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Arts & Humanities
Jan 2, 2025
Uploaded by HighnessNightingale2432
ANCIENT GREEK ART HISTORY Minoan/Mycenaean Art (c. 1500 – c. 1201 BCE)The Mycenaean civilization flourished inthe late Bronze Age from the 15th to the13th century BCE, and their artists wouldcontinue the traditions passed on to themfrom Minoan Crete. Pottery,frescoes,and goldwork skillfully depicted scenesfrom nature, religion, hunting, and war.Geometric Art (c. 900 – c. 700 BCE)Geometric style, style of ancient Greek art,primarily of vase painting, that began about900 BC and represents the last purelyMycenaean-Greek art form that originatedbefore the influx of foreign inspiration byabout 800 BC. Athens was its centre, and thegrowing moneyed population of new Greekcities was its market.Vases decorated in Geometric style exhibitpainted horizontal bands filled with patterns,much like the vases of the preceding Proto-Geometric styleOrientalizing Period (c. 700 – c. 600 BCE)The Orientalizing period in Greece refers toa roughly 100-year period in which Greekart was greatly influenced by eastern, andspecifically Near Eastern and Egyptian,ideas, myths, and decorative styles. TheOrientalizing Period lasted from about themid-8th until the mid-7th centuries B.C.E."Orientalizing" is a complex term that wascoined in reference to the spread of NearEastern and Egyptian ideas, motifs, andother cultural elements to Greece and therest of the Mediterranean world. Archaic Period (c. 600 – c. 480 BCE)The Archaic period in Greek art saw aflourishing of sculpture and decoratedpottery; particularly vases in the red, andblack styles. Near Eastern and Egyptianinfluences played prominently in the changein style from the previous geometricstandards to a more naturalistic style thatincluded animals, mythical beasts, andbotanical elements.
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Classical Period (c. 480 – c. 320 BCE)As the Greek civilization continued todevelop into a more modern society,the stiffly carved figures portrayedbefore began to transform. Throughthe era of 480-323 B.C. the societybegan to explore new poses andpostures, such as contrapposto, inorder to create more individualized,intricate human figures. This periodwas a major push in the direction ofrealism.Hellenistic Art (c. 320 – c. 30 BCE)Beginning in the time of 323 B.C.came the era known as HellenisticGreek. In this time, the society wasat its peak in artistic expression,being able to portray human figureslike never before, as well as createamazingly intricate monuments. 
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