
Castro Valley High**We aren't endorsed by this school
Dec 30, 2024
Uploaded by CoachSnowOkapi18
R q 1.1.7 Practice: Cell Structure and Function = Practice e AP Biology Sem 1 = Points Possible: 25 N;:;: : lekTong Chen Explain FOUR pieces of evidence that support the common ancestry of eukaryotes. (4 points) v Coownin - amtostwy i BaeavyUho o gaIS o bt ShewWin AMi0ugh miecksaria oo €l 100 141k _ Nooworome Vad ovgomelles | O OntaryiMe WS ubam omgomelied e i fm/i&'ffj wWwon ave ontloyed by oW ES WhWiV rects F Qo tne owtside et v0rin et Ry At ?,\L(u) of wmjw\mm waeve Colly ThOTpIvaYeS ok ofhoy = o chowasemer ave Gownd i "k‘k“f'g"\“ Whey OVay ciOmul omes ave Py i ! \omyotA- Lineay Onwatowed AOWLd T Contoih YWWE apettil WRmation avd aye vvwlvc Y Qt\v(u\\ Rt A0V of mwe cmpluated wg anitl whih in0rel it veed o nighey ey owngten Stevage L - Tw pramw of ;\\\m»\;mw»ud.hj Rt QYL presontin Aty koot th awusty of portn able to we_preduced Gaw oac gac ANons Krndgrie wi 4LomS, dWs sequmets ek men romaied %y spUUTY. Bibfovimt OO Com B plAA 1o Produs difpomt puwmi ONA o stvwskuve Shins dhat eheadeted miny WoM ol Gaws LARONYOIES e (Bue b tne Comwnn slaape 7 Punokion of ONA % 1ipoiomes. 2. A diagram of a eukaryotic cell is shown in the image below.
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Vesicle Rough ) End, i Mitochondria r;?e(t)igaf‘"r::c Cytoplasm _fl\.\ / A 3y 3 R\ \ Nuclear Pore Vesicle Smooth - Endoplasmic Lysosome Reticulum y v Golgi Apparatus a. What structural feature do the nucleus, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, and endoplasmic reticulum al have in common? (2 points) AN e ovgomalles e swrvtunded by the Al momhanc
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b. Explain how this common structural feature affects the way that a cell carries out processes i for life. (2 points) essential TThiy i iwmpovianl brcanic e\\ mem prowme regul oute ) ) what goe) W the cOl awd ave swroumded b3 membromes . Nuglons |, : 0 conbrol hat MNP omd (eonkS e pustns marovial tile DNA - and paito chondrie also ATp emnd rhoto n1vr1/'l/vnrl a mombrang ‘o whith wigms npey tant has & memblane impoytant fov e diagram allows localization of reactions, protection c. Explain how the structure of the cell shown in th |ular processes than a bacterial cell. (4 points) from reactive molecules, and greater efficiency of cel membrane pound oldS proten and pioteds thom Fom adki® myp b meambyane bgg orgovelies also Yvomspovt PV° fein. Bukawobic oth ane nas N grcaor wowwne ryprTany so 1t allops ] b univs - n ingested by animals, this protein binds to he castor bean plant. Whe ecome nonfunctional. What will be the 3. Ricin is a protein produced by t ge causes the rRNA to b the ribosomal RNA (rRNA). The chan!
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on? Predict how the ricin molecule affects the FRNA. (5 points) Wtve word v WO sgnetasis of prolan Lot steavr. Thiy S.ES_Q; The s, ecreto; Qvfl:€m< anehC (nFoymatidh (e P Vngy ave veavwived fur YW - / —— bocly h En = = G e ,, overall effect of ricin on cell functi \C ¢ RVA S nok- Concrionaly whay o s to vavgar( 9 Wt whote brdy 0 Stop Rwckidhiry Sttt Fanmdioh, owd veg W OBh of | | Golgi | Pparatus i | R o s face of 4. Study the image below. Analyze the situation represented. 2nd based onyour analysis,deseroe 18 y 91 apparaty with protein syrthesie: Then explain how this pathway 1S \ ahfi‘_.n face of Pparatys s leading up to the steps shown. beginnint step: crucial to the functioning of a multticel lar organi Yyilosorme! on ¥ E bk ane makes seuetovy 1.2::. v+ vesicles Captutes protan ond yests, ¢4 and O b e qetal protan and the e vessed oW aibt cellulav 2 e P oessvy o e fi?:fig 2 % ) =
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