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Jan 8, 2025
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BIO 024 P1 LEC ReviewMedical Technology (Southwestern University PHINMA)Scan to open on StudocuStudocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or universityBIO 024 P1 LEC ReviewMedical Technology (Southwestern University PHINMA)Scan to open on StudocuStudocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or universityDownloaded by Arthur (|39216313
BIO 024: BIOCHEMISTRYLECTURE P1 REVIEWERInstructions: Shade the letter of your answer in the answer sheet provided. Use pencil for shading.1.It is the most abundant biomolecule onearth.a.Proteinsb.Lipidsc.Carbohydratesd.Nucleic Acids2.Hyperglycemia is caused when the bodyhas too little insulin or when the bodycannotuseinsulinproperly.Consequently,thelevelof__________increasesduringthestateofhyperglycemia.a.Fructoseb.Glucosec.Ribosed.Galactose3.Xylose is also known as _____________.a.Blood sugarb.Wood sugarc.Brain sugard.DNA sugar4.Which of the following does not belongto the group?a.Maltoseb.Lactosec.Sucrosed.Ribose5.What do you call a monosaccharide thatcontains an aldehyde functional groupin its structure?a.Ketoseb.Pentosec.Aldosed.Hexose6.Itisabondthatisfoundindisaccharidesresultingfromthereaction between two monosaccharideunit.a.Covalent bondb.Ionic bondc.Glycosidic bondd.None of the above7.A polysaccharide that gives rigidity totheexoskeletonsofcrabs,lobsters,shrimp, and insects.a.Chitinb.Chitosanc.Cellobiosed.Cellulose8.Whichofthefollowingmonosaccharides is the majority foundin the human body?a.D-typeb.L-typec.LD-typesd.None of the above9.Vitamin A is also known as ________.a.Retinolb.Biotinc.Thiamind.Ascorbic acid10. Patientswithscurvyshowsignofmalnutrition, sores, spongy gums, andpoor wound healing. It is a result ofdeficiency in what vitamin?a.Vitamin B12b.Vitamin Cc.Vitamin Dd.Vitamin E11. What sex hormone is responsible forthe development of female secondarycharacteristics at the onset of puberty,regulationofmenstrualcycle,andstimulatesthedevelopmentofmammary glands during pregnancy?a.Progesteroneb.Estrogenc.Androgend.Progestins12. It carries the oxygen from the lungs toother organs and tissues.a.Transferinb.White blood cellc.Hemoglobind.Insulin13. All of the following affect the activity ofan enzyme except:a.Temperatureb.Pressurec.pHd.Enzyme concentration14. Which of the following polysaccharidesactsasananticoagulantthathelpprevent harmful clots from forming inthe blood vessels?a.DextrinDownloaded by Arthur (|39216313
b.Chondroitin sulfatec.Starchd.Heparin15. An enzyme that catalyzes a hydrolysisreaction is called ______________.a.Isomeraseb.Lyasec.Hydrolased.Ligase16. Which hormone regulates the level ofglucose in the bloodstream?a.Melatoninb.Adrenalinec.Insulind.Testosterone17. What is the monomer unit of proteins?a.Monosaccharideb.Amino acidc.Fatty acidd.Amino group18. It builds up the structural component ofplant cell walls and the most abundantnaturally occurring polysaccharide.a.Cellobioseb.Chitinc.Chitosand.Cellulose19. A deficiency in Vitamin A leads to?a.Scurvyb.Krabbe Diseasec.Beri-berid.Night blindness20. Whichofthefollowingisnotafat-soluble vitamin?a.Vitamin Db.Vitamin Ec.Vitamin Kd.Vitamin B1221. An enzyme model which assumes thatthe active site of the enzyme and thesubstrate are equal in shape.a.Lock and Key modelb.Induced fit modelc.Fit and right modeld.None of the above22. A 4-year-old girl was examined at theOutPatientDepartment of the SWUMedical Center. During the check-up, thegirl’s body weight is reduced to lessthan60%ofthenormal (expected)body weight for the age. The mother ofthe girl told to the doctors at that timethat she has good appetite despite ofher weight condition but her mood isalwaysirritableduringeatingtime.Further physical checkup showed thatthere’s no edema present. What is thepossible disorder in this case?a.Kwashiorkorb.Prion diseasec.Marasmusd.Kuru disease23. It is the region of an enzyme where thesubstrate molecules bind and undergo achemical reaction.a.Active siteb.Negative sitec.Transition stated.Binding site24. Whichofthefollowingmonosaccharidesbuildsupthestructural component in brain and alsocalled as the ‘brain sugar’?a.Galactoseb.Fructosec.Glucosed.Xylose25. TheFischerprojectionforD-Glyceraldehyde is shown below:Which of the following is true aboutD-Glyceraldehyde?a.D-Glyceraldehyde is a ketoseb.D-Glyceraldehyde does notcontain a chiral centerc.D-Glyceraldehyde is an aldosed.D-Glyceraldehyde does not havean L-isomer26. How many chiral center/s doesD-Glyceraldehyde has/have?a.0b.1c.2d.327. What do you call a molecule that haspositivechargeononeatomand anegative charge on another atom?a.Anionb.Cationc.Zwitteriond.Salt2Downloaded by Arthur (|39216313
28. It refers to the pH at which an aminoacid exists primarily in its zwitterionform.a.Isoelectronic pointb.Equivalence pointc.Boiling pointd.Melting point29. Lactose is the major sugar that is foundin milk. It is a disaccharide made up ofwhich monosaccharide pair?a.Galactose + Glucoseb.Glucose + Glucosec.Glucose + Fructosed.Glucose + Mannose30. The protein structure that shows thesequence of a chain of amino acid:a.Primary structureb.Secondary structurec.Tertiary structured.Quaternary structure31. Which of the following is a denaturingagent?a.Heatb.Heavy metalsc.Strong acidsd.All of the above32. A cholesterol derivative that functionsasalipid-emulsifyingagentintheaqueous environment of the digestivetract:a.Bile acidb.Steroid hormonec.Glucocorticoidsd.Mineralocorticoids33. An illegal steroid drug that is used bysomeathletestobuildupmusclestrength and enhance endurance.a.Anabolic steroidsb.Corticosteroidsc.Betamethasoned.Dexamethasone34. D-glucose and L-glucose is an exampleof what stereoisomer?a.Diastereomersb.Enantiomersc.Epimersd.None of the above35. Polysaccharides are ____________a.Saccharide units that contain 3 to10 unitsb.The simplest sugar unitsc.Saccharides with 2 sugar unitsjoined through glycosidic linkaged.Classofcarbohydratesisconsidered as non-sugar36. Itcarriescholesterolfromthelivertovarious cells or tissues of the body and alsoknown as BAD cholesterol:a.HDLb.LDLc.VLDLd.VHDL37.An enzyme that catalyzes the transfer of afunctional group other than hydrogen fromone molecule to anothera.Lyaseb.Transferasesc.Oxidoreductased.Isomerase38.Itiscausedbyexcessivelyhighbloodcholesterol levels, a form of cardiovasculardiseasecharacterized by the buildup ofplaque along the inner walls of arteries.a.Tay-Sachs diseaseb.Gaucher diseasec.Atherosclerosisd.Leukemia39.Whichofthefollowingisanessentialamino acid?a.Alanineb.Asparaginec.Glutamated.Lysine40.What do you call the amino acids thatcannot be synthesized by the human body?a.Essential AAb.Non-essential AAc.Acidic AAd.Basic AA41.Themajorstorageformofglucoseinanimals is _____________.a.Chitinb.Glycogenc.Starchd.Cellulose42.It is a biological catalyst that speeds up therate of a specific chemical reaction in thecell:a.Enzymesb.Substratec.Proteinsd.Hormones43.Which of the following would be the correctHaworth projection for a-D-Talose?3Downloaded by Arthur (|39216313 type of diabetes that is a result of theresponsetothe hormonal changes thathappen during pregnancy:a.Type I Diabetesb.Type II Diabetesc.Gestationald.Polyuria45.All of the following are reducing sugarsexcept:a.Fructoseb.Glucosec.Lactosed.Sucrose46.What is the metabolic precursor for mosteicosanoids?a.Arachidonic acidb.Linolenic Acidc.Linoleic acidd.Amino Acid47.Which fatty acid is considered as GOOD fat?a.Monounsaturated fatsb.Polyunsaturated fatsc.Saturated fatsd.Both A and B48.Whatisthealternatenameforpolysaccharides?a.Glycansb.Amylopectinc.Amylased.Glycogen49.Give the∆nomenclature of the fatty acidbelow:a.18:2∆9,12b.18:2∆8,11c.18:2∆7,10d.18:2∆9,1150.Itisusuallyasolidorsemi-solidtriacylglycerolmixtureatroomtemperature (25°C):a.Oilb.Fatc.Serumd.Sphingosine4Downloaded by Arthur (|39216313
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