
Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan**We aren't endorsed by this school
Electrical Engineering
Jan 1, 2025
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RC High Pass FilterGian Elijah YapXavier University - Ateneo de CagayanCagayan de Oro, Philippines20140005611@my.xu.edu.phMatthew Troy D. NagacXavier University - Ateneo de CagayanCagayan de Oro City, Philippines201132051@my.xu.edu.phAbstractHigh-pass filters are electronic filters that allowhigh-frequency signals to pass while attenuating (or lowering)low-frequency frequencies. The students were tasked to simulatethe formation of High-Pass filters with the use of two softwares inorder to compare the two, one being theoretical and one being theactual.(Abstract)Keywords—component, formatting, style, styling, insert (keywords)I.INTRODUCTIONHigh-pass filters work by allowing frequencies above a cutofffrequency point to pass through while decreasing the amplitude offrequencies below it. The most common type of high-pass filterconsists of a resistor and capacitor in a suitable arrangement.High-pass filters are widely employed in audio processing toeliminate low-frequency noise. This covers applications such asaudio amplifiers and equalizers, which require high frequencies. Atypical frequency response figure for a high pass filter shows asteadyattenuationoflow-frequencysignalsbelow the cutofffrequency.Thecutoff frequency is commonly defined as thefrequency at which the signal's power is decreased to half of itsoriginal value. Above the cutoff, the frequency response plot willshow a fairly constant gain. This suggests that high-frequencysignals can travel through the filter with minimum attenuation. Thestudents aim to use the two simulations to see for themselveswhether the theoretical values will be the same as the values fromthe experimental and for the output voltage to reach a constantvalue of 1 V above the cut off value[1].II.METHODOLOGYThe students made use of two simulations, those beingMATLABandLTspice, in orderfor this experiment to beconducted.Step 1: The Students made use of LTspice to make theproper circuit diagram that will showcase to them what ahigh pass filter would look like with the help of thesoftware’sfeature of having an oscillator to show thevarying voltage which would form the high pass frequencyStep 2: The Students wrote an equation based from thelecture they had the previous meeting which was solvedfrom a high pass filter circuit diagram.Equation: Vo = V*(C*s*R)/(1+C*s*R)Step 3: The Students input a program in order for themto see the graph of the equation they typed in.Step 4: The students are tasked to find the values on thecut off frequency of both the simulations which is found onthe 0.5 V range on the Y-axis and to compare if the resultsare similar or different.III.DATA/RESULTSFig. 1: LTspice graph with the y-axis as the voltage in Vand thex-axis as the frequency in MHz.ResistorCapacitorCut-off Frequency10kΩ1pC9.1 9MHz10kΩ10pC919.28KHz10kΩ100pC91.89KHz10kΩ1000pC9.188KHz10kΩ10000pC918.777HzFig. 2: The values of frequency at different capacitor values.XXX-X-XXXX-XXXX-X/XX/$XX.00 ©20XX IEEE
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Fig. 3: The simulation running in MATLAB. A graph with a y-axissignifying the Volts in the output while the x-axis signifies as theFrequency in Hz.IV.ANALYSIS/CONCLUSIONBasedonthedata and results, the circuit shows ahigh-pass type filter. As the Capacitance rises, the cut-offfrequencydecreases,thisisbecause,theoreticallytheformula for the cut-off frequency is f = 1/(2πRC). Thisshows that the simulation that the students did was accurate.In addition, there are many reasons why we need the cut-offfrequency; it is used as Frequency selective filters, forclarity, Bandwidth control, etc.[2].REFERENCES[1] Miraglia, D. (2023)What Are High-Pass Filters?How&WhenToUseThem(+Tips).https://unison.audio/high-pass-filters/.[2] “What is Cutoff Frequency? - Keysight OscilloscopeGlossary-KeysightTechnologies.”https://savings.em.keysight.com/en/knowledge/glossary/oscilloscopes/cutoff-frequency
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