Infinite Geometry - Kuta - Review for Quest - Trigonometry

High School Summer Program**We aren't endorsed by this school
Jan 8, 2025
Uploaded by GeneralBraveryDolphin48
©E e2J0N2^4E _KLuxtjaw vSTo[fwtUwuaTrneh rLMLjCG.r L WAmlMlC ArSidgZh[tHsd Wrle[sBeLrWvyeadB.u A SMnaAdUeN qwlijt[hJ PIwnyfQiJnbijtceV wGsejoTmveUtTrlyu.Worksheet by Kuta Software LLCGeometry EnrichmentKuta - Review for Quest - TrigonometryName___________________________________ ID: 1Date________________©c A2M0p2`4\ OKMuEtGaS gSGozfdtywjayrmeV cLfLeCh.R P IA[lbl] IrZiZgbhjtbss wr[etshe]rhveexd].-1-Find the value of each trigonometric ratio.1) sin X72425XYZ2) sin X273645XYZ3) cos C123537CBA4) cos Z212835ZYX5) tan X144850XYZ6) tan Z322440ZYX
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©I h2N0x2_4l aKAuNtfa] aShocfTtuwGa]rieM BLZL_C].k K uAglhlw MrSiDgBhvtZsy VryeBs[eLr^vceUda.Q n OMEaZdtee _wwiYt\hD EIqnLfgiCnJiitHee FGZe]oFmtettsrzyj.Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC-2-Find the value of each trigonometric ratio to the nearest ten-thousandth.7) sin 5°8) sin 22°9) cos 9°10) cos 59°11) tan 46°12) tan 49°Find each angle measure to the nearest degree.13) sin W = 0.913514) sin X = 0.961315) cos X = 0.866016) cos U = 0.9455
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©P H2N0J2h4Y SKwuhtWaS uS\oefDt_wiaZrje^ iLNLiCv.B F TAilVlT DrjiTgqhttEsi tr_eHsLeTrLvDegdK.U o ZMba]dqez qwHiYtchp FIcnBf^i]nmiPtqeC TGoewolmdevtQruyp.Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC-3-Find the measure of the indicated angle to the nearest degree.17) 2732?18) 2560?19) 4655?20) 4916?21) 40104?22) 73?23) 2251?24) 1129?
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©T K2s0z2d4G gK\upt_aV [SnotfotXwPaWrYe\ `LyL^Cp.u U LAwlZlt urIiCgHhFtvsA brbeisheArXvQeGdO.w F pMFaedqeX ewJiKtIht eIGnBfViknmidtqeC mGSeXobmbeVtPrjya.Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC-4-Find the missing side. Round to the nearest tenth.25) 7x49°26) x938°27) 7x40°28) 6x64°29) 10x31°30) 6x54°31) x940°32) 11x29°
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©j \2A0S2e4z XKNuwtBaq FSyoafRt^wrafrqe\ HLLLSCG.w ] FANlvlQ ZrYifgsh^tosw ^rbe]suesr[vyeAd].H t lMOaodqeD OwuiBtFhW _IgngfUiGnSiitOez GGTeSoYmreztcrAyT.Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC-5-Find the area of each triangle. Round intermediate values to the nearest tenth. Use the roundedvalues to calculate the next value. Round your final answer to the nearest tenth.33) 2997°55°34) 4930°24°35) 2332°20°36) 3460°55°
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©R y2V0[2\4\ KKXuEtNa[ tSqoYfTtkwNarrreK VLLLFCi.c N vAsl]lU Xr[iGg\hztosZ Jrbe`sDe^rGv_etd].B J bMOaSdNeE vwYixtrhJ XIdnffpiinbixtceR xGrerogmieTtbrbyK.Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC-6-Find the measure of the line segment indicated.37) GD= 8FD= 6Find HEHGFED38) FD= 42GD= 29Find ETGFEDT39) TV= 16SV= 17Find UBSTUVB40) CM= 15BE= 25Find BDBCDEM
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©o L2G0i2q4O jKOuvtRac LS]oOfot^wWa[ruet gLILUCR.n l EABlXlG Cr]ixgjhItvs] krjeTspesrRvdeGdh.g Y YMSaFdUeX AwbihtAhi ^IinCfBiLn[iYtAei SGRejobmze[tmrSyP.Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC-7-41) SN= 123TUVm= 60°Find TVSTUVN42) WU= 12VQ= 73WXUm= 60°Find XVXWVUQ43) TV= 26SU= 283STEm= 60°Find UESTUVE44) YW= 203XWVm= 60°Find XVYXWVD
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©k x2t0a2P4G TKxu\tRay RSHoJfjtowVaOrTed JLbLXCS.P Q GAKlRlp UrMi_gdhFtcsN KrpedseeLrGvneZdV.Z N kMvaRdkeo fwtiNtkhq bIKnefaiMnSiCtUeR cGTedogmAektJrCyJ.Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC-8-Find the measure of the angle indicated. Round your answer to the nearest tenth degree.45) SU= 30RE= 8Find ETUmRSTUE46) XZ= 40WY= 30Find XYZmWXYZR47) PS= 13PR= 11VR= 6Find VPQmPQRSV48) EC= 30FD= 16Find ADCmFEDCA
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©K H2_0u2n4X TKHuptCap NSQomfotlwZaHree[ CLFLICA._ C EAslGli WrviLgshltds[ GrWe[s]eQrwv]endl.L D `MRa_dSee twgiitUhq QIjnNf^iNnriQtnew zGwejonmoeqtaryyC.Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC-9-Find the area of each figure. Round your answer to the nearest tenth.49) 2550) 54158°51) 2488°52) 2397°
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©X `2f0e2c4_ kK`uFttad xSRoAf`tFwta\rSeN pLeLDCe.k v ]Aclcli iroiagHhbtZsw ArIefsGe]rHv\e^dJ.H X IMeandkeJ owAiBtfhj wImnZfJivndiytaew qGjeXommIebtKrxyT.Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC-10-53) 41 km54) 28 km55) 32 mi56) 21 cm
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©z g2V0s2Y4G VKYuQt\ah dSioKfItfwjaGrZeP hLHLMCa.s L ]ASlklg RrBi`gZhbtmsR OrSelsGeWrGvfeMd^.a r aMSaJdVeu Lw^istIh^ SI\nyfjizn[idtHeK IGjeao\mdeLtvrRyU.Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC-11-57) Perimeter = 204 yd58) Perimeter = 128 m59) Perimeter = 192 km60) Perimeter = 259 yd
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©q L2Q0_2t4O wK\uOtTaR QSDoAfStkwHaSrUex cLBLbCE.u h FAOlulK Srsi\gkhttKs] ArkeHs`eQrgvqerdG._ K LMeaJdKec CwKiYtQhY EIYn[friLnMiOtpe[ jGneVo\mdevtwrQyq.Worksheet by Kuta Software LLCGeometry EnrichmentKuta - Review for Quest - TrigonometryName___________________________________ ID: 1Date________________©e u2C0p2^4u sKTu[tna_ EShoifntLwpaVrBeS hLVLiC^.F l KAPlnlS PrKiJgEhyt_sh frTetsre\rEvkeFde.-1-Find the value of each trigonometric ratio.1) sin X72425XYZ24252) sin X273645XYZ453) cos C123537CBA12374) cos Z212835ZYX355) tan X144850XYZ2476) tan Z322440ZYX34
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©I F2j0k2B4y ]KVuktNaX LSsoPfntawRaBrLey \LDLbCZ.B m QADlSlD sr^icgAhgtcsS yrgeCsOeDrfv\ebdj.x G cMBaCdfem GwUiBtuhT xIEnwf`ignliItNev YGEeyobmje_t_rYyy.Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC-2-Find the value of each trigonometric ratio to the nearest ten-thousandth.7) sin 5°0.08728) sin 22°0.37469) cos 9°0.987710) cos 59°0.515011) tan 46°1.035512) tan 49°1.1504Find each angle measure to the nearest degree.13) sin W = 0.913566°14) sin X = 0.961374°15) cos X = 0.866030°16) cos U = 0.945519°
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©Y c2^0V2v4I yKmuBtTaZ SS[oUfrtlw[ajrQev PL_LgCG.b ] lArlRlb Frji[gohwtEs^ prtefs^eKrevXejdw.l w ^Muaxdlex BwfiVtChy FIInuf_irnZiutLeH zGLeuoamRe^tHrry^.Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC-3-Find the measure of the indicated angle to the nearest degree.17) 2732?58°18) 2560?25°19) 4655?33°20) 4916?18°21) 40104?69°22) 73?23°23) 2251?64°24) 1129?22°
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©Q h2R0M2n4S GKKustMab _SooqfltVwHaNrieZ qLZLGCG.T h `AUlRlZ [rBiMg`hntisw Nr\eMsGeFrtv`eKdU.G [ TMmaRdpea MwRiatjhi IIKnOfUizn]iHtseW PGjefoGmEeNtyrlyA.Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC-4-Find the missing side. Round to the nearest tenth.25) 7x49°10.726) x938°7.027) 7x40°9.128) 6x64°13.729) 10x31°16.630) 6x54°10.231) x940°6.932) 11x29°12.6
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©] h2w0f2\4n QKKuQtyaU fSqoEf[tewkaBrPeb LL\LACY.s c OAHl\lf JrQiKgthJtDst LrtersOeNrKvkebdN.U V KM^a\dJeI ]wTiStKhx ^Itn^fNiunRigtAeG PGbeYoNmreotSrAy\.Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC-5-Find the area of each triangle. Round intermediate values to the nearest tenth. Use the roundedvalues to calculate the next value. Round your final answer to the nearest tenth.33) 2997°55°238.734) 4930°24°1193.235) 2332°20°323.336) 3460°55°554.4
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©X B2_0i2x4g zKQuJtaaq kS]o^fjtBwaaQr]ec SLuLTCm.A P KAnlPl[ VrgiQgphUt_sb Yr`eDsyegrovMecdw.D T VMqaTd]ei XweiTtOhu WIynyfniynFiotJeG XG^eaoCmpevtKrPyn.Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC-6-Find the measure of the line segment indicated.37) GD= 8FD= 6Find HEHGFED1038) FD= 42GD= 29Find ETGFEDT2039) TV= 16SV= 17Find UBSTUVB1540) CM= 15BE= 25Find BDBCDEM40
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©Z v2v0s2Q4N \KsuQtLaI sSlowfQtTwUa[rwew xLLLoCb.S f qADllly DrQiuguhAtmsB NrpeRseewrOvXehdX.E ^ pMTacdUeV XwIiztahT XIYnrfKionIiwtVeS OGDeEoCmCeStHrhyM.Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC-7-41) SN= 123TUVm= 60°Find TVSTUVN2442) WU= 12VQ= 73WXUm= 60°Find XVXWVUQ13343) TV= 26SU= 283STEm= 60°Find UESTUVE15344) YW= 203XWVm= 60°Find XVYXWVD20
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©d l2k0l2p4U `KkuItjao LSooDfcthwFa]rqe[ ^LcLFCr.L S eAulxlM SrcihgjhFtzst RrkedsxeWrCvSegdN.\ n sMtaSdveb pwuiItuhz nI]nKf\i[nHictbeh mG]epoTmjextFrEyT.Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC-8-Find the measure of the angle indicated. Round your answer to the nearest tenth degree.45) SU= 30RE= 8Find ETUmRSTUE61.9°46) XZ= 40WY= 30Find XYZmWXYZR106.3°47) PS= 13PR= 11VR= 6Find VPQmPQRSV67.4°48) EC= 30FD= 16Find ADCmFEDCA61.9°
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©p H2[0q2G4o PKAuPtMab uSEo^f`tyweaMreeZ `LALpCV.L a oArltlC irhiwgvhItFsU HrTelsceqrLvFeNdh.h L BMbabd[eN zwhidtchx sIAnvfiijnbiltlea zG^eFoGmtehtdrMyk.Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC-9-Find the area of each figure. Round your answer to the nearest tenth.49) 25550) 54158°3.751) 2488°452) 2397°3
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©T j2p0f2H4a [KFuwtyaF HSRo\fdtVwwazr]er zLdLuCF.J S oAklelV MrDizgRhRt_sf Lrbe]s]esrovCeydW.T N IMNaVdAe[ XwiiGtVhs aIVndfwiKnaiLtVeO gGYeSoemCeLturOyP.Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC-10-53) 41 km6108.6km²54) 28 km2849km²55) 32 mi443.4mi²56) 21 cm191cm²
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©P v2b0G2[4M SKIuvtzai xSkoNfLt]wqavrWee dLZLdC\.P i `AHlvll grPiugNhPtbsL ArMeEsPeCryvfeUdN.U W ^MzaSdGeT TwGiGtAhB \IYnCf[iGnQidtTeb [GPeNodmSeVtMrtyV.Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC-11-57) Perimeter = 204 yd3003.4yd²58) Perimeter = 128 m1236.159) Perimeter = 192 km2660.4km²60) Perimeter = 259 yd4974.8yd²
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