Guided Notes TemplateElectricity and Magnetism

Northwestern University**We aren't endorsed by this school
GEOG 313-0
Electrical Engineering
Jan 9, 2025
Uploaded by ElderArmadilloMaster1346
PHYSICAL SCIENCE A GUIDED NOTES SUMMARY FOR MODULE : ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISMGuided Notes Summary -Electricity and MagnetismGuided Notes: Module 6: These questions are essential questions, the answers to which summarize the key concepts from each lesson. Read the question, write the answer in your own words; use illustrations and examples as appropriate to enhance your understanding. You will be required to submit the completed document to your DBA. Essential QuestionsNotes9.01 METHODS OF CHARGINGWhat makes an atom electrically neutral? How do we make an object positively or negatively charged?Explain how a ruler rubbed with a glass rod gets charged. Give examples from everyday life for how friction creates chargesExplain how charges can exert forces on each other. Property FrictionConductionInduction Objects in contact or notMechanism of charging(use diagrams)Nature of charge on the
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PHYSICAL SCIENCE A two objects. 9.02 ELECTRIC CURRENT & OHM’S LAWWhat is electric current? What is its SI unit?What is electrical voltage? What is its SI unit?What is electrical resistance? What is its SI unit?Distinguish between AC and DC. Give examples of each source.DIRECT CURRENT ALTERNATING CURRENT What is Ohm’s law? How can you increase the current in a simple circuit? 6.03 SERIES AND PARALLEL CIRCUITSWhat is a closed circuit?Draw a simple circuit diagram that includes a battery, switch, bulb, using the circuit symbols you have learnt. Explain how the current flows through that circuit. PropertySeries CircuitParallel CircuitCircuit diagram (draw the circuit with a battery and two bulbs and a switch)
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PHYSICAL SCIENCE A Available path for current flowCurrent through the different components Voltage of different componentsHow to find total resistance What happens when one bulb fuses What happens when you add another bulb to the circuit9.04 ELECTROMAGNETISMWhat are electromagnets?How are electromagnets useful in everyday life?What factors determine the strength of an electromagnet and how? Explain permanent magnets using the concept of domains. What is an electric motor? What energy transformation happens in a motor? How does it work? What is an electric generator? What energy transformation happens in a generator? How does it work?
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