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Arts & Humanities
Jan 2, 2025
Uploaded by GeneralCrownMantis42
World Music is defined as a type of musical style that is non-western influencedwhere this includes musical style of different ethnics or in a traditional side.In musicalterms, “world music” can be roughly defined as music which uses distinctive ethnicscales,modesandmusicalinflections,andwhichisusuallyperformedonoraccompanied by distinctive traditional ethnic instruments according to the types ofinstruments used for that particular group.There are several ethnic music that are categorized under world music such astraditional Chinese music, music from Central America and the Caribbean, Indianmusic, Oriental music from the Middle East, and African music. Each and every one ofthem has its own traits that gives them the authentic sound for each group.For this essay I would be choosing World Music that originates from the MalayTraditional roots highlighting the artist Siti Nurhaliza, having a honey like voice that fitsmost genres of music. With the songJoget Pahangre-sung by her from the original ofTan Sri P. Ramlee, it was one of the earliest songs of the Irama Malaysia genre that shesang. Her ‘cover’ of the original song was released as a single. In the arrangement thatwas sung by her released in 1997, there were instruments that are usually played in aTraditionalMalayensemblesuchastheGendang,Rebana,Kompang,Violin,Tambourine and Accordion. The rhythm used in this song isRentak Jogetwhich is apart of the common rhythms used in traditional malay music.A bit about the original song ofJoget Pahangor originally namedJoget TariLenggang,it was composed by Tan Sri P. Ramlee for the movie Hang Tuah where hewas the actor himself. The lyrics written for the song were by Dato’ Jamil Sulong whererepetitive traits are seen in the verses.Some snippets of the lyrics:“Dari Melaka ke negeri PahangSinggah di Johor beli berangan
Dari Melaka ke negeri PahangSinggah di Johor beli beranganKami ucapkan selamatlah datangApa yang kurang dicaci janganKami ucapkan selamatlah datangApa yang kurang dicaci jangan”The song Cindai released in 1997 from the album Cindai composed by Pak Ngahand lyricist Hairul Anuar Harun also incorporated the traditional malay rhythm with theusage ofGendang, Rebana, Kompang, Seruling,Tambourine and Accordion. This songwas Siti Nurhaliza’s first attempt in the ethnic pop genre. This song incorporatesdifferent rhythms where it is moderate during the verses then becomes much morerhythmic in the chorus. This song won an award under the Etnik Kreatif dan IramaMalaysia category during Anugerah Juara Lagu, AJL 13 in 1998.Next is the song Hati Kama sung by her and Noraniza Idris composed by PakNgah alongside lyricist Hairul Anuar Harun. It was released in 1999 under the AlbumSeri Balas, a duo album by both of them. This song incorporates a very rhythmic basewith the usage of instruments like Gendang, Kompang, Rebana, Tambourine and Violin.The lyrics to this song is very poetic as it uses a complex usage of malay language andhad traits of old writing of malay poems with the usage ofIsi Tersurat( literal meaning)andIsi Tersirat(implied meaning). This song then won an award for Anugerah JuaraLagu 14, AJL under theEtnik Kreatif dan Irama Malaysiacategory in 1999.All in all, the traditional malay music has traits from the Middle East, India andPakistan such as the Ghazal ensemble on the choice and use of musical instrumentssuch as harmonium, oud (called 'gambus' in Malay language), violin, acoustic guitar(sometime enhanced with inclusion of a bass guitar), tabla, maracas or tambourine.However, its melodic content greatly differs from that of India or Pakistan. The tunes are
very melodic, melancholic and heartwarming. The lyrics are in Malay language in theform of poems or 'pantun' with Malay proverbs thrown in for good measure as a generalsocial advice.Ghazal is very popular in the State of Johor, Malaysia and normally played duringwedding celebrations and other joyous occasions.In conclusion, even though we are already in a more modern era of music, wemust always appreciate traditional and folk music as it is a part of our tradition andculture by knowing its traits and should try to listen to them.