
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology**We aren't endorsed by this school
EEET 2246
Electrical Engineering
Dec 29, 2024
Uploaded by EarlFog11383
Question 1 Electrical Plant - Single Phase Transformers and AC Circuits QUE Open-circuit (OC) and Short-circnit. (SC) tests a transformer with following results: enit Test on the HY side with the LV side open: 1000 V, 0.6 A, 400 W it test on the HV side with the LV side shorted: 50 V, 100 A, 1500 W R, X, ' Determine the series resistance Req of the equivalent circuit zeferred to the HY side (0. Determine the shunt (core-loss) resistance Ro of the equivalent circuit referred to the HV side [0 Question 3 Electrical Plant - Single Phase Transformers and AC Cireuits a0 QUESTION 3: [TOTAL 1 marks] Open-circuit (OC) and Short t (SC) tests are carried out on a single-phase 1000 V / 100 V. transformer with following results: - Open-cireuit Test on the HV side with the LV side open: 1000 V, 0.6 A, 100 W Short-circuit tost on the HV side with the LV side shorted: 50 V, 100 A, 1500 W/ The LV side (secondary side) of the transformer is comnceted with a load. The load consumes, 100 KW power with a lngging power factor of 0.5 and at.its secondary rated voltage of 100 V when the transformer primary if fed with 1100 V. What is the current ou the HV side []? Opts a0 TON 1: [TOTAL 1 marks) carried out on a single-phase, 1000 V / 100 V. O pts
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Caleulate the transformer efficiency for this load condition [ Question 5 O pts Electrical Plant - Three Phase AC Circuits 40 QUESTION 5: [TOTAL 1 marks| A balanced delta-connected load is connected across a three phase 415 V 50 Hz AC supply. Each load element has an impedance of 5+ j12 €. Caleulate the power factor of the load Calculate the supply line current [A); Caleulate the total reactive power consumed by the load [KVAr]: 1f a star-comnected capacitor bank is connected in parallel o the load, determine the capacitor value required to restore the systemn power fact. s [P Question 9 0 pts Electrical Plant - Three Phase Transformers Qo0 QUESTION 9: [TOTAL 1 marks] glo-phase transfor former bank. Each transformer s are connected to form a step-up three-phase 10 kV to 220 kV trans- rated at 150 kVA, 5.77 kV/ 127 kV at 50 Iz, The transformer feeds a load via w HV cable with impedance: 3100 + j5300 ©/phase. transformer winding impedance referred to the secondary (HV side) is 1100 + j2300 ©/phase. The load consumes 450 kVA at leading power factor of 0.7 at a line-to-line voltage of 220 k. What form of connection type is required for the transformer primary /secondary Question 10 0 pts Electrical Plant - Three Phase Transformers q10v0 QUESTION 10: [TOTAL 1 marks] ) kV Three single-phase transformers are connected to form a step-up three-phase 9960 V to transformer bank. Each transformer is rated at 150 kVA, 5.75 kV/ 127.2 kV at 50 Hz. The transformer feeds a load via a IV cable with impedance: 3400 + 5300 ©/phas The transformer winding impedance referred to the secondary (HV side) is 1100 + j2300 /phase. The load consumes 381 kVA at a leading power factor of 0.6 at a line-to-line voltage of 220 kV. Determine current magnitudes in the windings in the HV side [A]:
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Caleulato the sonrce lne-to-line voltage for th oporating condition (umwer in voltx [V]) Caleulate the total real power lass in the HV eable:
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