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Final-CHAP1-3 - asdadWorld Military History (University of the Philippines Visayas)Scan to open on StudocuStudocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or universityFinal-CHAP1-3 - asdadWorld Military History (University of the Philippines Visayas)Scan to open on StudocuStudocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or universityDownloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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STRESS COPING MECHANISMS OF ABM STUDENTSA Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School DepartmentCarmen National High School-Day ClassIn Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Practical Research 2Academic / Accountancy Business and ManagementJoshua Nathaniel NavarroJohnly Jerimiah OconJasmine Lalaine AlegarbesCynthia BorjaSherlyn DagatanJecilou GabitoJesiah W. JaysonAngie M. KiamcoFaith NomioJanuary 2024Downloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTFirst and foremost, the researchers express their deepest gratitude andthanks to the Almighty God, who has been source of wisdom, strength, andguidance throughout this study. The researchers would like to extend theirprofound gratitude to the following:To Dr. Arlene D. Buot and Mrs. Emelie B. Malasugue, for their permissionto allow the researchers to conduct this study in the said school and make thisresearch a success.To the Practical Research 2 Teacher, Mrs. Juliet A. Catarata, for givingguidance and advices to the researchers to make the study a well doneachievement.To the respondents, for their time spent and full cooperation to the surveyquestionnaire that the researchers provided and that made a big part of thisstudy.To the panelists, for their constructive comments and suggestions tohelped the researchers’ study and that helped them bring this study into success.To the loving parents, who sustained and motivated the researchersthroughout the research study, for willingly giving the moral and financial supportfor this study, and for the patience in understanding the researchers during thesleepless nights while making this study.Downloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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DEDICATIONThis study is wholeheartedly dedicated to the Almighty God, thank youfor Your guidance and being the source of strength. This research would neverbe possible without Your help.To the researchers’ family, friends, and classmates who shared theirwords of advice and encouragement to finish this study, and who provide theirmoral, spiritual, emotional, and financial support.Downloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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LIST OF FIGURESFigureTitlePage1Theoretical-Conceptual Framework……………………………………122LocaleoftheStudy………………………......…………………………..233CarmenNationalHighSchool-DayClass………………….…………..23Downloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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CHAPTER ITHE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPERationaleStress is how the body respond to different pressures. It is one of the mostemotional problems that every people can experience. According to Jaff-Gill etal:s study in 2007, stress varies among individuals and has numerous causes. Insome cases, stress can be positive such as when it helps avoid danger or acertain situation. On the other hand, stress comes from various types ofproblems. Research by Rios et al. in 2010 shows that stress affects individualsdifferently; what may be uncomfortable for some might be tolerable or evenenjoyable for others.Students are not exempt from this dilemma. Several studies have beenconducted to report the stress and challenges encountered by students (e.g.AIAteeq, Alijhani & AIEesa, 2020; and Baloran, 2020). Students face differentchallenges in terms of their academic, family situation, friends, and many more.For some students, stress becomes almost a way of living but some stress levelscan lead to a terrible effect that changes students’ life completely and it mayresult in failure. Therefore, the ABM students need to create a coping strategy fortheir stress in order for them to reduce the negative effects to their learning andperformance.Numerous studies have explored stress coping mechanisms amongABM students, highlighting the significance of effective strategies for managingthe pressure of adolescence and academics. These strategies can includeDownloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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mindfulness technique like meditation and deep breathing, seeking support fromfriends and family, engaging in regular physical activity, setting realistic goals andpriorities to avoid becoming overwhelmed, and channeling energy into sports orcreative pursuits such as music, art, theater, and forming meaningfulrelationships or friendship (Khurana). Keeping things to perspective, having funwith hobbies, and enjoy indulgences in moderation are secret to stress boosters(Prather, 2013). The well-being of students, both physically and mentally, is affected withstress (Stupart, 2018). In a study that is similar by stupart in 2018, studentsunder high stress levels may find it difficult to organize their objectives andpriorities. As stress levels rise, the quality of student’s academic performanceand other activities tends to decline. This research seeks to delve into the different coping strategies of ABMstudents of Carmen National High School, contributing to the understanding oftheir experiences and providing insights that can inform supportive interventions.This study is also conducted to help the teachers understand the difficultsituations of ABM students and give them ideas on how to handle and adopt tothe stress factors and their impact. Downloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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Statement of the ProblemThis study aims to investigate the impact of stress to the academicperformance and the effectiveness of different coping mechanisms or strategiesto the ABM students in Carmen National High School.Moreover, this seeks to answer the following research questions:1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:1.1 Age; and1.2 Gender?2. What is the level of stress of the respondents in terms of: 2.1 Academic performance; and2.2 Financial management?3. What coping mechanisms and strategies are employed by ABM students tomanage stress?4. How effective are these coping mechanisms to the academic performance ofABM students?Downloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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Theoretical BackgroundLazarus’ theory of psychological stress and coping, a widelyacknowledged framework that comprehensively explores how individualsmanage stressors. Lazarus’ theory provides a well-established framework forunderstanding how individuals perceived, appraise, and manage stress. Thistheory is particularly relevant to the context of ABM students, who face amultitude of stressors related to academic demands, social pressures, andpersonal challenges.This theory suggests that stress occurs when there is a discrepancybetween the demands of a situation (stressors) and an individual’s resources tomeet those demands. This discrepancy can lead to a negative emotional state,such as anxiety or frustration. If stress is not effectively managed, it can havedetrimental consequences for mental health, academic performance, and socialrelationships.Coping, the process of managing stress and preventing it fromoverwhelming an individual, plays a crucial rolein mitigating the negative effectsof stress. Lazarus identified two main types of coping mechanisms: problem-focused coping and emotion-focused coping.Problem-focused coping involves taking direct action to address thesource of stress, such as by talking to a friend or family member, seekingprofessional help, or changing a stressful situation. For example, an ABM studentDownloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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struggling with a challenging math concept might seek help from a teacher, tutor,or peer, or they might implement effective study strategies to improve theirunderstanding.Emotion-focused coping involves managing the emotional responses tostress. For instance, a student experiencing anxiety due to an upcoming exammight engage in relaxation techniques, exercise, or journaling to regulate theiremotions. The effectiveness of coping mechanisms depends on various factors,including the nature of the stressor, the individual’s appraisal of the situation,their available coping resources, and their ability to implement coping strategieseffectively. In the context of ABM students, effective coping mechanisms canhelp reduce stress levels, improve mental health, enhance academicperformance, and strengthen social relationships. Identifying effective copingstrategies and promoting their use among ABM students can significantlycontribute to their overall well-being and success.]Downloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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Theoretical-Conceptual FrameworkFigure 1. Theoretical-Conceptual FrameworkSignificance of the StudyINPUTLazarus’ Theory ofPsychological Stress andCoping1.Demographic Profileofthe respondentsAgeGender2.Stress CopingMechanismPROCESS1.Profiling2.Survey Tool /Questionnaire 3.Data Gathering 4.Tallying of Data5.Analyzing andInterpreting the dataOUTPUTStress CopingManagement Programfor StudentsDownloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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This research aims to understand how students at Carmen National HighSchool deal with stress that affects their studies. The significance of this studylies in its potential to provide valuable insights into the stress coping mechanismsemployed by ABM students. The results and outcomes of this study will bebeneficial for the following:Students. This will help the students identify their levels of stress and howit can affect their academic performance. The information in this study can alsohelp the students identify what activities can cause more stress, findpersonalized ways to handle stress, and how they can create solutions to combatstress. Teachers. This will help teachers an idea of what the students are goingthrough and how they feel. This will them create an action that can cultivate ahealthy and peaceful learning environment for everyone. Teachers gain insightsinto how their students deal with stress. This knowledge helps them create apositive class atmosphere, supporting students who might be struggling.Parentsand Guardians. They will learn about their child’s uniquestressors and how to support them better. Knowing what helps their child copeallows parents to provide the right encouragement at home.Future Researchers. This study can be used by future researchers tohelp more students and teachers learn how they can find sustainable solutions toovercome stress. This can be used to further emphasize how detrimental highstress levels are to one’s overall health and academic performance and why itDownloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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should be a must for schools to generate resolutions that combat stress. Thisstudy will also be used as references and develop this study for the betterment ofit. Downloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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Scope and DelimitationOut of 142 Grade 11 and 12 ABM students of Carmen National HighSchool-Day Class, 106 students were used as a sample in conducting thesurvey. The study focuses on the different levels of stress of students, the factorsaffecting it, and the stress coping mechanisms. This study will encompass anexamination of various stressors, the coping strategies employed by thestudents, and the effectiveness of these mechanisms in mitigating stress. Thestudy will examine a range of stressors, including academic pressures, personalchallenges, and familial responsibilities. This specific focus ensures concentratedand homogenous group for analysis, minimizing variability.This study will be limited to ABM student who are enrolled at CarmenNational High School, with any variations in coping strategies across differentacademic strand excluded from the study’s focus. These limitations are essentialin ensuring the research and maintains a focused and manageable scope whileproviding variable insight into the stress coping mechanisms of designatedgroup.Downloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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Definition of TermThe following terms are defined theoretically and/or operationally as usedin the study:Stress- A nonspecific response of the body to any demand that is made upon it.(Selye, 1976)Coping-The cognitive and behavioral efforts made to manage stress. (Lazarusand Folkman, 1984)Problem-focused Coping– Coping mechanisms that are aimed at addressingthe source of the stress.Emotion-focused Coping– Coping mechanisms that are aimed at managingthe emotional distress caused by the stress.Appraisal of Stress– The process of evaluating the threat posed by a stressorand the resources available to cope with it. (Lazarus and Folkman, 1984)Emotional Regulation– The ability to manage one’s emotions in a healthy andadaptive way.Social Support– The network of relationships that can provide emotional,informational, and instrumental support. Mechanism- Any conscious or unconscious adjustment or adaptation in astressful experience or situation.Downloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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CHAPTER IIREVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIESIn this chapter, the literatures and studies were carefully selected anddeliberated upon on the basis of relatively and reliability of the informationpresented. This literatures and studies help the researchers to have an evidenceand proof of their study. Also, this chapter discusses the relevance of the study.Coping mechanisms was scientifically defined as the sum of cognitiveand behavioral effort, which are constantly changing, that aim to handle particulardemands, whether internal or external, that are viewed as demanding (RichardLazarus and Susan Folkman, 1984). Based on Rogers and Yassin (2003), it is important for students todevelop different coping strategies in order to encounter and manage stressfulconditions. If not handled well, the stressors that originated from financialproblems, sleep deprivation, societal activities and many more can affectstudent’s ability to perform. Students need to develop different coping strategiesfor them to manage stressful condition every day. If students were not able tomanage his/her stress, the stressors coming from financial problems, sleepdeprivation, societal activities and many more can affect the ability of students toperform (Rogers and Yassin, 2003). Downloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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Students' stress can also be related to adaptation to the universityenvironment, family separation, failure to find expectations from the universityenvironment and, abandonment of past habits (Akacan, 2017); having tocomplete more modules in less time (Khan et al., 2013); and academic overload,awkward courses, low motivation, high family expectations and fear of failure(Bataineh, 2013). Based on D'zurilla and Sheedy (1991), they define stress from themedical dictionary that dwells on any situation which brings to evokes negativethoughts and feeling among those persons, this means that people beenencounter stress will have different experiences in times of dealing the pressure.It is important that the persons who have been influenced by the individual'sability will effectively adapt a kind of situations, but they may be differ in dealingwith it (Segal, 2013).Based on the study of Mazo (2015) entitled, “Causes, Effects of Stress,and the Coping Mechanism of the Bachelor of Science in Information TechnologyStudents in A Philippine University” this study sought to determine the causes ofstress, the effects of stress, and the stress coping mechanisms of Bachelor ofScience in Information Technology students in Leyte Normal University,Tacloban City. It tested some assumptions using the descriptive survey methodwith 51 respondents. Thesis writing/research and school requirements/projectswere the most common causes of stress. Sleepless nights and irritable/moodyfeeling were the common effects of stress. There was disparity on the causesand effects of stress between the male and female respondents. The use ofDownloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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computer and praying to God were the common stress coping mechanisms.There was an observed disparity between the male and female responses.Essel and Owusu (2017) also claimed that an increase in class workloadstresses up students in the sense that when students have to do more than theycan handle, they turn to get frustrated and are unable to focus and think straight.Too much workload can also make student to be stressed in the sense that,when a student is undergoing so many courses in school and each of thesecourses are also demanding, it make the student not have enough time to handleall these courses to his or her perfection. Suldo and Hardesty (2008), students who becomes high achievers intheir academic, have a greater possibility to encounter stress due to theiracademic requirements that they need to pass. Additionally, those students hadshown a different stress coping strategies to manage their stress. Stress beginsas a threat but later on it considered of access to cope strategies (Mc Namara2002). Proponents of the theory of Mc Namara (2002) and Pallack et al. (2010)wherein they argued the importance of psychological processes in identifying theeffects of stress in our emotions, physical, health and behavior.Heavy study tasks, difficult courses, unreasonable learning, waysincluding high standards could be representing the stresses encountered bysenior high school students. Changing in life requires numerous readjustmentsthat can be aware in encountering stress. One of the best ways is to deal with itand raise awareness for the future potentials to be reduced.Downloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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According to Hearon’s (2015) study where she studied the stress andcoping strategies of High School students in Accelerated Academic Curricula andits relationships with students’ success. She found that the students whoemployed time and task management to cope with stress were more likely toexperience higher academic achievement as compared to those who don’t.When it comes to coping strategies, students tend to be engaged insome activities like listening to music, chatting, and internet surfing, playingsmartphone games, and writing an essay. They could deal with it throughdeveloping and guiding inactive leisure activity for potential enhancement ofmental health.Downloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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CHAPTER IIIRESEARCH METHODOLOGYThis chapter includes the presentation of methods, processes,procedures, and numerous approaches utilized to collect and analyze datapertinent to the study. This chapter also includes the sample size and samplingtechnique that was chosen for the purpose of this study. The researcherdiscusses the statistical treatment of data used to analyze the data. Lastly, thischapter helps the researchers on how the data being analyzed and interpreted.Research DesignAccording to Dr. Y.P. Aggarwal (2008) descriptive research is devoted tothe gathering of information about prevailing conditions or situations for thepurpose of description and interpretation. The survey research employsapplications of scientific method by critically analyzing and examining the sourcematerials, by analyzing and interpreting data, and by arriving at generalizationand prediction. Since, the research was undertaken to study the stress copingmechanisms of ABM students. Hence, the descriptive survey method wasadopted. Downloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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Research Respondents The respondents in this study are Accountancy, Business, andManagement students of Carmen National High School. A total of 71 students ofCNHS in the ABM strand were the respondent of the study. They are describedaccording to their demographic profile such as gender (male and female), andage.Research Instrument The study focuses on the stress coping mechanisms of ABM students. Theresearchers of this study made use of structured questions to save therespondent's time and gather necessary data. The researchers used the StressCoping Style Inventory of Students at Universities and Colleges of Technology byYing-Ming Lin and Farn-Shing Chen. It contains the demographic profile of therespondents and consists of twenty (28) questions set by categories namely:active emotional coping, passive emotional coping, active problem coping, andpassive problem coping. Using survey questionnaire with the rating scale of (5)strongly agree, (4) agree, (3) neither agree nor disagree, (2) disagree, and (1)strongly disagree, researchers were able to gather concise and preciseinformation that will be used to answer the research questions.Downloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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Research Environment The research was conducted in Carmen National High School-Day ClassSenior High School Department, with the ABM students as the respondents. It islocated in the northern part of Cebu beside the national road of Luyang, Carmen.Figure 2. Locale of the StudyFigure 3. Carmen National High School-Day Class(SHS Department)Downloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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Sampling TechniqueThe researchers utilized a stratified random sampling technique to ensurea representative sample of the ABM students. The population was divided intodifferent strata based on gender (male and female). From each stratum, aproportionate number of respondents were randomly selected to participate inthe study. This technique helps to ensure that the sample accurately reflects thecharacteristics of the population.Data Gathering ProcedureThis section will discuss the instrument that will be used in gathering theneeded data for the study. The researchers had allotted vigorous time, effort andcooperation in developing their questionnaire so as to serve its intendedrespondents. The survey was created using suitable questions modified fromrelated research and individual questions formed by the researchers and then bevalidated by the experts in this field. After the teacher approved thequestionnaire, copies were distributed to the 106 respondents of CarmenNational High School. Participants were given time to answer the questionsbriefly and concisely and then the researchers collected the surveyquestionnaires after.The data gathered from this research instrument were tallied andcomputed for interpretation according to the frequency of items checked by theparticipants. Based on the data, the researcher comes up with conclusion andDownloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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recommendations for this study. The results of the study will be identified asproofs of this research study.Statistical TreatmentThe researchers used the Slovin’s formula to process the data to get theanswers to the research questions. The researchers will calculate the weightedmean using the formula:Slovin’s Formula:n= N / (1+Ne2)Where:n= sample sizeN= population sizee= acceptable margin error (0.5)Percentage FormulaThis treatment was used in this study to analyze the answer of therespondents.P= F / n×100Where:P= percentagef= frequencyDownloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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n= number of respondentsLikert Scale Likert items are used to measure respondents’ attitudes to a particularquestion or a statement and is used to determine the interval of frequencyclassification. Respondents were given a chance to rate each statement inquestionnaire. Their answers were given a corresponding number as follows:Table1.Likert ScaleThe responses coming from the respondents were tabulated and meanscore of each item was computed using descriptive statistics. After thecomputation of mean score in each item, researchers come up to the final 5-pointscale.5Strongly Agree4Agree3Neither Agree or Disagree2Disagree1Strongly DisagreeDownloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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References:Jaffe-Gill, E., Smith, M., Larson, H., & Segal J. (2007). Understanding stress:Signs, symptoms, causes, and effects. [Online]. Retrieved from:htpp:// on October 29, 2023. Jaffe–Gill, E., Smith, M., Larson, H., & Segal J. (2007). Understanding stress:Signs.Dy, M. R., Espirtu-Santo, K., Ferido, M. P., & Sanchez R. (2015). Stressors andstress responses of Filipino college students. [Online] Retrieved from: on October 29,2023.AlAteeq, D. A., Alijhani, S. & AlEesa, D. (2020). Perceived stress amongstudents in virtual classrooms during the COVID-19 outbreak in KSA.Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences, 15(5), 398-403., Courtney (2013). 8 Stress Busters: More Balance means less StressDownloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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and a Better Body. Retrieved from: on October29, 2023.Yvette Stupart PhD. (2018). How Stress Affects College Students' AcademicPerformance. Owlcation. Retrieved from: -Performanceon October 29, 2023.Lazarus, R., & Folkman, S. Stress, Appraisal and Coping. New York, NY 100368002. Springer Publishing Company. (1984).Stanisławski K. The Coping Circumplex Model: An Integrative Model of theStructure of Coping With Stress. Front Psychol. 2019 Apr 16;10:694.doi: 10.3389 /fpsyg.2019.00694. PMID: 31040802; PMCID:PMC6476932. Retrieved from:,150).Selye, H. (1976). Stress without Distress. In: Serban, G (eds) Psychopathologyof Human Adaptation.Springer, Boston, MA. 38-2_9.Guevarra, Dr. R. S., & Cimanes, R. (2017). Stress Coping Mechanism and ItsDownloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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Impact to their age among Senior High School students at ParañaqueNational High School-Baclaran. Baclaran, Philippines. InternationalJournal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field. (pg. 54).Retrieved from: https://www. 7011.pdf.Archer, James.Ph.D..ChristinaCarroll, Ph.D,JaquelynLissResnick,Ph.D.: UniversityofFloridaCounsellingCenter301PeabodyHall, Gainesville FL32611 (352)392-1575.,(2003).Dr.ReyS.Guevarra, RomelA.Cimanes: StressCopingMechanismandItsImapct totheirageamongSeniorHighSchoolstudents. Volume3. July (2017).StressandCoping: anAnthology. (1991). UnitedStates: ColumbiaUniversityPress.EurasiaJournalofMathematics, ScienceandTechnologyEducation: Stress ExperiencesandReactionsofUniversityStudentsStudyingintheEducation Faculties.(2017).Nidup,Y.,Cheri,D.R.,Wnagchuk,S.,Jamtsho,T.&Bhandari,B.(2022). PerceivedStressofHighSchoolStudents.JournalofResearchinSocialSciences andLanguage,2(2),13-25. by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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APPENDIX CSurvey QuestionnaireCOPING STRATEGIES RATING SCALE OF STUDENTSI.Demographic ProfileName (Optional):Age:Gender: ( ) Male ( ) FemaleInstructions: The following questions ask how you have sought to cope with ahardship in your life. Read the statements carefully and please be honest in youranswer. Do not leave any question/item unanswered. Put a check (√) mark underthe scores as your chosen rating that describe as follows:5= Strongly Agree4= Agree3= Neither Agree or Disagree2= Disagree1= Strongly DisagreeFactorsFactor AFactor BFactor CFactor DFactor NameActiveEmotionalCopingPassiveEmotionalCopingActiveProblemCopingPassiveProblemCopingItem Number1-89-1415-2021-28Downloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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No.ITEMSStronglyAgree(5)Agree(4)NeitherAgree orDisagree(3)Disagree(2)StronglyDisagree(1)1I try to do or think ofsome things that willmake me feelhappier, and allowmyself to relax.2I try to adjust mymindset and allowmyself to be happier.3I talk withclassmates orfriends, or discloseto my online friends.4I let myself calmdown first and thinkof how to reconcilethe negativeemotions.5I eat and have fun todecrease the stressfirst.6I consider it to be atype of self-challenge.7I do usual thingssuch as watchingTV, reading comics,listening to music,sleeping, eating orgoing out totemporarily forgetthese frustratingthings.8I tell myself topersevere.9I gave up and blameGod for being unfairwhen I face stress.10I make my friendsuncomfortable whenthey provoke mewhen I am feelingdown.11I do not give in whenI argue with myfriends.12I put my anger orfretful emotions onothers.13I blame myself,retreat or shutmyself away when Iface stress.14I generalize that Ihave bad luck whenI face stress.15I search and look forrelated data from thelibrary or the Internetto do my homework.16I discuss issues withteachers, family,seniors or friendsand classmates, andask for theiropinions.17When I encounterconflicts in myacademic study andactivities, I will firstarrange and plan.18I simplify thequestion and make iteasy to solve.19I use a calm andoptimistic attitude tothink about how tocope with theproblem.20I stay up finishingmy homework untilmidnight.21I leave aside theproblem first.22I passively let naturetake its course.23I am used to leavingaside the problemand not handling itfor the time being.24I decrease mystandards and tryagain with the newstandards.25I look for religioushope or comfort for mysoul.26The numbers ofclasses I bunk arebecoming more andmore.Downloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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Source: VITAEDownloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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PERSONAL INFORMATIONName: Joshua Nathaniel NavarroAddress: Cogon East, Carmen, CebuAge: 19Date of Birth: January 22, 2004Place of Birth: Danao General HospitalReligion: Roman CatholicNationality: FilipinoHeight: 5’8”Weight: 87 kg.Civil Status: SingleEDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENTSenior High School: Carmen National High School-Day Class2022-2024Luyang, Carmen, CebuJunior High School: Carmen National High School-Day Class2018-2022Cogon West, Carmen, CebuElementary: Carmen Christian School Inc.2012-2018Poblacion,Carmen,CebuDownloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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PERSONAL INFORMATIONName: Johnly Jerimiah E. OconAddress: Dawis Norte, Carmen, CebuAge: 17Date of Birth: March 1, 2006Place of Birth: Cebu HospitalReligion: ChristianNationality: FilipinoHeight: 5’5”Weight: 75 kg.Civil Status: SingleEDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENTSenior High School: Carmen National High School-Day Class2023-2024Luyang, Carmen, CebuJunior High School: Carmen National High School-Day Class2021-2022Cogon West, Carmen, CebuElementary: Carmen Christian School Inc.2016-2017Poblacion, Carmen, CebuDownloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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PERSONAL INFORMATIONName: Jasmine Lalaine J. AlegarbesAddress: Puente, Carmen, CebuAge: 18Date of Birth: December 25, 2005Place of Birth: Cebu CityReligion: Roman CatholicNationality: FilipinoHeight: 5’1”Weight: 40 kg.Civil Status: SingleEDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENTSenior High School: Carmen National High School-Day Class2023-2024Luyang, Carmen, CebuJunior High School: Carmen National High School-Day Class2021-2022Cogon West, Carmen, CebuElementary: Puente Elementary School2016-2017Puente, Carmen, CebuDownloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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PERSONAL INFORMATIONName: Cynthia BorjaAddress: Puente, Carmen, CebuAge: 17Date of Birth: May 20, 2006Place of Birth: Carmen, CebuReligion: Roman CatholicNationality: FilipinoHeight: 4’10”Weight: 37 kg.Civil Status: SingleEDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENTSenior High School: Carmen National High School-Day Class2023-2024Luyang, Carmen, CebuJunior High School: Carmen National High School-Day Class2021-2022Cogon West, Carmen, CebuElementary: Puente Elementary School2016-2017Puente, Carmen, CebuDownloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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PERSONAL INFORMATIONName: Sherlyn DagatanAddress: Dancar Dunggo-an, Carmen, CebuAge: 17Date of Birth: February 15, 2006Place of Birth: Danao CityReligion: Roman CatholicNationality: FilipinoHeight: 5’1”Weight: 37 kg.Civil Status: SingleEDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENTSenior High School: Carmen National High School-Day Class2023-2024Luyang, Carmen, CebuJunior High School: Carmen National High School-Day Class2021-2022Cogon West, Carmen, CebuElementary: Guinsay Elementary School2016-2017Guinsay, Danao City, CebuDownloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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PERSONAL INFORMATIONName: Jecilou GabitoAddress: Corte, Carmen, CebuAge: 19Date of Birth: October 30, 2004Place of Birth: Cebu CityReligion: Roman CatholicNationality: FilipinoHeight: 5’1”Weight: 40 kg.Civil Status: SingleEDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENTSenior High School: Carmen National High School-Day Class2023-2024Luyang, Carmen, CebuJunior High School: Cantumog National High School2021-2022Cantumog, Carmen, CebuElementary: Florentine Rallos Elementary School2016-2017Corte, Carmen, CebuDownloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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PERSONAL INFORMATIONName: Jesiah JaysonAddress: Luyang, Carmen, CebuAge: 17Date of Birth: April 8, 2006Place of Birth: Cebu CityReligion: Roman CatholicNationality: FilipinoHeight: 4’11”Weight: 36 kg.Civil Status: SingleEDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENTSenior High School: Carmen National High School-Day Class2023-2024Luyang, Carmen, CebuJunior High School: Carmen National High School-Day Class2021-2022Cogon West, Carmen, CebuElementary: Carcar Central Elementary School2016-2017Carcar City, CebuDownloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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PERSONAL INFORMATIONName: Angie M. KiamcoAddress: Luyang, Carmen, CebuAge: 17Date of Birth: February 28, 2006Place of Birth: Carmen, CebuReligion: Roman CatholicNationality: FilipinoHeight: 5’5”Weight: 48 kg.Civil Status: SingleEDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENTSenior High School: Carmen National High School-Day Class2023-2024Luyang, Carmen, CebuJunior High School: Carmen National High School-Day Class2021-2022Cogon West, Carmen, CebuElementary: Luyang Elementary School2016-2017Luyang, Carmen, CebuDownloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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PERSONAL INFORMATIONName: Faith C. NomioAddress: Dawis Norte, Carmen, CebuAge: 18Date of Birth: November 5, 2005Place of Birth: Nasingin Getafe, BoholReligion: Roman CatholicNationality: FilipinoHeight: 5’4”Weight: 65 kg.Civil Status: SingleEDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENTSenior High School: Carmen National High School-Day Class2023-2024Luyang, Carmen, CebuJunior High School: Carmen National High School-Day Class2021-2022Cogon West, Carmen, CebuElementary: Nasingin Elementary School2016-2017Nasingin Getafe, BoholDownloaded by Mergiodel Canceran (|51216132
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