Franklin High School**We aren't endorsed by this school
MATH 124
Political Science
Dec 31, 2024
Uploaded by DeaconOstrich4798
Name: ________________________________________________________ Date: ________________________________________ Period: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Partisan Politics & Inside Forces: Final Product(R) MYP D: Thinking Critically - Partisan Politics One-Pager (A/T - 20 Points)Your poster should answer the following question: ●Which candidate should be elected president in 1800 – Federalist John Adams or Democratic Republican Thomas Jefferson, and why are the beliefs of that individual’s political party more beneficial for the nation? Criteria for success:●Box 1 (Top Left): Draw an image of your candidate for the election of 1800 (Jefferson or Adams), provide a short biography (2-3 sentences), and an election slogan (ex. Our best days lie ahead - Joe Biden). ●Box 2 (Top Right): Find a quote about your candidate's perspective on theCreation of the National Bank. Put the quote and explain what it means. ORyou can draw an image of their perspective on theCreation of the National bank and provide and describe what the image represents. ●Box 3 (Bottom Left): Find a quote about your candidate's perspective on theWhiskey Rebellion. Put the quote and explain whatit means.ORyou can draw an image of their perspective on the Whiskey Rebellion and provide and describe what the image represents. ●Box 4 (Bottom Right): Find a quote about your candidate's perspective on theAlien & Sedition Acts. Put the quote and explain what it means. ORyou can draw an image of their perspective on the Alien & Sedition Acts and provide and describe what the image represents.
"He who gives life gives liberty." Thomas Jefferson was an American statesman and Founding Father who served as the third president of the United Statesfrom 1801 to 1809.“The incorporation of a bank, and the powers assumed by this bill, have not, in my opinion, been delegated to the United States, by the Constitution.” “No nation is drunken where wine is cheap; and none sober, where the dearness of wine substitutes ardent spirits as the common beverage.”“palpably in the teeth of the constitution,”
MYP D: Critical Thinking - Partisan Politics One-Pager - RubricCriteriaA (Excellent) 20-18B (Good) 17-16C (Average) 15-14D (Below Average) 13-12E (Poor) 11-10MYP SCORE:7-85-63-41-20-1Content Knowledge- Demonstrates a thorough -Shows a solid -Basic understanding of the -Limited understanding of Provides little to no
and accurate understanding of the election of 1800, including key events, candidates, and their platforms. - Provides detailed explanations and analysis of the significance of the election, including theWhiskey Rebellion, Alien and Sedition Act, and National Bankunderstanding of the election of 1800, including important events and candidates. - Provides adequate explanations and analysis of the significance of the election in shaping American politics and democracy. election of 1800, but may lack depth or accuracy in explaining key events and candidates. -Provides limited explanations and analysis of the significance of the election in shaping American politics and democracy. the election of 1800, with significant gaps in knowledge of key events and candidates. -Provides minimal explanations and analysis of the significance of the election in shaping American politics and democracy. explanations or analysis of the significance of the election in shaping American politics and democracy. Contextualization-Effectively places the election of 1800 within its historical, social, and political context, demonstrating a deep understanding of the time periodin American history. -Provides insightful analysisand interpretation of how the election of 1800 reflects larger trends and issues.-Places the election of 1800 within its historical, social, and political context, demonstrating a solid understanding of the time period. -Provides analysis and interpretation of how the election of 1800 reflects larger trends and issues.-Places the election of 1800 within its historical, social, and political context, but may lack depth or accuracy in doing so. -Provides some analysis and interpretation of how the election of 1800 reflects larger trends and issues.-Attempts to place the election of 1800 within its historical, social, and political context, but with significant gaps or inaccuracies. -Provides minimal analysis and interpretation of how the election of 1800 reflects larger trends and issues.-Fails to effectively place theelection of 1800 within its historical, social, and political context. -Provides no analysis or interpretationof how the election of 1800 reflects larger trends and issues.Overall Presentation-The content is well-organized, clear, and coherent. -Images contribute positively to the overall product.-The content is organized, clear, and coherent. - Images mostly contribute positively to the overall product.-The content is somewhat organized and coherent, but may lack clarity or coherence in some areas.-Images are somewhat incomplete or do not add value to overall product-The content is disorganizedor lacks coherence, making it difficult to follow -Images are missing or negatively contribute to the overall product-Presentation does not follow any of the instructions