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Dec 30, 2024
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CONFIDENTIALLCC/DEC 2024/LCC401UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARAINSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES1.The task sheet is the second assessment of the course.2.This assessment is due inWeek 11.LCC401 Group:ASLCC401-2Lecturer:ZAAMAH MAMAT @ MD NORStudent’s Name and ID:1.MUHAMMAD SAFWAN BIN NORAZMI (2024903003)2.MUHAMMAD RAZIN BIN MOHAMMAD AZAM (2024741527)Article No. assigned:7Title of article:TikTok Societal Impact: Exploring Trends, Creativity, and Influence© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARACONFIDENTIALCOURSE: MEDIATING TEXT PROJECTCOURSE CODE: LCC401ASSESSMENT 2: ARTICLE ANALYSISDURATION: 2 WEEKS (WEEK 9 - WEEK 11)
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CONFIDENTIAL2LCC/DEC 2024/LCC401This test paper consists of 4 printed pagesINSTRUCTIONS: Working in pairs, evaluate the article that has been assigned to you and write a criticalanalysis of 600-700 words based on the items for analysis. You are to submit it byWeek 10.i) Your analysis must start with an introductory paragraph which consist of:a.title of the’s of publication (if applicable)d.main idea/ summarye.thesis statement of the analysis that includes the compulsory item (f) andchosen items (g-j)*Note: Introduction length: 4-5 sentencesii) Your analysis must include item (f):f.Identify and evaluate the supports used in a text based on:i. relevance and consistencyii. objectivityiii. validity and credibilityii) You must choose 2 of the following items (g-j) for your analysis:g.inferenceh.drawing’s purpose, intended audience, tone & biasj.issue(s) involved in argument*The number of words exclude the excerpt used as evidence to support the analysis.Allocation of marks for this task:Task Fulfilment: 12 marksLanguage: 14 marksCoherence & cohesion:4 marksTotal: 30 marksEND OF TASK SHEET© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARACONFIDENTIAL
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CONFIDENTIAL3LCC/DEC 2024/LCC401ASSIGNED ARTICLEIn today's fast-paced world of social media, TikTok has become a worldwide sensation.With its short and engaging videos, the platform is different from regular social media.TikTok shapes trends, influences who we are, and brings people together. Its effect onsociety is large, changing customs, social behaviour, and the way we use the internet.TikTok is redefining how we have fun, communicate, and express our culture.TikTok is an app where people can make, share, and watch short videos that areusually 15 to 30 seconds long. These videos can be about funny moments, dancemoves, or even learning new things. It was started by Zhang Yiming, who is the leaderof a company called ByteDance, in 2016. At first, TikTok became popular with youngerpeople, especially those in Generation Z, but now people of all ages use it. There aremore than 419.9 million users between the ages of 18 and 24, and TikTok has quicklybecome a popular part of everyday life for many people.One important reason for TikTok's success is its special "For You Page" (FYP), whichshows videos that match what users like based on their previous actions. This smartsystem helps keep users interested by regularly offering content that fits their tastes.The FYP has become a strong force for popular trends and culture, affecting TikTokusers and changing other platforms like Instagram and Facebook, which have startedusing similar short videos too.TikTok shows many different values of society, promoting creativity and self-expression.Users can share their unique views and talents through humour, music, or learning. Theplatform also celebrates diversity, allowing underrepresented groups to share theirvoices and creating an inclusive space where different cultures come together. Thisacceptance has made TikTok an important part of culture, where users can see andshare real reflections of modern life.TikTok both challenges and supports social rules. It allows anyone with a smartphone tobecome famous and reach many people. However, it sometimes promotes beautystandards and popularity, where certain creators get more attention because of theirlooks or entertainment skills. On the other hand, TikTok can also push against thesestandards by allowing real and honest content that shares positive messages. The shortvideos on TikTok often mix public and private identities, with users sharing personalstories that help shape who they are both individually and as a group online.PowerdynamicsonTikTokhavechanged,with regular users becoming contentcreators who compete with traditional media. However, the platform’s algorithms (rulesthat decide what we see) influence which content gets popular, affecting trends andstories. This change allows more people to create content but also raises questionsabout the responsibility of the platform and how it handles moderation. TikTok is underscrutiny for issues related to data privacy (how it protects personal information), contentmoderation (how it checks what is posted), and cultural sensitivity (how it respectsdifferent cultures). Concerns about data privacy have led to discussions, and the spreadof false information has brought up issues about how platforms should be managedethically.The app's effect on mental health is a topic of debate, especially among younger users.TikTok's design can make people use it too much, leading to what some call "TikTokaddiction." This can affect sleep, school work, and social life. On a more positive note,© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARACONFIDENTIAL
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CONFIDENTIAL4LCC/DEC 2024/LCC401researchers Audrey and Bernard (2021) found that TikTok helps English as a SecondLanguage (ESL) learners by offering fun and different language content, which is easyto access through videos and sounds made by users.TikTok influences many areas of learning, from languages to popular culture, showingits power as an educational and cultural tool. It has also become a major force inshaping popular culture, affecting music, fashion, dance, and even how we talk. When atrend goes viral on TikTok, it quickly spreads to other platforms, showing how TikTokhelps set trends. Dance challenges, clothing styles, and phrases that start on TikTok arenow everywhere, mixing online and real-life culture.In conclusion, TikTok’s impact on society is clear. Even though the platform mainlyattracts younger users, more people of all ages are starting to use it. TikTok combinesfun entertainment with social influence, changing how people interact with online media.While it raises concerns about ethics and mental health, TikTok has a great ability toentertain and motivate people, making it an important part of digital culture. If it keepsgrowing, TikTok might become the most powerful social media platform in the world,leading future trends in how we connect online.Adapted from:Casas, H. (2023, December 12). TikTok Societal Impact: Exploring Trends, Creativity,and Influence. Medium.© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARACONFIDENTIAL
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CONFIDENTIAL5LCC/DEC 2024/LCC401ARTICLE ANALYSISThe article “Tiktok Societal Impact: Exploring Trends, Creativity, and Influence,” [ITEMA] published by Haylee Casas [ITEM B] in 2023 [ITEM C], describes TikTok as a socialmedia platform impacting users in multiple ways. The author begins by discussingTikTok's positive impacts and its role as an entertainment source for all age groups,from elders to toddlers. [ITEM D] By doing so, the author highlights TikTok’s rise as apart of daily life today. This article presents its analysis and related aspects, includingthe supports used, the author’s purpose and highlighted issues [ITEM E].The first type of support used by the author is statistics [ITEM F] , assisting thediscussion about TikTok’s popularity among all age groups. This is seen in paragraphtwo: “There are more than 419.9 million users between ages of 18 and 24, and TikTokhas quickly become a popular part of everyday life of many people,” suggesting theapplication’sincreasingpopularity.To analyze the support used, factors such asobjectivity, completeness, validity, and credibility should be discussed. This supportshows the author’s objectivity. However, the argument lacks validity as the statistics'source is not mentioned, potentially causing doubt. In terms of completeness, theauthor convinces readers of TikTok’s popularity by explaining what the app is and itsfunctionality.Other than statistics, the author also uses research findings [ITEM F] in the text tosupport their argument on the app’s effect on mental health, especially focusing onyounger users. To illustrate the use of objective support, the author stated in paragraphseven of the text that in the year 2021, researchers Audrey and Bernard found thatTikTok helps English as a Second Language (ESL) learners by offering fun and differentlanguage content, which is easy to access through videos and sounds made by users.The support used by the author reflects the author’s objectivity in his argument on theapp’s effect on mental health. The same argument is also proven to be valid andcredible as the author stated that Audrey and Bernard were researchers. In terms ofcompleteness, the author’s argument is seen to be complete as the shortcomings of theapplicationareacknowledgedearlierinthesameparagraph, particularly on theaddiction TikTok could cause.Thearticle"TikTokSocietalImpact:ExploringTrends,Creativity,andInfluence"discusses various connected issues that constitute the foundation of its thesis aboutTikTok's impact on society. The article explains how TikTok has evolved into a strongplatform for determining trends in music, fashion, dancing, and language. This raisesissues regarding the nature of cultural influence and how a social media platform mightshapepopularculturebyinfluencingusers'habitsandpreferences[ITEMJ]..Furthermore, the paper discusses TikTok's possible harmful consequences on mentalhealth, especially among younger users.Theauthor'spurposeistoexploreandanalyzethesocietalimpactofTikTok,highlighting its role in shaping trends, influencing culture, and affecting social behavior[ITEM I]. The article discusses both the positive and negative aspects of TikTok,includingitspotentialbenefits for language learning and creativity. The intendedaudience appears to be a general readership interested in social media, digital culture,and its implications for society. This includes educators, parents, researchers, andsocial media users, particularly those who may be curious about the effects of platformslike TikTok on different demographics, particularly younger users. The article's tone isinformational and analytical, providing a fair assessment of TikTok's influence. While itrecognizes the platform's beneficial benefits to creative and cultural expression.© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARACONFIDENTIAL
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CONFIDENTIAL6LCC/DEC 2024/LCC401In conclusion, this article emphasizes TikTok's broad effect on society. It emphasizesthat, while the site largely draws younger users, its effect is spreading to a wideraudience of all ages. TikTok is known for integrating entertainment and social impact,which radically altered how people interact with internet media. It is an importantcultural instrument that influences trends and habits. This article also acknowledges theethical concerns and mental health issues associated with TikTok, such as potentialaddiction and the impact on users' well-being. These challenges are important toconsider as the platform continues to grow.(657 words)© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARACONFIDENTIAL
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