Misr University for Science & Technology**We aren't endorsed by this school
Jan 3, 2025
Uploaded by kaizane55
FALSE QUESTIONS 1.Anticipating is not one of the activities that are called thinking. F2.Overgeneralization occurs when you assume something negative where there is actually no evidence to support it. F3.Induction means using a general rule by applying it to particular Cases. F4.Day-dreaming is essentially purposive, directed, constructive and controlled. F5.Creative thinking is a thinking that is based on denying science and rejecting its methods F6.believing that someone does not like you without any actual information to support that belief is an example of Overgeneralization F7.Filtering occurs When you believe that if you fail a quiz, the teacher will completely lose respect for you. F8.Scientific thinking is only scientists' thinking in a specialized matter with familiar terms and symbols. F9.Filtering means assuming the intentions of others. F10."Hard" sciences are more rigorous and scientific than "soft" sciences F11.Because scientific ideas are tentative and subject to change, they can't be trusted F12.A good inductive argument is a strong inductive argument with false premises. F13.There is a single Scientific Method that all scientists follow. F14.You shouldn’t look for counter-arguments if you want to give an acceptable argument. F15.The process of science is purely analytic and does not involve creativity. F16.The mind and brain are two terms for the same thing. F17.Thinking and day-dreaming are essentially the same process(F).18.Instinctive responses require deliberate thought. F19.Scientific thinking is limited to scientists and their research. F20.Creative thinking is about reproducing existing ideas. F21.Emotional reasoning relies on objective reality F22.Filtering involves ignoring both positive and negative aspects. F23.Jumping to conclusions always leads to correct decisions. F24.The last step of problem-solving is analyzing solutions. F25.Problem-solving is independent of reasoning. F26.Philosophy focuses on vertical growth of ideas. F
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27.Ethics is unrelated to our daily lives. F28.Science is about collecting facts and not discovering new knowledge. F29.Describing and explaining are the only goals of science. F30.Inductive reasoning is irrelevant in scientific methods F31.Logical thinking is solely about emotional decisions. F32.Copying ideas is a part of creative thinking. F33.Thinking "outside the box" is unrelated to creative thinking. F34.Catastrophizing involves minimizing the importance of an event. F35.Emotional reasoning leads to more rational decisions. F36.Scientific reasoning does not require evidence. F37.Implications and consequences are irrelevant in scientific reasoning. F38.Science is a collection of facts F39.Science is complete F40.There is a single scientific method that all scientist follow F41.The process of science is purely analytic and does not involve creativity F42.When scientists analyze a problem they must use either inductive or deductive reasoning F43.Experiments are a necessary part of the scientific process without an experiment,a study is not rigorous or scientific F44.Scientific ideas are absolute and un changing F45.Because scientific ideas are tentative and subject to change they can not be trusted F
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