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Jan 5, 2025
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1Table of ContentsIntroduction....................................................................2Learning Experience......................................................3Gibb model.....................................................................4Leadership skill............................................................4Communication skill....................................................4Professional skill..........................................................4Strength..........................................................................6Weakness.......................................................................7Action Plan for Future Group Work..............................8Conclusion.....................................................................9Reference.....................................................................10
2IntroductionOur group was analysing Tata Motors Operation department. Analysis of supply chain management, flow chart of process. Different theories were used in the analysis process. Capacity Analysis of supply chain and operation management were analysed with the use of different metrics for measuring operation performance. All the issues related to quality management, product and service delivery issues and coordination issues internally and externally. Working in the group helped me explore my leadership skills, and professional skills and enhance my communication skills. Coordination and improving listening skills are important in group work as different opinions given by the members are learned by me during teamwork. Overall learning experience while working in the team is shared by me in this assignment. Strengths and weaknesses of the group identified which need to be improved in future. The future action plan for the next group project is determined based on the experience of working in this teamwork to improve my overall personality development.Tata Motors is an Indian Multinational Automotive company with its headquarters in Mumbai. Tata Motors is a part of Tata Group (Kidav,2022). Tata Motors offers a wide range of passenger, commercial and EV cars, Vans, Buses and trucks. Its Global presence is in more than 44 countries with 7 assembly facilities, 3 Design labs, 23 manufacturing Facilities and 8 R&D centres at more than 2600 touch points (Kumar, Shrivasatav and Bhattacharyya,2023).
3Learning ExperienceWhile working in the group, I noted that we all were trying to incorporate the concepts learned during classes in our meetings. This concept helps us to conduct our meetings smoothly. The strengths and weaknesses of individuals were identified during our group work. One member is more creative which helped us create the background and edit our presentation with unique ideas in our work.On the other side, working in a team can be challenging also but individuals we have done our best to make sure that all work is completed timely. Communication is connection while working in a team. Continuous communication with all team members by listening to each other opinions and thoughts carefully. We were not very familiar with each other when the group was formed, with continuous communication internally helped us to know each other. In our first meeting, we all were curious to share our facts about ourselves with other members. By sharing facts and opinions regarding working in a team, we were able to analyse each person's interest and expertise in different areas which helped us in dividing the work. In the formation of our final presentation, each member of the group was given the responsibility to pick two topics from the list of work. , in detail, analyses need to be done by each member on specified topics within predetermined deadlines. After a deep analysis of each topic, we met and shared everyone's findings on each topic and the final layout for the presentation was prepared. At the time of the final decision, each member spoke about the content that needed to be added or removed in our presentation on each topic. With everyone's opinion, the final presentation was made by team effort through continuous team meetings. At some point, it was becoming difficult to finalise content due to different opinions and conflict statements in the research process.
4Gibb modelLeadership skillDuring group assignments, I have learned how effectively work is completed in teams and the importance of how to work with everyone in the team. In time, not everyone is a leader and not everyone is a follower, there is a need for one strong leader for the higher success of the team which was lacking in our group. I have also learned traits of being a leader, completing responsibilities and decision-making process. The ability to talk and discuss with each member of the group and enhance problem-solving skills.Communication skillThis group work has improved my communication skills by working with others to achieve a common goal. Continuous communication through different ways is required in the team for discussion work, dividing responsibility and decision-making process. Through interpersonal communication, I have created a personal and professional bond with all other members of the group.Professional skill
5Professional working as a team improved individual communication skills and leadership skills which would be useful while working in a company with a large number of members in the teams. Overall personal and professional development was seen during group work.
6StrengthSharing ResponsibilityIn our first meeting, we all decided to divide the workload equally among team member so that everyone gets the opportunity to use their skill in the research and presentation work. With that, no high workload on one member was there so that each member focus on their work properly.Opportunity for Quality LeadershipIn our, team project, I got many opportunities to enhance my leadership quality by regulating team meetings and helping each member with their problem in their research. I try to coordinate with team members. During the conflict of opinion, I was able to find the midway and solve issues and conflicts between team members.Enhancing learning skillsWorking in the team helped me in enhancing my learning skills in different areas. From each member, I try to learn their skills whether it is using different techniques in research, analysing raw data acquired, finalising data and forming presentations using different tools. Overall in this team project, I have learned many skills which would be helpful in future projects.Improving coordination skillWorking in the team is difficult as coordination with other members is important to get the best result of our efforts. In the beginning, it was difficult to coordinate with them but slowly got to know them more and learned to adjust to the team. Before this, I worked individually only, adjusting with others and completely work timely improved my coordination skills with others.
7WeaknessPersonal gloryThough we were working in a team, some team members were focusing on highlighting their skills only. More focus on personal opinion and personal development was given than teamwork. Individual objectives are focused more than team objectives which delay the work schedule.Never-ending meetingsContinuous meetings for small things discussion, wasting time and resources of each member. Long discussions on small or unnecessary things create chaos which ignores discussion in important discussions.Everyone is not on the same roadDifferent opinions of each member lead to choosing different paths of working and result in delays in work and chaos in discussion. Every member is not involved equally, some are lazy in completing their part of the work efficiently which leads high workload on other members or delays in the work due to their pending part of the work.Lack of interestAt the start, every member was fully focused on their teamwork. Gradually ignorance and delay in the work is seen due to lack of motivation in the group work. Inattentiveness in the group discussion was seen.
8Action Plan for Future Group WorkI would like to improve my patience level which is necessary while working in a team. I lose my patience level when people irritate me which makes it difficult to coordinate with team members. A high level of patience and calmness is required is important in teamwork when everyone is working towards a common goal. In this group work, we were friendlier with each other which resulted in delaying work and wasting time and resources. In meetings, time was wasted on unproductive more than productive work which led to delays in the work. In future group projects, sticking to professional behaviour while working would be adapted so that work efficiency is not affected by personal relationships with group members. Earlier, communication related to work in the group meetings was less and more personal related communication was seen which postponed work or affected the efficiency of the work. Open-mindedness related to different opinions in the work was ignored by me which needs to be improved. In group work, listening to other viewpoints is equally important my views which I would improve in future group projects.
9ConclusionAt the end of the group work, I can conclude that working on a group project helped me to improve my overall personality development by improving my leadership skills, professional skills and communication skills. Working individually and working in a group requires different approaches and different requirements as coordination is important while working in a group as different opinions and facts need to be listed carefully and express our opinions openly in the group then make the best decision for achieving the common goal of the group. I analysed leadership qualities which are inherited in me to lead and guide group meetings and the decision-making process. I learned that equal division of work and responsibility among group members is important and continuous motivation is required for achieving the targets of the team. Managing conflicts between members needs to be held properly and solved quickly before they get personal among members. Overall, this group work would be helpful in my future group work as I have learned and explored my skills in team management.
10ReferenceAzizan, M.T., Mellon, N., Ramli, R.M. and Yusup, S., 2018. Improving teamwork skills and enhancing deep learning via development of board game using cooperative learning method in Reaction Engineering course.Education for Chemical Engineers,22, pp.1-13.Kidav, A.H., 2022.Supply Chain Risk Management Of Tata Motors(Doctoral dissertation, Dublin, National College of Ireland).Kumar, A., Shrivastav, S.K. and Bhattacharyya, S., 2023. Measuring strategic fit using big data analytics in the automotive supply chain: a data source triangulation-based research.International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management,72(10), pp.2977-2999.Rudawska, A., 2017. Students’ team project experiences and their attitudes towards teamwork.Central European Management Journal,25(1), pp.78-97.