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MATH 140
Jan 9, 2025
Uploaded by AmbassadorMetalMonkey35
1 Course Information●MATH 140 Business Precalculus ●Section 03●Fall, 2022●5 Credits●Class meets on MTWT at 12:30 in MDL 106Instructor Information ●dr Pat Averbeck, HZL 218●patrick.averbeck@edmonds.edu; 425.640.1093 ●Office Hours for Students are conducted in HZL 208: MW, 1:45 –2:35; TuTh, 10:30 –11:20; W, 11:30 –12:20.●Best way to contact me is using messages in WAMAP, then college email; I will respond within 24 hours during the school week.Texts, Materials, and Supplies finite Mathematics + applied Calculus, 7thEditionby Warner and Constenoble. WebAssign (edcc 3701 3923). The physical book is not required.WAMAP: Edmonds College Math Dept. uses WAMAP for both f2f and online learning. To use them, you’ll need:●Access to a computer or internet-enabled device●A reliable internet connection●A web browser: Firefox and Chrome work bestHOW TO ENROLL IN YOUR COURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (WAMAP) Go to www.wamap.org
2 If you have not used WAMAP before, click on the “Register as a New Student” link. You can create your own username and password. Be sure to use an email address that you check regularly since I will be sending announcements and information via WAMAP. If you have used WAMAP before, use your username and password as before. Once logged in, click on the button “Enroll in a New Class”.You will need to enter the Course ID and Enrollment Key as shown here: The Course ID: 31740& The Enrollment key: GoBeavs11053 After you enter that information, you will be directed to a page that says “Return to the main page and click on the course name to access the course”. From there you should be able to click on our class: Math 140 03 - Fall 2022 Technical Supportfor students is available at itsupport.edmonds.edu. About this Course ●The prerequisite for this course is Math 087 or appropriate placement or concurrent enrollment in Math 010. Note: If you are taking Math 140 via concurrent enrollment in Math 010, and you stop participating in Math 010, you will be dropped from Math& 140 and will need to take Math 87 to get the prerequisite required to retake Math& 140.●Course Description: Math 140 is an introduction to college-level mathematics intended primarily for students in business programs; it is not intended for students pursuing degrees in science or mathematics. Topics include: linear, quadratic, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions; solving equations; matrices; and financial applications.●This is the first course of two course sequence that satisfies the mathematics requirement for Business Transfer students. ●We will learn the concepts to prepare you for the Business Calculus course. The examples that we use in the course are business related in order to provide context for the mathematical concepts. Also, some of the concepts are applicable everyday applications of financial situations such as loans and pensions. Learning Objectives 1. Develop and evaluate mathematical models for business using linear, quadratic, exponential, simple rational, and logistic functions in symbolic, graphical, written, and numerical representations. 2. Perform basic function operations. 3. Solve equations arising from the mathematical models using multiple symbolic and graphical techniques.
3 4. Develop and evaluate mathematical models for business relationships involving simple and compound interest (i.e., savings, loans, annuities, and mortgages). 5. Develop and evaluate matrix models of business situations involving linear systems of equations and input-output matrices. 6. Perform basic matrix operations. 7. Solve a system of equations using multiple symbolic and graphical techniques. Grading Information (How Your Learning Will Be Assessed) Grades will be determined using the following rubric: oHomework—15% oWeekly Forum—5% oActivities—10% oVideo Assignments—10% oTest—2 @ 20% = 20% oFinal—20% Course grade will be determined based on the following formula: G = 1.0 + 0.1*(x –65) where x is the course score (0 –100) and G is the grade (0.0 –4.0) The class will not be graded on a curve; so, working with other students in the class is highly recommended. If you have a schedule conflict, it is your responsibility to make arrangements with the instructor at least 2 weeks in advance of tests. For other assignments, students need to communicate with the instructor within 24 hours of the due date to make arrangements. V-grades are given for hardship cases that have been discussed prior to the time of the Final, not for GPA manipulation after the Final has been completed. These can be found in the online college catalog (full URL: http://catalog.edcc.edu) on the Academic Requirements page, under Student Grades. Assignment Information Activities In order to create an active learning environment, activities will be conducted throughout the term during the class and can be performed with other members of the class in small groups. These activities will provide opportunities to explore and ask questions about the concepts so that students will have a better understanding of the material before attempting homework on their own. Homework Homework will be assigned for each section we cover. This homework will be done using Cengage. The homework for each section is due the following Monday at 11:59 am.
4 It is expected that you will keep up with the class schedule, which you can see in the Calendar. This course has many new concepts and skills and they will require time to master. If you don't start your homework until Sunday, it is unlikely that you will be able to complete it or develop the proficiency that you will need to do well on the quizzes/exams. However, if you find yourself falling behind, please contact dr Pat to make arrangements. Scoring of Homework: On the first attempt on a problem, you get full points for parts that are correct. On the second attempt on a problem, you get only half points for the remaining parts that you got correct. If you want to try again to get the full credit, you can redo the problem by clicking on the "Try a similar problem" button. This will restart the scoring process for that problem. Video Assignments For each section, a video assignment is assigned in WAMAP. Each video assignment has a video that introduces the concepts and have a few conceptual problems. It is recommended that you do the assignments the day of the class period in which the topic is covered, but the deadline for the assignments are noon on Fridays. Weekly Forum Current research on student learning of mathematics has indicated that students learn and retain the mathematical material most effectively when they are active. So, we have discussion board requirements each week. Each week, students are required to make three (3) posts. You can use any combination of the following ways to reach your three posts: Ask a question about the material covered during the week. Answer someone's question. Provide a link to a video that is about a concept covered during the week. Include a paragraph describing the video. Exams There will be four tests and one Final given online this term. Test 1 will cover Sections 3.1-3.3, 1.1-1.3 on October 13 Test 2 will cover Sections 4.1-4.3, 5.1-5.3 on November 9 Final will cover be half review and Sections 1.4, 2.1-2.4 on December 7
5 Classroom Community Expectations Expectations for Instructor During these challenging times, multiple surveys have indicated that college students feel isolated and a loss of control over their academic work and goals. To address these issues, the instructor will try to create an active class with a combination of class sessions, forums, group work, and activities. If you are going to have a schedule conflict on an assignment, please contact the instructor prior to the deadline to make arrangements. Expectations for Students To succeed in this class, students will need to work together to learn the material. Because students have such diverse mathematical backgrounds, the amount of time needed to complete assignments will vary. To reduce the amount of time and effort, students should take advantage of the office hours and weekly forums to clarify their understanding of the mathematical concepts. Attendance, Participation, and Classroom Climate Attendance is not required throughout the term. It is the responsibility of the student to communicate to the instructor about missed class activities and tests. It is expected that college level students would know the advantages of participating in class. The instructor will attempt to create a positive classroom environment in which each student feels confident to explore the mathematical concepts. Students are expected to demonstrate support for student learning. If a cell phone becomes a distraction in class, the student will lose their bonus that they have accrued so far in the term. Diversity and Inclusion Statement It is my intent that students from all backgrounds and perspectives be well served by this course, that students' learning needs be addressed both in and out of class, and that the diversity that students bring to this class be viewed as a resource, strength and benefit. It is my intent to present materials and activities that are respectful of diversity: gender, sexuality, disability, age, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, race, religion, culture and mathematical ability. Your suggestions are encouraged and appreciated. Please let me know ways to improve the effectiveness of the course for you personally or for other students or student groups.
6 Final Exam and Last Meeting of Class Final is scheduled for Wednesday, December 7 at 12:30.
7 Important Dates
8 Statement on Academic Integrity Policy on Academic Integrity Edmonds College students shall demonstrate Academic Integrity. Instructors are expected to report all violations of Academic Integrity (cheating and plagiarism) to the College. The College's database of such incidents will be monitored by the Office of the Vice President for Student Services. Data will be maintained for three years. Evidence of repeat incidents will result in additional action by the Office of the Vice President for Student Services as governed by the Student Code of Conduct. In this class for the first reported incident, cheating and plagiarism will result in an assignment receiving a zero. A second reported incident in this class will result in a grade of zero. Services for Students with Disabilities Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD), located in MLT 159, ensures that programs at Edmonds College are accessible and usable by students regardless of ability. If you require an accommodation for a disability, or if you have struggled with learning in the past and might benefit from a consultation, please contact SSD online or by phone: 425.640.1320 or email: ssdmail@edmonds.edu. Resources for StudentsEdmonds College offers a number of student resources to help you succeed. Asking for help, whether you are struggling or not, is a normal part of being a student. You may find it helpful to browse this Student Resources Guide. Resources for Students by Category Academic Support Learning Support Center: free tutoring for math, writing, and other classes TRIO Student Support Services: tutoring and other support for students who are the first in their family to go to college e-Tutoring: free online tutoring for math and writing Library: 24/7 live chat help for research and citations, free online access to ebooks, articles, and databases
9 STEM Study Room: free drop-in tutoring for Math, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science, and Engineering Basic Needs Support (food, housing) Edmonds CC Food Pantry: on-campus resource for students and employees facing food insecurity Emergency Funding and Resources: help with housing costs or other financial difficulties Health and Well-Being Center for Student Cultural Diversity and Inclusion: meet with a student success coach Counseling and Resource Center: personal counseling and resources Violence Prevention: confidential support for those who have experienced sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking Wellness Center: a quiet space to study, nap, or relax Technology Assistance Edmonds College IT Help Center: help with Canvas, CTC Link, Google apps, and other technologies Canvas Log-in and Orientation: how to use Canvas and reset your password Student Printing Information: where to print on campus Computer Labs on Campus: location and use of on-campus computer labs for use by students Veterans Resources The Veteran’s Resource Center: services for Veterans including advising, help with use of VA training or benefits Resources for Non-immigrant Visa Students Office of International Programs: advising and activities for non-immigrant visa students Student Government and Campus Involvement Center for Student Engagement and Leadership: campus leadership opportunities
10 Course Calendar The numbers in the box represents the section that will be covered during the class period.
11 College Policies and Guidelines ●Non-Discrimination Statement: Edmonds College does not discriminate on the basis of race; color; religion; national origin; sex; disability; sexual orientation; age; citizenship, marital, or veteran status; or genetic information in its programs and activities. ●Policy on V, I, S, U, and N Grades (include if applicable).These can be found in the online college catalog on the Academic Requirements page, under Student Grades. ●Institutional and Instructor Withdrawal Policies. Withdrawing from class is the process of formally dropping a class or classes after the quarter has started. The college may withdraw a student from a class or classes if the student has been suspended for poor conduct or a lack of academic achievement, or if a student has not paid tuition. Tuition refunds may not be provided for institutional withdrawals. ●Emergency Preparedness: The Triton Alert System will be used to send notifications regarding campus closures, emergency situations, or evacuation orders in the event of an emergency or inclement weather. Edmonds College students and employees are automatically enrolled to receive Triton Alerts through their college email addresses. Sign up to receive text and voice messages on your mobile or home phones and/or additional email notifications to personal email addresses. ●Inclement Weather or emergency: When the college closes for bad weather or emergency, you should be contacted by the college through email. I will contact you to make arrangements for class assignments and assessments. If you are unable to attend class or conduct course work due to inclement weather, then contact the instructor to make arrangements. ●Please see Student Rights, Freedoms, and Responsibilitiesfor guidelines for student conduct and information on disciplinary procedures. ●Reporting Gender Discrimination and Sexual Assault: I hope that your experience in my class and at Edmonds College is fair and respectful of your individuality, including your gender identity and sexuality. If you do experience unfair treatment, discrimination, or harassment based upon your gender identity, or if you are the victim of sexual misconduct, please report the incident so that you can receive help. As your instructor, I am required to report any incidents of gender discrimination or sexual harassment to the Edmonds College’s Title IX Officer. If you do not wish to report
12 an incident but would like to speak with a confidential counselor, please contact the Counseling and Resource Center. For more information about or examples of gender discrimination, please see Title IX and Gender Discrimination. ●Accommodations for Religion/Conscience:Students who will be absent from course activities due to reasons of faith or conscience may seek reasonable accommodations so that grades are not impacted. Such requests must be made within the first two weeks of the quarter and should follow the procedures listed in the college’s Absence for Reasons of Faith or Conscience policy (SS 8.01Pr) One Last Note This syllabus is intended to give students guidance in what may be covered during the term and will be followed as closely as possible. However, the instructor may choose to modify, supplement, and make changes to the course in the event of extenuating circumstances, by mutual agreement, and/or to ensure better learning.