMedicines List and Facility Specific Medicines List.The generic drug is available both in liquid andsolid dosage forms.What is the first criterion used for including in bothlists?A. AffordabilityB. QualityC. MorbidityD. Availability
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