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BIO 1001
Dec 29, 2024
Uploaded by AdmiralTree15906
WEEK 1: Nature of Science & CommunicationA1. Work effectively with peers●Key Points:○Active listening:Understand and respect the viewpoints of others duringdiscussions.○Collegial participation:Share your thoughts in group discussions or labs whilebeing respectful of differing opinions.○Collaboration in assignments:Divide tasks effectively and synthesize differentinputs into a cohesive argument or analysis.A2. Develop metacognitive (self-reflection) skills●Key Points:○Self-evaluation:Reflect on what strategies help you learn better. Are youretaining the material? How can you improve?○Engagement:Participate fully in every opportunity for learning (lectures, labs,online discussions).A3. Communicate information accurately●Key Points:○Scientific language:Use terms like “hypothesis,” “theory,” and “experiment”accurately in written and verbal communication.○Synthesizing information:Connect concepts from different parts of the courseto explain new data or scenarios.○Drawing conclusions:Make clear conclusions based on logical analysis ofdata.A4. Describe how science builds knowledge and its flexible nature●Key Points:○Science builds on evidence:Knowledge evolves as new discoveries are made.Science is empirical (based on observed data).○Scientific method flexibility:It's not always linear (hypothesis → experiment →conclusion). Sometimes it circles back with new questions based on newevidence.A5. Compare and use ‘hypothesis’ and ‘theory’●Key Differences:○Hypothesis:A testable prediction (e.g., "If plants get more sunlight, they willgrow faster").
○Theory:A well-supported explanation of a phenomenon (e.g., Theory ofEvolution). It’s broader and backed by repeated tests.A6. Formulate a hypothesis based on observations●Example:○If you observe that plants near a window grow faster, you might hypothesize:"Plants receiving more sunlight will grow faster."A7. Formulate predictions based on a hypothesis●Example:○Based on the hypothesis "plants grow faster with more sunlight," the predictioncould be: "If I place one plant in sunlight and another in darkness, the sunlit plantwill grow faster."A8. Design an experiment to test a hypothesis●Key Points:○Controls:Factors that remain constant to ensure a fair test (e.g., both plants getthe same water).○Repeatability:Experiments should be repeatable with similar results.○Evaluation of design:Is the experiment designed to fairly test the hypothesis?A9. Evaluate alternative hypotheses●Example:○If one hypothesis is that "sunlight affects growth," an alternative could be "wateravailability affects growth."○Justification:Compare results from experiments designed to test eachhypothesis and justify which is more plausible.A10. Analyze and draw conclusions from data●Key Points:○Data interpretation:Look for patterns in graphs, tables, or figures. Identifytrends.○Conclusion:Draw logical conclusions based on the analyzed data (e.g., "Datasupports the hypothesis that sunlight increases growth rate").A11. Evaluate scientific statements●Key Points:○Valid claims:Use evidence and scientific reasoning to decide if a statementholds up (e.g., "Does this claim have data to back it up?").
○Example:Intelligent Design lacks the empirical evidence required for scientificvalidation, whereas Evolution is supported by extensive data.A12. Use/write scientific names correctly●Key Points:○Format:Write scientific names in italics or underline them (e.g.,Homo sapiens).○Capitalization:The genus name is capitalized, the species name is lowercase.A13. Problem-solving and questioning skills●Approach:○Identify the problem: What’s the main question?○Evaluate information:Distinguish between what’s relevant or irrelevant.○Logical reasoning:Consider all possible solutions, evaluate evidence, andexplain your reasoning.Key Terms to Know:●Hypothesis vs. Theory:Hypothesis is a testable statement; a theory is awell-substantiated explanation.●Correlation vs. Causation:Correlation is a relationship between two variables;causation means one variable directly affects the other.●Experimental vs. Observational study:Experimental involves manipulating variables;observational is simply watching and recording data.●Null hypothesis vs. Alternative hypothesis:Null hypothesis assumes no effect, whilethe alternative hypothesis suggests there is an effect.WEEK 2: History of Evolutionary ThoughtB1. Lamarck’s Contributions vs. Darwin’s Natural Selection●Lamarck’s Ideas:○Use and Disuse:Lamarck thought organisms could change during their lifetimeby using or not using body parts (e.g., a giraffe stretches its neck and passes thistrait on).○Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics:Lamarck suggested these changescould be passed to offspring.○Darwin’s Idea:Natural selection acts on inherited traits, not traits acquiredduring an organism’s lifetime.B2. Influence of Gradualism, Uniformitarianism, and Malthus
●Gradualism:Changes happen slowly over time (e.g., the slow shaping of Earth’ssurface).●Uniformitarianism:Past geological processes are similar to current processes (e.g.,erosion).●Malthus’s Population Growth:Limited resources lead to a struggle for survival,influencing Darwin’s ideas on natural selection (organisms compete for resources).B3. Darwin’s Observations & Inferences●Observations:1.Organisms produce more offspring than survive.2.Populations are generally stable in size.3.There is variation within populations.4.Some traits are heritable.5.Limited resources.●Inferences:1.Not all individuals survive.2.Traits that improve survival and reproduction will become more common overgenerations (natural selection).3.Over time, this leads to adaptation and evolution.B4. Apply Darwin and Lamarck’s ideas to scenarios●Example:○Lamarck: A bird's beak gets longer because it stretches to reach food, and thistrait is passed on.○Darwin: Birds with slightly longer beaks survive better and reproduce, passing onthis trait genetically.Key Terms to Know:●Natural Selection:The process where organisms with beneficial traits survive andreproduce more.●Microevolution vs. Macroevolution:Microevolution refers to small changes within aspecies; macroevolution refers to large-scale changes that lead to the formation of newspecies.WEEK 3/4/5: MicroevolutionD1. Individuals do not evolve, populations do●Key Point:Evolution is a change in the genetic composition of a population over time,not within an individual.
D2. Genetic variation’s role in evolution●Key Point:Evolution relies on genetic diversity. Variation comes from mutations,recombination during sexual reproduction, and gene flow between populations.D3. Calculate allele, genotype, and phenotype frequencies●Hardy-Weinberg Equation:○p² + 2pq + q² = 1■p²: Homozygous dominant frequency.■2pq: Heterozygous frequency.■q²: Homozygous recessive frequency.○p + q = 1■p: Frequency of dominant allele.■q: Frequency of recessive allele.D4. Hardy-Weinberg Principle●Null Hypothesis:No evolution occurs if a population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium(no mutations, gene flow, genetic drift, natural selection, or random mating).D5. Significance of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium●Key Point:If allele frequencies change, evolution is occurring. Hardy-Weinberg providesa baseline for detecting evolutionary changes.D6. Natural selection and fitness●Natural Selection:Non-random process where beneficial traits become more common.●Fitness:The reproductive success of an organism. Traits that improve fitness lead toadaptation.D7. Types of Selection:●Directional Selection:Favors one extreme phenotype (e.g., larger beak size).●Stabilizing Selection:Favors the average phenotype (e.g., human birth weight).●Disruptive Selection:Favors both extreme phenotypes (e.g., birds with either verylarge or very small beaks).D8. Why natural selection doesn’t eliminate genetic variation●Heterozygote Advantage:Heterozygous individuals may have higher fitness thanhomozygous individuals (e.g., sickle-cell anemia resistance to malaria).D9. Fitness trade-offs
●Key Point:Organisms face trade-offs, balancing between multiple traits (e.g., cheetahshave speed but lower endurance).D10. Evolutionary mechanisms●Mutations:Random changes in DNA; can be passed on to offspring and impact futuregenerations.●Gene Flow:Movement of alleles between populations, reducing differences betweenpopulations.●Genetic Drift:Random events causing allele frequencies to change in smallpopulations.