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Mock Exam Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0001-ENG-OBEpage 1 of 7MANAGEMENT OF HEALTH AND SAFETYUNIT IG1:For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and SafetyMANAGEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETYUNIT IGC1:For:NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and SafetyNEBOSH International Certificate in Construction Health and SafetyNEBOSH International Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk ManagementMock Open Book Examination 1ANSWER TEMPLATEAvailable for 24 hours Learner nameNEBOSH learner numberFor this mock exam, pls. leave it blankLearning Partner nameYou do notneed to copy out the questions.Please save your completed answer document with your surname, your first name, your NEBOSH learner number, and your Learning Partner’s name. For example, a learner called Dominic Towlson with the learner number 12345678, who has taken their course with a Learning Partner called GMMTA International will name their submission: Towlson Dominic, 12345678, GMMTA International
Mock Exam Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0001-ENG-OBEpage 2 of 7Task 1: Justifying health and safety improvementsQuestion 1It could therefore be very important to use financial reasons when explaining why forklift trucks (FLTs) and workers need to be segregated in the warehouse. This is as a result of the past experiences where accidents had occurred together with the future legal incidences that may occur. There is admittedly scant evidence of financial gain on paper as to why making these safety improvements will reduce costs in the long run.1.Reduction in Accident CostsThe primary actual financial factor for the separation of forklift trucks (FLT) and personnel is to minimize costs because of incidents. An incident in which a worker was knocked down by a forklift with the leg being broken incurred a lot of costs. Such costs may include; expenses incurred to cater for the medical expenses of the worker, number of hospital visits, amount paid in check to cater for the days the worker failed to report to work, or lawyer fees in the event that the case gets to court. Whenever the company has to spend its money in compensation for the injured worker, then it could prove very costly.The expenses from legal actions or fines from health and safety authorities could be much higher than the costs of adding safety measures. By separating workers who walk from forklifts, the chances of accidents can be lowered, which can help avoid these future costs.2.Improved Employee Productivity and RetentionHealth risks and job hazards tend to lead to poor job satisfaction and many employees quitting the workplace. Employees who have perceived risk are more likely to quit their places of work hence increasing recruitment and training expenses. In this case, the turnover rates in the warehouse are high, which just adds to the costs. If the risks to the safety of the environment in the warehouse are enhanced by separating the pedestrians from the fleets, then there would be increased employee turnover. Moreover, safety means productivity promotion in a working area since people will not be anxious because of probable incidents.3.Reduced Insurance PremiumsOrganization with high rates of accidents always attract high insurance costs as there is high tendency of getting involved in injury claims. Insurance services normally evaluate businesses with regards to their ability to safe guard their own interests. By putting the various measures such as segregation in place, the company could show its seriousness in reducing the risk hence lowering on premiums. This directly saves the business money and makes the segregation measures much more reasonable in terms of cost in the long run.4.Avoiding Potential Fines and Legal LiabilitiesThe audited company labour inspector has already served the prosecuted company with an order for the required safety improvements with the distinguishable intimation that should the company fail, legal repercussions may ensue. Such fines and penalties can be fairly steep; particularly if the company can be shown to have not adequately responded to the situation after being informed. Considering the current expenditure meant for future fines, it can be saluted that the investment in improved safety measures can be viewed as preventive measures.5.Long-Term Financial SustainabilityAlthough necessary changes for health and safety, as in segregation, may need a capital expenditure initially, they are vital. The future recurrent costs are many times lower than this initial one-off outlay. The business will positively be subjected to long-term financial sustainability through the reduced incidence rates of occurrences, increased workers retention, reduced insurance costs, and most importantly the steering clear of fines. Task 2: Checking management system effectivenessQuestion 2 (a)The present managerial system for managing the health and safety risks of the employed staff within the context of a warehouse seems to have several drawbacks that negatively impact the general performance. Presently there are policies to eliminate hazards, assess
Mock Exam Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0001-ENG-OBEpage 3 of 7the associated risk, and control it but all this goes unimplemented which results in unwanted happening. The recent occurrence of the mishap where a forklift and a worker had a direct impact clearly shows that the system as a means of eliminating hazards did not deliver its promise. In addition, the lack of guidelines on how to separate pedestrian employees in the area from forklifts goes a long way in the unsafe condition in the workplace. In this case, there are signs that depict safety risks but merely masking the symptoms do not prevent the main issue; lack of segregation. Finally, a lack of training by the workers on how to deal with certain risks and dealing with emergency also points to the fact that the management system must be enhanced for it to adequately protect the workers at their workplaces.Question 2 (b)To improve the health and safety of workers the following changes should be made in the management system. Firstly, the process of risk assessment should be initiated more often and concern such issues as segregation of pedestrian and forklift zones. Physical barriers or demarcated zones for specific workers would considerably cut the danger of resultant impacts. Second, workers should need safety training in how to work with forklifts, where they are allowed to be used, in case of any emergency or episode is required to be understood. Third, the implementation of safety audits and reviews would ensure that the reported measures are rolling as intended and all factors followed with corrective action where needs be recognized. The other way to enhance the welfare of the workers is to upgrade the flow of communication with other store workers so that hazards or near misses may be reported early enough to improve on the company’s operational mechanisms without incidents. These modifications will pave way for a safer and effective environment for the workers to work on.Task 3: Managing contractorsQuestion 3Managing contractors at the warehouse needs a strong system to make sure safety rules are followed because contractors can bring new dangers to the workplace. Right now, the warehouse's safety rules for contractors are not fully combined or applied consistently. Contractors are told about safety rules when they arrive, but there isn’t a way to check that they follow these rules while they work. This inattention is problematic since the contractors can not be confined to the standards of regular employees while working.One of the main issues is that contractors are exposed to hazard activities like areas that has machines or forklifts. While contractors have made significant strides towards identifying and managing this risk, there is insufficient monitoring of how contractors are managing or otherwise addressing them. Another problem is that there is no clear method that an organization can use to screen the contractors to ensure that they possess the required skills and experience before they visit the site. In their absence, it is more likely that unsafe practices will not be detected during the checks.And yet, while workers are supposed to wear appropriate equipment and protective clothing, there is no specific means of ensuring their compliance with all the guidelines in this regard. The warehouse needs to place a safety officer who will oversee the contractors so that they also adhere to the health and safety policy. Doing regular safety checks and surprise inspections could help make sure contractors follow the rules better.Finally, better communication and collaboration between the warehouse management and contractors are essential. Implementing pre-job safety briefings and ensuring that contractors understand the site-specific risks could enhance overall safety. More structured management of contractors would contribute to a safer working environment for both permanent workers and contractors.
Mock Exam Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0001-ENG-OBEpage 4 of 7Task 4: Working within a health and safety management systemQuestion 4This paper looks at the importance of Health and Safety Management System and how employees are instrumental to its success. It impossible to deny their engagement, compliance with safety measures, and willingness to notice potential risks at workplace. Health and safety policies and regulation are some of the basic expectations which are required from employees apart from other job requirements. This includes wearing of PPE correctly, observing the right working etiquette as well as observing appropriate measures to avoid accidents during working.Employees should be relied on as the first frontline when it comes to the detection of possible risks because they work with the risks every day. They stand out in terms of identifying weaknesses that could lead to incidence such as ill-mannered equipment, wrong management of materials and unadroit ethos in the workplace. These should be reportable ideas, and the employees ought to be encouraged to report the same without thinking of being fired. This reduces accidents since likely risks are worked out and addressed before they occur.Besides, employees must be involved in safety training, and safety awareness. It is also important to note that through training they are always in touch with other safety measures, disasters or hazards which they may encounter at workplace. Through such training sessions, the employees participate in the development of a safety culture in the organization.The employees are supposed to provide frequent communication with the supervisors and the health and safety team. Such channels are critical in making reports, giving feedback on different safe practices and giving safety observations. Employees have valuable ideas about the general organization’s development that should be implemented or some problematic aspects of the HSMS that need attention.Task 5: Influencing health and safety cultureQuestion 5Leadership is very important for creating a good health and safety environment in any organization, especially in places like warehouses where there are many risks. Good leadership is very important for encouraging a focus on safety and making sure that health and safety rules are not just words on paper, but are actually followed and included in daily activities. Leaders show that safety is important by how they talk and what they do.One important way that leaders impact health and safety is by setting a good example. When warehouse managers and supervisors regularly stick to safety rules, wear the right safety gear, and focus on safe ways of working, they create a good example for all workers. Leaders need to show that safety is very important and comes before everything else we do. This shows that safety at work is important and helps workers to feel the same way.Leadership is important for creating an atmosphere where people can communicate freely. A big part of a good safety culture is making sure workers can talk about dangers, close calls, or unsafe actions without being scared of getting in trouble. Leaders should make a friendly place where people feel comfortable giving feedback, and where ideas for making things better are valued. This kind of open talk helps find and fix problems before they cause accidents.Leaders also affect safety by making sure workers have the right training and tools to manage risks in the warehouse. Holding regular safety training and keeping workers informed about new safety rules helps them stay aware and ready for any dangers they might face.Task 6: Developing safe systems of work (SSoW)
Mock Exam Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0001-ENG-OBEpage 5 of 7Question 6Safe System of Work or SSW are a means by which tasks can be performed safely and in the most appropriate manner within a particular hazardous working environment such as the warehouse. These templates are predesigned and formatted to offer gr eat confidence, usually in the form of rules and regulation structures meant to reduce the risks and guard the employees from dangers related to the position. General Effective risk management, accident prevention and improvement of the health and safety culture in organisations largely depend on the effective formulation and implementation of SSoWs.In fact, the primary objectives of the Safe Systems of Work being that all tasks must be carried out in a safe manner, contribute to their use in meeting goals set out during planning. The detailed processes provide directions to the employees on how best to work while avoiding situations that may lead to certain types of risks. For instance, while using forklifts, enhanced SSoW can prescribe the appropriate use, maintenance and inspection procedures to avoid or minimize on accidents.SSoWs are also especially relevant for developing accountability mechanisms. When employees adhere to safe work systems, it is much easier for supervisors and managers to observe adherence to the safety standards in the organization. Any anomalies with the systems in place can be noticed and rectified before anything bad occurs such as an accident or injury. Furthermore, the presence of detailed SSoWs allows for applying a number of actual safety training, during which employees are informed on dangers inherent to certain tasks and the proper way to counter them.Furthermore, Safe Systems of Work contribute to non-forestall improvement in safety standard overall performance. By reviewing and updating SSoWs often, companies can address emerging dangers, new suggestions, or technological advancements that may impact protection practices. In this way, SSoWs are not static however evolve with the changing desires of the place of business and the protection panorama.Task 7: Investigating incidentsQuestion 7Accident analysis in a warehousing environment is a critical process that determines event causes, event development, and recurrence prevention. The main goal of an investigation is to identify the causes of the occurrence of an event out of human actions, conditions of work environment or equipment. Knowing these causes will help to take appropriate remedies in order to avoid similar occurrences in the future.Reporting also helps the organization to get to the root of the problem whereby the organization is made to learn from its errors. They help the management in reviewing the safety procedures in its current status and evaluate whether the procedures are resulting effective or not to make adjustments. Moreover, failure to investigate accidents means that there will be no adequate documentation for statutory compliance and insurance purposes. It also offers much needed information for their safety-training programs which will increase the awareness of employees with risks and safety measures they need to take.In the long run, the incident investigations pave way for a safe environment because they make it easy to discover vulnerable odds in safety procedures and offer relevant recommendations. Such a strategy pertaining to safety leads to fewer accidents for better employee health, higher productivity, and compliance with the law.Question 8There is a well-coordinated procedure followed in case of conducting an incident investigation in a warehouse as mentioned below. First, the incident has to be reported by a complainant with the aim of having some action undertaken. The information that should be
Mock Exam Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0001-ENG-OBEpage 6 of 7captured in this initial report include; date, time, place and the persons involved in the event.Further, a group of investigators must be established which should consist of supervisors, safety officers etc, and maybe outside experts too if needed. The first step in case of an involvement is when the team immobilizes the area of the accident and makes it safe for carrying out the investigation. The given evidence includes photographs, witnesses’ statements and/or recordings, equipment which was in the accident scene, etc.The following step is to conduct a survey of witnesses and all the people that was participating within the occurrence of the event. The team needs to assess the cause of the incident and these could be lack of safety measures, inadequate training regimes or even failure of equipment.If abnormalities are recognized, treatment and recommendations for changing existing conditions for safety measures should be introduced. These activities could be in form of adding new safe practices, modifying current practices, or offering more practice sessions. Last of all, the totals of investigation should be reported in written to stakeholders as well as having practical measures preventing such mishap in the future.Question 9Root cause analysis (RCA) is very important in investigating incidents because it helps find the main reason why something happened instead of only dealing with the obvious problems. In a warehouse, where accidents can happen a lot, RCA is used to carefully look into what caused the problems. This analysis looks at more than just things that happen by mistake, like human error. It also examines bigger problems, like not having good safety training, not taking care of equipment properly, or having safety procedures that don’t work well.RCA helps organizations figure out why an accident happened and what they can change to stop it from happening again. By looking at the main reasons behind the issue, companies can create lasting solutions that tackle the problem at its source instead of just putting on quick fixes. For example, if an accident happened because workers weren't trained well enough, the company might change its training programs to help workers deal with dangerous situations better.Also, finding the main reason for problems helps make workplace safety better all the time. By spotting repeated issues or similar causes in incidents, companies can make better choices about which safety measures to improve. This positive approach helps keep the workplace safe and protects employees from accidents that could be avoided.Task 8: Reviewing performanceQuestion 10 (a) (i)Conducting a periodic review of health as safety performance is paramount in the evaluation of performance shortcoming as well as effectiveness of the health and safety measures in place. This way individuals are able to check whether the safety goals are being achieved or not, thus organizations are able to change the factors as required. It also enhances the implementation of safety organization development ahead of time to cushion against occurrence of risks or accidents. The reviews also help to sustain a climate of on-going development which makes the working environment safer, and enhances employee satisfaction. Question 10 (a) (ii)The Health and Safety performance is compared using different metrics such as rate of accidents or incidents and the rate or measure of severity. These indicators enable understanding how effective the current safety measures are. Others are the safety audit frequency, employee safety training compliance percentage and the turnaround time to
Mock Exam Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0001-ENG-OBEpage 7 of 7address the safety risks. Also, the feedback and level of participation from employees even concerning the safety programs can be of essence this is because it shows reflect on the organization’s implementation and or compliance to the stipulated safety measures.Question 10 (a) (iii)Surveys are indispensable in measuring and evaluating performance in health and safety by offering an independent stocktake of the strengths and weaknesses of a firm’s safety requirements. They assist us recognize some of the flaws or the shortcomings of the safety systems put in place to manage risks. Conducting audits often requires looking at documents, identifying work areas that have been physically worked on and evaluating whether they meet legal requirements concerning safety. This explains how such safety audits can be conducted on a more frequent basis so as to substantiate continual enhancement in safety processes, justify actions when needed, as well as prove the organization’s dedication to maintaining safe workplaces for its employees.Question 10 (a) (iv)Involvement of employees in the performance of health and safety audits is critical as it cans promote safety culture and makes safety measures work as designed. People at work usually notice risks more than anyone else and are well positioned to give feedback on safety solutions. Employees are also encouraged to own safety policies, since they feel that they have something to do with the formulation and hence, they are likely to adhere to the safety policies formulated. More often than not, employees who are committed and become member of the organization’s team are more likely to attend safety training, conduct and report potential hazards which are likely to cause harm as well as becoming responsible for all of the necessary activities aimed at enhancing safety in workplaces. Question 10 (b)Performance reviews contribute to continuous improvement in health and safety by identifying strengths and weaknesses in existing safety protocols. One of the safety benefits that organizational management receive is through reviewing whether the safety goals are being met or if further efforts are required to be made. Information collected from performance reviews including the rates of accidents, audits and feedback form employees is useful in decision making about improving safety features. Thus, based on these findings, it is possible to apply correction actions at an organization, decrease risks, enhance safety training, and modify procedures. This cycle of evaluation and improvement maintains a high degree of flexibility for worksite safety, guaranteeing the safety of all employees to the highest degree possibleYour total word count*3238* please note that this form already has 317 words (excluding text boxes and footers), which you can deduct from your total amount if you are using your word processor’s word count function.Documents and sources of information you used in your examinationEnd of examinationNow follow the instructions on submitting your answers