Research Interview On Public Sustainable Procurement In Nigeria (1) (2)
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Research Interview On Public Sustainable Procurement In Nigeria -20240729_230148-Meeting RecordingJuly 29, 2024, 10:01PM42m 22sOlayiwola A O (FCI) 0:05Good evening, Sir.Sunday 0:07Who did me.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 0:08Thank you so much for your time, Sir. I'm very grateful.My name is Adam Ola, Ola Ola.I mean post postgraduate student of University of Southwest United Kingdom.I'm carry out research on the topic, sustainable public procurement in Nigeria.The aim of my research is to evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of sustainable procurement practises in Nigeria.And also to identify the key challenges and barriers in doing the implementation of sustainable procurement practises in Nigeria.I'm also to examine the perceive, benefits and opportunity associated with sustainable procurement adoption in Nigeria. So we also to analyse the social implication of sustainable procurement practises, including their contribution to local economy development and social equity.So this interview is basically meant for Academy.I'm asking you here because of your.Professional with potential insights into my research problem. I'm also trying at least.To tell you that all your response in this.Interlocation or Interfue is confidential.So I'm let you know that you are being recorded.For data analysis towards the achievement of successful research.Problem Sir.I don't know. Maybe you have anything to ask me before I starting with my question.Sunday 2:02No problem. I'm I'm OK with the recording.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 2:05Alright, Sir. Thank you very much, Sir. For your time, Sir, can you simply describe your rule and responsibility within your organisation, Sir?
Sunday 2:16Yeah. Thank you.Also this Sunday question with Pops, so number one I'm working with a group of team members so they and my own role as a manager and I've been a head of unit for my responsibilities for course and himed at promoting environmental, social and economic sustainability through government purchasing practises, so we ensure.That the products or services.I'm procured by public authorities and we ensure that they meet up with the criteria that are demanded to be achieved throughout their life cycle, so this will help and contribute to lost to broader sustainability goals in the long run.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 3:13Alright, Sir, how many years experience do you have in public procurement, Sir?Sunday 3:19I'll stop.Been working for the past 13 years but on this aspect of public procurement that I say like five years.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 3:31Alright. Thank you, Sir. Sir, what's your is procurement qualification?Sunday 3:39Mitchell day.No. In some organisations they employ people with ordinary diploma, but for us we make it the business for the division because it is a cost increase.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 3:53Sir, can you say that again please?Sunday 3:55I said doing some organisations to employ people with married diplomas, maybe from different ethnics or the monotechnics, but in my own organisation we make the the mastic is first degree.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 4:12So that means if I'm not mistaken, you have first degree in procurement.Sunday 4:18Yes, it's nothing.
Olayiwola A O (FCI) 4:20Alright, Sir. Thank you very much, Sir. So, what is your organisation procurement spend?Sunday 4:27Well, I've tried that. This is not fixed, but we have, you know it ranges between like $3500 to $4000.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 4:38You could finance.Yet because I know we are spending engine airline in Nigeria.Sunday 4:44Yeah, exactly. Actually, we cover to Nara that would be going to like.6 million naira for about but why? I'm giving you the figure in dollars is because the programme or the project in which I was involved.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 4:55OK.Sunday 5:03Are the the the projects in which I was informed the project was African Development, Bank sponsored and the funding was also in dollars?So that is why I'm Dallas.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 5:18OK, Sir. Thank you very much, Sir. So, how many precautions have those your organisation have?Sunday 5:26Yeah, we have.02 a present, but ideally we should have like a three but two a person will have two and it's still OK.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 5:35OK.Alright, Sir. Sir, does your organisation have a procurement strategy?Sunday 5:46Hello.I can't hear you.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 5:52I said, does your organisation have a procurement strategy?
Sunday 5:56Yes, of course. We have some strategies put in place. So which are aimed at.Improving on the labour conditions and the maximisation of the costs, because the total focus of everything we do is to save cost and to improve on the labour conditions, so we put all this in place.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 6:26So how familiar are you with the concept of sustainable procurement?Sunday 6:33What I'm trying to do concept of procurement to make it sustainable. You know it has to be on a triple bottom line on this triple bottom line is basically environmental responsibility, social equity and economic equity. So when I say environmental responsibilities, I'm talking about minimising environmental impact through the use of a sustainable.Resources by ensuring that the.The materials you are using is a tender with a waste reduction, so that is that about that. Then on social equity, we ensure that we promote the book, we have a fair labour practises in place. So we try to put in place those programmes that will enhance Community well-being and promotes human rights and improve the working conditions of all our employees.And economic wise, we try to look at how we can achieve cost effectiveness.Why didn't I love circle of the products and the services? So I'm this record across the initial cost, operating cost and the disposal costs. So this are the three.Areas in which we base the concept of our sustainable fulfilment upon.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 8:02Alright Sir. So I saw that adopted any sustainable procurement practises.Sunday 8:08Yes, actually because in this you know recently within 2016.To 2019 for the ADB project and the collaboration with the Austin government. So we launched and executed.Some projects. So on this were prominent in achieving some United Nation SDG goal. So which is aimed at sanitation improvements and water distribution supply. So this was carried out within.2016 and 2019.Don't pass it.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 8:51
Alright, Sir. Sir, what do you perceive as the main benefit of adopting sustainable procurement practises in your organisation?Sunday 8:59Main benefits actually there are lots of benefits associated with our doctors sustainable procurement practises, but because of time, let me just mention like two or three. So one of which is reduction in carbon footprints. So that is we choose we chose energy efficient products and the services. So we make sure that we prioritise supplies with lower carbon emissions.So that is one of the benefits #3 is that was, you know, animals cost savings that is initial cost of the product maybe higher at initial stage but in the long run you are going to have a loss of the cost savings which when you compare to normal practises as it's been done in the past you will you will observe and you come to realise that you will be able to save a lot of costs and another benefit is.Improved labour conditions. So by ensuring that suppliers are there to fair labour practises, so our organisation was able to contribute to better working conditions, so there was introduction of Fair wages and elimination, elimination of the child labour and exploitation. So those are the.Benefits you are able to drop from adopting the sustainable programme practises.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 10:28OK, Sir, how do you think the snow procurement can be can improve your organisation reputation amongst the kudasa?Sunday 10:36Now there are several ways.In which improvement is going to come by when an organisation adopts or sustainable procurement, so one of it is that that's going to be increased trust and loyalty for customers are going to increasingly trust you. So because they they will see that you are demonstrating a kind of commitment to sustainable procurement. So they are going to.Trust you, they are going to build trust and loyalty among these consumers, but I'm just going to need to repeat business and positive word of mouth reverse because when people think and they see and they knew that you can be, you can be trusted, they will definitely be far more people to patronise you. So that is one of you will, which has got to be improvement. Then another thing is going is that as good a positive.Perception.So people will view your organisation as one that's prioritised sustainability as a as as one of the ethical values should they see that organisation as being responsible. So that's a lot to learn. Lastly, there's going to be a kind of a brand differentiation. So you know you are in the
competitive market, so sustainability is going to differentiate your own brand from every other brand and people are more likely.To patronise you and it's going to give you an edge.So what? Everybody applause for that?Olayiwola A O (FCI) 12:14Oh, that's good.That's good Sir.In your experience as a doctor, sustainable procurement practises lead to any cost saving. I know you mentioned something like that before or efficiency improvement. Please provide example.Sunday 12:27Yeah.Yeah. So just like I said and I've, you have also restricted now. So majorly I'm the one of the hill.Benefit of the sustainable procurement practises to cost savings. So for example, now you ask me to provide example and I'm going to tell you that.We made use of this material.HDPE. Part that is high density for your significant. So this pipes has a lot of advantages over others in terms of transportation, in terms of utilisation, in terms of heat resistance, even in terms of installation.Because this is a kind of materials that whatever deterring of the land, when we are laying the pipes either for.Any fluid distribution, but in this case we use it for water distribution, so we don't have to make use of any fittings. You don't have to make use of any joinings. You don't have to look for extra labour force to remove some obstacles instead of initial or previous materials being used that you will need to buy several lots of fittings. You waste a lot of money.In this case you don't need that because the materials are rubber like and they're very flexible no matter the terrain of the land you go to, lay the back easily. So with this you were able to save a lot of money.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 14:02OK, Sir, how do you believe sustainable procurement can help manage risk associated associated with environmental pollution and resource depletion?Sunday 14:12Yeah. Thank you. You're #1, where you adopt sustainable procurement practises, the materials you are going to select, they are going to be eco friendly products. So what do I mean by this? That is just products are less harmful to the environment. Are you getting so you you have those, those materials are going to be non-toxic materials so and the process to minimise emissions at the pollutants?
And that is the aim of.This project.In that case, you make sure that the matrix you are procuring, they are such that we minimise the harmful effects to the environment, so that is that is that the number 2 you said the risk management, so we are going to reduce the risk population abilities and the funds that are associated with the financial regulations because all these things are being taken care of. So for instance when we are using environmental friendly cleaning products.So this was I'm going to lose. To mitigate to this call, no pollution incidents. So those are the those are the.Ways in which you try to reduce risk based on the choice and the adaptation of the organisation. Practise to sustainable procurement practises.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 15:42Alright, Sir. Sir. Can you provide example of how sustainable procurement As for start collaboration and innovation within your supply team?Sunday 15:53Yeah. I will just give you one major example. You know the, the, the world talk of collaboration and innovation within the supply chain, you know company works closely with packaging suppliers to create a recyclable packaging materials. So these collaborations include sharing.Sharing research and just be investing in new technologies and by running some pilot programmes to test the new package so the partnership will now resort into the development of new packaging materials that will significantly reduce the.The use of the non recyclable materials, so this is going to need to less environmental impact. So what will happen in the long run is that there's going to be so much closeness within the you know the usage organisations and the suppliers and the suppliers. Suppliers will be giving feedback to the manufacture industry or factories. And with this there also will job and trusts.In the in the in the process and the and the ways in which the manufacture the manufacture the materials such that.Both the manufacturer and the supplier.Were you working in tandem with the companies that are the direct usage of the materials and to the benefit of the masses to ensure that everything are done towards making our products eco friendly? It has greatly reduced the I mean increased the collaboration among the supply chain.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 17:38
OK, Sir, So what opportunity do you see for Nigeria organisation in adopting sustainable procurement practises?Sunday 17:49Charlie adopting sustainable programming but is presents lots of opportunities for Nigerian organisations across various sectors.To reach opportunities, we need to put environmental, social and economic benefits because when we talk of this procurement are sustainable procurement practises. Look the three pool benefits that is hanging upon this environmental, social and financial or economic.I'm going to not to talk about the financial implication of financial impact. So I see a lot of opportunities in which the organisation should become more resilient, competitive and responsible in the long run.So I see that coming.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 18:46Melissa, how are your organisation building parts of sustainable procurement on environmental sustainable indicator such as carbon emission and resource consumption, Sir?Sunday 18:58Yeah. Thank you. Based on this question you've just asked now, I think I will make sure my answer on the resource constructions and how we have been able to measure the impact of sustainable fuel and environmental sustainability is by having our baseline assessments conducted at an initial stage of this product or let me.For this problem, I mean before this the the emancipation of this project in which we adopted the sustainable procurement practises, so we had our baseline assessment. So we had this record. So we have this data already for energy use and what are construction sites and waste generation because in the in the process of you know in the process of.Leaf pipes and execution some products.Distribute more water to me. Yes, we generate to waste as well. So. But what we do to be able to measure the to be able to measure the impact was to have our baseline assessment and after the.Edge, we still try to carry out another assessment and in the long run I can tell you there are lots of positive impact as a sort of this is a sustainable economic practises.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 20:31It's OK. Can you describe any specific incentive the organisation has undertaken to reduce its carbon footprint through a sustainable procurement?Sunday 20:45The major initiative for introduced was the use of that new we need
developed.A specific let me put it this way, newly developed a my serious because HTP requires less features.And you know, it's true. Some technological innovations that they come up with this, so it requires less few things. That's number one, it requires less labour work that is #2 it is energy efficient.And I just in time for.How it was sustainability, you know, these types of pile apart from the fact that it's right in which it can be ruined, it's got you can roll it into into, into, into smaller pieces. It's easy to carry a movie about. Then when you meet on the floor or in the ground, you may not even need to dig your trench to very you know that you may not need to go to like 2 feet down because this pipe will assist it.Up to like 200 degree Celsius before it's come on. Unlike the PVC that was new commonly used before so this were this was the. This was the initiatives that were able to come up with and then we were able to because when we replace this with traditional upfront.A lot of the expenses and even we caught a lot of energy constructions by roughly 80% because there won't be much energy use up for water transmission and distribution. Thank you.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 22:37What I saw I was how are sustainable procurement impulse your organisation approach to resources, efficiency and waste management, Sir?Sunday 22:48Yeah, we were able to.Encourage national materials that are more efficient and the lower environmental impacts. So this includes, you know, going for recycled materials which use less energy and the resources compared to virgin materials. So we were able to. This approach has really helped us in the resource efficiency and the waste management waste management.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 23:20So in your opinion, what are the most significant environmental benefits the Organism has achieved through sustainable procurement?Sunday 23:29Yeah, since your question is the most significant environmental benefits are there based on this, I would say the most significant environmental benefit we have been able to achieve was lower carbon footprints.No sustainable corporate processes such as sourcing, energy efficient products, our renewable energy, so these are significantly reduced carbon emissions. So by optimal products and services which lower life cycle emissions, so we have been able to contribute to decrease in
greenhouse gas emissions.So that is the most significant environmental benefit to drive from this.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 24:13OK, what challenges are you face in implementing sustainable procurement policy practises, aim at improving environmental sustainability.Sunday 24:27Ah, thank you. So we have faced with some forms of challenges. You know when you come up with a new innovations, it's not just only in, in, in workplace, anywhere in the world. When you come up with a new innovations that bound to be some challenges that you need to, you know, deal with. So one of the challenges is that you know sustainable products and technologies.Are generally to come with higher upfront costs.Just like I said before, when I answered all of the questions, so you know you are going into something new, something fresh and just more or less like we are starting a business afresh. So we need capital to set up. So same thing applicable to this type of innovations. You will need a upfront cost so which but in the long run is going to pay you off when you compare to the overall cost.I mean when you put it to concentration, the initial cost, the operating cost, the final cost, you will discover that in the long run, you still have some.Cost savings, but at initial stage we are bandwidth to face with some challenges. In fact when you need to make a demand for you know reimbursement or contributions from your organisation or from you know maybe non governmental bodies. So the messages something I will not bring you required the results. So this also can.Organisations for making switch. Do you not want to switch from what the system do? I used to, but that is one of the challenges. There are other challenges is the fear fear of.Inventions adaptability to the environment. Notice something new. People are always just to the way of doing things. So when you try to convince them to try.A new system. Can we find it difficult to accept it? So that's a fear of acceptability in the new environment is another challenge that we had to contend with.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 26:38Yeah.OK.How are sustainable procurement affected local economy development in your area or region?
Sunday 26:55Yeah, it has affected my look economy positively because you know this is one of the the band of United Nation.Sustainable development goals. So you have to create wealth. You know you have to localise your wealth. So and how did we go about this? So we ensured that we source some.You know some products locally, so and this in the long run, was able to boost local economy.By increasing demand for locally produced goods and services, so we make sure that the materials that we can get locally, we don't import them. So those are the ways we have been able to affect the economy developments.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 27:46So can you provide example of how your organisation are supported? Look a supplier, an SME small medium enterprises through sustainable procurement?Sunday 27:58Yeah, thank you. So we'll what we did was prioritise. Look at so soon your nation helps boost regional business. So that's what we did. We help both regional businesses in that we give up front pavement to some local manufacturers and by this we we created jobs for them. So we created jobs within the community. We ensure that every labour and that we used on the on the project.They were people.That's what domicile without you within the communities where they are business. I mean, the project has been executed and I will you know for instance, a little company, my source, 40% of its product from local artisans and the manufacturers not like brick layers.Like carpenters, iron vendors, so we make sure that we we source for people within the locality within the community. So these were the things we we did.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 29:03OK, Sir. So what's also some benefits so such as property reduction and social equity, a few of solve because of sustainable procurement practises in your organisation?Sunday 29:16Yeah, of course. Just like I said now, and that's not how the company resource products from local systems or community that the business will not generate Employment Opportunity in those communities. So we were able to contribute to poverty alleviation because we employed the youths in the area, we employed the artisans, we employed the those that are,
you know, manufacturing locally. So this was the change we we did.So by this we're able to.Contribute to social benefits and they will show that at least I don't period of time. There were significant contribution to poverty reduction within the communities there.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 30:03So how does your organisation ensure fair treatment of workers and support for labour rights within its supply chain?Sunday 30:13Yeah. So what we did was set adopt some standards based on international level guidelines such as those from international label organisations. So I know this standard covered issues like non discrimination, freedom of association, fair wages for all, so respective of your age or your affiliations. So we made sure that this standards.Well, well, well in place. And we followed them. So there's not nothing of no, there's no discretion of any form. So there was this freedom of association for all our neighbours, for all our employees. So there were fair wages. So we made sure that this court, across all the employees within the organisation.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 31:08So a few a few implemented any specific policy to promote gender equality and support for women within your supply chain.Sunday 31:18Yes, you did. So we tried to establish an agenda equality policy, and that's includes commitment to equal pay. So we we formulate a policy that give opportunities for advancements to the starting of any form of discrimination for anyone, whether you're a female or you are a male employee or you are male supplier or your female supplier.So we made sure that we have that gender equality.Policy please and we will strictly follow the the rules.So that's what we did.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 32:00So what are the primary social obstacles the organisation has faced in sustainable procurement from implementation?Sunday 32:11We know that is not how that campaign operation of such and there won't be any forms of social challenges. You know, we've mentioned some major challenges, but in the case of this now.We sometimes we face resistance from the employees. Sometimes you have to deal with social challenges from suppliers. Even sometimes you
have to deal with challenges from some stakeholders that are accustomed to traditional procurement practises and they are not ready to change. So you know, they may view sustainable practises as disruptive or something unnecessary. Suppliers might have to.Resist adopting new sustainability standards due to their own perceived higher cost or increased administrative bodies. So what in that instance, what we need to do, or a person like me who happen to to be one of the heads in the team? So what we have to do is engage them in the dialogue.Let them see the reasons to come to our own side of you and for them also to adopt that practises all along with us.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 33:29So what strategy do you believe our Accenture for the successful adoption of sustainable procurement in Nigeria?Sunday 33:38Yeah, all we need to do is establish.And implement not just establishing. We have to establish and we have to implement a comprehensive sustainable procurement policies that we will outline the goals and the standards and the procedures, the goals will be restricted out, the standards will be outlined and the procedures will be followed. So that should be collaboration between the government agencies, industry bodies and every other stakeholders.To create policies that align with national and international sustainability standards, so that is.The successful the way the strategies we can adopt to have a successful adoption of sustainable procurement in Nigeria.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 34:30So what role do you think government and regulatory bodies should play in promoting sustainable procurement practises?Sunday 34:38Of course they have to enforce that. Is it enforcement that is their own?The enforcement of the these pets, you know, just now I told you that we need to establish some goals and the standards.And the procedures to follow. So now what the government and enforcement agencies need to do is enforce those regulations and standards. So that is how this sustainable procurement can work. And by that we have a clear framework for every organisation to follow. But that's what we have to do.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 35:15So what support all the resources will you will be most helpful for organisation looking to adopt sustainable fulfilment practises.
Sunday 35:25There's no other support or resources that organisations need can access to detailed guidelines.Access to detailed guidelines and breaks best practises for work that is still on towards sustainable procurement, so there must be industry industry based specific sustainability standards. Are you getting in every developed country of the world so you cannot practise.And whatever profession you claim you have, you have to practise along with your standard is to lay down standard, so even in in in construction, when you are, when you are, when you are designing for anything, you have to do this in accordance with the like in Nigeria. Now we adopted British standard for several of our designs. So in our own case we can have our own standard issue that you bid yesterday, that every organisation must follow.So that is the only support and the sources that I think will be most helpful for every organisations that are looking to adopt adopters sustainable procurement practises.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 36:42Hello. How do you see the future of sustainable procurement in foreign Nigeria?Sunday 36:52I should look into the future. I expect the Nigerian Government to introduce more comprehensive regulations and incentives, not just from the team policies or coming up with a standards coming up with a business. There should be introduction of incentives as well as incentive for sustainable procurement practises. Most organisations are just involved in they are just developing so they need the help and support of the government. So if we are Nigerian government can introduce incentives.So.He said policies may become more stringent so, but the the organisations we are here to turn and in the long run we have, you know, higher environmental and social standards through their practises, towards All in all, we need government intervention. We need government support for everything to work out well in Nigeria.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 37:50OK, Sir, what advice will you give to other organisation in Nigeria considering adopting sustainable procurement practises?Sunday 38:02Anyway, I advise that I will give to them is that they should create a sustainable strategy.
That we have to line down commitments to environmental, social and economic sustainability, so there must be there must be proofings and they will ensure they will ensure it aligns with broader organisational goals and industry standards, so that is what I will advise every I don't know company looking up to implement this sustainable recommend practises. So they should create.Sustainable pros strategy.I will have my job commitment to put environmental and social and economic sustainability.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 38:49So is there anything else you like to share about your experience with sustainable procurement?Sunday 38:59Reflection on experiences with sustainable procurement of these valuable insights and lessons that have been learned in the past, so my additional thoughts on this is that.We we we as a as a country we require a long term perspective. So that is what sustainable procurement is all about. So we request long term perspective but.For every 1000 miles John, there must be 30 point. So that is where we have to get it right first. So when we have a workable standard, when you have a plan in place. So though like I said, initial investment and challenge and changes my you know my same challenge, but we should consider the long term benefits such as improved environmental impacts, it has reputation.Operational efficiencies. So these are the things that we should consider. So and if government should also could also come into.No. Regulating these policies and helping the organisations in the country, so I believe that in the long run we achieve all these goals.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 40:22**** me. No. Say it's like an issue. Can you simply simple recommended give you recommendation for how to improve sustainable procurement practises in Nigeria?Sunday 40:35Thank.Do I need a recommendation I can give is that?We should set up an empowerment and we should empower various bodies.It was your setup and populist bodies, both governmental and non governmental, at different levels, and this set of people or this teams or this organisations or this ministries will be mandated and they will be saddled with the responsibility of proper enforcement of rules, standard
policies and regulations for effective check and balancing. So that is what.I will recommend for Nigerian government. So there's a group inwards and they should. They should make their.View this make it abroad and try to incorporate both governmental and the non governmental bodies and they should saddle these ones with responsible, proper enforcement of the rules, so they should make sure that they have standard policies and regulations that will be towards effective check and balance. So once we are able to get this right, I believe everything will be OK. So government should ensure and enforce adequate documentation.All human and practising organisations and their companies, so my that they will do see that every implementation of sustainable procurement will be closely monitored.So that is what's happening, see and that.Olayiwola A O (FCI) 42:12Thank you very much for your time. Once again. I'm very grateful Sir. Thank you.Olayiwola A O (FCI) stopped transcription