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SAR HS 325
Mechanical Engineering
Jan 9, 2025
Uploaded by SargentFlag12038
Exam 3 Study Guide:Exam 50 questions1.Ejection Fraction: Definition as well as normal value, decreased vs preserved 2.Heart failure; Definition 3.HFpEF vs HFrEF, systolic dysfunction/diastolic dysfunction, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy vs restrictive, causes of types of HF4.Medications to know: Dig (s/s dig toxicity) Beta blockers mech of action, ACE mech of action, ARB’s mech of action, sig side effects of all 5.Left sided heart failure S/S, vs right sided ie pulm vs systemic symptoms 6.RAAS as compensatory mechanism in HF, what is it trying to do=PROMOTS NA AND H20 RETENTION TO IMPROVE PRELOAD MAINTAIN CO7.CO vs Stroke Volume vs EF8.Decreased CO impact on renal perfusion, what is released from adrenal cortex in response resulting in sodium and water retention 9.Sympathetic response to to low CO, =catecolamines released 10. Ionotropic vs chronotropic11. BNP normal value, increased values what does that mean normal value less than 100pg/mL12. Pre-load vs afterload13. Diuretics, mech of action and pot side effects 14. CRT therapy, goal15. IABP, ECMO and LVAD, how each works 16. AKI’s vs chronic kidney disease17. Acute tubular necrosis18. Oliguria 19. Pre-intra-post20. Hydronephrosis21. Specific gravity/Osmolality , difference between the 222. Kussmaul respirations, 23. Contrast nephropathy24. Metformin, dc as inpt prior to administering any contrast25. Dementia vs Delirium 26. Ageism27. CTE, Alzheimer’s, Parkinsons and lewy body, Korsakoff dementia 28. Cholinesterase inhibitors, mech of action, examples of meds, major side effects 29. Anti-amyloid monoclonal antibody, mech of action 30. Sundowning, stages of dementia