[QICM2001] Complying with Statutory Regulations and Organisational Safety Requirements
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CHEM 163
Computer Science
Jan 10, 2025
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CS1CS1CS1CS1CS1CS1CS1CS1CS1Home / Paul, Cole Devlin / All Units / [QICM2/001] Unit Summary / QICM2/001 KnowledgeKnowledgeSupporting EvidenceProgressKnowledge to be assessed and evidenced:1What are the roles and responsibilities of yourself and others under theHealth and Safety at Work Act 1974 and current legislation?For example the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations,Workplace Health and Safety and Welfare Regulations, Personal ProtectiveEquipment at Work Regulations, Manual Handling Operations Regulations,Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations, Display Screen at WorkRegulations.1/12What are the specific regulations and safe working practices andprocedures that apply to your work activities?1/13What are the warning signs for the seven main groups of hazardoussubstances defined by Classification, Packaging and Labelling ofDangerous Substances Regulations?1/14How would you locate relevant health and safety information for your tasksand the sources of expert assistance when help is needed?1/15What constitutes a hazard in the workplace?For example: moving parts of machinery, electricity, slippery and unevensurfaces, dust and fumes, handling and transporting, contaminants and irritants,material ejection, fire, working at height, environment, pressure/stored energysystems, volatile or toxic materials, unshielded processes.1/16What are your responsibilities for dealing with hazards and reducing risksin the workplace?For example: hazard spotting and safety inspections, the use of hazard checklists, carrying out risk assessments, COSHH assessments and safe systems ofworking.1/17What are the risks associated with your working environment?With reference to: tools, materials and equipment that you use, spillages of oiland chemicals, not reporting accidental breakages of tools or equipment and notfollowing laid down working practices and procedures.1/18What first aid facilities exist within your work area and within theorganisation in general and what are the procedures to be followed in thecase of accidents involving injury?1/19What constitutes dangerous occurrences and hazardous malfunctions andwhy is it important that these must be reported even when no one wasinjured?1/1
CS1CS1CS1CS1CS1CS1CS1CS1CS110What are the procedures for sounding the emergency alarms?1/111What are the evacuation procedures and escape routes that are to be usedand why do you need to report your presence at the appropriate assemblypoint?1/112What is the organisational policy with regard to fire fighting procedures?1/113What are the common causes of fire and what can you do to help preventthem?1/114What protective clothing and equipment is available for your areas ofactivity?1/115How do you lift and carry loads safely?With reference to: manual and mechanical aids available.1/116How do you prepare and maintain safe working areas and what are thestandards and procedures to ensure good housekeeping?1/117What is the importance of safe storage of tools, equipment, materials andproducts?1/118What is the extent of your own responsibility and who should you report toin the event of problems that you cannot resolve?1/1Progress KeyCounting towards progressProgress pending (Covered by an assessment but not yet signed)No progress (Not covered by an assessment)Not required to count towards progressThe number of boxes signify how many assessments are required for each criteria.