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IM 110
Computer Science
Jan 1, 2025
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Contents1ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.............................................................................................................42INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................52.1OPAC....................................................................................................................................52.2DIFFERENCES BETWEEN OPAC AND WEB OPAC...................................................62.3TOPIC...................................................................................................................................73FEATURES OF EACH LIBRARY’S WEBOPAC.....................................................................83.1BRISTOLS LIBRARY.........................................................................................................83.2PERPUSTAKAAN JABATAN PENGAIRAN DAN SALIRAN MALAYSIA....................94STEPS TO FIND MATERIALS................................................................................................104.1BRISTOLS LIBRARY.......................................................................................................104.1.1BASIC SEARCH........................................................................................................104.1.2ADVANCED SEARCH..............................................................................................144.2JPS LIBRARY....................................................................................................................184.2.1BASIC SEARCH........................................................................................................184.2.2ADVANCED SEARCH..............................................................................................235LIMITATIONS............................................................................................................................266SUGGESTIONS........................................................................................................................277CONCLUSIONS........................................................................................................................28
1ACKNOWLEDGEMENTFirst and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude towards Allah SWT for giving methe opportunity to enter UITM Kampus Samarahan 1. Other than that, I would like to thank my lecturer as she had help me along the way of completing this assignment. To add into myacknowledgment, I am most grateful of my beloved classmates who I had asked for advises about the assignment.
2INTRODUCTION2.1OPACOPAC or the full name, Online Public Access Catalogue is a database that contains all the cataloguing information. of a library. OPAC is also an online database where the materials that is held by a group of libraries.OPAC may provide information about collections from other libraries as well. Fortunately, it is accessible by public ranging from young to old ages. Lastly, users commonly use OPAC to search for books, videos and audio recordings owned or licensed by a library. There are a lot of advantages of using OPAC. Firstly, it is worldwide and accessible at all time. Secondly, users may know the status of any books as it is issued or not, lost or transferred and more. As for reprint requests, users can contact the library immediately by email. Therefore, the collection of several lists of reprints becomes very simple. Other than that, users can search for any document no matter where or when.There are three types of searching. The first one is basic search. It allows us to search for single phrase or word to search for within all the catalogues. The second one is advanced search. This type let users use Boolean search which allows users to combine keywords with operators modified using AND, NOTand OR. The last one is additional search. It is more detailed compared to the other types as it allows us to use specific known author, title and subject as a keyword to search.
BOOLEAN SEARCHAs for Boolean search, there are three ways to use. The first is AND. To use this the document must have both words. It will taper your search because search results will includeall documents that include both the first term and the second term. AND is a limiter. It shouldbe used when you have too many search results and you want to narrow them down a bit. It should be used when you have too many search results and you want to narrow them down a bit. Secondly is OR. The document can have either word. This will expand your search because search results will include all documents that contain either the first term or the second term or both.Thirdly is NOT. As for this, the document must have the first term but not the second.However, users must use this tactic very carefully because it may exclude a lot of useful information. This happens because when users don’t include the second keyword, it will onlyfind documents that have the first word only. NOT works as a limiter so it should be used when users are searching a term with different meanings.
2.2DIFFERENCES BETWEEN OPAC AND WEB OPACOPAC and WEBOPAC has a lot of differences. OPAC is an existing aspect of library automation. As it is an online catalogue it reflects the database available online with the helpof a network while Web-OPAC reflects database worldwide to the user using internet facility.OPAC1.The system is connected to a local network (LAN) or intranet within a library or institution. Therefore, user must be in the library or on the institution’s campus to lookinto the library’s catalogue. 2.The functionality is primarily functions as a local online catalogue; therefore, the database is only available within the library’s network.3.As for the user base, OPAC mainly assists users who are physically present in the library or part of the foundations network.WEBOPAC1.The system is connected to the internet, so users can access the library’s catalogue everywhere and whenever they want to. 2.In addition to cataloguing functions, knowledge management systems can be combined with other online resources to offer a broader range of services, including inaccessible access to digital resources and modified user services.3.As for the user base, it serves a broader user base, including remote users and thoseoutside the institutions network.
2.3TOPICI have chosen financial as for the topic. Therefore, the two keywords which I will use is financialand accountingfor the tutorial on how to use the WebOPAC. In this assignment, Iwill use two WebOPAC from 2 libraries to compare the system. Those 2 libraries are:
3FEATURES OF EACH LIBRARY’S WEBOPAC3.1BRISTOLS LIBRARYDiagram 1https://www.bristol.ac.uk/library/For Bristol’s Library their OPAC provides a lot of service to the users. It is accessible to all users across the world.
3.2PERPUSTAKAAN JABATAN PENGAIRAN DAN SALIRAN MALAYSIADiagram 2https://library.water.gov.my/landing/indexbi.htmlAs for JPS OPAC, it also possesses a good number of services that are very convenient for the users.
STEP 2Diagram 4Then, click the search bar as it is stated above and fill in the subject that you would like to search for. Then click the search button to continue.STEP 3Diagram 5Next, the website will bring you to this page. It will show how many results that the library has about the certain subject.21
STEP 4Diagram 6After that, click on the book you would like to choose.STEP 5Diagram 7It will show you the details about the book you clicked on.3
STEP 6Diagram 8If you would like to read information about the book in details, you need to scroll down until you found the page like this.
4.1.2ADVANCED SEARCHSTEP 1Diagram 9To use advanced search, you must click on the “advanced” button first as it is shownas above.1
STEP 2Diagram 10Pick keywords and insert the keyword for the document you want to search forSTEP 3Diagram 11STEP 4Diagram 12Insert the author of the book and then click search.AND: IS A LIMITER. IT WILL NARROW DOWN YOUR SEARCHOR: IS AN EXPANDER. IT WILL EXPAND YOUR SEARCHNOT: IS A LIMITER. WILL EXCLUDE AN IDEA FROM YOUR SEARCHInsert the title of the book that you want to search for
4.2JPS LIBRARY4.2.1BASIC SEARCHSTEP 1Diagram 15First, we need to access the website using the link stated above.
STEP 2Diagram 16Secondly, click OPAC to open their library as shown as above. STEP 3Diagram 17Next, you will see the official OPAC for JPS.2
STEP 4Diagram 18For basic search, click the search bar as shown as above. For example, I choose financial as my material for today. Then, click the search icon beside the search bar.43
STEP 5Diagram 19Then, it will show a lot of results depending on the subject you searched for. For financial, it shows 118 books as result. STEP 6Diagram 20To continue where we left off, pick one of the books that attract you the most. Click on the title of the book and it will lead you to the informations about the book.5
STEP 7Diagram 21Lastly, this will be the result where you can see a detailed information about the book you clicked on.STEP 8Diagram 22Scroll down until you can find more information about the book you chose.
4.2.2ADVANCED SEARCHSTEP 1Diagram 23For advanced search, click on the button as shown as above.STEP 2Diagram 24Users may choose to one of these to search for the books they specifically want as it is moredetailed than basic search.1
STEP 3Diagram 25For example, I picked ISBN to find my specific book. STEP 4Diagram 26Then, you can insert the subject of the book.STEP 5Diagram 27After that, put in the name of the title in the search bar and click on search.
STEP 6Diagram 28Lastly, the website will lead you to the page where you can click on the information about thebook that you wanted to search for.
Diagram 29(Financial Accounting: The Impact on Decision Makers‘By Gary A. Porter and Curtis L. Norton)